The Inmates Obsession by Alexa Riley

Chapter Thirteen


One week later…

Standing in front of the mirror, I hold my locket between my two fingers. I take a moment to remember my mom, and my eyes water knowing she would have loved to be here today. It’s days like this that I miss her most of all. What girl doesn't want their mom beside them on their wedding day?

“You're breathtaking, honey,” Margaret says as she comes to stand behind me. “You look so much like your mother.” I blink rapidly, trying not to cry and ruin the makeup Margaret put on me. I turn around to face her.

“Thank you for being here. You’ve really been an amazing stand-in mom for me over the years.” I lose the battle, a few tears escaping.

“Oh honey.” She pulls me in for a hug. “You're the daughter I never had and one day soon I’m sure you’ll make me a grandma.”

“Yes.” I nod. I love the idea of our kids calling her "Grandma.”

“Now, let's get you cleaned up.” Margaret grabs a tissue and pats my cheeks with it to stop my makeup from running.

“My turn?” Dad asks, stepping into the room.

“I just got her to stop crying,” Margaret teases with a smile on her lips.

“The last thing I ever want to do is make my daughter cry.” He walks over toward me as Margaret slips out of the room, leaving us alone. It’s still hard for me to believe my dad’s here in front of me. My Kai gave me that, and he saved us all.

“I see so much of your mother in you.” He leans in and places a kiss on my cheek. “I know she would have given her blessing to this wedding. Love always won out for her.”

“And you?” I ask. He hasn't made any protest, but he also hasn't been excited about it either. Honestly, when it came to the wedding it was hard to read his mood.

“You have my blessing and not because I owe Kai, but because I’ve seen you two together. There is no denying you’re both in love. He would lay down his life for you. There’s nothing more I could ever ask for from the man who wants to marry my daughter.”

“Really?” He nods and gives me the final thing I need for my wedding day.

“If I’ve given you reason to think otherwise, I’m sorry, sugar. It wouldn't matter who you marry. It’s still a bit hard for me. You’ve been my little girl for so long, and here you are, a bride.”

“Oh, Dad, I’ll always be your little girl. I love you so much.” He pulls me in for a hug.

“I love you too, Sugar. Now let's get you married before Kai comes charging in here. He’s been pacing the whole time.”

Dad offers me his arm and I take it as he leads me outside and down to the beach. We came to the island right after Kai saved me. There was no way we could have gone back to the estate, but it didn’t matter to me. I don’t care where I live as long as I have the people I love around me.

Thankfully my dad is always a few steps ahead of everyone. His friend Sean Sparrow helped him broker a deal for a private island. It’s a safe location with no ties to our old life. Right now we’re on the island of Lanai where Kai was born, but only for the wedding. He wanted to have his family here with us, if only in spirit. After this, there’s a private island waiting for us that Sean and his wife Tessa live near. They’re only a short boat ride away on their own island, and from what I’ve discovered, I think they are laying low too.

Kai stops pacing when he sees me and my dad coming toward him, and his smile grows. I know he’s fighting not to walk over to me and pull me into my arms. But he knows it’s important to me that my dad walks me down the aisle.

The last week with Kai has solidified what I already knew: that I love him. We haven't been apart for more than a few minutes since he saved me. Well, since he saved us all.

My dad kisses me on the check and smiles at me softly as he passes me to Kai.

I’m smiling so big my face hurts as my big strong man pulls me against him. “You’re beautiful, baby. I love you so damn much.”

“I love you too,” I say, and he leans down and starts kissing me.

I forget where we are and why we’re here while his lips are full and soft against mine.

“We’re not to that part yet,” Margaret says and clears her throat.

We break the kiss, and Margaret begins to read the vows. I stare into Kai’s eyes knowing every vow he says to me he will always keep. I will do the same because I love him with every part of my heart.

“I’m so happy there isn’t a reception,” I tell Kai after Margaret announces us as husband and wife.

He’s been killing me this past week because he wanted to wait until we were married before we went all the way. Not that we didn’t get to do other things, thankfully. But he said he wanted it official the first time he was fully inside me.

He takes my hand and leads me back toward our room while Margaret and my dad go meet Sean and Tessa to finalize the details. Kai lifts me off my feet when we get to the door and carries me over the threshold and into the bedroom.

“Did you do as I told you?” He places me on my feet, and I nod.

“Always,” I answer as he slips his fingers under the thin straps that hold up my wedding dress.

“I think I’ll check for myself.” He slips them down my shoulders until the dress falls and pools at my feet.

I stand in front of him completely naked except for my wedding ring that belonged to my mother. She told Dad to give it to me one day, and when Kai got down on his knees to ask for my hand, I could barely speak.

“This body was made for me.” His words rumble low in his chest as he talks to himself.

I may still be a virgin, but I’m not shy about my body. I have full curves, fuller than most, but my husband is always looking at me with heat in his eyes. He can barely keep his hands off of me most of the time, and I’ve never felt sexier than I do when I’m with him.

“Always so obedient too.” I press my legs tighter together at his approval. “Get on the bed and spread your thighs. I want to see that virgin pussy you saved just for me.”

I turn around, giving him my back as I crawl onto the bed. I smile when I hear a growling sound from behind me. I drop down on my stomach and roll over, propping myself up on my elbows. Kai tosses the rest of his clothes to the side, and I’m shocked he got naked so quickly. I guess we’ve both been dying for this moment.

“Open them,” he orders, and I bite my bottom lip as Kai starts to stroke himself.

I push my knees apart and spread wider for him. Cum is already leaking from the head of his cock and the tip is red and angry. It needs me.

“Worth every moment I was in that fucking cell,” he says through clenched teeth and my heart flutters. He’d given up so much of his life and saved mine.

“Kai,” I whisper, raising my hips.

He crawls on the bed and buries his face between my legs. I gasp as his hands come up and grab my breasts. He pinches my nipples while his tongue pushes in and out of me. I whimper as I clench around him, desperate for something else inside of me besides his tongue. My fingers dig into the comforter when his tongue goes back to my clit. He sucks it into his mouth and rubs his tongue against it, back and forth.

“Kai!” I scream out as I cum.

It’s so forceful I have to close my eyes as the orgasm hits my body and explodes inside of me. When the rush of pleasure begins to ease, I slowly open my eyes and see Kai moving on top of me. He pushes the head of his cock to my opening, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“I never want to do anything to hurt you.”

“It will hurt me if you don't do this. We’re going to grow our family,” I tell him.

Kai’s all alone in the world, and I’m going to change that. He told me about the love his parents had for each other. He and I both were only children. Our children will never be alone, and we’ll make sure of that.

“Don’t talk about you being pregnant. I’m already about to bust in you.” I start to giggle but then it turns into a gasp when he pushes further in. “I love you,” he says before he thrusts all the way and his mouth comes down onto mine.

He groans loudly, and I feel the rumble in his chest against mine as he cums. It’s a wave of heat in my womb as his cock throbs over and over. He never stops kissing me as we wait for my body to adjust to his size. His cock doesn't go soft like I thought it would after his release. He’s still as hard as ever with every thick inch stretching me wide.

“I think I’m better.” I score my nails down his back, and I can see he’s fighting not to pound in and out of me. “I’m so full. It hurts a little, but it's good too.”

“Are you sure?” His voice is gruff, and I can see the worry in his eyes.

“When it comes to you, Kai, I’m always sure.”

“You’re going to kill me one of these days, baby,” he says before he pulls out slowly and then thrusts back in.

“Yes!” I cry out, pulling my legs up higher as he starts to go harder.

He suddenly grabs my hips and goes up on his knees as he yanks me on his thighs. His cock goes deeper, hitting something inside me that’s different this time.

“Kai?” The orgasm starts to rise in me, but this one is different from before. It feels like a tsunami in the distance, and I’m almost afraid of it.

“Your G-spot, baby,” he grunts as he keeps on thrusting. “Give it to me.” His hand slaps down on my clit, and I scream in pleasure as my orgasm detonates.

It’s harder than any other I’ve ever had, and my back bows off the bed. The pleasure takes full control of my body, and black spots dance in my eyes. Kai thrusts deep one more time and groans my name as he cums again. I can feel how full I am with his second load as it goes on and on.

Kai rolls us over so his cock is still inside of me and I’m sprawled out on his chest. I can feel his cum dripping between us, and we’re both sweaty with the heat and passion.

I turn my head and kiss his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating along with the ocean waves. I love this man so much. I want to give him everything he could ever want because he deserves it. He’s already done that for me and more.

Most might say this island is paradise, but my paradise is Kai.