Claimed By Her Alpha by J.E. Cluney



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At least she’d liked the flowers, and she’d seemed keen about the whole picnic thing, until I told her we had to talk. She’d gone silent after that, which didn’t help my unease at having to reveal everything to her.

My wolf paced in agitation, hating the tension in the air. I had decided I’d just tell her and show her. It was the best way to see how she’d accept it. My witch was on call, already charging me for being at the ready.

I went over what I intended to say as we drove up to the lookout, picking my words as carefully as I could. I knew she wanted to know by how she was chewing her cheek, but I had a feeling all her theories as to what it was would be nothing compared to the truth.

I pulled up and cut the engine, sighing as I exited the car.

I opened up her door, hating how silent she was as she slunk out. I collected the basket, snatching up the flowers too, before I headed over to the lookout. She followed after me, her head held high like she was ready to face whatever I threw at her.

“So, is it a kid or something?” she asked as I set the basket and flowers down.

“Not a kid, trust me,” I snorted at the obscene suggestion. I’d been with other women before, but I’d always practiced safe sex, or made sure the woman was protected.

She pursed her lips at this as I pulled the picnic blanket out of the basket and spread it out.

“Sit, relax. We’ve got good food,” I said, hating that I’d mentioned needing to tell her things.

“Is it bad?” she asked as she sat down, those sweet eyes perplexed.

“I don’t think it is, it’s in regards to me and who I am,” I explained as I set out the food. A couple of savory pastries, the brownie, and two glasses for the bottle of wine I’d bought earlier.

“That’s a worrying way to put it,” she muttered.

“What you see is what you get, although there is something I’m hiding from you, Everly,” I admitted, knowing there was no way we were going to be able to enjoy the food on offer with the weight hanging over our heads.

Those emerald eyes were trained on me, her lips set in a grim line as she waited for me to elaborate.

“Everly, from the moment I saw you, I felt something more than anything I’ve ever felt before. A deep connection. I want to pursue a relationship with you, but that means no secrets, especially because of what I am,” I said as I focused on the horizon.

“Are you sick?” she asked softly, and my lip quirked up. The tone she used, she was so damn caring, and it made my wolf long for her even more.

“No, not really,” I murmured, drawing forth my courage. Why was the prospect of revealing everything to her so damn painful, and why did I have a hint of fear niggling at me? I was the damn Alpha, and yet I was nervous about this.

Because it could mean losing my true mate.

“You going to just keep dragging it out?” she asked as she cocked her head at me. I focused back on her, on the agitated yet worried look in those stunning eyes.

“In the car, I asked how you felt about wolf shifters—"

“Don’t fuck with me,” she snapped as she rolled her eyes.

“I’m not, Everly,” I said, my wolf snarling in frustration. Of course, she was quick to be defensive, how could she believe such a thing was true?

“If you really think you’re a werewolf, then you’re delusional. I knew you were too good to be true,” she muttered as she focused on the town below us.

“Not a werewolf. We don’t like that term, since we can shift at will. It was coined more for the half-bloods, who can only take on the humanoid form. Full-bloods, with full shifter blood, whether it be a wolf mother and tiger father, can shift into both states, a wolf and a ‘werewolf’,” I said, watching her response.

Her shoulders rose, and she cursed under her breath as she stood up.

“I just have bad luck,” she grumbled. “Thanks for the fun, Dray. But please, keep your crazy all to yourself.”

My wolf whined at the sight of her preparing to abandon me. I should’ve expected her to not take it as truth. What sane human would?

Which meant, I only had one card left to use.

“I’ll show you,” I stated as I shot to my feet. I wasn’t going to let her leave without believing me. She could then decide if it was too much. I just prayed it wasn’t.

She was mine. I didn’t want to take another. She was the one destined to be my mate.

“Can you please just take me back into town, I’ll call a taxi or something,” she said, ignoring my words.

I disregarded her request as I took my shirt off and began undoing my jeans.

“What are you doing?” Her voice hitched as those sweet eyes widened in shock.

“I’m showing you the truth,” I growled as I tugged my jeans and briefs off.

She made a disbelieving sound, and I could only imagine what was going through her mind. She probably was half expecting to see me putter about like a crazed man believing I was something I wasn’t.

No. This was all real.

My bones cracked as my skin shuddered, my wolf yipping excitedly within me as it burst through. Fur sprouted as I fell to all fours, my spine lengthening as my ribs shifted, the familiar pain a welcome sensation as the shift engulfed me.

It was over in seconds, and I stared up at Everly, at the utter shock and amazement lining that damn perfect face.

My mate.

She fell to her knees, lost for words as she just stared at me.

I froze, forcing through my wolf mind to keep control. It wanted to shift back and claim her right now, to take what was ours.

But I was the Alpha, I wouldn’t let it rule me.

“You’re really…” she whispered, her hand reaching out hesitantly.

I padded forward, pressing my muzzle against it and whining. I could scent her awe, and yet there was a hint of fear as well.

I didn’t want her to be afraid of me.

I forced the wolf back within, my body morphing back to man as I kneeled before her.

Her lips were slightly parted as her eyes scanned me, as if she was struggling to accept what she’d just seen.

“You now know who I truly am. I’ve bared myself to you, Everly. My mate.”

A frown marred her features as she swallowed. “Your mate?”

“Yes. Us wolf shifters have true mates. One other person in the world who is destined to be with us. I knew it as soon as I laid eyes on you. You were mine, and I wanted to do whatever I could to have you,” I said truthfully as I reached out to stroke her cheek, my chest tightening. “Will you accept me?”

She stared at me, her emerald eyes searching mine.

Her mouth quirked upwards into that sexy smile I’d come to adore.

“Who could say no to a damn were… wolf shifter? But I think I have a lot of things to learn first,” she said as she pressed her cheek against my hand.

“You’re not afraid?” I asked, but my heart was soaring at her words. She hadn’t rejected me. But it still didn’t mean she wouldn’t change her mind.

“No. Despite my wariness of men, I’ve not once been afraid of you. I was a little worried when you first shifted, but who wouldn’t be,” she admitted with a small shrug.

I smirked as I rose to my feet and offered her my hand, trying not to focus on the fact my dick was in her face now. Semi-hard too, of course.

She rolled her eyes after flicking her gaze over it before allowing me to help her up.

“It can’t be helped, you make my wolf crazy,” I chuckled as I pulled her hard against my chest.

Now, it was time to tell her everything.

And, hopefully, she’d become my mate fully.