Scartissue by T.L Hodel



My morning was off to a good start. Drained my balls in the greatest pussy ever created, and now I was enjoying some of Rosy’s cinnamon buns.

All in all not bad, except for the part when Shelby tried to run. But it’d been awhile since I tackled a girl and tied her to my bed, so I couldn’t really complain about that either.

She should cool off after spending some time alone with a gag in her mouth.

“Gonna share those cinnamon buns, pretty boy?”

And there goes my morning.

I glared at Junior strutting into the kitchen like he owned the place. Little shit.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to be.” Like at the bottom of a deep dark well.

“Well, I’d go home,” he growled, snatching one of the cinnamon buns off the plate, “But that’s apparently not an option.”

“Quit mouthing off,” Micha snarled as he joined us in the kitchen.

Junior stuffed half the bun in his mouth and grinned up at him.

“Welcome to parenthood, asshole.”

Tension filled the air as Micha and the little shit stared each other down. It was scary how similar they were. I was honestly curious to see who would win. Gotta say, I was a bit disappointed when Junior grumbled under his breath and marched out to the patio doors. I’d kind of hoped I’d get to see the little shit get slapped.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Micha called after him.

“To drown myself,” Junior barked back and slammed the patio doors.

“I guess things are going good then,” I said after Junior left.

Micha sighed and gave me a sideways glance. I laughed at his frustration. My best friend was a sucker for punishment. Not only did he pick a chick that would have no problem ripping his nuts off, but he chose a kid that would help her do it.

I couldn’t even feel sorry for him. Riley, I got. Your dick wanted who it wanted. I knew that better than anyone. But Junior wasn’t his responsibility. He chose that shit.

“You know, one of these days, you’ll have a kid.”

A week ago the idea of having my own spawn would’ve freaked me the fuck out. So much so that I had seriously contemplated getting snipped. Now, I wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea. I thought about the image of Shelby’s belly swelling with my seed. Might’ve even jerked off to said image a few times.

“Yeah, my kid,” I said, “Not some little shit I found on the street.”

“Speaking of little shits,” we both turned to see Silas standing in the doorway, “This one wouldn’t leave me alone until I brought him to see you assholes.”

A head darted out from behind the grumpy bastard and rushed right for me.

“Finn!” I cried out, throwing my arms open to catch him.

He crashed into me, almost knocking me off the stool. From the time he was born, Finn was my shining beacon of innocence. Always happy, and pumped to take on the world. My little spark of light in a blacked out nightmare. Except the little bastard wasn’t so little anymore.

“What the fuck are they feeding you at that genius school?”

His light eyes rolled up.

“We eat a balanced diet, complete with the four food groups. It’s very important for the human body…”

My brow rose as he continued to spout off the nutritional facts for someone his height and weight. Minus the scowl, Finn was the spitting image of his cousin, they both had the same black hair and light eyes, but the second he opened his mouth...

“Where the fuck is my hug?” Micha growled, stealing him from me while Finn was explaining complex carbohydrates.

My gaze shifted from the little man wrapped around Micha, over to Silas.

What else did the little prick inherit from his cousin?

“Did you ask for an extra dose of piss in your cornflakes this morning, or is something on your mind?”

Silas narrowed his glare and pointed at me.

“You know exactly what the fuck is on my mind.”

I did.

Helped Mase pick out Silas’s new bedroom furniture myself. It was amazingly hard to find a pink carriage bed big enough for that bastard.

“What’s wrong Princess, didn’t you sleep well?”

“My room is pink.” Silas huffed and crossed his arms. “And there’s a Tinkerbell costume in my closet.”

Not as hard to find as one might think.

“Mase wanted to make sure you had the complete package.”

“I’ll make sure he gets the complete package when I see him tomorrow.”

“Hey,” I sang, swinging my hand through the air, “What you and Mase do with your package is your business.”

Silas’s scowl deepened, making me chuckle. Like Mase, I got a kick out of bugging the grumpy fucker.

“Speaking of packages,” I said, reaching over to ruffle Finn’s hair, “You learn to use your dick yet?”

“Of course,” Finn’s brows knit as if I’d just asked the strangest question in the world. “The penis has many functions. Urination for one.”

I arched a brow at Silas. “What the fuck are you teaching your cousin?”

“Nothing,” Silas grumbled. “And neither are you.”

“Someone’s got to teach him how to use that monster cock.”

“Not fucking you. You use that shit way too much.”

“You should make an appointment with my uncle,” Finn said. “Frequent urination can be an indicator of an underlying medical problem.”

I sighed and scrubbed a hand down my face.

“Do you see this shit? What the fuck, Silas?”

“You are not corrupting my cousin.”

“He thinks the only use for his dick is to take a piss.”

“Of course it has more functions.” Finn tipped his head and continued speaking. “Sexual encounters…”

It was physically painful. I was in real pain here. Which Micha must’ve sensed, because he ushered Finn outside.

“Alright Finn, go play with Junior before you give Logan a heart attack.”

That was a gangbuster idea. Send the nerd to play with the crackhead’s kid. Junior was going to punch him in the face two seconds into his quantum theory lecture. Ah well, might toughen the kid up.

Besides, any idea I had of going to Finn’s rescue fled the second Riley walked in the room.

“Where’s Shelby?”

“She’s fine.”

“I didn’t ask how she was,” she snarled at me, “I asked where she was.”

“She tried to run, so I tied her to my bed.”

“What the hell, Logan!” Riley shrieked while throwing her hands up, “Go untie her now!”

I sat back and eyed her for a second. Riley was Shelby’s best friend, it was only natural that she’d be concerned about her, but I didn’t like being questioned on what I did with my girl. “No.”

Micha nudged me while Riley continued to rant.

“You guys were going at it pretty hard this morning. Why’d she try to run?”

“She figured shit out,” I said, looking over at him.

That’s when Riley’s face went white.

“What do you mean, she figured shit out?”

She knew exactly what I meant.

“I mean, she figured shit out.” I braced my elbows on the counter and leaned in closer, “Did you really think you could keep her in the dark?”

“Logan, Shelby’s too sweet. She doesn’t belong in this world.”

Shelby was stronger than she thought. She was drugged by a couple pricks, found out she had a brother, dealt with all her father’s shit, and she hadn’t broken yet.

When she saw my scars did she give me a sympathetic look, or try and kiss my wounds away? No, she got pissed. There was a fire in her begging to come out, but I had a feeling Riley knew that.

“What are you afraid of Riley? That she can’t handle it?” I rolled my gaze up to the fear shining in her eyes, “Or you can’t?”

Not even Micha, Riley’s knight in shining armor, came to the rescue. My best friend was the first to shove the truth down someone’s throat. If she was going to survive in our world, she better learn to suck it up and deal with it.

Life wasn’t full of sunshine and lollipops. Reality was a bitch that slapped you in the face when you least expected it.

Riley’s throat bobbed with a heavy swallow.

“You need to give her time to process.”

“I don’t need to do shit.”

“If you care about her at all, you’ll give her time,” Riley said as I strutted out of the room. “You can’t force someone to love you, Logan.”

“Worked for Micha,” I snarled over my shoulder, and left.

What the fuck did Riley know?

You can’t force someone to love you.

Pfft. Who said I wanted love, anyway?

She was mine, and that was all that mattered. A warm pussy for me to come home to every night.

Well, I liked the way she smelled, like fresh jasmine on a spring morning.

And how her smile lit up the room. In the right light, the golden flecks in her eyes sparkled and the sweet tone of her laugh rang through the air, making everything seem brighter.

Hell, just watching her walk in a room made me want to smile.

I stopped in the hall and stared at my closed bedroom door.

Did I love this girl?

Fuck, I think I did.

No. Riley just got in my head, that was all. But when I opened my door and Shelby’s angry glare rolled my way, I felt my heart swell.


Maybe time wasn’t a bad idea. I needed to get this shit under wraps before I was pussy whipped like Micha.

Problem was, the last thing I wanted to do was let her go. The mere thought of it made me ball my hands into tight fists.

Luckily, my phone dinged, giving me the excuse I needed.

Lou: If you want to see your father, meet at HQ at noon.