Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty-Four

A few months later, Kinley ran through the condo naked, screaming and laughing at the same time.

“Woman, why are you being so feisty?”

She squealed when he lifted her over his shoulder and smacked her ass a few times.

“You’re going to get in the bathtub.”

“But I’m not tired, Daddy.”

He smirked. “Who said you were going to sleep?”

She went still. Well, hell, if he’d told her that, she would have been good. She grinned. No, she wouldn’t. Her daddy needed to get excited once in a while.

“I’ll be good.”

He snorted and plopped her in the tub.

She smiled at the mound of bubbles in the tub. He knew she liked a lot of them. Her body started to hum as he thoroughly cleaned every part of her. He was paying special attention to her tingly bits.


“We’re back here.”

Her gaze flew to Eli’s. Oh, my God, someone’s here. She sank down under the bubbles. “Daddy, what are you doing?” she whispered frantically.

“I’m washing my girl and answering questions at the same time.”

“But, I’m naked,” she said softly.

He snorted. “I know you’re naked.”

One of his friends from Virginia who had moved to Arkansas stood in the doorway. Devon leaned against the doorjamb, stuck his hands in his front pockets, and smiled.

“Now, that’s a pretty sight.”

She could feel her face heat with a blush.

“That she is. What did you need?”

“Have you finished the proposal for the Jameson job?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Travis gave us the job.”

Eli grinned at the man. “Nice. I think he and the other partners will be very impressed by you guys.”

“I hope so.”

“Okay, baby, stand up.”

Her eyes widened. “What?” she whispered. “He’s right there.”

Both men chuckled.

“I’m aware of that. But you need to get used to being naked in front of other people. Remember what your friends told you about the parties they have that you really want to go to?”

She nodded. She still didn’t believe that their daddies fucked them whenever they wanted.

The story Larken told them about sweet little Brylee sitting on her daddy’s cock while they were at a dinner party. The girl was so quiet, but then so was Eve, and she’d heard stories about her being on her hands and knees on an ottoman at the same party while her daddy fucked her ass in front of everyone.

God, she’d die of embarrassment.

She squeaked when Eli pulled the plug, and the water started to drain out.

“Stand up,” Eli said sternly.

She stood with his help and felt the bubbles slide down her body, revealing her naked skin.

Eli grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her, and carried her to the counter. She tried to hold for the towel as it slipped down, but Eli snorted and pulled it away from her so she was just sitting on it.

She slammed her eyes closed when Eli urged her to lean back against the mirror, pulled her legs apart, and separated her pussy lips. He’d done this many times, so she knew what to expect.

“What are you doing?” Devon asked.

“Inspecting her. I handled her a little rough earlier, but I don’t see any redness except from the arousal she’s trying to fight.”

She tried to press a hand against his mouth, frantically.

Eli grunted and pulled it away.

“Let’s check inside.”

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. She tried to keep her eyes closed as Eli pushed a finger into her cunt and moved it around. She could feel her cream slide out of her at an alarming rate.

“My baby likes to be watched.”

She shook her head and then glanced at Devon. She froze at the rapture on the man’s face. She relaxed. He was actually making her feel beautiful.

Her finger popped into her mouth, and she calmed. She couldn’t fight her daddy anyway.

Eli pulled out and then pushed two fingers into her.

“Damn, she looks tight,” Devon said.

“Oh, she is. When she orgasms, her pussy grips me hard enough to prevent me from moving, and when I’m in her ass, it almost strangles my cock. Doesn’t it, baby?”

She nodded slowly.

“Let me get her on the bed, and then I’ll get you that proposal.”

Eli laid her down on her stomach and kissed her ass.

“I’ll be right back.”

Kinley nodded and closed her eyes. The next time she opened them, Eli was naked and getting a few things out of the nightstand drawer.

“Just looking at that luscious ass makes me need to be deep inside of it.”

She wiggled, which made him chuckle.

“All right, keep your legs together. I want it to be especially tight.”

“It will burn,” she complained.

“Maybe just a little, but you deserve it for making me run after you.”

She scowled over her shoulder at him. “That’s not nice.”

Eli smirked as he rolled on the condom and squirted lube all over it. He knelt down over her legs, keeping them together with his thighs, and pushed a finger into her.

“Ahhhh,” she cried out. God, would she ever get used to the feeling of submission she felt when he took her ass, or stop craving it so much?

“You’ll take it. Now relax. You’ve done this before.”

She tried her best, but she tensed up again when he pushed two in.

“Let’s get you stretched out a bit.”

Kinley felt herself go deeper into a stupor as ecstasy took over her body and reasoning. “Please.”

“I know, baby. Give me a second to wipe off my hands.”

She gripped the bedspread underneath her when Eli spread her cheeks apart and pushed into her.

He sighed once he’d bottomed out inside her ass. Then he lay flat over her, with his legs on either side of hers but supported his weight on his elbows.

“Fuck, baby. I’ll never get enough of this body.”

“Please, Daddy.”

“You want me to make you fly?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

He pumped into her, starting slowly and then with more force until he pounded her ass.

“Yes, yes, please. More.”

“I want you to fly, baby.”

She felt the pressure tear through her, making her scream and push back against him.

“That’s it.”

A guttural groan mixed with her cries of release, filled the room.

He rested on his elbows after he’d spurted out his load.

After a long moment, he sighed. “Easy, baby.”

She whimpered when he pulled out of her. She felt her butt cheeks separated as he inspected her.

“You look good.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Stay there. I’ll clean up and be back.”

She didn’t know if she could have moved if she needed to. Her limbs were too heavy to lift.

She felt herself being lifted and then tucked under the covers. Only when she felt Eli curled around her back was she able to drift off.

The last thing she heard was Eli murmuring to her that she was his. Oh, yeah, she was, but he was also hers, and she couldn’t have picked anyone better.