Nanny for the Army Rangers by Krista Wolf






“Delilah, what the hell!?”

My roommate scowled fiercely as she covered herself with her hands, which was silly because she walked to and from the shower without clothes on just about every day. Crouching there awkwardly, not far from where they were just having sex on the loveseat, her boyfriend gathered the couch blanket around his naked body.

Mycouch blanket.

“You said you were going out tonight!” Traci whined.

“I did go out tonight. And now I’m back.” I checked my phone. “It’s eleven o’clock.”

“That’s not really ‘out’ if you’re back by eleven,” Traci sulked.

I sighed, not even trying to mask my annoyance. “Whatever.”

Closing the front door behind me, I didn’t even shield my eyes as I made my way to my bedroom. You’d think they’d go to her bedroom to finish whatever they’d started, but I guess not.

“Sorry,” Mark said apologetically.

“For what?” I snapped. “Doing your girlfriend on my loveseat without putting sheets down?

Mark’s face went from red to purple as he cinched the blanket tighter around his waist.

“Or wearing my couch blanket like a pair of underwear?”

“Oh God, Delilah!” Traci rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a prude.”

“Wash it!” I demanded, pointing vaguely in the direction of her boyfriend’s privates. “Or better yet, keep it.”

I slammed the door behind me, not even caring how pissed she was. Traci was doing more than just getting on my nerves lately, she was outright enraging me, every time I saw her. Which was often these days, because she barely worked anymore.

Such an asshole.

After ditching my things and grabbing some sweat-clothes, I crossed the hall to wash up and change. A few minutes later I’d retreated to the sanctity of my bedroom, where I locked the door behind me.

What a way to end the night.

It was too bad, because I’d had such a pleasant evening for once. I’d played with Jace and Courtney even after we ate, while the guys cleaned up dinner. Afterwards we’d watched a little television on their big leather sectional and talked a bit, while the children played on the floor before us. The little ones eventually passed out clutching each other at our feet, adrift in a pastel blue and pink sea of baby-soft blankets.

The best part was just being around people, and having pleasant conversation. Working data-entry from home was silent and lonely, and waitressing the busy Italian restaurant up the block was exactly the opposite. My life had no middle ground, no intermediary. And worst of all, no time for me.

After flopping onto my bed for ten minutes, I realized I was still wide awake. I’d been thinking about the children at first, and how they reminded me of Patrice’s little ones. They’d been gone only a few months now and I already missed them so much. But beyond Jace and Courtney, I was thinking of the guys too. Liam’s big, muscular arms. Duncan’s broad chest and shoulders. The two of them had been glistening with sweat, and smelled all manly and musky beneath the intoxicating scent of fresh sawdust. And then there’d been Julius, with his crystal blue eyes. There was an intensity to him that drew me in. It made me want to know him better, to get past his silent exterior and find out what made him tick.

They were great-looking men, all three of them. No, scratch that. They were hot. Big and strong and tall enough to make me feel tiny. And they were military men, too. Army Rangers

God, that type of dedication made them even more appealing.

Staring up at my ceiling, I could feel a flutter of excitement just below my navel. It made me realize just how deep I’d gone into my daydream.

You need to get laid, Delilah.

It was something I told myself often, followed by a short laugh at my own expense. Only now the need was real. I hadn’t had a boyfriend in almost two years, and I’d cut contact with any exes I could’ve used to exploit a ‘friends with benefits’ type situation. It was all my fault, too. I’d pushed everyone away. I’d made time only for work, and none for myself. I’d even shut down the online dating profile I’d started for myself after demolishing a bottle of wine, a few months back.

“Maybe it’s time to fix that.”

I mumbled the words into the midnight silence, just as the sound of my roommate getting laid reached my ears. Traci was never quiet during sex, and her bed had a thousand noisy springs. I could’ve heard them from outside. But hey, at least they weren’t still in the living room, screwing on the couches.

“Yeah, it’s definitely time.”

I leapt up, logged in, and re-activated my online dating profile with a few bold keystrokes. For half a minute I thought about browsing through some local matches, and maybe sending a few winks or flirts. But as my mother always said: ‘let the boys come to you.’

Flopping back into the bed I smiled again, just thinking about the saying. It might’ve fit when I was younger, but my needs had changed now.

I didn’t want the boys to come to me anymore.

I wanted men.