Claimed By Her Alpha by J.E. Cluney



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“Iknow,” I groaned for what felt like the fifteenth time.

“If you’re going to lead the Pack, you need a mate. Preferably one who is fierce and a fighter. You need a strong mate, please don’t go with some female who won’t question you. You may think that’s nice, but you need a firm partner to help you lead. Not some pushover,” my mother begged through the phone. “Peyton would make a suitable mate. She’s got the attitude for one, and you two were always close.”

“I know,” I growled softly.

“Fine, fine, I’ll let you go. I know I don’t get any real say in what you do and you’ve always been a stubborn shit. But just take my advice. Your father and I led the Pack before you, so I have some experience in the matter,” she said, barking out a sharp laugh.

“I know, and I’m grateful for your guidance. Talk soon. Love you,” I said as I stared out the window at the Bar and Grill before me.

“Love you too,” she said before she hung up.

I ran my hand over my short beard as I sighed, she had a point. Since my father had passed last year, I’d taken his position as Alpha, my mother had offered me the same guidance. Pack’s preferred coupled Alphas for stability, but I was yet to choose a mate. These days, coupled Alphas were the pinnacle of what every Pack longed for. Packs drew power from one another, so the greater the strength of the Alphas, the greater the strength of the Pack. And us Alphas did not attain full Alpha ability until we took a mate.

My parents had made sure to teach me the importance of a worthy female as my mate, and there were a number of she-wolves in our Pack who were suitable.

Peyton was a fine female, and even though we were close growing up, I couldn’t see her bearing my pups. She was a good friend, but nothing more despite my parents’ hopes.

If I could take on an outsider female and forge an alliance with another Pack, that would only increase our strength even more. Taking a mate from another Pack would forge a special alliance between the two Packs, and they’d look out for one another willingly.

Then there was the revered true mate, something quite uncommon amongst our kind. Only some wolves found them, having to travel great distances for a chance to have the mating call awaken inside them. Those in line to be Alpha were urged to try to find a true mate. As the power gained when taking a true mate far outweighed that of one we marked and made our own. I’d hoped I’d have more time to try to seek mine out, but now with my duties as Alpha upon me sooner than expected, I had no time to search easily. I’d already travelled as soon as I’d hit puberty in hopes of finding her, but my search had proved futile. My mother’s idea wasn’t a bad one, and I knew I’d need to consider my options.

I needed a mate. That was the one thing I knew for certain. For the strength of my Pack and our future, I had to choose one.

Hopefully this alliance I was working towards would work in our favor. My father had initiated it long ago, but now that the other Packs included in it had new Alphas, it was time to reach out.

Tonight, I was meeting up with the handful of Alphas from Packs around us that had joined in on the potential alliance treaty years ago. We were going to discuss alliances and talk about arranging visits for each of us in the hope that our true mate might be a member of their Pack. We may choose to team up and travel abroad if needed, otherwise we’d take a mate from one another’s Packs.

Ethan had reached out to me not long after I’d taken my father’s position, as we’d always had a strong alliance with his Pack before the treaty was even decided upon.

My wolf had not reacted or guided me towards any female, so the chances of finding my true mate were slim now. The other males all felt the same from what Ethan told me. They were getting worried after their unsuccessful attempts to seek out true mates, and hoped that forging a closer alliance with each other's Packs would provide the stability and safety net needed for us to travel. And if not, then we’d take mates from each other’s Packs.

I climbed out of my car, drawing in the crisp night air and sighing. The scent of cooking food, alcohol, and people all wafted through the air, assaulting my nose as I took in the building before me. Having such a keen sense of smell was difficult sometimes. You could scent everything.

I frowned as something caught my attention, and I sniffed the air once more, my wolf stirring within me.

Something sweet and alluring, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

It was definitely coming from inside the building. It beckoned me, making my wolf pace and press against my skin eagerly.

Down boy.

Had that been why I’d felt oddly on edge about five miles out of town? My wolf had shifted and moved within me, but I’d assumed it was a slight excitement at the prospect of finding my mate in one of the Packs out here.

No, this was different. Something more, but I couldn’t quite figure it out.

I headed inside, testing the air fervently as I stepped into the warm, lively building, laughter and voices surrounding me.

That tantalising scent was in here as well, stronger and more potent. Sweet and intoxicating. My wolf growled within me, and I gazed around, searching every corner quickly to find where it was coming from. I needed to find it. My wolf wanted it, whatever it was.

“Dray! Over here!”

I turned towards my name, my gaze still gliding over all the people seated in the booths and at the bar as my wolf paced anxiously within. I focused on Ethan, whom I recognized from our video call.

I forced myself to pull it together as I strode over and joined them at the booth, nodding at the men in acknowledgement, but my focus was elsewhere.

Their own scents were powerful, reminding me that I was in the presence of fellow Alphas, but that sweet scent was wafting through the air, as if it was everywhere.

“You okay?” Ethan asked, noting my distraction as he gave me a funny look.

“Yeah…” I mumbled, still surveying the room like a hawk.

Where the hell was the smell coming from? I wanted to hunt it out, to find what was suddenly calling to me, causing my wolf to awaken so much. It was growing more agitated by the second now, shifting and begging for release. It had been a few days since my last shift, so I was definitely due to release my wolf soon. But this was not the standard longing for freedom and a basic hunt.

This was something more.

“You don’t seem okay,” one of the other men remarked, snapping my disjointed focus back to the Alphas seated in the booth.

“This is Jayden, Alpha of the Clayborn Pack, and this is Miles Reed and Kyle West, Alphas of the Reed and West Packs,” Ethan introduced the other Alphas, but I barely gave them a glance.

This was driving me mad now, and I could feel my wolf rippling beneath my skin, suddenly wanting to be unleashed so it could hunt down what it sought.

I could feel the group of men staring at me as I flicked my gaze over the waitress who was hurrying around on her own. Surely they needed more than one woman to manage this crowd.

A woman appeared from around the corner by the kitchen, and my heart fluttered as my wolf howled in triumph.

I gripped the edge of the table, my gaze locked onto her as my nostrils flared.

It was her. My mate.

I knew it instantly, my wolf longing desperately for the brunette who was laughing with the cook through the serving window as she took a few plates.

She was the most stunning thing I’d ever laid eyes on, her straight hair the color of rich earth, and eyes that were a sweet forest green. High cheekbones only added to her goddess-like appearance, with a nice, curvy figure and plump lips that I wanted to claim immediately.

I wanted to barge over there and stake my claim right now like my wolf yearned for, but I held back, just.

I wanted to bend her over the nearest table, rip off that little black skirt that only made her ass even more tantalizing, and bury myself in her.

She was mine.

“Damn, what’s got you so riled up?” Ethan growled, his eyes dilating as he scented my warring emotions. His gaze followed mine, and he frowned.

“My mate,” I ground out as the gorgeous woman started heading our way. Her hips swayed softly, and those toned, lithe legs looked like they’d wrap around my head perfectly as I dove my tongue inside her, tasting her sweetness. My cock twinged as my wolf growled, and images of her bare body beneath mine ravaged my mind.

Her gaze swept over the crowd, and then those brilliant eyes met mine, and my wolf cried out in joy.

She frowned slightly, as if something had startled her for a moment, but was unwavering as she continued our way.

All I could do was stare as I fisted my hands, digging my nails into the palms of my hands in order to restrain myself. I couldn’t just fuck a woman in front of all these people. Even if it was what my wolf wanted. We had to abide by human rules and laws.

“Here’s the burgers, I’ll grab the rest.”

Her voice was utter music to my ears, so sweet and melodic as she set the food on the table and turned back to get the rest of the food.

Not that I’d even noticed the plates she’d been carrying.

But how could she even turn away? Right after we’d locked eyes? Was she not feeling the same insane pull that I was? She was my mate, she had to feel it too. Surely the maddening drive to seal the bond was giving her the same itch as me.

I tested the air again, drawing in her powerful, intoxicating scent that threatened to send my inner wolf berserk. Like sweet vanilla and a hint of lavender.

But a shattering realization made my breath catch.


My mate was human.