Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Nine

“Thank you for the food,” Kyle said as he devoured some sausages. “But I’m afraid my mate will kill you if you don’t let me go.” He may kill you anyways, Kyle thought, but didn’t say. Something about this woman was hard to threaten.

Janelle dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a cloth napkin, despite there being no sign of any bits of food there. Kyle watched as she poured coffee from a silver jug with a release on the top. The steam floated into the air of the otherwise empty room.

“Can I pour you a cup?”

Kyle shook his head.

“Would you prefer something else? Hot chocolate? Milk? Orange juice?” She reached for the phone. “Whatever you like, just say the word.”

“You could let me go.”

“We plan to, Kyle dear,” she said, like she was his fourth-grade teacher or something. “You can go back to your little life just as soon as we get back what’s ours.”

Kyle pulled his head back and blinked twice. “I didn’t take anything of yours,” he said. “I’ve never stolen anything in my life.”

“No, no, of course not.” Janelle smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “You’re about the sweetest little thing in the world, as far as I’m concerned. No, my dear, I’m afraid this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your confused little alpha back home. You’re just our security until he does what we want. Did you try the eggs? Our chef sources his own truffles, not far from where we are right here, then uses them to infuse the olive oil. They’re very tasty.”

Kyle was confused. She was obviously making an effort to be nice, but he couldn’t work out why. Worse, Kyle didn’t think he could threaten her and felt ashamed for thinking he could. “My mate,” he said, “he will come for me. It won’t be safe for you when he does.” He didn’t want to care about this woman’s safety, but he couldn’t stop himself.

“The interesting thing about truffles,” she continued, as if she hadn’t heard what he just said, “is that they grow in the wild, but they’re hard to find. We use pigs to locate them. Pigs have an incredible sense of smell, did you know that? Some say better than wolves. Hard to believe, isn’t it?”

Kyle didn’t know what to say to that. Why is she telling me this?

“I don’t know if Sean will come for you or not, to be honest,” Janelle continued. “He has a reputation, you know, that he probably didn’t tell you about. Bit of a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy, our Sean. I wouldn’t count on him doing what you’re hoping he’ll do.”

Kyle was shocked and knew it showed on his face.

“You’re surprised I know his name?” Janelle’s smile widened. “Don’t be. I’ve known Sean since long before you were born, and care deeply for him.”

She made a big deal out of sniffing the air, as if purely for Kyle’s entertainment. “I can smell him on you,” she said. “I’d know his scent anywhere.”

Kyle felt a twitch in his neck, right where Sean bit him. He suddenly felt protective of it and wanted to cover it up with his hand.

“I know it’s none of my business, but isn’t he way too old for you? I mean, I’m glad, as I said, that you got to sink your teeth into him finally, but did he sink his into you? I know he sank something deep inside you last night.”

Kyle was feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the tone of the conversation and couldn’t help his blush.

“Aww, you’re turning all red. How sweet. You really are such an innocent child. I’m happy for you, Kyle, I truly am. For years, I’ve been dying to know who Sean would claim as his fated mate. I can’t believe it would be someone like you.”

Kyle turned away from her, partly to hide his growing discomfort, and partly to hide Sean’s mark on his neck.

“You two getting to hook up was all part of the plan, and that went off without a hitch. Well, almost without a hitch. Your dad got a bit too sentimental at the end, and almost threw a wrench into everything. But we prevailed. You can always count on the raging lust of a couple of wolves in heat to act on impulse.”

Kyle’s heart started pounding faster. Did he hear that correctly “What do you mean? Part of what plan?”

“I’m sorry.” Janelle’s eyes widened, but Kyle could tell it was faked. “I shouldn’t have mentioned that. I do tend to speak my mind without thinking first. One of my many faults. But honestly, Kyle, wouldn’t you be happier with someone closer to your own age? I mean, Sean comes with so much… baggage… and I don’t mean the substantial package between his legs.”

“You’re not making sense. What do you mean baggage?”

“Honest to Betsy, Kyle,” Janelle shook her head at him as though he was simple. “He’s an assassin – how much more baggage does a man need? Were you too focused on his crotch to see the little star tattooed on his cheekbone? Not that I blame you, of course. I mean who could?”

Kyle jumped up from his seat and moved towards the window.

“Why are you talking like this?” Kyle had to know.

“Tell me, is he still a volcano in bed? The best you’ve ever had?”

“Stop talking about him like that,” Kyle cried. “It’s none of your business.”

Janelle pulled her hand up to her mouth in a mock display of shock. “Oh dear,” she said. “He’s the only one you’ve ever had, isn’t he? That old son of a bitch took your cherry last night. Lucky you.”

“Shut up!” Kyle shouted. “I won’t let you speak about him like that.”

“Because you love him,” Janelle mocked him. “Well boo-fucking-hoo, kid. I loved him too. He wouldn’t come back for me after I fucked his brains out all those years ago.”

Kyle stood in a state of shock as Janelle got up and moved closer to the door.

“And I doubt he’ll come back for you. You were just another warm hole for his cold cock, I’m afraid. You weren’t the first, and trust me, you won’t be the last.”

Kyle couldn’t stop himself from crying now. He ripped his shirt off and tilted his head back, revealing the proof of Sean’s commitment to him.

“You’re wrong about Sean,” Kyle said through his tears. “He claimed me last night as his fated mate. See for yourself. And that is why he’ll come for me, and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way.”

Janelle pulled a phone out of her jacket pocket as she tapped on the door.

“Bite mark confirmed,” she said in an entirely different tone than the one she had been speaking to Kyle with. “Prepare the base for Sean’s arrival.”

The door opened for Janelle. Kyle started for it but stopped when he saw the two enforcers standing in the opening.

“Taking you was a risk, since we didn’t know if Sean had claimed you or not. Now we know,” Janelle said. “And just think, I didn’t have to rip your clothes off to find out.”

Kyle watched helplessly as she stepped through the door.

“Try the pancakes,” she said as she turned back. “Our chef uses buckwheat flour. They’re to die for!”

And with that, she was gone.

Kyle touched the bite mark. Realizing that he just might have signed Sean’s death warrant by showing it to that bitch, he curled up on the sofa and burst into tears.