Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Fourteen

Kyle was sure he’d picked up Sean’s scent at least a dozen times, but there’d been no sight of him. Which meant Kyle felt hopeful, Sean was near, but something wasn’t right which had him scared because if something had taken Sean down, then they were both fucked.

Breathe. Just breathe.

Looking out of the window wasn’t doing any good. Kyle was moving towards the bed when the door swung open, and Kyle’s heart dropped. Sean was dragged in and dumped on the floor in the center of the room. The enforcer who brought Sean in removed another syringe from the breast pocket of his jacket and set it down on the desk without a word, before slipping back out and closing the door.

Kyle rushed to his mate, his hands flapping in agitation, he didn’t know what to do first. Someone had tied Sean up well – not taking any chances. There was an iron collar around his mate’s neck, connected with thick chains which led to cuffs around his wrists, and then another chain ran down to his ankles which were also cuffed. The only thing Kyle did know was that Sean was alive – he was breathing – which was a positive, but as the sky outside got darker, Kyle knew their time was up.

Cradling his mate’s head in his lap, Kyle stroked over the smooth skin, trailing his fingers over Sean’s cheek and jaw, down to the mating mark he’d left hidden just under Sean’s shirt. Up and down, over and over, Kyle couldn’t help his tears, but he was determined to milk every second he could with his mate, even if the man was unconscious. So focused on trying to will Sean to open his eyes, Kyle jumped when he heard the rotary phone ring.

Fuck it!I’m not answering.

But it wouldn’t stop ringing.

“Fuck off!” Kyle yelled as loud as he could through his tears. His yelling caused some of his tears to fall onto his mate’s skin and it was like someone had slapped Kyle around the face with a wet rag.

Don’t be emotional, Kyle. Stay cool. You’re not helping Sean or yourself by sitting here bawling your eyes out.

“What would you do, babe?” Of course, Sean didn’t answer him, so Kyle had to fill in the gaps. “He’d answer the fucking phone, for a start, and confront the problem head on.”

A couple of breaths later, Kyle gently laid Sean’s head on the plush carpet and, with as much calm as he could muster, picked up the phone and listened.

“Good boy, Kyle,” Janelle’s voice said, “only next time don’t wait so bloody long. There’s a syringe on the coffee table. Inject the contents into Sean’s arm. Do it now.”

Kyle looked at the syringe, and then back at the receiver.

“Honestly, if I wanted him dead, he would be already. The contents of the syringe will counteract the sedative he was given, and he’ll wake up. It’s pure adrenalin, nothing that will harm him.”

“If you want him awake, why not come in and do it yourself?” Kyle asked. That made sense to him.

Janelle laughed and it wasn’t a happy sound. “I’m not sure how a trained killer responds to being suddenly conscious after being knocked out. If his first impulse is to somehow rip the head off whomever is there, I’d rather it was you than me. I’m kinda funny that way.”

Kyle hesitated some more – having Sean awake was all he wanted in that moment – but Janelle wouldn’t want him awake unless that was part of her master plan.

“Quickly, please,” Janelle said, “I need to get off the phone. I’m expecting an important call right about now.”

Kyle looked to Sean, then back to the needle and then out of the window.

“Once you’re done, turn on the television monitor. Channel three.”

Kyle listened as the line went dead.

He picked up the syringe and held it to the light. It was a clear solution.

What Janelle said made sense, as far as the risk in waking up someone with Sean’s background. Even bound and shackled, he was a threat.

He looked outside. It was getting darker.

“Shit,” Kyle said as he knelt beside his one true mate, pulled the cap off the needle and stabbed it into Sean’s arm.