Nanny for the Army Rangers by Krista Wolf






I couldn’t stop hugging them! And they couldn’t stop kissing me. The circle of affection between Julius, Duncan and I went round and round, getting more and more heated, while poor Liam looked on with a sheepish grin.

“Get the hell over here!”

I pulled him in and kissed him too, as long and as hard as the others. People were beginning to stare. I didn’t care one fucking bit.

“I can’t believe you’re home!”

We’d gotten the call a few hours ago, and it had been a good one. Mrs. Whitney was happy to take care of the children on the fly. We could even take our time getting back home if we wanted to, but Julius and Duncan were too eager to see the little ones.

“That was a straight-up miracle,” said Liam, as we made our way back to the car. “From everything we’d received, every tip and piece of intelligence we’d gotten…”

“He should’ve been gone,” agreed Julius. “He should’ve never come out of that jungle at all, much less alive.”

The ‘target’ — what little I knew of him — had been a man in his early twenties. He’d come out of the whole thing bruised and beaten, but most important of all, breathing. Much to the delight of their very well paying client.

“C’mon,” said Duncan. “I need a shower.”

“You had a shower,” said Julius.

“A good shower,” Duncan reiterated. “Not like the ones you take.”

Julius smirked and muttered something under his breath. As he ducked into the car, I saw him wince in pain. Julius never winced in pain.

“You’re hurt!”

“Not hurt, shot,” said Duncan.

“Twice,” Julius added.

“Where’d you get—”

“Once in the shoulder,” Duncan interjected. “Once in the pride.”

My eyes narrowed. “By pride… do you mean…”

“No, not down there,” laughed Julius. “Trust me, I’m fine. Bullets went straight through. Nothing a little rest won’t fix. And man, I can’t wait to sleep in an actual bed again!”

“You could’ve slept in a bed by now,” said Duncan. “The hospital wanted to keep you, but you wanted to get home.”

“I really did,” Julius said solemnly. He turned to face me. “More than ever, this time around.”

I cuddled into him as we turned onto the parkway, being careful not to hurt his injuries. Eventually he showed me where the bandages extended to. It still left me plenty of room to do whatever I needed. And I needed a lot.

“For a long time I’ve owed you one,” Duncan said, a little reverently. He was looking at Julius now, seated snugly on the other side of me. “But now, at long last, we’re finally even.”

“Even?” Julius smirked back at him. “And how do you figure that?”

“Ummm…” Duncan glanced at his watch. “Forty hours or so ago? You were about to be leopard food, if I recall correctly.”

“Maybe,” Julius shrugged. “Or maybe that guy was out of rounds.”

“Please,” Duncan laughed.

“I pulled you out of a cage; bro,” Julius pointed out. “A cage underground!”

“He’s got a point there,” Liam added from the driver’s seat.

“Yeah but I would’ve gotten out of that cage,” Duncan protested. “Eventually.”

“Oh really?” Julius sneered. “And just how were you gonna do that?”

Duncan shrugged defensively. “I was working on it.”

Eventually both men stopped, looked at each other, then laughed long and loud. I poked them in the ribs, one a lot more gingerly than the other.

“You guys done with the testosterone-fueled man-stuff yet?”

“Almost,” said Duncan. “Yeah.”

“Good, because you’ll need to get it out of your system before we get home,” I smiled. “It’s been a little hard on Jace and Courtney, not having you around, not knowing where you really went.” My heart ached just thinking about the upcoming reunion. “They’re going to be thrilled to see you again.”

“Not as much as we are,” said Duncan. Julius nodded his agreement.

“It’s beautiful weather today,” said Liam. “I say we take them on a long walk outside, tire them out.”

“We could,” I allowed. It actually sounded like a great idea. I knew in my heart we could do anything really, as long as it involved the four of us. Or rather, the six of us.

Whatever we did, I just wanted to be near them.

“So what are we doing later on tonight?” asked Liam. “I mean come on, we have to celebrate.”

“Damn right,” Duncan agreed.

“We could get a sitter for the evening,” Liam went on. “Maybe go out. Do something cool.”

“Or… we could just stay in,” I suggested.

The car got abruptly quiet again.

“And do what?” Liam asked.

“Share me,” I purred, sliding a hand over his shoulder.

I squeezed him suggestively, then withdrew my arm to lay one hand on each of Julius and Duncan’s iron-like thighs. They reacted in turn, covering my hands with theirs.

“The three of you have already told me you loved me,” I said softly. “But I want to hear it again. I want to hear those words from each of your lips.” My voice became lower, more breathless. “But I want to hear them while you’re inside me…”

My words were turning Julius bright red. I took his hand and slid it higher up on my thigh.

“There’s nothing like hearing those words from a man who’s buried inside you,” I said huskily. “It’s… beyond fucking spectacular.”

Even Duncan stiffened now. Julius gulped.

“I want you to double-up on me,” I breathed hotly. “Pin me down and spread my legs and just tag team me, all night long, until—”

“Holy fuck, Delilah,” Duncan said, looking down into his lap. He had a full-blown erection already. I reached out and took hold of it through his jeans.

“Holy fuck indeed,” I giggled.