Temper Him by Caitlyn Dare

Chapter Twenty


"Where the hell have you been?" Cole barks, inviting himself into my room only seconds after I crash through the door.

"Fuck off," I grunt. I don't need to look at him to know that his brows are pulled together in concern. Unlike my twin, who's tried—and succeeded—to do it time and time again, I've never shut him out. Not like this.

Part of it is to do with the colossal secret he kept about Charlie, but as each day passes, I realize I care less about that. That cunt needed wiping off the face of the Earth, so really, Cole did us all a favor—I kinda wish he'd go pull the same stunt on Warren, if I'm being honest. Right now, I just don't want to talk about it. I don't want them knowing what risk I'm putting us all at because I can't stay away from Kennedy, because of my need to ensure she's safe. I don't want him or any of them to look at me with disappointed eyes because I couldn't last a few days, especially when I know for a fact that they wouldn't be able to do it either.

"I was out," I seethe, dropping to the end of my bed with my back still to him. I rub my hand down my face but almost instantly regret it.

I can still smell her.

Images of our time together hit me. The devastation on her face when she saw the condom. I'd hurt her with that move. I knew there was a chance I would, but we had to. I also knew that there was no way I couldn't properly make her mine once more. No more fucked-up rough sex against a tree. I needed her to know that everything I'd said to her was real, that beneath my anger was still me. Even if it seems harder and harder to find myself these days.

"Conner," he sighs, correctly assuming where I was. "You're going to get us all locked up or killed."

"It won't come to that."

"Are you sure? James seems pretty concerned, and nothing ever rattles that motherfucker."

"Yeah. I'm fucking sure. Now, are you done?"

"No, James has been looking for you all night. He wants us all in his office."

"Brilliant. Let's fucking go then. Call Ace," I demand, storming past him, shoulder checking him as I head for Dad's office.

"Nice," Cole barks after me. "I was merely the messenger."

Shaking my head, I ignore him and continue forward, storming into Dad's office much as Cole had to me only minutes ago.

"Tell me you have good news." I fall down onto his couch and stare at our father.

“Conner,” he seethes, his voice low and slightly terrifying. “I explicitly told you to stay out of the Heights. Where were you tonight?”

I’ve never seen him angry, and the fact that he’s not shouting right now makes the whole thing even more scary.

Thisis the man who knows everyone’s secrets. Who apparently lives his life on the dark side.

“I’m pretty sure you already know,” I say, resting back on the couch and stretching my arms out like his anger doesn’t affect me.

His eyes hold mine, frustration swirling within them. They’re the same blue as Ace's, so vivid you wonder if they can possibly be real. His hair is dark, flecked with grey at the side. And just like Cole, he never shows his emotions. He just assesses everything, takes it on board, and figures out how to deal with it without causing a fuss. I guess it's those skills that got him whatever job he's doing.

He opens his mouth to speak, and I damn near hold my breath, wishing, praying that he's going to say this is over and I can drive straight back to the Heights and get my girl.

Clenching his fists, he swallows, his face still a mask of calm despite the storm raging inside because I keep defying his orders. "Not so much as news. More like the plan."

"Saturday night?" I ask in a rush, relief already beginning to flood me.

"Wait for the others and I'll tell you what I can."

"How about you just cut the bullshit and tell us everything?"

"Son," he sighs. "Trust me, if I could and if I thought it would help, I would tell you everything. But right now, you just need to focus on Kennedy."

"I really fucking hate secrets and lies." I pin him with a look.

"I know. But unfortunately, that's not how this world works."

"This world? Are you in some weird cult or something?"

A smile twitches at Dad's lips, and part of me expects him to confirm what I've just said. It sure would have all of this make sense if it did.

"No, Conner, it's not a cult. It's—" His words are cut off as Ace and Cole come barreling through the door.

"You called," Ace sings. Motherfucker is high, and he's got bite marks down his neck.

I roll my eyes at him. At least one of us is having fun, I guess.

"Saturday night," James starts, forgetting that we were in the middle of a conversation. "Everything is planned for Saturday night.”

Ace sits up, suddenly looking sober. "Yeah?" he asks, rubbing his hand across his face.

"I wasn't going to tell you, because you do not need to get involved with this. But I know the second you," he pins me with a hard stare, "get any clue that this is happening, I'm not going to be able to stop you. So I only ask you to do one thing."

I sit forward, waiting to hear what he needs from me for this to end.

"I need you to get Kennedy out of there. Do not get involved with anything else, no matter what happens," he warns. “I mean it, Son. You get Kennedy, and then you get the hell out of there.”


"Wait," Ace says, holding up a hand. "What the fuck is going to happen? You can't just send us there to snatch a girl without telling us the whole plan."

"Can't I?" Dad asks, one brow lifting, almost in amusement. "I need you to trust that right now, I'm doing the best thing for all of you. The time is coming where I'm going to have to let you in on all of this, but that time is not right now."

Ace's face twists in confusion. I, however, let it roll off me. I'm beginning to get used to Dad's mysterious non-explanations. I'm sure that once this is all over and my girl is in my arms I'll be desperate to know the truth, but he's right. She's the priority here, not whatever secret world he's hiding.

I shake my head at this whole situation. I thought our lives were meant to get less complicated when we moved to this part of town. Cleary fucking not.

"Are we done?" I ask, needing to get the fuck out of his office and away from everyone so I can continue drowning in the reality that is my life right now.

"I'll let you know the times when I have more information."

"Great. I'm out."

I'm almost at the corner that leads to our bedrooms when Ace's voice rings out.

"Con, wait."

I pause, but I don't really want to. I've done my best to avoid the pair of happy couples around the house. The sight of them is just too much right now.

"What?" I bark.

"Here." He passes me a blunt when he gets to me, which somewhat makes up for things.

"After school tomorrow, the three of us are going out."

"What? Why?"

"Because I fucking said so. You need to get out of your head, and you need to stay out of the fucking Heights." He pins me with a look.

I want to argue that he'd never leave Remi, but I know it's pointless to even try.

"What are we doing?" I ask, my voice flat, totally uninterested in whatever plans they have.

"It's a surprise," Cole says, appearing at Ace's shoulder with a smile.

"Great. Can't wait."

I turn my back on them and disappear into my bedroom.

Pulling my cell from my pocket, I find nothing from Kenny before I drop down on my bed and close my eyes. I wish I hadn't seen Warren pulling her into him and putting his fucking lips on her the second she was in the bar earlier.

My fists curl with my need to end him. I might just have agreed to only get K out on Saturday night, but Dad is stupider than I thought if he really thinks I'm not going to go after that cunt myself.

* * *

"Karting?" I ask Ace and Cole, who stand either side of me with smiles playing on their lips.

"Yeah. You used to love it as a kid."

Understatement of the century. "We went once," I argue, remembering the time Charlie took us for mine and Cole's birthday. For some reason, he actually treated us to a day out. Looking back now, I wonder what was in it for him.

"Yeah, but it was great fun."

"Fair enough," I mutter.

"Thought you could outrun a few of your demons."

"I'm not sure that’s possible while he's still breathing."

"Saturday, bro," Cole says, slapping me on the back. "Saturday night your girl will be back in your arms and in your bed, and you can fall asleep with your tiny little coc—"

"Ow," he complains when I slap him across the head. "Was that necessary?"

"Yeah, we all know mine is bigger than yours, so quit trying to convince anyone otherwise." I lean into him and lower my voice. "Even Hadley knows."

I move before he can get to me and laugh at the look on his face.

"You motherf—"

"Shall we have this out on the track, children?" Ace asks, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Fine. But you're going to fucking lose," Cole seethes as he passes me.

"See you at the finish line, motherfucker."

"Maybe this was a terrible idea," Ace mutters to himself as I catch up to him.

"Nah, bro. I really appreciate it. Just don't get bitter when I beat your ass."

The place is deserted, and I soon realize that Ace and Cole had planned it that way so we didn't have to deal with anyone else. There are only three karts on the track, and, after making our selections, we buckle up.

"Get ready to lose, assholes," I announce as we stare at the traffic lights in front of us, ready to floor it to the first bend.

The second the green light shows, I put my foot to the floor as a surge of adrenaline races through me. A smile pulls at my lips as I look to my left to see Cole laughing to himself.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea on their part. I don't need them to tell me that I've been a miserable fuck the past couple of weeks. I feel it in every fiber of my being, but I needed this. I needed them to stand beside me and show me that not everything is shit, and hopefully we can stand together on Saturday night and put that motherfucker in the ground where he's supposed to be.

I have no idea how many races we do or how long we're out on that track. All I do know is that by the time we're done, I'm covered in a sheen of sweat, my heart is racing, and I can't stop smiling. It's a good fucking feeling.

But the second I step out of the kart, having pulled off yet another win, reality comes crashing down. I'm here enjoying myself while she’s...

"What the fuck is that look for?" Cole asks, his eyes assessing me. "You just won... again."

"Have I, though?" I ask, throwing the helmet to the ground and storming off the track and away from both of them. If I'd won, my girl would be here to celebrate with me, not stuck somewhere against her will with fucking Satan himself.