Forever Phoebe by Chalon Linton

Chapter 24

Franklin could not tell whether drifting clouds covered the moon. He did not know if a servant or a guest was privy to the scene, nor did he care. The words Miss Jamison next uttered held the potent answer that could change his life.

Her green eyes shifted, a phantasmagoria of bold colors and patterns. Her tiny mouth revealed nothing; her soft lips pressed together. Franklin had the maddest desire to feel those lips beneath his own. He released his hold on Miss Jamison’s fingers and raised his hand to her face. Placing his palm along the line of her chin, he brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Franklin,” she said on the wisp of a breath. It was the answer Franklin longed for.

He wanted to pull her nearer, and he cursed his injured arm that he could not. His right hand slipped behind her neck and he bent down, intent to capture her lips with his own. Miss Jamison’s breath hitched, and Franklin paused, his face only inches away. “I want nothing more than to kiss you, dear Phoebe. But only if you allow it.” The pounding of Franklin’s heart beat steady and strong, bouncing through his bones like an echo in a canyon.

The moment Franklin thought he could endure no more, Phoebe grabbed the lapels of his jacket, smiled wickedly, and pulled him to her. The first crush of their lips was jarring, startling . . . wonderful. Franklin smiled as their lips met again and again. And then he pulled away. His hand fell back to his side, and Phoebe watched where her hands rose and fell on his chest before she pressed her lips together and slowly released her grip.

Franklin stared at Phoebe. Her eyelids fluttered over the happy green of her irises. Her fair, freckled cheeks boasted a touch of rouge, and her smile spoke of contentment.

“Everly,” Peter said from behind him.

Franklin winked at Phoebe, then turned around to face her brother. Peter walked forward, and Franklin stepped aside.

Peter looked from Franklin to his sister. “Phoebe, are you feeling better?”

Phoebe covered her laugh with her hand. “Quite,” she said.

Peter looked back at Franklin as he asked his sister another question. “I thought you wanted to be alone.”

“As did I,” Phoebe said. She stepped next to Peter and laced her arm through his. “But Mr. Everly’s arrival has cheered me greatly.”

“I’ve no doubt,” Peter said with evident sarcasm. He looked down at his sister. “Abraham is ready to return home.”

Phoebe looked at Franklin and dipped into a curtsy. “Thank you for this evening, Mr. Everly.” She raised her free hand to her cheek and smiled again.

“It has been my pleasure, Miss Jamison.” Franklin bowed.

“Agggg,” Peter groaned. “That is quite enough.” He led his sister back into the house, and Franklin stood still, staring after them. Jubilation swirled from his head to his toes.