Vicious Boys by Nora Cobb


Chapter Four



“Today, I’m officially an adult.” Luna bounces on her heels in the kitchen in our suite. It’s almost eight in the morning, but she obviously couldn’t sleep any later. She’s been counting the days until her eighteenth birthday.


“And then next week, it’s spring break,” she smiles. “I’ll be a grown-up while I lie on the beach in Baja in my bikini.”


“You’re too cute,” I smile, “And being cute earns you a reward.” I place a box wrapped with pink paper on the kitchen table. The silver bow is almost bigger than the small box it’s attached to. Luna scoops it up and then hugs me close.


“And I also got you a card,” I continue, handing it to her. I’m touched that she opens the card before the present. That’s real class in a friend. With a self-conscious grin on my face, I watch her expression as she reads it to herself. The stuff I wrote inside is embarrassing. Just some scribbling about her being a true friend and not hating me every time my life has spun off the rails.


Tears fill her eyes as Luna reads the next part aloud. “You are the prettiest, smartest, and sweetest person I have ever met, and if someone in this crazy place deserves to have their wishes come true, it’s you.” She hugs the card against her chest and beams. “Oh, Vicki.”


I get up from my chair and give her a big hug. We hold onto each other for a long time, and I’m truly grateful to have Luna in my life. I need to always remember that. I should tattoo it on my arm.


“You’re the best, Birthday Girl.” I hand her the box. “Go on, open it up. You can wear it to the beach.”


Luna gives me side-eye and gives the tiny box a shake. She tugs off the ribbon and then starts to pick at the tape carefully with the edge of her fingernails. She does one side slowly and then the next. She’ll be nineteen by the time she opens it.


“Tell me.” I shake my head. “How long does it take to open Christmas gifts at your house? Do you finish by New Year’s Eve?”


“The paper is so shiny; I can see rainbows when I hold it up to the light,” she explains, “I’m going to save it.”


I laugh. “So you can use it to wrap my birthday gift.”


“No, sassy girl.” She pouts. “I’m putting your sorry-ass present in a gift bag with secondhand tissue paper.”


Her face lights up as she opens the lid and pulls out a pair of diamond earrings inside. They’re simple half-carat studs, and they’ll go with everything. Luna takes off her hoops and replaces them with the diamonds. Standing in front of the mirror, she turns her head while holding up her hand in a dainty gesture.


I encourage her to model her gift, doing my best RuPaul imitation. “Now, turn to the left. Work that runway, sweetie.”


Luna laughs and pivots, then walks in a perfect line across the floor, stops to pose with a pout, then swirls around. She giggles and runs over and gives me another hug. “Thank you so much, Vicki.” She steps away and smiles. “I’m so looking forward to tonight.”


I force my face to remain neutral. “Who’s coming to your party?”


Luna sits down and stares at the ceiling as if the names are written above our heads. “I invited everyone from the senior fashion studies. You never know who might become famous. A few of the girls from town house four.” She grimaces a little as she looks at me. “I invited Dom, but not Silas or your friend Chase.”


I scowl. “He’s not my friend.” I haven’t told Luna about sleeping with Dom. And if she does know, she’s a damn good actress. I also haven’t mentioned the argument I had with Chase, or rather, him telling me off.


“I know, and that’s why he’s not coming,” she replies, “And I didn’t invite Talia, but I invited Theo.”


Mystified, I stare at Luna. “Why not Talia?”


Luna makes a face as if she’s just sat down on something wet. “Vicki, she’s sort of a bitter hater.”


I sit up in my chair. “What do you mean? What happened?”


Luna sighs as she recites her reason for dissing Talia. “She’s been posting some spiteful stuff online,” she explains, “Talia presents it as commentary, but it’s really bashing. She wrote about the evils of borrowing content and then used this girl as an example because she borrowed a famous French painter’s symbolism in her work. Well, the girl is his niece, and she had his permission, plus her teacher knew about it.” Luna hunches her shoulders as she wrinkles her nose. “I want to distance myself from Talia for a while.”


I stare off into space, trying to recall if I read anything odd lately. “I hadn’t noticed.”


Luna touches my hand, and I meet her gaze. “Watch your back around her because she will put a knife in it and spin it around.”


“Does Theo know?” I ask.


Luna nods as she gets up from her seat. “Oh yes, he knows.” Luna admires the earrings one more time in the mirror. “Well, I’m going to go back to bed,” she announces while yawning.


“Wait, what?” I glare at her while I’m left sitting at the kitchen table alone.


Luna waves sweetly as she walks down the hallway back to her bedroom. “Wake me when the cake arrives.”




That evening, by seven, the party is packed with everyone who could hear the music playing across the campus. We don’t turn anyone away, and some kids that were real a-holes to me have the nerve to show up. I give dirty looks to a few guilty faces and keep on dancing with Theo. I’m not going to ruin Luna’s celebration. She has been looking forward to her eighteenth birthday and sending out more headshots to agencies. She’s been looking forward to this day since she arrived at Redwood.


Before the first guest arrives, we push the furniture against the walls and link the speakers to the playlists on our phones. The music I listen to is a bit low for a party. It’s okay for smoking weed, but since that isn’t happening (which is okay), we blast Luna’s favorite dance techno old skool house mish-mash. Bottles of alcohol are stashed at the far end of the hallway, concealed behind the kitchen table, and our bedrooms are off-limits.


Luna spins in circles with her arms in the air, wearing a turquoise dress that a fashion major designed for her. It’s a creative mix of textures, and though my understanding of fashion is basic, I can recognize some high-end genius. I’m wearing one of Luna’s yellow party dresses, so she won’t be the only one dressed up like prom. But she has nothing to worry about. All of the fashion majors are dressed in formal clothing as if this is a black-tie event.


Dom walks in around nine. I know because I’m checking my phone. Not for him; I just happen to be looking. I fold my arms and send a “fuck off” vibe as I sit on the couch with Theo. Theo’s busy talking to a fashion major that’s into cosplay, so I have no one to talk to. Instead, I stare hard at the wall and tilt my nose in the air like I don’t care who’s in the room. I wait for Dom to approach me, so I can tell him off in a low hiss. I promised I wouldn’t make a scene, but if he touches me, I might have to go off.


I wait for several minutes and then finally look over to see what’s taking him so long. Across the room on the makeshift dance floor, Dom’s holding Luna by the waist as they move side to side to a slow song. It’s not romantic. They’re obviously deep into conversation while they dance. It’s innocent, but it pisses me off. He makes me off-limits by telling our secret, and now, he’s ignoring me. I sigh a little too loudly, and Theo looks at me.


“What’s wrong, Vicki?” he asks.


“Nothing,” I reply, “I’m just being silly over nothing and nobody. It’s her birthday, not mine.”


Theo sees Dom with Luna, and he thinks he gets it. “It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.” He winks like a show-off.


I grab Theo’s hand as Megan Thee Stallion starts playing on the speaker, and we push our way into the crowd. We’re trying to bounce in time with the music, but in these heels, I’m about to land on my ass on the floor. We laugh and holler as more people crowd onto the floor. I’m laughing with my head thrown back until Rhys walks through the front door, followed by Chase. Wide-eyed, I look away, but not fast enough. Chase catches me staring.


Theo sees the icy expression on my sweaty face and glances over his shoulder. He stops dancing as more bodies crowd us in. His eyes are hurt, and he stares helplessly at Rhys as if he’s slipped into a trance. I grab Theo’s hand, and we fight our way off the floor toward the hallway.


“I didn’t know he was coming,” Theo says as I drag him behind me. He can’t stop looking over at Rhys, but I refuse to look at Chase or Dom. I grab two beers from behind the barricade that keeps people from cleaning us out. I look at the label to see what I managed to grab in the semidarkness. I grimace at the label—it’s light beer. Not bothering to turn around, I hand one to Theo, but instead of Theo’s hand reaching for it, it’s Chase. Theo has disappeared in the crowd.


I know it’s him before I turn around to look. His fingers clasp around mine, holding the beer in my hand. I swallow and look up into his intense gray eyes. He takes the beer out of my hand, looks at it, and arches an eyebrow.


“We have other stuff,” I shrug my shoulders, “I didn’t know you were coming.”


He shakes his head. “I wasn’t invited.”


I scoff. “The last time we spoke, I really thought you would stay away.”


Chase looks toward the dance floor, and I follow his gaze. Dom’s head is bent close to Luna’s as she takes a selfie. She holds the phone away, pleased with the picture, and Dom pulls out his phone and does the same. I smile as I watch them together. Dom’s really sweet with her, and I wish he would act that way with me.


Chase looks at me with a look that’s hard to interpret. It’s a weird mix of arrogance and relief. I know what he’s thinking because I’m thinking it too. But Dom and Luna are close friends, and even though I know it, jealousy pokes me in the heart. I know he can treat me better.


Chase tugs the other beer out of my hand and places them both on the table. He grips my hand and pulls me toward the dance floor. There’s no room to move; every inch of the room is filled, but people step aside for him. Watching the way they scurry out of his path gives me a sick thrill of importance. No one on campus challenges Chase because they all know his pedigree. Mel has a reputation that’s slowly tarnishing Dom, and Silas could stop getting gigs tomorrow, but Chase’s parents are established in the heights of the industry. He’s a god on the mountain everyone wants to climb.


It’s a fast song, but Chase doesn’t give a shit. He places his hands on my waist, and we start to move to the beat. He pulls me a little closer, and I can feel his breath against my face. My hands grip his upper arms, and I’m holding onto pure muscle. Slowly, I lift my gaze to his, and he’s staring at me as if he owns me. I don’t dare look away. Chase tugs me close, and I can feel his strong thighs grind on my hips as if he’s about to take me there on the floor. I bite my lip, and he grins wickedly.


“I thought you were mad at me?” I try to whisper in his ear.


He shakes his head. “I tried it, but it’s hard.” He places his hands on the curve of my ass and pulls me against him. His gaze stays on my parted lips. Man, if we were near my bedroom.


“You want to leave?” he asks.


I’d like to leave with him, but I shake my head. “I can’t before we cut the cake!” I shout over the music. “I’m the host.”


I look over as the front door opens. Silas strolls in with Rosemonde following on his heels. His hand is holding hers to his chest as if he doesn’t dare lose her. He’s dressed in black, back on his Goth kick. He’s lucky he can pull it off, or he’d look like Harry Potter. Rosemonde smiles as she looks around the room. She has on a puffy white party dress that looks like she’s wrapped herself in paper towels and Saran Wrap. I feel my brow lower into a scowl as Silas lifts Rosemonde’s hand to his mouth and kisses it.


I feel a firm pressure on my chin as Chase takes his finger and turns my face back toward him. Sheepishly, I look at him, and then my gaze catches on Dom. He’s no longer with Luna. He’s glaring as he takes a sip of his beer. But his gaze isn’t on me. It’s on Silas as Silas approaches Luna and hands her a wrapped gift. The invite posted said no gifts, but maybe because he crashed, he feels he owes her one. Luna looks delighted at the box wrapped in silver and gives Silas a quick hug, and then she pecks Rosemonde’s cheek. Why do that? They look like the best of friends, and it’s pissing me off. I don’t want them to get along with anybody I know. I want people to hate them because they once hurt me.


I can’t watch this phony kiss-ass shit. I open the cabinet under the kitchen sink, and some girl whines when the door hits the back of her legs. I grab a bottle of dessert wine we had hidden for later, and I head toward the door. I’m gone before anyone has a chance to stop me.


I’ll return later. We still have to cut the cake, but right now, I need a moment to calm the fuck down. My emotions are all over the place. I don’t understand why I care so much. Maybe if I could just not care. Maybe if I understood why I do, I could get a grip, ’cause I can’t afford to screw up again.


My ankles bend in these ridiculous shoes as I head toward the edge of the woods. I almost stumble over the log, but I catch my balance. I pull up the hem of the yellow dress, so my panties make contact with that dirty log. I’m not staining Luna’s dress. I twist the cap off the wine and fling it off into the grass. I know I shouldn’t be drinking, but it’s only cheap wine. Maybe I’ll get a twenty-minute buzz.


“Vicki.” Chase comes toward me out of the dark. I see his silhouette cross the field.


“How can you see me?” I ask incredulously.


“Your dress reflects the lights in the parking lot.” I hand the bottle toward him, and he takes it. “You ran out of there,” he says.


“I wasn’t running. I was moving with purpose out the door.”


He takes a swig, and then in the darkness, I can see him trying to read the label. “You girls always pick out the sweet crap.” He hands me the bottle again. “So, what’s wrong with you?”


“Honestly, I’m pissed that the three of you won’t curl up and die without me.”


Chase’s laughter echoes in the darkness. And for a moment, he has trouble regaining his composure. “You know that’s fucked up? Just in case you don’t. It’s fucked up.”


I take another swig of wine, and hand him back the bottle. “I’m being honest. At this point, I don’t think I can be friends with any of you and watch you succeed in love without me.”


“So, you want me alone and celibate?” he asks.


“I just don’t want to see it,” I reply coolly, “I guess I’m fucking immature.”


I can feel his thigh touch mine. And then Chase moves his hand, so his fingers trail along the side of my bare leg. “So, if I talked to another girl at the party, would I have gotten that reaction?”


I put the bottle down on the grass, leaning it against the log. “Yes, but you weren’t.”


“No, I couldn’t. You’re it, Vicki,” he says softly. “I only want to know I’m it for you.”


My breath catches as I try to keep my breathing controlled. His hand moves along my inner thigh, and it almost tickles. But my pussy twitches as one of his fingers slips underneath the edge of my panties. My heavy breathing is out of control.


“Are you going to push me away?” he whispers.


I moan. “You know why we stopped the last time.”


“That’s not important,” he tells me.


I place my hand on his and stop him. “But it’s still going on?”


“I can stop it at any time.”


I’m too far gone. Not the wine; that shit tasted ghastly. But my body is heating up as Chase touches me. He didn’t ignore me; he came after me. Why do I choose to shove him away?


Chase takes my hand in his and pushes our hands in my panties. His hand guides my finger as he makes me touch myself. I gasp as his hand guides my finger into my slit. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, and I squirm in his hold as he moves my finger over my clit. He moves his mouth off mine, and I let out a loud moan. I struggle to keep my body from melting away.


He pulls his hand out and pulls me onto his lap. “Take them off.”


My legs straddle his thighs, and I lean against his strong shoulder. A cool breeze tells me that I’m exposed as I open my legs wider to his touch. He grabs my hand again and places my finger over my slit.


“I want to feel you come in my arms,” he whispers.


Chase buries his face in the bend of my neck. His teeth graze my skin and send a chill through me that shakes my weak legs. He guides my fingers in me until the wetness covers my inner thighs. I moan as he slips his thick finger into me while I keep stroking my clit. It feels so naughty sitting on his lap while I touch myself. He pulls away with a moan and pulls my hair off my cheek with the tip of his nose. I’m so hot for Chase that even the most innocent touch makes my legs tremble. I open my thighs wider for him, but he pulls me off his lap.


I lean against the log, my legs wide open as he lowers his mouth between my legs. He swirls his tongue around me in a figure eight that is driving me wild. My pussy’s drenched my thighs as he flicks the tip of his tongue over my clit. I moan and grab my breast and squeeze my nipple hard through the dress. I moan again as he holds my thighs open. Whimpering, I grab hold of his shoulders, desperate for release.


In my haze, I see the light turn on in my bedroom, and people staring out the window. Phones are focused out into the night. Luna appears suddenly and peers out the window in the dark. She opens it, listens, and then pushes it shut.


Chase yanks down my dress as we hear voices in the parking lot.


“Make her cum!” shouts a voice. And then another imitates a moan until it ends in giggles.


I close my legs.


Chase brushes his arm along mine, but I pull away. “Christ, could they hear us?”


He shrugs as if it doesn’t matter. And then I picture him with Marcy again. Her lying on the desk, moaning while he pleased her. I get up without his help and hurry toward the parking lot. What happened to the music? People are smirking as I pass them on the stairs. How long were we out there?


I walk into the suite, and all the lights are on. The kitchen table is pulled into the center of the kitchen, and Luna’s cake sits uncut on top of it. She’s at the sink, throwing empty cups into the sink. I check the time, and it’s only ten.


“What happened?” I ask, bewildered.


At first, she won’t answer, and then she grips onto the edge of the sink until the muscles in her arms bulge. Her shoulders tense as she moves her head stiffly from side to side. “Your tantrum killed the mood, and everyone started talking about. So, I decided to cut the cake. I waited, but you didn’t come back. We shut off the music, turned on the lights, and before they could sing happy birthday, we heard this loud moaning echoing off the building.


“Someone went into your bedroom and opened a window to investigate. We thought it was an animal in distress. Soon, we figured out it was two people having sex. And since you and Chase had left the party together—it was a simple process of elimination. I found my guests in your bedroom, trying to spot you two in the woods with their flashlights. And, furious, I told them all to go home.”


My cheeks are burning. “I didn’t know sounds echoed off the building.”


“Really, that’s all you can think of saying?” Luna walks over to the chocolate cake, picks it up, and tosses the whole thing into the trash.


“I’m tired of being a witness to your ongoing drama. I just can’t.” She reaches up and takes the earrings I gave her out of her ears and places them on the table. “We are just roommates. Understand? Nothing else.”


I stand there frozen as she slams her bedroom door.