I Dated a Mad Scientist by Viola Grace

Chapter Eight

Four courses later, the dessert had been shared, and Klauz was called away while the other clients slowly trickled away and more came in.

Arcady linked her arm with Krizt as they left the restaurant. He looked every inch the gentleman, and she looked like something small and fluffy that he had picked up for the evening. Well, that was the idea. He wanted to be seen with something cute, so she made herself into something cute. If he wanted dramatic, she was going to need something to restrain her hair and some makeup. It looked like she was going shopping tomorrow.

“What are you thinking about?”

She chuckled. “Tomorrow. I need to go out to grab a few things. Hair bindings for one. This texture requires more than some pins to hold it in.”

He ran his hands through it as they entered the elevator. “I like it.”

“I know, but I can’t have it loose and go through decontamination as many times as I do. The static would be tremendous.” She asked, “Who are on the floors in between you and the restaurant?”

“There is a private function floor, Klauz, and a private pool and gym. I own the building.”

She nodded. “Sure. That makes sense. I am guessing that you have been at the inventing game for a while.”

“A few decades.”

“Oh. Right. I guess I should have checked your age before I threw myself at you.” She sighed. “Oh, well.”

He chuckled. “Do you want to know?”

She pulled him through the open doors of the elevator into his apartment. “Let me have my way with you first. If it isn’t too much trouble.”

“Who am I to defy a lady?”

He swung her into his arms and walked her down the hall to his bedroom. She assumed that was where they were headed. He didn’t seem the type to launch her off the edge of the building.

“I haven’t done this in a while. I will count on you to lead me a little, Arcady. I don’t want to lose control with you.”

She grinned. “Let’s save that for an actual date.”

“What? Losing control?”

She touched his jaw and stroked him with the back of her hand. “Yeah, I only want to see that in the right circumstances.”

“I don’t want to lose control with you.”

Arcady stroked the curve of his ear with one finger. “Not even a little?”

His eyes narrowed as he opened the door and set her on her feet.

“Seriously? You just carried me down the hall?”

He grinned. “I wanted to make sure you ended up in the correct room. Now there are the clothes to deal with.”

She nodded. “Good start. Did you want some help with that?”

He blinked as if he hadn’t considered it. “How can you help?”

She walked around him, slipping the jacket off his shoulders and catching it as it fell. She carefully set the jacket over a chair, and then, she returned to him and loosened his tie. Arcady slid the silk through her fingers and sighed as she slipped it off his neck. He smiled when she draped it over her shoulder and went for the buttons of his shirt.

The buttons slipped free, and she trailed her fingers on the exposed skin. She kissed his neck and ran her tongue across the pulse that was thudding there. She worked her lips against his neck as she pulled his shirt free of his pants and wrapped her arms around him under the fabric. “Brace yourself; I am about to get shorter.”

He chuckled, and she stepped out of her shoes, dropping six inches in height. “Wow. Those are tall shoes.”

She giggled and just stood against him, holding him and inhaling the scent of him that she normally only caught when she was close to him at work. Arcady’s hands moved down the deep groove of his back, and she felt the movement of his tail against her hands. Delicate strokes at the base made him shudder, so she smiled, moved her hands around to undo the belt, and unbuttoned his trousers. He reached behind her and opened the cuffs of his shirt. She slid her hands up his chest, and his shirt shifted off his shoulders. She moved behind him and pulled it free of him. She straightened it and put it and the tie over the chair with the jacket.

He moved close to her and put his hands on her shoulders before moving his hands to her back and opening the closure of her dress. The fabric sagged and clung to her with friction only. His fingers opened and removed the strapless bra with the dexterity she had always admired. His touch caressed her back and rubbed at the pressure marks left by her undergarments. “Does that hurt?”

She shrugged. “You get used to it. It is the marks under the breasts that are sensitive.”

He slid his hands into the loose fabric of the dress and cupped her breasts. She inhaled sharply and leaned back against him, putting her hands over his with the fabric between them.

Arcady moaned as he trailed his fingers over her skin, and her fingers followed. She sighed softly and turned her head as he lightly rolled her nipples in his fingers. She bit her lip, and her hips twisted against his in a slow rub.

“I really need to taste you.” His voice was a thick rumble.

She swallowed, and she nodded. “How and where?”

He wrapped his tail around her and picked her up, carrying her over to the bed, where the tail slithered away, and he peeled her out of her dress. It had to be shoved off her hips, but when it was down, he looked at her, and he let out a soft groan.

“You have seen me naked before. I was in the tank for a while.”

“Trust me. This is different, Arcady.”

“Yeah, the difference is that I think Klauz is about to lose a digit.” She could see the glow in the one eye.

He chuckled. “His own fault for looking. Allow me to ensure a bit of privacy.” He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, the glow was gone. Klauz had been ordered to bugger off.

She touched his chest and felt the thudding of his heart. “Privacy is not a requirement. That gets trained out of you, too.”

“I am not telling my brother that.” He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and inhaled. “Oh, you smell good.”

“Uh, you have said that.”

“I mean it. And you taste amazing.” He flicked his tongue out. “But this isn’t enough.”

“To get me more naked, you are going to have to peel me.”

He nipped her shoulder. “Not what I meant, but I suppose I will have to explain it.”

She wrapped her arms around his ribs and pulled him toward her. “If this is going to be a lecture, I am going to need more coffee.”

He grinned. “I will try to keep you awake.”

Krizt lifted her and pried her arms off him, setting her in the centre of the bed before he crept on top of her. He widened her thighs and lay on his belly between them.

She swallowed. “Oh, that taste.”

He ignored her and pressed his lips against her. She whimpered, and he used his tongue, slowly scraping from her opening to her clit. The curl and flick that he engaged in made her flail for a grip. He grabbed her hands and put them on his horns, and she curled in a tight sit-up as he drove his tongue into her, and it coiled around inside her before slithering up against her clit. Arcady gasped and twisted as he repeated it over and over.

She gasped, twitched and moaned as she got higher and higher until the coil of tension inside her snapped, and she held her breath and shook.

He licked his lips, and his tongue was definitely the same thing she had just felt. His smile was smug. “That was the taste I was looking for.”

His fingers slid into her and moved as he leaned over her. “Now, I would like to be inside you. Any objections?”

She shook her head slowly, and he removed his hand and fitted his cock to her, slowly easing inside her. She felt him shudder as he sank home. Arcady gasped and clutched at his shoulders before he started to move. She rocked with him as he thrust into her. They moved together, and she moaned with every slow slide.

Krizt kissed her, and the taste of him sent her senses spinning. He caught each moan, whimper, and sigh as they moved together. Arcady gripped his horns and held him as her orgasm swept through her in a wave. She shuddered, and her body clutched at his. He thrust into her and rocked hard a handful of times until he groaned.

Her eyes widened. “It’s really warm!”

He nipped at her lips. “It is. Five degrees higher than standard body temperature.”

She returned his kiss and sighed. “Well, that’s over.”

He quirked a brow at her. “Over?”

She stroked a hand down the slick muscles of his back. “The first time. It’s always awkward in some aspect.”

He nibbled at her jaw. “How would you class that as awkward?”

“Well, I really want to feel your fangs sinking into me, but if that isn’t something you are interested in, I wouldn’t want to impo—yikes!”

He lightly bit her shoulder, and she shivered around him, her orgasm starting again in slow and delightful pulses.

He jolted in her arms, and it seemed he was surprised with the result of the bite. He sucked at her, and his erection was rigid inside her. He started moving into her with ferocity while his jaw kept her pinned.

He gave her what she asked for, and his hands tore the fabric of the sheets on either side of her as he rocked into her with pounding thrusts. She moaned, and she didn’t know if it was because of the rioting of her senses or the throbbing pain in her shoulder that wasn’t nearly as bad as it should be.

He buried himself inside her and shuddered before unlocking his jaws and licking at the wounds he had made at her request.

She was still throbbing around him, so her climax and aftershocks had just blurred together.

She gasped as his tongue moved carefully over the four punctures he had left in her skin. Her body started closing the punctures under his careful attentions.

He looked at her through lazily satisfied eyes as he closed her wounds before he lifted his head, and he murmured, “You taste like sin.”

She smiled. “Good to know.”

He withdrew from her but rolled her to her side, and he eased one knee to her chest. He thrust into her from that angle, and she gripped the sheets in front of her. “So, the genie is out of the bottle.”

He put a hand on her belly and thrust into her with slow motions. “Do you think that will fit in the bottle?”

She moaned as he cupped her breasts and kept rocking into her. “No, I think that we are dealing with an olive jar or higher.”

Krizt laughed and kept rocking into her until they both shuddered, and she fell asleep in his arms.

He woke her a few times, and they moved together until a climax crested over her, and she slept.

Six o’clock in the morning showed up when it always did, but it meant that sleep was over for Arcady, no matter how comfy it was with Krizt wrapped around her. She eased out of his arms and was grateful he wasn’t still inside her. That would make it harder to escape.

She was less sweaty and sticky than she thought she should be and vaguely remembered the feeling of a cool cloth moving over her and pressing against her.

Arcady returned to the guest room, got a robe, and wrapped it to close over each hip. Then, she went to make some coffee. She headed to the kitchen and got her coffee together without too much trouble. Practice helped.

When she had her coffee in hand, she went exploring. He had three other guestrooms, a living room she could play tennis in if the occasion called for it, and an open deck overlooking the city buildings.

She tried to get out onto the deck, but the door wouldn’t open.

“Aw, bugger.”

A yawn sounded from behind her. “It’s another bio-lock. Stops anyone who does manage to get in from stealing my designs, or anything else of value, by dropping off the building and flying away.”

She turned to look at him, sipping the tea in the thermal mug she had left him. “Does that happen often?”

“It happened once. That was enough.”

He pulled her against him with their beverage arms free. “Good morning, Arcady.”

“Good morning, Krizt.”

He smiled and kissed her. He tasted of two layers of mint. One was his tea, and the other was toothpaste.

He chuckled. “You have had your coffee, I see.”

She smiled. “You brushed your teeth.”

“So did you.”

“It seemed only polite since you cleaned me up last night. A few times.” She blushed.

He bent his head, and their noses touched. “It is only fair since I made most of the mess.”

She felt heat ripple through her, and she felt the waves of arousal at the memory of the feeling of him flexing and twitching inside her as he came.

“I haven’t even had time to analyze the data from last night.” He brushed his lips against hers again. “If I had known what you felt like, I would have applied for patron status far earlier and been more insistent.”

She blushed. “I am glad we had the time apart. It was nice to learn your work habits and personal habits before we got any closer.”

She brought her coffee cup close and sipped it. “Now, can we go stand outside for a bit, and I can look at the skyline?”


He kept his arm around her as they went to the door. With him next to her, it opened.

“If I promise not to jump or steal your stuff... can you set that door to open for me?”

The wind tugged at her robe, flaring it wide and pulling at her neckline. She walked forward, set her cup down on a table and raised her arms up to the tug of the wind. Her robe held, but she was an inch from being indecent at every angle. When her skin was tingling with energy, she turned to her audience with a smile. He was wearing a wrap low on his hips, leaning against a post and sipping his tea. His blue skin was shining, and there were some purple lines running over his chest, arms, and thighs. She walked toward him and blushed when she figured out that those were her claw marks. She had marked him.

“Oh, no. I am so sorry, Krizt. I didn’t mean to do that.”

She reached out to touch the arm holding the teacup. His other arm snagged her and pulled her in. “I don’t mind. It will heal in a few hours. I have been holding back the repairs because I like the memories they evoke.”

He set his cup down and caressed her neck and shoulders. “You really enjoy the biting, don’t you?”

She shuddered as his fingers moved over the marks he had left behind. “Um, I do. It isn’t something my patrons do, though.”

“Why not if it gives you pleasure?”

She blushed and turned her head to the side. “It’s silly, considering.”

He used two fingers under her chin and urged her to face him. “What is silly?”

“That I wanted you to do that first. I didn’t want some nameless stranger to drink from me.”

“I only drank the first time. After that, it was just for fun.” He ran his thumbs over the pink welts that were all that was left of the wounds.

“You have healing saliva, don’t you?”

He smiled. “It’s my tongue. I can heal wounds with licking, but very few people will put themselves in the path of my mouth.”

She grinned. “I can’t see why it would be an issue. Your mouth is one of my favourite features of yours.”

He smiled. “I like the curve of your neck when you are at your desk, all soft and undefended.” His fingers caressed the spot he was interested in.

She swallowed. “You have been fantasizing about biting my neck?”

“Yes, it isn’t the best place to get blood, and there is a lot of muscle, but if I wanted to gain your submission, that is the spot to do it. I won’t carry you like a kitten, but it is effective at getting a docile response from certain people.” He chuckled. “I think you would go limp in that grip.”

She shivered. “Probably.”

“So, Arcady, what do you have on your agenda today?” He nibbled at her ear and traced it with his tongue.

She swallowed. “More coffee. Breakfast. Going to get makeup if you refuse to cook and keep showing me off. Once I have makeup that suits the new look, I will pop in and get a new identity card at HR.”

Arcady was distracted with him using his tongue on her ear, and he pressed her up against the chair and gathered her robe up.

“What are you doing?” She muttered it as she clutched the arms of the chair.

“I know you wake slowly, but figure it out. Now, spread your feet.”

She moved her feet out, and he rubbed three fingers against her, spreading the moisture that had begun when he was stroking her neck. Arcady groaned and felt her robe slip off completely.


He paused in surprise and stepped back. She straightened slightly, spun the chair around, and bent to grip the arms. “Proceed.”

He spun her around and put her robe back on but didn’t fasten it. “I have changed my mind as well.”

He picked her up and carried her back into the house to the entertaining area and a low, wide couch. There were other seating areas, but he set her on the edge with her torso draped over the rolled arm, and then, he pressed against her from behind.

She rose up on her knees, and he took the invitation. Krizt drove into her, and she cried out as he was rough and she wasn’t aroused enough to make it easy.

He rested his forearm next to her on the arm, and she bit him in the bicep.

He growled. “Arcady, let go.”

She grunted, and he withdrew from her. She let him go.

“Thank you, Arcady. Now, excuse me for a moment.”

She felt his horns pressing against the back of her thighs as he applied his mouth to her, and his tongue swirled inside her. The aches and bruising on her sensitive flesh eased, and then, he turned her to face him. There were rivulets of blood on his arm. He stroked her hair. “Can we try it again?”

She looked at him, narrowed her eyes, and poked him in the chest. “You had better fucking do it right this time.”

He grinned. “Yes, boss.”