Temper Him by Caitlyn Dare

Chapter Four


An incessant ringing drags me from the darkness. Aside from the irritating noise, the only thing I notice is the pounding of my head.

What the fuck hap—fuuuuck.

I sit up so fast that the room spins and my stomach turns over. Throwing the covers off, I fly out of the room and land on my knees as I hug the toilet bowl and empty what little I have in my stomach.

She's gone.

She's fucking gone, and that motherfucker has her.

Thoughts of what he could be doing to her right this second have me heaving into the bowl once more.

James said to trust him, that he knows what he's doing. But how am I meant to do that when I know what Warren is capable of?

I remember her cuts and bruises all too well from when Jay dropped her off here on New Year’s. Warren and I might have been friends for years, but even back then, I knew there was something odd about him. He was too inquisitive, too perceptive. Sometimes more than Cole. I figured it was just who he was. He never really gave me a reason to question his weirdness. Now though? Now I want to kill the motherfucker for ever breathing the same air as my girl, let alone laying a finger on her.

"Whoa..." Cole says, appearing from his room with Hadley hot on his heel. "How's the vodka the second time around, bro?"

"Fuck you," I groan, dropping my forehead to the seat.

"We'll get her back, man. James knows what he's doing."

I push to my feet, not sparing a thought for the fact that I'm butt fucking naked. My hands slam down on Cole's chest. "What the fuck?" I bark. "Suddenly you fucking trust him now?"

"Yes," he states, his eyes drilling into mine. I'm vaguely aware of Hadley slipping into the room and circling around me, but I pay her no mind.

"And you'd be happy to wait on him making a move if some cunt had Hadley? Some cunt who'd already raped her, multiple times, and almost fucking killed her?"

Cole pales before me. He doesn't need to say the words for me to know what he's thinking. I can read it in his eyes.

"I think you know what I would do. But this is bigger than just Kenny."

"Yeah, it's about fucking you... again," I seethe.

"The fuck? You think I wanted any of this?"

"You fucking killed Charlie and didn't tell us. You let us think..." I shake my head. I don't really know what I thought. I guess I stupidly believed that he'd taken his own life or whatever the police report said. I don't know why I didn't even consider looking closer at my twin. "You fucking killed him for touching Remi, yet you're happy to let Warren near Kenny. You're a fucking hypocrite."

"You think I'm happy about this? You think I don't want to go there and get her back for you? Fuck, bro." His hands lift to his hair and he tugs as if he's in pain.

"Con, please put this on," Hadley says, shoving a towel in front of me.

I take it from her and wrap it around my waist, not that I really give a shit right now. She can fucking stare all she likes.

"Fuck this." My shoulder slams into Cole's as I storm past him and back to my room.

"Conner?" Hadley's soft voice makes me pause for the briefest second.

No, fuck her too. There's no way she was in the dark about this shit.

"Just leave him, Dove."


I slam my bedroom door, effectively cutting off whatever else they had to say.

"Ow, fuck," I mutter, my toe connecting with something sticking out from under my bed, reaching down, I pull the half-full bottle out and twist the top.

Perfect fucking timing.

Ripping the towel from my waist, I throw it across the room and freshen up my mouth with my new friend.

I have no idea how long I lie there, but the bottle is almost empty when my cell rings again, reminding me of what woke me up in the first place.

As I snatch it up, my heart jumps into my throat. It could be her. I tried her cell over and over yesterday, but as I expected all I got was an automated woman telling me the line was disconnected. Motherfucker couldn't even leave me with the lifeline of her voice on her voicemail message.

Disappointment soon washes through me when I see Levi’s name lighting up my screen.

"What?" I bark, pressing it against my ear.

"What the fuck is going on? I've just seen Kenny with Warren at the store."

My grip on my cell tightens, and I have to really restrain myself from not launching it across the room and watching it shatter before me, just like my fucking heart.

"I don't know," I finally grit out.

"Has she... has she... left you?" he asks hesitantly.

"If you mean is she no longer here, then no, she's fucking not."


"I don't have any fucking answers for you, man."

"Conner, there's no way she'd go back to him."

"Yeah, well, seems like none of us knew her very well, doesn't it?" I spit, my head spinning again.

Did she go back voluntarily? I really fucking hope not, but that doesn't change anything. She's still fucking there, with him.

"Con, she wouldn't."

"Do me a favor, yeah?"

"Sure, anything."

"Keep a fucking eye out for her."

"Yeah, man. Goes without saying."

"Appreciated." I hang up before he says anything else. I can hardly tell him that Cole killed the man we thought was our father and somehow Warren found out and is now blackmailing us. Motherfucker's got a fucking death wish if he thinks he can pull this off. Does he have any idea who he's messing with?

My need to drive to the Heights and put an end to this once and for all pulls at my muscles. But I know Cole is right, I need to trust Dad. I have no idea what the fuck he's hiding, but clearly Warren knows something he doesn't want to be exposed and I just have to trust it's for the best. Because if it's not, all hell's gonna break loose if I discover he willingly left her there longer than absolutely necessary.

Unable to sit still, I pull on some sweats and make my way down to my punching bag. It's the closest thing I've got to that fucker’s face right now.

* * *

"Ithink you've had enough, bro," Ace says from behind me where I'm searching through the cupboards in the pool house, looking for more alcohol.

"That's where you're wrong. Ah-ha," I sing, pulling out a new bottle of vodka that was hiding behind a lot of other shit.

I make a show of twisting the top and swallowing down more shots than I should probably drink in one go.

"Getting fucked up isn't going to make this situation any better."

"You think I don't fucking know that? Nothing aside from slitting that motherfucker's throat and taking back what's mine is going to make this any better."

"Jay called me," Cole announces, making me groan. "Says the cunt's been parading her around the trailer park like he fucking owns her."

My teeth grind and my fists clench. What fucking game is he playing?

"He's got a death wish," Ace mutters, pulling a six-pack from the refrigerator and throwing a can at both Remi and Hadley. He ignores Cole, seeing as he's still playing at being sober.

"You got any weed in this place?" I ask Ace.

"If I say yes, are you going to make me regret it?"

"It could be worse, I could be asking for some blow."

He shakes his head at me in disappointment. "What?" I bark.

I'm getting fucking sick of them looking at me like they don't understand me right now. I know for a fact that if it were their girls in Kenny's position they'd be fucking shit up.

"Just get the damn weed, Ace," Hadley calls, thankfully helping me out.

"Thanks, Hadley baby. At least someone understands me." I blow her a kiss and she smiles sympathetically at me.

In seconds, Ace is throwing me a baggie of weed.

"Thank you." I make quick work of rolling a blunt and lighting up. "Fuck yes," I groan as I take my first hit and blow the smoke slowly out through my nose.

Walking over to the couch, I hold my hand out for Hadley. "Seeing as you're the only one on my side," I mutter around the blunt hanging between my lips.

"That's not fucking true, bro," Cole mutters, watching as I pull his girl up and offer her a hit.

To my surprise, she takes me up on it.

"That's good shit," she says to Ace.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull my cell out and hit play on my music app. "Dance with me, Hadley baby."

She smiles up at me as I pull her into my body. Cole's eyes burn into my back, but I ignore the moody motherfucker. I need this right now, and he can take a running jump if he doesn't like it.

Walking us over to where I abandoned my bottle, I swallow down a few more shots before returning my attention to the girl in my arms. I spin her around, making her laugh. The sound almost makes me feel better as I imagine it being Kenny.

While Cole continues glaring at us, Ace crawls over to Remi and captures her lips.

Fuck, I need my girl right now.

Pulling Hadley tighter against me, I roll my hips against her, reveling in having her heat against me.

I take another hit before placing the blunt in the ashtray on the bookcase beside us and running my hands down Hadley's back.

She tenses in my hold a little, but she doesn't stop me. She's always understood me and known what I've needed.

"You can be honest with me," I whisper in her ear. "You wanted me first, right?"

She throws her head back and laughs. I'm not sure how much she's had to drink, but clearly it's enough.

Her body continues to move against mine, and it feels too fucking good. Her scent is so fucking good. I mean, it’s not the one I crave, but still, it’s fucking good.

My hands drop lower as my nose runs up the length of her neck.

"Conner," she warns as my hands glide over her ass. "I know you're in self-destruction mode right now, but is this the way you really want to go?"

"I need—" My words are cut off as Cole comes to stand at Hadley's back.

Lifting my face from the crook of her neck, my eyes lock with his dark ones. He's angry, really fucking angry, but that's nothing new.

"Get your fucking hands off what's mine, bro. Unless you don’t want your cock attached to your body."

"Just having some fun. Right, Hadley baby? Wouldn't be the first time, huh?"

"Yeah, do you remember how that night ended?" Cole points out, spinning Hadley around and slamming his lips down on hers. His palm finds my cheek and he slaps me gently before flipping me off and backing her into the wall.

I watch as she wraps her leg around his hip so he can grind into her before glancing at the other couple on the couch about two seconds away from fucking in front of the lot of us.

"Fuck this. I'm out," I announce, not that anyone hears. They're all too lost, exactly as I should be right now.

I swipe my blunt and bottle from the side and blow through the door, wondering what the fuck I'm meant to do while waiting for Dad to sort out whatever the fuck he needs to.