I Dated a Mad Scientist by Viola Grace

Chapter Thirteen

She woke up in Krizt’s arms, and the light outside was red. She had aches and pains but none that could dislodge the small smirk she had woken up with.

“Ah, bunny, you are up.” He was wrapped around her, lying on his right side and using a tablet with his left.

She blinked. “Have you been like this the whole time?”

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Mostly. I went to order you a few things and bring up your bags from the car.”

She smiled and slowly shifted against him. “This is nice.”

He squeezed her and rolled to his back, sitting up against the headboard. Arcady turned and cuddled against him.

She glanced up at his face and sighed. “You need to go to the lab.”

He looked down at her. “How did you know?”

She reached up and stroked his cheek. “You have lab face.”

“Lab face?”

She touched his forehead. “There is a furrow here, tension here and here.” She caressed the edges of his eyes. “A slight frown here.” She ran her thumb over his lips.

He smiled, and all those signs disappeared. “So, you have been watching me.”

She smiled back. “It’s my job.”

“It is?”

“It is my job to anticipate what you need and get it for you.”

“You have. My brain has never been so clear and easy to focus.” He showed her the tablet.

She was staring at a naked image of herself with a glowing unit under her scalp behind her ear and a series of lit nerve endings that carried a signal to the wings that were on the image. The wings were each as wide as she was tall.

The next image of her showed the wings folded down. The third showed wing buds in her back. She had four of the projection starters higher up on her back than she had expected. “Are they all near my shoulders?”

“Weight-wise, it is easier to drag your lower torso than to put the wings too low and end up with you flipping end over end.”

She blinked. “That’s an image. So, are the anchor points for the wing projections subcutaneous?”

“They are. Nothing will be visible outside your body. It is a good thing that you have a lot of power at your disposal. You will need it to do the projection.”

She laughed. “So, flying will be tiring?”

“Exhausting, but it gives you an option for escape. You will never be trapped again like you were the day in the park. Your skull can’t be cracked with a blow, and you will have the option to fly away from any attackers.”

She chuckled. “Can’t give me spikes and claws?”

“Naw, Arcady. You were designed to be a cuddly bunny, and so you shall remain, even if you have your bossy moments.”

She snorted. “I prefer to call them assertive.”

“And I like calling you boss, so we both have preferences.”

“It is really hard to be boss when I am outnumbered.” She sighed. “That’s when I become suit bait.”

He grinned. “I noticed, bunny. You were so cute with your big eyes, surprised when each of us reached for you. It is a good thing that we agreed to not double or triple-team you today, or your eyes would have swallowed your face.”

She blushed at that image. She could think of a few configurations that would work, and then, she blushed harder. “Uh, I didn’t hear that discussion.”

“Corianne was kind enough to link us together for the conversation. We discussed quite a few things.”

Arcady blinked. “Anything I need to be concerned with?”

“Just some invitational protocols if one of us has booked you and one of the others are in the vicinity.”

She froze and looked up at him. “What?”

“You have a lot of stamina, bunny, and we all love different favourite parts of you. So, if you have no objection, we will share. This will allow you to continue with new patrons and will keep us from wanting to hunt you.”

She stared.

“That’s the look, bunny. A little bit scared and a lot excited.” He pinched her chin and stroked her cheek with a finger.

She huffed.

“I notice that you don’t deny it.”

Arcady sighed. “It is one of the first things that they teach us. Don’t lie about what you are feeling. A lot of the patrons can sense it.”

He nodded. “That is probably good advice. I am one of those.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I thought you might be. You always have an analytical look in your eyes. So, is the other form your activation?”

He laughed. “Yes. I had to go to one of the special centres while growing up before I could reach equilibrium with him. After that, things were a lot easier.”

“I guess. I was lucky that mine was invisible... well... was. You changed my appearance on purpose.”

He nodded. “I did. I ran a scan, and there are no other women in the capitol with that hair and eye combination, so it is now easy to hear if you get in trouble while away from the office.”

She chuckled. “One day, when I am not made of aches, I would like to thank your other half properly.”

“He would like that.” He smiled softly. “He doesn’t get out much.”

She grinned. “Is that why the resort was mentioned?”

“Well, we just all wanted to be with you in a public area, watch a movie, or go dancing in a safe environment. You are going to rapidly become the most expensive piece of tech on the continent. That means that you won’t be allowed to run around alone.”

She grimaced. “Then, I definitely want to learn how to throw a punch.”

“Tycho is going to train you. Combat and marksmanship.”


“Yeah. I will take care of any bruising or injuries. Corianne will work on deportment and social exposure.” He smiled. “She also wants to know if you know how to camp because she doesn’t, and she wants to learn.”

“Oh, of course. I am pretty good at it. Just don’t leave me alone with a stick and marshmallows. It is a massacre.” She chuckled.


She paused. “Wait. Are you still connected to her?”

He nodded absently while he worked on her design.

“And she is asking questions about going on a date with me?”

He nodded.

“Do you think she could go through my com?”

“She can’t. It is part of the Blind Date Corp contract. If she is planning a date, she can’t go to you directly. However, as your custodian, I am safe to talk through.”

“My custodian?”

“Designer? I have a number of body mods that will make you sturdier as there are those out there that want you dead.”

“Yeah, and I am related to a whole bunch of them. I am just hoping that my youngest siblings don’t activate for their own sake.”

He blinked. “You have other siblings?”

“Oh, yeah. My parents don’t believe in actives, and they don’t believe in birth control.” She thought about it. “I think I have six younger siblings. Three were born after I was ejected. As far as I am aware, I am the only active.”

“Ah. How large is your family in total?”

She shrugged. “I think I have twelve brothers and sisters.”

He whistled softly. “That is a big family.”

“The kids are more free-range than family. The eldest raise the youngest, and the parents are just the factory.” She shuddered. “It still bugs me.”

He chuckled. “So, Aksallan incubators it is.”

She blinked. “You want kids?”

“Yes. My family all gets along, and we are all actives. Since the moment I met you, I have been trying to work out the logistics of a family. I work a lot, you work a lot, and you have a sideline, so I am guessing that we need a place that is more accessible or rural.” He smiled. “A few countries have offered me ridiculous amounts of money to relocate.”

“What about Z-Tech?”

“Z-Tech is global, as you know. Zera is creating a new research arm and has asked me to consider running it.” He smiled.

She looked at him. “What? When?”

“Before you came on board. The building is still under construction, so I have a few months to decide.”

Her mind whirled. He might be leaving.

“Hey, little bunny. Don’t worry. I am not going anywhere without you. He wouldn’t let me.” He smiled. “Plus, you are going to become my showcase for biotech if you don’t mind. Your contract will be exorbitant, but you have the ideal body for it.”

She snorted. “Wait. How exorbitant?”

“You will be pulling in half a million per year. Easily. All you have to do is write reports on how the new accessories function and feel. About one a week should be good.”

“I am guessing that you haven’t run this past Zera.”

“She has given me a blank cheque for the research wing. If you are an open project, I can pay you what I like.”

“It seems weird considering our current... uh... connection.”

“You are involved with actives. Things are going to continue to be weird.”

“How will it work if I am here and you are in Aksalla?”

His arm tightened around her. “You are really going to play this?”

She blinked at him with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”

“You have already been dislodged from your home. Why not make a new one with me in Aksalla?”

Arcady thought about her family and the few friends that she had in the capitol. Most of her friends were co-workers. Her work had always come first, and while she made friends easily, it hasn’t always been easy to find folks to hang out with.

“I will think about it.”

He blinked in surprise. “You won’t give me a yes?”

“No. Not until we are back at work, and you can explain to me exactly what you want me to do in the capacity of a biotech model.” Arcady smiled. “I want it outlined, I want firm limits, and I don’t want you to have your assistant slap something together. I don’t want it looking like I sneezed in a pin factory.”

He cocked his head. “What are my criteria?”

“Subcutaneous only. I don’t want to keep going to the peacekeepers for a new ID.”

“Fair enough. What about a weapon’s array that looks like delicate armour?” He smiled.

“Greaves and vambraces only. I don’t want to look bulky. They have to be concealable under my clothing, which means I might be wearing a lot more trousers.”

He looked scandalized. “No. Absolutely not. Let me show you one of the designs I have in mind.”

He flicked through a number of very advanced designs until he found some simple ones. The pattern was a leaf with veins. It was delicate, not too frilly, and flat against the skin of the 3D model. “That’s nice. I don’t think that any of the patrons would be upset by it.”

He snorted. “Corianne is offering to have a designer remake the pattern. Tycho thinks metal in your skin will look sexy as long as it isn’t cold.”

“Can my immune system ignore it?”

“Certainly. It is what will go on under the skin that is the key to the implants. That is where your weapon systems will be.”

“Weapons? What kind of weapons?”

“A shortrange stinger. A bio-pulse. It will knock out anyone who has you. The extendable batons will be hidden in your calves. The implant will reinforce your femur, and then, you can remove these items for combat.”

“That is so awkward. Shift the patterns to the side of the calf. For the pattern, match it to the wings. For the actual install, put the rod in the thigh. Use a secondary pattern to conceal it.”

“So, install the batons in your body and have you trigger their release? That is doable.”

“Are we really designing a version of a superhero?”

He chuckled. “Yes, but we start with the wings.”



“No, put in the weight of the implants on the other limbs first, so that learning the flight capabilities and handling only has to happen once.”

He paused. “Wow. You are good at this.”

“Yes, but I am going to have to live in it. You just want to make me pretty, exotic, and irreplaceable.”

“So, as you are now.”

She blushed. “Right. Thanks.”

He smiled. “You have captured my focus since the moment you handed me the herbal tea. That simple gesture sealed your fate. Eventually, I was going to wake up and find a way to court you. Asking you to be a bio-mech model is just a way to keep you with me legally.”

“And a way of testing your inventions.”

“Well, they are Zera’s inventions. I design the biological stability to house them.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right. So, she’s going to be poking and prodding me?”

He chuckled. “Starting Monday morning.”

“We may want to be cognizant of the security cam angles. She’s going to be thorough.”

He nodded. “Most likely. Are you very sore?”

She blinked at the change of topic. Well, considering that she was inches from his erection, it wasn’t that much of a change. “I am achy. A bit of a twinge. Between your girth and Tycho’s friction, I got a workout. There isn’t really a way to train for that except for repetition.”

Krizt murmured in a husky tone, “Would you like me to kiss it better?”

“How many people are watching us?”

He smiled. “I will tell you later.”

He set his design tablet down and moved over her, tipping her onto her back and pulling her legs up, pressing them wide. “Now, let’s check out the situation.”

She giggled and covered her mouth. He said that at work a lot. “If you stop for a coffee break, I am going to saw your horns off while you sleep.”

He grinned. “I promise to finish the task before taking a break. I trust you will extend the same courtesy to me in a similar situation.”

“Of course, but this is getting drafty. I should table it for later.” Arcady tried to close her legs and twist, but he gripped her thighs and growled.

He settled between her thighs and buried his face against her, nuzzling and nipping using his lips. It was a strange sensation, and she started getting slick. He plucked at her clit, her folds, and rubbed his face in her before he started using his tongue on her. When he slid his tongue inside her, she reached for his horns and held him against her. The moans and whimpers echoed in the room, and she could see by the precum he was leaking that he either liked her taste or her song. The corkscrewing tongue rubbed against that spot inside before slithering out and caressing her from clit to opening, and then, it did it again and again. She shuddered and screamed as she came, her body twisting in his grip. He was stronger than she thought. He held her against his mouth until she stopped twitching in his grasp.

Like many women, one orgasm just whetted her appetite. When he stroked her hips, she sat up and lunged upward, tackling him and rolling him to his back. She kissed him and tasted the musky tang of her own juices. The kiss got wilder, and she broke it, backing down his body until she was caressing his cock, and it moved in her hand. She leaned in, and her tongue danced with the seeking tip before she took him into her mouth. He tasted like Krizt, and Krizt was hot. She took the swirling member into her mouth and pulled back, sucking strongly. She repeated it, and he groaned and gripped her hair. He got bigger, thicker, and a pulse of precum bathed her tongue as she moved.

He pulled her away and up, putting her over him, and his cock pressed into her. He gripped her hips and pulled her down until their bodies were pressed flat against each other. She shifted her legs until she had a rocking point, braced her hand on his ridged belly, and she started to shift slowly while he could only move in tiny increments because she was so tight around him. Arcady looked into his eyes as she rode him, and he moved his hips against her. He gripped her hips, held her in place, he sat up, and he grinned. “Keep going.”

She didn’t understand the grin until she felt the cool touch teasing between them. His fricking tail!

The tail swirled around her clit, using her own moisture to ease its movements. Gleaming and slick, it rose up in front of her and changed shape, thickening to a familiar configuration. She blinked, and when it moved to slide into her ass, her eyes widened.

“There’s the little bunny.”

She froze in place and held still as she got used to the feeling and was doing okay until the tail and cock started to move in a deviant choreography. Arcady moaned and braced her hands on his chest, panting and twitching as the movement in her ass was punctuated by the churning in her sex. She gasped and moaned while her hips made small jerks against him. When she was stuck shaking, he gripped her hips and rolled with her so that he could properly thrust into her.

She leaned up and kissed him while he rode her, and her nails dug into his shoulders as her orgasm ripped through her like lightning, and he kept moving inside her. Her whimpering was nearly constant while he plunged into her. When he bit down, she screamed softly and held his head while he drank from her.

She sobbed in relief. She had come again with the second bite. He licked the wounds closed then rubbed his forehead against hers. “It is going to be hard to concentrate at work now.”

She tilted her head and kissed him softly. “You have no idea. I fantasize about you a hundred times a day, and now that I know what you feel and taste like, it is unlikely to stop.”

He grinned. “What about Tycho and Corianne?”

“I want them like hell when I am in the room with them, and if you think about it, I currently don’t have an escape from your scent or touch.”

He let out a rumbling sound that was a growl out of her horny scientist. “I am enjoying the circumstance. Don’t get me wrong, the situation is unpleasant for you but delightful for me and the others.”

“Yeah, that sort of thing is just my luck. I am altruistic as fuck.” She stroked his cheek. “Now get your tail out of my butt. Should the event ever arise, I can take you and Tycho at the same time. I will let you flip for heads or tails.”

He grinned and laughed. The tail came out, and a shower was shared. It was time to figure out dinner.