Temper Him by Caitlyn Dare

Chapter Thirty-Three


“This is the life.” I let out a contented sigh as I stretch out on one of the sun loungers. Remi and Hadley are beside me, sprawled out in their bikinis.

“You three girls just relax,” Conner calls from his spot at the grill. He and Ace are in charge of the meat while Cole prepares the salad.

I snicker at that. The idea of Cole Jagger preparing any kind of food paints quite the visual.

“You look like you’ve got it all under control,” I reply with a smirk.

“It’s so good to see you like this,” Hadley says, catching me off guard.

“Like this?”

“Yeah, free... happy... safe.” Her expression softens. “I’m really glad you’re okay,” she adds.

“Yeah, me too.” My stomach twists, but I refuse to let any dark thoughts creep into my mind this weekend.

“Did he open it yet?” Hadley asks, and my brows furrow.

“Wait a minute,” realization sinks into me, “it was you.”

She nods around a smile. “He deserves to go to college.”

“You did that?”

“I did.”

“Thank you.” Our friendship might have had its ups and downs, but Hadley is a good person, and I know now that what she shares with Conner isn’t something I need to be threatened by.

“You know, Colton U has a rolling admission. You could still apply.”

“How did you know he’d pick Colton?” My eyes flick to the guys. Conner and Ace are goofing around while they watch the steaks sizzle on the grill.

“He’ll want to be close to Cole.”

“Yeah, I think you’re probably right.”

“So, what do you think?” she asks.

“You should do it.” Remi sits up, stretching her arms out. “Conner will want you by his side. And Colton isn’t that far away. We’d all still be close.”

“I think we’re going to travel first... in Betty. I want to see the country.”

“After everything you’ve been through, I think that’s exactly what you need.” Hadley smiles. She spots Cole coming outside and her body seems to lean toward him, like a magnet.

“So that ring on your finger...” I broach the subject. “Does it mean what we all think it means?”

Color floods her cheeks. “I guess. I mean, I don’t want to take it off. But we’re still young.”

“I don’t think Ace will ever pop the question.” Remi lets out a small sigh.

“You want that?” I ask. “The whole wedding thing?”

“I don’t know. Watching my mom plan her big day has probably been enough wedding talk for at least five years, but do I want to be tied to Ace in every way possible? Hell yes. In a heartbeat.”

“Yeah,” I stare at Conner again, “I know exactly what you mean.”

“Hey, maybe you’ll catch the bouquet at the ceremony.” Hadley chuckles.

“Can you imagine? Ace would probably freak.”

“What did you say, Princess?” he calls.

“Nothing.” She bats her eyes at him, playing dumb. “I swear, he has sonar hearing or something.”

“Probably a good thing you’re staying in the pool house then,” I mutter, instantly realizing my mistake. “Okay, that’s embarrassing.”

“You girls going to sit there all day, or are you going to come and eat?”

Ace plates up the steaks and slides it onto the big table. We all get seated, Ace and Remi to our left, Cole and Hadley to our right.

“This looks great, thanks,” I say, cutting into my steak.

“We should check out the hot tub later,” Conner suggests, and Ace almost chokes on his food. “What?” he adds.

“Nothing.” Remi waves him off, shooting daggers at Ace.

“The hot tub, dude?” Conner grumbles. “Really?”

“It gets treated and emptied. It probably isn’t even the same water as before.”

“I fucking hope not. I’m not swimming with your swimmers.” Conner laughs at his own joke and I cover his mouth with my hand, but he pries my fingers away.

“Firstly, it’s a hot tub, you don’t swim,” Remi counts off on her fingers. “Secondly, they definitely changed the water since we came. And thirdly, it wouldn’t be the first place you’ve been up close and personal with somewhere we’ve—”

“Okay, Princess, that’s enough of that.” Ace slings his arm around the back of Remi’s chair. “Did Dad speak to either of you about the wedding yet?”

“No, why?” Conner says.

“Because they’ve asked me to do a reading. A fucking reading, can you believe it?”

“What, like a poem?” Cole snorts.

“Or maybe a monologue,” Conner adds, fighting a snicker.

“Fuck you. At least I’m in the wedding.”

“I know something I’ll be in.” Conner squeezes my knee under the table.

“Seriously, bro,” Cole mutters. “You can’t keep it clean for like, one meal?”

“We gotta make up for lost time. Isn’t that right, babe?” Hooking me around the neck, he pulls me in close and kisses me.

“Conner,” I protest, swatting him away. “I’m still eating.”

“I’d rather eat you.” He doesn’t even attempt to whisper the words, diving for my neck and nuzzling me there. My laughter drifts into the air, making my insides quiver with anticipation.

“Don’t mind us,” Cole grumbles, and I catch Conner flip him off over his shoulder.

“Babe, we have an audience,” I point out as he starts peppering my skin with tiny kisses.

“If you don’t stop, my food is going to make a reappearance.”

“You’re just jealous.”

“You have seen Hadley, right?”


“What?” he mutters. “It’s true, you’re beautiful.”

“Excuse me while I go puke.”

“Nice, asshole. Real nice.” Remi smacks Ace in the arm.

“What?” He gawks.

“You’re an ass.” She gets up and storms into the house. Ace lets out a low groan, running a hand down his face.

“Suppose I’d better go deal with that.”

“What is that?” Cole’s brow lifts.

“I think she’s just stressed with the wedding stuff.”

“Or maybe it’s the fact that she’s realizing you’ll never put a ring on it.” He smirks.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Ace pins Cole with a dark look.

“Nothing, forget I said anything.”

Ace’s eyes narrow. “She say something to you?”

“N-no, man. I’m just yanking your chain.”

Ace disappears after Remi, leaving the four of us in thick silence.

“You shouldn’t push him.” Hadley lets out a small sigh.

“I was joking. Geez, everyone needs to learn to take a joke.” Cole leans in and whispers something to her. She giggles and the two of them stand.

“We’re going to... uh... rest.”

“Rest? Dude, my bedroom is right next to yours in the house. I know what the two of you get up to when you’re resting.”

“We’ll see you later,” Hadley says, pulling Cole toward the house.

As soon as they’re gone, I turn to Conner and smile. “And then there were two.”

“Come here.” He beckons me to him, and I crawl over his lap, straddling his legs. Conner runs his hands around my thighs to squeeze my ass.

“You didn’t tell them,” I note, swallowing a moan as he thrusts against me.

“I will.” Conner watches me as he continues gently grinding into me. His cock is hard and long between our bodies, and even with the thin layers of clothes separating us, I groan with every roll of his hips.

“You want it inside you, K? You want to feel me pounding into your perfect little pussy?” He winds his hand around my neck and pulls my lips down on his. “Tell me. Tell me what you need.”

“You, I need you,” I breathe over the bolts of pleasure rippling through me.

He dips a hand between us and pushes my bikini bottoms to the side, letting his fingers lazily rub my clit.

“Fuck, Conner that feels good.” I try to bury my face in the crook of his shoulder.

“Don’t hide, babe. Never hide from me.” He curls them deeper, rubbing my walls in a way that has me quivering.

“They might see.”

“Let them... I want everyone to know that you belong to me... pussy and all.” He cups me with his fingers still inside me, just holding his hand there.

“Conner...” A moan of pleasure rolls through me.


“I need...”

“Yeah, babe, I know.” His thumb drags over my clit so hard I slam my lips closed to stop the loud moan building in my throat.

“You look so good like this, K. And your pussy feels so wet and tight around my fingers.”

He watches me intently as he continues working me with his fingers. I’m so turned on, my juices run down his hand, soaking his board shorts. But there’s something so intimate about the way he touches me. So raw and real.

“I need you, babe,” he grits out, his jaw clenched tight.

“I’m right here, Con.” I flick my tongue along the seam of his mouth, rocking onto his hand as he continues finger fucking me without restraint.

My orgasm crashes over me without warning, intense waves of pleasure rolling through me. Conner brings his fingers to his lips and greedily sucks them clean, smirking when he’s done.

I lean back a little, working his shorts off his hips enough to free his rock-hard cock and pump him a couple of times.

“Fuck, K,” he hisses. “Ride me, babe. You own my heart; you might as well own my fucking dick too.”

Smiling, I rise up slightly to guide him inside me, sinking down inch by glorious inch. We both moan, our eyes locked on each other as I hover above him.

“I hope you’re all in, babe,” he says. “Because this, us, it’s the real deal. I’m talking a ring, a wedding, babies, the white picket fence. I want it all, K.”

Butterflies flutter wildly in my stomach at his bold confession. Any other guy might be feeding the girl a line in the heat of the moment, but not Conner. I know without a doubt he means every word.

“I love you,” I say, kissing him.

“I love you too, babe. But right now, I really want to fuck my girl.”

A contented giggle spills from my lips as I roll my hips.

“Fuck, you feel good.” Conner grips my ass again, guiding me over him just how he likes it. “Forever will never be enough with you,” he whispers.

Then he fucks me until there’s no doubt about what we’re doing out here.

* * *

“Spring break,” Ace muses as we all sit around the fire pit, enjoying a beer and toasted marshmallows.

After Conner fucked me on the garden chair, we spent hours in the pool. Playing. Kissing. More touching. I don’t think I’ve ever felt happier or more content than I do in this moment.

“Graduation is right around the corner,” Remi says. She’s draped over Ace’s lap, much more relaxed than she was earlier. I guess Ace has magic healing powers too.

I smile to myself.

“You need to figure out what you’re doing,” Cole says to Conner, who goes rigid beneath me.

“I... uh... actually, I have something to tell you.” He clears his throat. “But I think you already know.”

Cole frowns. “What the fuck are you talking about.”

“The college application. I got in. I got into Colton.”

“Yeah? That’s fucking amazing.”

“Congrats, bro,” Ace adds.

“But what does that have to do with me?” Confusion clouds Cole’s eyes, and I smother a chuckle.

“What?” Conner asks, squeezing my waist.

“You’re pointing your finger at the wrong person.” I motion to Hadley.

“Hadley, baby, what did you do?”

“You were dragging your feet and I knew you’d regret not applying.” She shrugs. “It was nothing, really.”

“You did that for me?” Awe laces his words.

“You deserve all the things, Conner.”

A few weeks ago, I might have gotten jealous at their friendship, but I only feel relief knowing that Conner has all these people in his life who care so much... and now I do too.

They’re family.

Loyal and protective.

I’m a part of that now, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Wow, I’m… speechless. Thank you, Hads.”

“Okay, asshole, eyes off my girl.” Cole pins him with a dark look.

“Been there, done that, not looking for a repeat anytime soon,” Conner teases, and I swat him in the chest.

“Ow. I wasn’t finished.” He smirks. “I was about to say unless you and Hads want to finish what you started a few weeks ago? I could maybe get on board with that.”

“Conner,” she shrieks, right at the same time as I slap his chest again.

“He has a point, Dove,” Cole adds. “That was fucking hot.”

“Let me get this straight. You two would be okay with the four of us...”

“Oh,” Remi splutters. “Oh...”

“Maybe, as a one night only kind of deal.”

“And in this little fantasy of yours, who’s doing what?” Hadley plays along.

“You two are kissing, obviously,” Conner says, growing hard beneath me. “And we’re playing with you.”

“So me and Hadley are playing with each other?”

“Fuck yeah,” Cole grits out, his eyes hooded with lust.

“I’ve never been with a girl before,” Hadley admits. “I’m curious.”


“Same,” I add. “But I’m more curious about watching two guys—”

“Whoa, back up.” Conner’s brows pinch. “Me and Cole... but we’re brothers...

“Fair’s fair, babe.” I smirk.

“No. Oh, hell no. It doesn’t work like that. We’re twins, practically the same person, we can’t... no. Just no.”

Laughter fills the air at Conner’s meltdown. Cole looks ready to burst his own blood vessel, but Hadley distracts him with her mouth on his neck.

“The four of you are fucking weird,” Ace grunts.

“Jealous we don’t have a couple to play with, baby?” Remi asks him.

“The fuck I am.”

“Relax,” I say. “No one is playing with anyone.”

“Except their allocated partner,” Conner chimes in.

“Allocated partner?” Hadley balks.

“You make it sound soooo sexy.”

“This is nice,” I declare.

“Yeah.” Hadley beams at me. “It is, isn’t it.”

“Yeah, this... no matter what happens or where the future takes us,” Ace says, “we’ll always have this. You’re my brothers, my family... and nothing, nothing will ever change that.”

“Now, there’s something I can agree with.” Conner tips his beer to his brothers. “I love you, guys.”

“But not enough to fuck me?” Cole deadpans, sending everyone but Conner into fits of laughter.

Ace is right. Whatever the future brings, one thing is for certain.

We’ll always have each other.