The Nanny and the Alien Warrior by Honey Phillips

Chapter Thirteen

Jealousy raged through Joanna as she saw the half-naked girl clinging to Craxan. He’d left her here at the ship to worry her brains out so he could bring another woman on board? A dirty but undeniably attractive girl, her breasts spilling out of her torn dress as she cradled a child—a child?

Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as logic finally overcame her jealousy. The girl clinging to Craxan was human. She even looked vaguely familiar…


“Professor Wilder?” The girl stared at her in shock, then flinched and looked away. “They took you too?”

She had been the one struggling under the trees, Joanna realized.

“Yes. What hap—” She stopped mid-sentence. From the girl’s condition and the half alien child in her arms, what had happened was all too clear.

Instead, she turned to Merios. “This is why we stopped here?”

“They bought me,” Suzanna said softly.

“They did what?” Outrage filled her, and she stalked over and put a protective arm around the girl and her child.

Craxan opened his mouth, but Merios beat him to it.

“It was the only way to get her out of there. And unless you want her forced to return, we need to leave. Immediately.”

“Why?” She glared at him suspiciously. “You said you bought her.”

“We didn’t buy the child.”

“He went back for him.” Suzanna gave Craxan another worshipful look. “He saved my son.”

“He did, did he?”

She was glad the child had been freed, but she didn’t appreciate the way the girl was looking at Craxan. To his credit, he looked uncomfortable, almost pained, and his tail was still trying to circle her wrist.

Meanwhile, Merios had slapped the communication panel and was issuing orders. Jed came hurrying into the cargo bay. Suzanna gave a muffled scream and tried to grab Craxan again.

“You’re safe now,” Joanna said, her voice tart, then felt ashamed of herself. She looked at Jed, then at the baby, and realized why the girl had panicked. She would be willing to bet that the father of the child had been of the same species.

Jed had frozen at the sight of Suzanna, his eyes also going from her to the baby. Then his shoulders straightened as he took a step forward.

“You have nothing to fear from me. I will never allow any harm to come to you or your child.”

“And what in the world makes you think I’d take your word for that?” Suzanna glared at him, but she no longer looked as scared. She let go of Craxan, who immediately moved to Joanna’s side.

“We’re leaving,” Merios ordered. “Is the ship ready?”

“Yes. Sayla is already in the engine room.”

“Then take this female to the second guest cabin.” Suzanna looked on the verge of panic again, and Merios sighed. “And show her how to lock the door.”

The captain headed for the lift to the upper level, and the four of them looked at each other.

“Where is Sultavi?” Craxan asked.

“She’s with Rissta. We should go and get her.”

“In a minute. I need… to speak with you first.”

He didn’t sound like his usual self. His voice was strained and his face hard. Had something happened that he wasn’t telling her about?

Despite her concern, she couldn’t leave Suzanna with Jed when she was obviously uncomfortable in his presence.

“Why don’t we all go up together?” she suggested.

The tension didn’t ease as they made their way to the cabins. The one next to theirs had an identical layout, and she quickly showed Suzanna how to find all the hidden facilities. Craxan was pacing back and forth outside the door, his tail lashing furiously, while Jed stood silently nearby.

“I’ll come back in a little while and we can figure out what else you need,” she promised. “But I need to talk to Craxan first. Will you be all right?”

“As long as everyone leaves me alone,” the girl said, glaring suspiciously at Jed.

“I will make sure you are undisturbed.”

Suzanna looked skeptical, but she didn’t argue. As soon as Joanna left, she heard the lock click behind her.

“I will—” Jed began, but she didn’t hear the rest. Craxan’s tail was around her waist and pulling her into their own cabin.

“What is it?” she asked anxiously. “What do you need to tell me?”

“I don’t need to talk to you.”


“I just need you.”

He stripped off his shirt, then sent his pants flying. Her mouth went dry at the sight of all those glorious muscles as he stalked towards her. He made short work of her clothes, and then her bare skin was pressed against his, the rough texture setting her nerves aflame.

He dipped his head to her neck, then growled and stepped back.

Her heart skipped a beat. “What’s wrong?”

“I have to remove her scent. It is wrong.”

“You could take a shower,” she suggested reluctantly. She didn’t want to let him out of her sight.

“An excellent idea.” He scooped her up and carried her with him, then sent the shower liquid pouring down over both of them.

The bathroom was impossibly small with the two of them crowded in together, but she didn’t care. Her whole body was on fire with longing.

“I need you.” His voice was strained, his hands frantic as they roamed her body.


Before she could finish the question, Craxan lifted her up against the wall, her back to the smooth metal. Her head brushed against the ceiling but she didn’t care because his mouth was on her breasts, pulling on the sensitive peaks with almost painful intensity. She clutched his shoulders, squirming restlessly, seeking pressure against her needy clit.

He growled and reached between them, ripping away the thin fabric of her gown as he spread her legs further apart and yanked her towards him. She bit back a cry as he pressed her against the hard muscles of his chest, those marvelous nubs massaging her swollen flesh. His tail dove in between them, and she felt it probing at the entrance to her pussy just as he carefully scraped his teeth across an aching peak.

Her climax swept over her, shockingly intense, and she clamped down on her lip to avoid crying out as she shuddered in his arms. Before she could catch her breath, he slid her down his chest, each ridge of his abdomen sending another ripple of pleasure through her body and straight onto his cock. Oh my God. He seemed even bigger, even harder, and the nubs stroking her channel sent her straight into another climax, even as she struggled to adjust to his size.

His body was taut with strain, his muscles rigid, but he didn’t move as she buried her face in his chest and tried to catch her breath. But then his tail swept across her clit, fully exposed, and her hips jerked towards him. He growled again, and then he was moving, yanking her frantically up and down the length of his shaft.

All she could do was hang on, her nails biting into his shoulders as sparks of excitement sizzled along her nerve endings with every thrust. Her nipples rubbed against his chest, a tantalizing counterpoint to the pressure against her swollen nub that added to her pleasure. His scent deepened until her head swam, and then he yanked her down hard, embedding himself as deeply as possible as a muffled roar escaped his mouth. He expanded inside her, locking them together as his heated seed flooded her channel, and she quivered in ecstasy.

His arms tightened around her as his head rested against her, and his weight pressed her against the wall, but she didn’t mind. She felt safe and… loved.

“Thank you, my mate,” he murmured, his voice hoarse.

“I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.”

He raised his head and smiled down at her.

“It gives me great pleasure to know that you are satisfied.”

“Very much so.” She wiggled, testing the knot inside her, then gasped as he flexed in response and her own arousal flared.

“I am a fool,” he said conversationally, tightening his arms.

“I don’t believe that for a second.”

“I am. I was blinded by the fact that I have spent my entire adult life in one profession.”

“This really doesn’t seem like the right time to discuss career choices.” She shifted her position slightly and heard him groan.

“You do not understand. I want you, Joanna, you and Sultavi. I want you with me always. I have done since the moment I saw you outside the tavern.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “You didn’t say anything.”

A big hand clamped down on her ass, drawing her even closer against him, and she gasped.

“I should have told you long ago, but I did not see how I could care for you. My profession pays well, but it is a specific skill and it would require me to travel.”

She didn’t like that idea at all. The few short hours when he’d been gone had been bad enough, but if he left for weeks at a time? And yet…

“I would rather have limited time with you than none at all,” she whispered.

His hips jerked, his knot throbbing inside her, and she hovered on the brink of climax again.

“As would I, but I will find another profession. I love you, Joanna.”

Happiness washed over her so quickly she felt dizzy. “I love you too.”

He kissed her until she was breathless, then simply held her, and her heart overflowed with happiness.

A thought occurred to her. “Do you realize that you just told me you loved me for the first time in a bathroom?”

“Does that matter?”

She laughed. “No. But I’ll have to come up with another story to tell our grandchildren.”


“One day Sultavi will be mated, and hopefully she will have a child.”

His eyes closed, the expression on his face almost pained.

“Craxan? What’s wrong?”

“I never thought I would have a mate, let alone a child. Or grandchildren. It still seems like an impossible dream.”

“It’s not a dream. I’m here. Sultavi is here—metaphorically speaking. It’s real.” She suspected she was convincing herself as much as him. Even before she had been taken, she had decided that a family was not part of her future. And now she finally had one.

She ran her fingers along his jaw, her heart full. He was such a good male.

“As much as I love Tavi, I wish we could have children together. I would like to have had another child with you,” she whispered.

A startled look crossed his face.

“What is it?”

“We were always told that a Cire could only mate with another Cire,” he said slowly. “That it is only when we find our true mate and knot inside her that we become fertile.” He looked down to where their bodies were locked together, his cock still buried deep inside. “But I am sure sure that you are my true mate and I knotted inside you.”

A wild hope sprang to life in her heart, but she tried to push it down. They were so different, and she was no longer young.

“I’m not sure it’s possible,” she said, unable to keep her voice from shaking.

His tail cupped her chin, lifting her face to his. “It does not matter. If it should happen, I would be thrilled, of course. If it does not, then I will still be completely satisfied.”