I Dated a Mad Scientist by Viola Grace

Chapter Twenty-One

Shopping for houses was strange. She had never thought to own a house, but they needed a spot for Tycho to have a small aircraft to get to the shuttle for missions. He was commuting.

Corianne just needed a solid satellite connection for her work, and the agent was only showing them homes that had everything on their list. Aksalla really was a nice place.

They passed a drive that was familiar. Krizt said, “You know that drive?”

“Just from a picture I saw a while ago. Khytten and Salat live there.”

Corianne grinned. “I will call them and see. Pull over.”

They waited while Corianne had a silent conversation, and then, she grinned. “They have invited us for tea.”

Arcady pressed her head to Tycho’s shoulder. “I am rather nervous. Khytten is rapidly becoming legendary. For her ability to deal with Salat if nothing else.”

Their vehicle turned around, and they went to have tea with Salat and his Khytten.

The snuffling of a set of twins got Arcady’s attention. Their nanny was on duty, and they had just been fed and changed. Khytten noticed Arcady looking and said, “If you want to hold one, feel free. It will be a break for Tigel.”

Arcady smiled and picked up the one who was whimpering, and she held him, singing softly in nearly a whisper. The baby calmed and shoved his fists into the air while giggling.

Khytten looked at her. “Can you move really close?”

Corianne was sitting with Torenne, and she said, “We were looking at the manor down the road.”

Salat sat and played tea party. “The Morrows moved when the resort came in.”

“The resort is that close?”

Khytten nodded and got up, her belly large with three percolating babies. “Arcady, care to take a walk?”

“Uh, sure. Do I...”

“If you can carry him, bring him along.” Khytten grinned. “Ciro likes a good walk.”

She smiled. “I think you might need a hand more than the baby does.”

“Damn it. Thwarted again.”

Arcady put the baby back in the bassinet, stroking his chubby arms and legs before offering her arm to Khytten.

They were fifty metres from the patio when Khytten started talking. “So, Zera told me that you don’t want kids.”

“No. I have seen what a lot of kids can do to a person; it drains them of their soul.”

Khytten laughed. “What a load of horseshit. Selfish parenting does that, but give the kid everything you have, and they give you everything in return. I am not saying that you have to have kids, but the gestation modules here are great. You can even hook up an audio feed, and you can talk to them while you aren’t in the room. They can hear your heartbeat, and when delivery day comes, you get to hold them in your arms right away. No sweating, no grunting.”

Arcady chuckled. “You haven’t spent much time with Doctor Krizt. He gets emotional and he’s eight-feet tall with tusks.”

“Wow. That is something.”

“It really is. Do you keep in touch with Five at all?”

“No, she has family in the capitol. We just talk in chats.”

“She’s pregnant.”

“No, way.”

“Yeah, about four months, and if I recall, her last date was about four months ago.”

Khytten paused, “Do you think she...”

“Took advantage of a client? It isn’t like her, especially with her speciality.”

Khytten smiled. “She used to leave me cookies in my changing area, after dates. I mean, I only had three patrons, but it was super nice of her.”

“She sounds nice. I remember coming back from my first dates terrified and panicked. I had managed to keep myself together until I got home, but it was a near thing.”

“Why panicked?”

“They needed so much, took so much. It was hard to deal with for someone with very limited experience, but it got easier over time.” She paused. “Until...”

“Until your doctor got taken on as a patron. After that, all bets were off.”

“Something like that. He was so blue and normal. And then, I get knocked cold, and the next thing I remember, I am in hospital.”

“How did you feel about Krizt when you arrived in hospital?”

“Same as I did before I got hit. He was the one I wanted. Out of all the guys that I was paired with, he was the one. I knew that from the day that I met him.”

“But, you knew it before, didn’t you? You have a touch of precognition, don’t you?”

“What, are you saying that I knew that I would end up sleeping on top of him every night? Yeah, I sensed that. I knew his touch before he touched me, the sound of his rare laugh, the frown when he is working on a problem. The frown when he isn’t. It came to me in a rush and overwhelmed me.”

“And the others?”

“I knew them by taste and touch, caress and kiss. It is not a reliable way to greet people.”

Khytten laughed. “Socially awkward at best.”

“Yeah. I know his beast wants kids if this is what the conversation is about.”

“Am I that transparent?”

“Yeah. You are.” She sighed. “First, I was a nanny to the younger ones, and then, my parents got them hating me because I activated. Parents and children are something I don’t have good experiences with.”

Khytten nodded. “My parents were supportive, helpful, energetic, and when I got this embarrassing activation, there was an incident, and then, they kicked me out and left me to fend for myself. When I was just about to finish peacekeeper training, my sister called me and told me that my parents had been in an accident. I could have given them milk and they would have been healed in a moment, but they didn’t want any of my filthy offerings, so I snuck it into their tea and coffee. It took longer, but I healed them, and I left. My sister tried to get me shot on the way out of Aksalla. And I was shot on the way out then deported and banned.”


“Yeah. I know all about sucky families. But, I also know that you can choose the life you live to a certain extent. You can choose your friends and those that you surround yourself with. Choose your community and choose your children’s school. You can choose to work or choose to study. I am working at getting into studying, the twins and triplets don’t help, but they were my choice... mostly.”


“Salat knew that I wanted a houseful of kids, and so, he coaxed me into designing a milk for hyper ovulation. The next thing I know... three.” Khytten chuckled. “He hadn’t counted on how dangerous multiples can be, and he is still apologizing.”

“How far are you?”

“Seven months. I am in the safe zone, and now, whatever weight the babies put on just gives them a better chance of developing normally.”


“Thank you, but my little ones really need more company. No pressure.”

Arcady barked a laugh, and Khytten had been looking toward the group a few hundred feet away. “Let me guess. All the predator heads turned.”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“The same vocals that I used on Ciro come out when I laugh. It attracts every predator.”

Khytten winced. “It must be rough.”

They were near a tree. “Yeah, good thing I can do this.” She stepped into the shadow and disappeared. She waited for a count of ten and then stepped out to support Khytten again. “A handy thing for a bunny.”

“Wow. That is... why don’t you use that?”

“For what?”

Khytten paused. “Right. I guess you don’t have any means of attack.”

Arcady looked around. “I sort of do. It’s new. Krizt has only seen it once, and the other two just know that I can activate it.”

“Activate what?”

Arcady let her go and took two steps away, manifesting her wings and shooting straight up fifty feet. She zapped in a straight line to the table and then returned to Khytten’s side. She landed, and the wings disappeared.

“I can only fly short bursts and mostly straight lines. It isn’t useful yet, but I think it could be.”

Khytten’s eyes gleamed, and she clapped her hands. “That’s amazing. Who designed it?”

“Krizt and Zera.” She ran her hand through her hair.

Khytten grabbed her hand. “You and Krizt are engaged?”

“Yeah. Another funny story where I nearly died.”

“Bad habit.”

“Trying to break it.”

“Did you have a party?”

“No, we have been busy prepping for the move to Aksalla. It’s only been a month since the event and the engagement.” Arcady nodded. That was what it was called, what she and Krizt had going on.

“So, how do you deal with being surrounded by predators?”

Arcady looked at Khytten, “The same way you do. You find ways to get what you want while still giving them what they need, so you can get what you need.” She looked to Khytten. “Can I?”

Khytten stuck out her huge belly. “Go for it.”

Arcady touched the belly and smiled. Two young women and one hugely strong boy. They were going to activate at fourteen and do what they did best, take care of people.

Khytten looked at her. “You saw something, didn’t you? You know what they will be.”

“You have picked names for both sexes?”

“We have.”

“Good, have a few multiples on hand.”

“What will they be?”

Arcady smiled. “Tall, strong, loved, and they take care of others.”

Khytten awkwardly hugged her. “Thank you. I worry, but then, I see Salat’s family, and I realize that with the right outlook, it is possible to have power and generosity of spirit.”

They turned back to the others and walked slowly. “By the way, Khytten, your son is exceedingly attractive. You are going to be beating off interested parties with a stick.”

“Oh, great. He has his father’s features. If Salat wasn’t velvety black, you would see that he has perfect cheekbones.”

They giggled as they returned to the table and their partners. Khytten was settled in her chair with the utmost care, and when Arcady turned to resume her chair, she found that it was gone. She put her fists on her hips. “Where did the chair go?”

Tycho grinned. “Show us the wings. We didn’t know that they worked.”

Corianne held her hand. “Show us.”

Krizt sipped at his tea. “I have already seen it. You are very fast, though.”

She leaned against Krizt’s shoulder and manifested the wings. She buzzed them, and Tycho whistled.

“How do you take off?”

The wings moved faster, and she lifted off, her legs relaxed, and she put her hands over her head. She hovered about four feet off the ground, and then, she descended.

Khytten stared. “What is the power source?”


Tycho chuckled.

“Us. The nodes collect heat, and the heat is stored as energy and accessed by me.”

Khytten’s eyes were wide. “Can I see?”

“Salat offered up a design, so he has already seen it.”

Salat kissed Khytten’s hand. “That was a simulation. Having it real is different.”

Krizt shrugged. “They are curious.”

She huffed, straightened, and untied her wrap dress, pulling it open like a flasher and then sliding it down her arms.

Khytten stared and then smiled. “Wow. That’s stunning.”

The vines started at the greaves and wrapped around her in even bands, weaving back and forth up her body and then down her arms. It was basket weaving on a human body. Around the vines, there were butterflies, roses and daisies, thorns and leaves.

Khytten blinked. “Can you take off the dress and let me see the wings.”

“You are doing that for Salat and the sketchbook he just whipped out.”

Arcady smiled and handed Corianne her dress before activating the wings and slowly pulling herself skyward. She zipped around, pausing here and there before a low power warning got her to land.

Krizt frowned. “Out of power?”


Salat shrugged. “Feel free to top up the charge.”

Krizt took her hand and kissed it.

“Uh, I don’t really need to go anywhere, and my body heat will charge it in a few hours.”

Krizt smiled. “Oh, but he wants to see it. So does Khytten.”

“Khytten can’t see her own feet right now. I don’t think that she is that interested in me.”

Dr. Torenne said, “But the rest of us are riveted.”

“Uh-huh, but my partners have seen this all before.”

Tycho grinned. “And it is something I always want to see an encore for.”

She gritted her teeth. “Salat? How fast do you want the full charge?”

“Fast, I suppose, why?”

She turned her back to the trio and faced Krizt, removing her underwear. He leaned back in his jeans and tee and hissed. “Damn. Not fair Arcady.”

She caressed the necklace and straddled him in the chair. He hissed, and his hands gripped her hips. The kiss was slow, his hands were deft, and she was soon riding his fingers until she came.

Tycho pulled out some sunglasses, and there was a glow and then a pulse as she came.

“Thanks, love.” She nuzzled his neck.

Krizt was panting, and he looked at her in surprise when she put clothes back on.

* * * *

Khytten giggled when Krizt grabbed Arcady and ran for the treeline, and she hooted with laughter when the other two followed.

Salat muttered, “Well, that is impressive tech. No wonder she currently has an insured value of three million.”

“Part of it must be that jewellery. She is wearing quite the metal and gem collection.”

“Yeah, that looks heavy as hell.”

“And yet, she can fly. That is amazing. Do you think I can get implants like that?”

“No. Your immune system won’t tolerate it. I have been checking.” Salat chuckled.

Khytten smiled. “I hope they buy the manor. I would like to have her as a neighbour. She has a few of the same hang-ups as me.”

Salat chuckled. “It will be up to them, love. You can’t just have things your way because you are pregnant.”

“Why not? I got you, didn’t I? That was definitely something high on my list. I didn’t even know that I wanted you until I met you. Oh, we are having two girls and a boy, and the boy is going to have your features.”

“How do you know?”

“Because Arcady said that he would be beautiful, and you are the most beautiful man I know.”

Torenne laughed.

There was a lot of growling, snarling, and soft, sweet moans coming from the woods. Khytten sighed wistfully. “Ah, for the days I could run off to the woods or just run... really.”

Salat laughed. “It will be over soon, kitten. Then back to the range for training, and maybe you can come with me on a few assignments. I await your distraction.”

She sighed and leaned toward him. He picked her up and cuddled her in his lap. It was an impressive feat, and many lesser men couldn’t have managed to hold four people in his lap.

“What did you think of Arcady’s reasoning?”

“She is creating her plan from her own past. She seems to respond well to the babies, though, and they to her, so if they move in nearby, she might be up to get a canister and have a baby with Krizt.”

“What about the others?”

“Corianne could have her own, with either of their group as the father or seek a donor elsewhere. Tycho would probably get a stipend from the capitol, or even Aksalla just to have a child with his genes.”

The group returned, and Khytten was shocked to see the bite marks that were healing on Arcady’s body. “Uh, Arcady, does that hurt?”

The other woman gave her a sleepy smile. “Nope. Endorphins are wonderful.”

Corianne had her clothing. “Come on, love. I will get you dressed.”

“No tickling.”

“I promise nothing.”

Khytten watched the most powerful banker in the known worlds help her lover get her panties on and then slid the bra back into place.

Arcady adjusted her breasts, and then, the wrap dress went back on. It was sweet that Tycho tidied her hair, and Krizt offered himself as her chair. They were a well-balanced partnership, each with a strength that could stand alone, but they got together out of need and companionship. Khytten definitely wanted them as neighbours. She would call her eventual mother-in-law. Salmet owed her one.

* * * *

Krizt looked at the message. “If we want the house near Salat and Khytten, it is ours.”

They were lounging around in the hotel suite, and Corianne was painting Arcady’s toenails.

“I liked it. I could do a lot of things in that garage, and there is enough room there for an adult playroom and one for kids if we have any.”

Arcady looked at Tycho. “I didn’t think you wanted any.”

He shrugged. “You know. Once we are in the country, it is a slower, sweeter pace of life. A kid might not be a bad idea. The government would be impressed, and I would get a tremendous bonus.”

“Well, I would be doing it via gestation capsule. I don’t think that these nodes would stretch.”

Krizt looked at her and cursed. “Shit. I did not take that into account.”

She shrugged. “This design was a surprise to see develop. It acts like a corset.”

He nodded. “That was the idea.”

She looked down, and there were bunnies painted on her toenails. “Serves me right for looking away.”

Corianne grinned.

Tycho chuckled from his reading of home and garden articles, and Krizt was humming and keying something into his tablet.

“Well, we have a new house. We can start moving in next month.” Krizt smiled. “Ten minutes from Salat and Khytten. At least I would feel better if you end up alone, Arcady.”

Arcady smiled. “Okay. I will have to get a new vehicle. Actually, I will have to learn how to drive.”

Three pairs of astonished eyes stared at her. Krizt murmured. “You don’t know how to drive?”

“No, I wasn’t allowed to in the country, and in the city, I always use public transport or walk.”

Tycho nodded. “I will teach her to drive. One of you has to go with her for the test.”

Corianne raised her hand. “I will take our bunny to the test.”

Krizt snorted. “I will find a new vehicle for her with basic controls that fit all four of us.”

Arcady smiled slightly. “Khytten took offensive driver training. Maybe she could teach me...”

Three outraged voices shouted, “No!”

She snickered. They were starting to sound alike. It made her wonder what else was going to rub off on them. Her future was going to be interesting.