Nanny for the Army Rangers by Krista Wolf






I certainly got more. More than I knew I could’ve ever wanted, needed, or even imagined.

And I’ve always had quite the imagination.

Duncan slid up alongside me, holding me in the crook of his arm as the warmth from the fire soaked into our bodies. We talked about anything and everything except what we’d just done, because that singular act had been so complete, so amazingly perfect, it needed no discussion or explanation.

Then we did it all again.

The kissing was even hotter the second time around, the sex much more frantic and borderline rough. We made out slowly at first, grinding faster and faster as we worked ourselves into a lust-fueled frenzy. Eventually Duncan pulled me on top of him, giving me ample room to straddle his thick, beautiful hardness and take him really, really deep.

And God, it was so good it almost hurt!

We had no limits the second time around because we’d already broken the ice. It lent us the freedom to try new things, new positions, crazy new angles. Duncan practically threw me all over the bedroom, entering me from behind, from on top, standing up with my legs spread and my tits shoved flat against the nearest wall. He screwed me on the floor, right in front of the fireplace. Fucked me on my hands and knees, clawing the headboard for leverage as he gripped my hips and banged us both into the wall.

We even did it in the shower, after soaping each other up. Duncan sank to his knees, devouring my pussy as the warm, sudsy water cascaded down both sides of my body. I rolled my hands into his hair and shuddered through another earth-shattering climax, screaming in ecstasy as my body went limp. Afterwards he’d lifted me easily in his two granite-like arms and held me suspended against him, my thighs spread on either side of his muscle-ripped flanks. The angle of penetration made my eyes flare wide, even as I was lost in the delirium of being so thoroughly dominated. He came again as our foreheads touched, our eyes having ravenous sex with each other every bit as much as our nearly spent, exhausted bodies.

I slept in his bed, once I’d retrieved the baby monitor from my own. It was shocking how cold the rest of the mansion felt compared to the warmth of his room! Duncan threw another bunch of wood on the fire as we cuddled up beneath the blankets. Acting as the little spoon, with one big arm wrapped snugly around my naked waist, I think I fell asleep in under fifteen seconds.

I woke up surprisingly alone, to grey, dying embers. Duncan’s side of the bed was cold. The sunlight streaking in through the window was brighter than normal, as I flipped over and realized—

The baby monitor was gone!

I slipped my shirt over my head and ran quickly for the nursery, without even bothering to look for my underwear. Halfway down the hallway, I heard Jace’s high-pitched laughter coming from the kitchen.

“And this…” Duncan was saying proudly, “is steak and eggs!”

I stood in the doorway, watching as the smiling ranger dangled the spoon before Courtney’s mouth. I didn’t know whether to continue gasping in astonishment or keep salivating from the rich smell of coffee and delicious breakfast foods.

“You can’t give them steak!” I cried.

“And good morning to you too!” Duncan laughed, without looking back. “Coffee’s already made. Your mug’s right there.”

He pointed with one arm as Courtney chomped down on the little plastic spoon. She chewed hesitantly at first, then quicker and with more authority as she realized she liked what was in her mouth.


“I cut it into small pieces,” Duncan shrugged, “so it’s okay. Besides, she really loves it. Jace too. Just look at them.”

The two babies were sitting in their highchairs with their mouths open, straining their necks to get closer to the next spoonful. I had to admit, Duncan looked absolutely adorable seated between them. The smile he was giving the children melted my heart.

“I uh, didn’t hear the monitor go off,” I explained hesitantly. “Actually, I couldn’t even find—”

“That’s because I brought it in here with me,” Duncan explained. “You looked tired, and I figured you could use the sleep.”

“Oh,” I said awkwardly. “Well… thanks.”

“Welcome,” he replied casually. “Also, I couldn’t really sleep myself. You snore like a chainsaw.”

“I do not!” I shouted indignantly.

“Alright, maybe you don’t,” he laughed. “But you definitely squirm around a lot. Not that I’m complaining,” he added quickly.

He looked at me, and his expression softened.

“Actually, it was nice having you in my arms. I haven’t slept that well in a long time.”

I stared back at him, unsure of how much I should say in front of the children. They were tiny, of course. At their age I could’ve said just about anything. Still…

Duncan rose abruptly and made me a plate by scraping something from a pan into a dish. Hovering behind me, his body intentionally — and sexily — brushed my back as he set it before me.

“Steak and eggs,” he declared proudly, nodding downward. With his other hand, he slammed down a large red bottle. “Plus hot sauce.”

“Hot sauce?”

“You can’t have steak and eggs without hot sauce,” he smiled.

I reached for the bottle curiously, then stopped in terror.

“Oh my God!” I cried. “You didn’t put this on their eggs, did you?”

“The hot sauce?” Duncan asked innocently.


“Maybe a little,” he shrugged. “As I just said, you can’t have—”


His laughter boomed through the kitchen for a good ten seconds. “C’mon, really?” he laughed. “You’re that gullible?”

“It’s not gullible if you’d actually do it,” I smirked back. “And knowing you, you would.”

“Hey,” he protested, holding up one giant palm. “I may be a warrior, but I’m not a barbarian.”

The children were laughing too by this point, so there was nothing to do but join them. Besides, the laughter was welcome. It took away any awkwardness that might’ve been associated with sleeping with your employer.

And not just sleeping, but screwing his brains out. Three or four times.

“I’m leaving for the airport in an hour,” Duncan said, turning a chair around and straddling it to face me. “Car service is picking me up.”

“You are?” I asked. “Oh.”

“There’s something in Denver I need to do. I shouldn’t be gone long, three or four days maybe.”

A disappointment stole over me, much deeper than I would’ve expected. Maybe he sensed this, because Duncan smiled.

“The good news is the others will be back later this afternoon,” he said. “I talked to Liam, and they’re bringing something home for you.”

“They are?” I asked, genuinely intrigued. “What is it?”

“Dunno. They said you needed it, though.”

Duncan rested his chin on two big forearms. They were the same arms that had pinned me down at three in the morning. Attached to the same hands that had held my wrists tightly against the mattress, as he nudged my sleepy thighs apart and plundered me again and again.

And now… breakfast and a smile. And no word at all of last night.

I didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

“You okay?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

Okay with what?I wanted to say. You flying away after the best sex of my life?

“Peachy,” I answered.

With a quick glance over his shoulder at the twins, Duncan leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. It was a ‘see you later’ kiss, a sisterly kiss. Not exactly the kind I wanted.

“Gotta pack,” he said and stood up. “I’ll be back before you know it.”


I shot up quickly, then slid into his arms. Heedless of the twins, who were busy waving their sippy-cups and babbling to each other, I stood on my toes and gave him a long, slow, sensuous kiss. To my relief his hands slid behind me, as he kissed me back with all the same passion, and then some.

“I’ll be here when you get back.”