The Flaw In His Red-Hot Revenge by Abby Green


THEFOLLOWINGMORNING—early—Zach’s plane took off from the small airfield. His sleep last night had been broken by dreams of dancing with a woman. Of how her body felt against his. Lithe and supple and soft and tempting. With a lush mouth that smiled readily. And huge blue eyes that looked at him as if she genuinely wanted to know what was going on in his head and even deeper. Where he kept things hidden.

At first her hair had been blonde in the dream—a familiar blonde bob—but then he’d realised it was a wig when she’d pulled it off to reveal long red hair underneath, and her smile had turned sly and calculating as everyone around them had stopped to look and laugh.

Zach scowled as the ground dropped away beneath him. He’d made a last-minute decision not to bring Ashling with him to Madrid. But maybe it was a wasted opportunity to seduce her and be done with her. Because no woman ever held any allure for him beyond the conquest.

Ashling might appeal to a different side of him, but once he’d had her she would cease to intrigue him. Cease to have the uncanny ability she seemed to have to be able to tap into his psyche in a way that he really didn’t appreciate.

Zach thought ahead to the weekend. Ostensibly Ashling was going to be there to keep Georgios Stephanides happy. The man seemed to find Zach more trustworthy with Ashling around.

Whatever... Zach didn’t like feeling as if he was depending on anyone else for success, but Ashling owed him a deal at the very least. After the one she’d been instrumental in ruining four years ago, undoing years of hard work.

But the deal had only been part of it. The rest had been ritual humiliation and the erosion of the respect he’d built up.

Ashling wouldn’t really have paid off her debt in full until he had her underneath him, begging for mercy.

Anticipation fired along all his nerve-endings and into his blood as he contemplated the weekend ahead. By the time it was over he would have closed the biggest deal of his life to date and Ashling would have paid her debt to him in full.

Two days later, Ashling was delivered to the private airfield where she’d taken the plane with Zach to Paris. Thankfully she saw him before he saw her, so she had a minute to compose herself. He’d stayed in Madrid longer than he’d intended, but an absence of some thirty-six hours had done nothing to inure her to his effect. There was a helicopter a little bit away from where Zach was talking to a man who looked like a pilot in uniform. And then she realised what Zach was wearing and her brain went into meltdown.

Faded jeans and a dark short-sleeved polo shirt. Aviator sunglasses. Her imaginings of how he would look in faded jeans could never have come close to the reality. The material cupped his buttocks and his thighs with such indecency that it felt voyeuristic just to look at him.

His arms were crossed over his wide chest and his biceps muscles bulged. The car came to a stop and Zach turned around. Ashling instantly felt she’d chosen the wrong outfit to wear—a short, multi-coloured sleeveless sundress and gladiator sandals. Suddenly she longed to be in one of Cassie’s structured suits.

The driver opened her door and helped her out. Butterflies zoomed and collided in her gut as she walked towards Zach. She was glad of her own sunglasses. Two could play the game of hiding.

She saw the driver giving her luggage and what must be Zach’s to one of the airport staff. The man Zach had been talking to melted away.

‘How was Madrid?’ she asked.


Ashling couldn’t help wondering if he’d been with a woman. There was a faintly smug—or satisfied?—air to his demeanour. Maybe he had a lover there. A sultry Spanish siren with the kind of curves Ashling had longed for ever since she’d started developing. Maybe she’d enticed him to stay. Maybe she’d made him laugh. Made him forget to be serious. Made him kiss her as passionately as he’d kissed Ashling.

Ugh.She was pathetic. And, even more disturbingly, she was jealous. Sure now that he must have been with a woman, and that he was probably laughing at her, Ashling all but stomped towards the small private jet.

No man had made her jealous before. Not even her ex-boyfriends when she’d seen them with new girlfriends. She’d felt relieved!

‘Where are you going?’ Zach asked from behind her.

She turned around, feeling disorientated for a moment.

He pointed to the helicopter. ‘We’re going in this.’

Ashling blanched.

‘You’ve never been in a helicopter before?’

She shook her head, both terrified and exhilarated at the thought, all thoughts of Zach in bed with another woman forgotten for a second.

‘Come on.’ He held out a hand.

Ashling looked at it suspiciously. Then she told herself she was being ridiculous. She put her hand in his and let him lead her over to the small sleek craft. He stowed her bag and helped her up, showing her how to buckle herself in, helping fasten the belt across her chest when she was all fingers and thumbs.

He was so close she could smell him. Remember how he’d tasted. An awful yearning aching settled inside her.

Before he moved away and before she could stop herself Ashling blurted out, ‘Were you with someone in Madrid?’

He stopped. Looked at her. She was glad she couldn’t see his eyes. Or he hers. After a long moment that had Ashling’s nerves screaming, he shook his head.

‘No—not unless you count a bunch of fellow financiers.’

The relief was so immense she almost felt dizzy. Which was crazy because she had no jurisdiction over this man. And was it her imagination or was there the tiniest smile playing around the corner of his mouth as he walked away? Damn. If she hadn’t exposed herself before now, she just done it spectacularly.

‘You’re the pilot?’ Ashling squeaked a few minutes later, when Zach got into the front right-hand seat.

The other man got in on the left-hand side and Zach looked back at Ashling. There was a definite small smile playing around his mouth now, not helping to settle her nerves much at all.

‘I only have a few hours left to log to get my pilot’s licence. This is Steve, my instructor. He’ll bring the helicopter back.’

Ashling smiled weakly at the other man. Then she was being instructed to put on her headphones, and they were lifting into the air with a little wobble.

Zach was obviously a bit of an adrenalin junkie—the Aston Martin, the motorbike, now the helicopter. Ashling didn’t like the way this intrigued her more than it should. She couldn’t just roll her eyes and pass it off as a rich man’s playthings, because she had a very real sense that he didn’t take any of this for granted—and that didn’t fit with the man she’d believed him to be.

Ashling had been blown away by the view of London from the air, with the Thames snaking between iconic landmarks that had looked like toys far down below. But now they were in lush green countryside and she noticed that they were circling over an area with a grand house in the centre of some woodland and a garden. It was possibly one of the most idyllic scenes Ashling had ever seen.

As the helicopter descended she could see that the house was a classic redbrick Georgian manor, surrounded by bucolic countryside as far as the eye could see. There was a lake near the house, beyond the trees, and a walled garden and an orchard. A marquee was obviously being set up for the function. People were milling about.

And then she spotted an outdoor swimming pool with a pool house, tucked away in another corner of the garden.

To Ashling’s shock and surprise, a well of emotion caught her off-guard. She’d dreamed of a forever-house like this ever since she was a little girl, living in the basement of Cassie’s father’s grand house in Belgravia.

They landed in an empty field just a little way off from the house, where a staff member met them with a golf buggy.

Ashling was very aware of Zach’s hard body next to hers as the small vehicle went over the bumpy ground, knocking them off-balance and into each other.

When they approached the back of the majestic house the full impact of the grounds and the level of work going into the function that would take place the following night was apparent.

They got out of the golf buggy and walked along a winding path towards the house through the garden.

Finishing touches were being put to an area that looked as if it would be a dance floor. Ashling caught a glimpse inside the marquee, where it looked as if an army of interior decorators were hanging up swathes of material and putting out tables and chairs.

There was a huge expanse of garden blooming with flowers of every colour from the rainbow. The scents, even from a distance, were heady. This was exactly the kind of garden she adored. A little bit wild. Unstructured. And a terrace ran the length of the back of the house, where gardeners were artfully twining foliage and flowers along a wall to create a backdrop.

‘Wow,’ Ashling said. ‘I didn’t realise this would be so elaborate.’

An attractive slim woman with short silver-grey hair, who looked to be in her sixties, approached them from a back door. Zach embraced her easily and smiled.

‘Diana, everything seems to be in order.’

The woman smiled back. ‘Exactly as a Zachary Temple event should be.’

Zach turned to Ashling, who’d come to a stop beside him. ‘Ashling, this is Diana, my housekeeper. She and her husband Rob take care of pretty much everything here for me.’

As Ashling smiled and shook the woman’s hand Zach was saying, ‘Ashling is a friend of Cassie’s who has kindly stepped in temporarily while Cassie is abroad and her PA is out of the office.’

‘Nice to meet you, Ashling.’

Ashling liked the woman on sight. ‘You too, Diana.’

Zach said, ‘Diana will show you to your room. I’ll take a quick look around while you’re settling in. This afternoon I have a meeting with Georgios, and this evening we’ll have dinner with him and Elena.’

‘They’ve arrived and had lunch,’ Diana told Zach. ‘They’re resting in their suite now.’

Diana led Ashling into the house. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but the manor’s interiors were open and airy, with polished parquet floors and elegant soft furnishings. Tasteful antiques dotted the downstairs reception rooms and bold modern art popped from the walls, providing a contrast.

The décor reminded her of the apartment in Paris. Where she could have slept with Zach if she hadn’t had a fit of sanity. She couldn’t seem to recall why it had been a bad idea. But the moment was gone now. All she’d done was remind Zach that he didn’t really want her.

Diana took Ashling up to the first floor and stopped outside a door, opening it. ‘These are your rooms, my dear.’

Ashling walked into the plushest, most luxurious bedroom she’d ever seen. A massive four poster bed dominated the room, dressed in soft blues and greys. Her feet almost disappeared into the carpet, it was so thick. There was an ottoman at the end of the bed, and through a doorway was an en suite bathroom that took her breath away. A romantic rolltop bath, and a marble floor matched with marble sinks and discreet silver fittings. Modern elegance in a house that had to be two hundred years old at least.

And there was a dressing room.

After the Paris apartment, Ashling wasn’t all that surprised to see a selection of clothes hanging up. Dresses, men’s shirts and suits. Also casual wear. She saw brand-new jeans and women’s shirts and cashmere sweaters. Even raincoats.

Diana said, ‘Zach employs a local boutique to keep a stock of clothes at the house, in case a guest stays over, or there is a mishap at one of his parties and someone needs to change. We keep them in this dressing room—I hope that’s not an issue?’

Cassie shook her head. ‘No, of course not.’

‘Feel free to help yourself if you need something to wear this evening.’

Ashling saw long shimmering gowns in bright hues and her fingers itched to explore, but she said almost reluctantly, ‘I’ve got everything I need with me, but thank you.’

Unable to resist, when Diana had left Ashling explored a little more. She guessed this floor was where the guest bedrooms were. There was a set of stairs at the end of the corridor and she went up them, finding that they led into another corridor.

From a window up there she could see the outdoor pool, its water shimmering under the afternoon sun. The blue mosaic tiles glistening under the water made it look very enticing. Diana had told her that she should feel free to use it and to help herself to swimwear from the dressing room at the pool house.

The sheer luxury of this place was truly intimidating—and this was after she’d seen Zach’s London townhouse and his Paris apartment.

She heard a sound from behind a doorway—the low rumble of a voice. She walked closer. The voice stopped. She moved and a board under her foot creaked. The door opened. Zach.

‘Sorry, I was being nosy.’

He stood back. ‘Come in.’

Ashling went in, curious, and saw that it must be Zach’s office. Actually, it was a suite of rooms. It was a masculine space. Dark furniture. Floor-to-ceiling shelves. She could see through to what looked like a boardroom with a big table, and there was another room with a couch and armchairs. A TV with the news on mute.

‘You could run an industry from here,’ Ashling noted.

‘I do.’

Zach was leaning back against his desk, arms folded. Watching her. She felt self-conscious. ‘Sorry, you’re busy. Is there anything I can do? Check on the event plans?’

‘I have an event manager, and Diana is pretty much in control of everything else.’

‘ you need me to do anything for your meeting with Mr Stephanides?’

Zach shook his head. ‘No, it’s very informal—just he and I, here in my office.’

Ashling felt as if Zach knew something she didn’t. It made her nervous. ‘I don’t think you really need me here at all. Maybe I should go.’

‘You’re here because Mr Stephanides requested that you be here.’

And because he didn’t trust her.

The thought that those were the only reasons she was here made her feel prickly now more than nervous. ‘But I don’t even work for you—not really. I think you just enjoy watching me dance to your tune. Anyone could have done what I’ve done these past few days.’

‘We haven’t lied to Georgios. He knows you’re only a temporary employee... But you have a point. I don’t think we need to fool ourselves any longer.’

‘Fool ourselves about what? The fact that I’m not really an employee at all and the only reason I’m here is because you want to punish me and you don’t trust me?’

He inclined his head slightly. ‘All of that—and the fact that we’re ignoring the elephant in the room. The only way your debt will be fully paid to both our satisfaction.’

The last time Zach had said something like this she’d misinterpreted him, but this time she didn’t think she had it wrong. And this time she wasn’t indignant...she was something much more ambiguous.

‘What exactly are you saying, Zach? Why am I here?’

‘Because I need you for this deal and because I want you.’

Heat bloomed in her belly. Between her legs. Under her skin. ‘I thought we discussed this. You agreed it wasn’t a good idea... Cassie—’

‘Cassie has nothing to do with this. We’re two adults who have insane chemistry. We don’t have to answer to anyone.’

Ashling lifted her chin. ‘You think I still owe you a debt.’

Zach pushed off the desk and started to walk around her. She held herself very still, even though every cell seemed to have developed a magnetic urge to go towards him.

‘What I think is that there’s a certain karmic beauty to the fact that you will help me achieve a deal now when you helped me lose one four years ago. And, even though it’s four years too late, you’ll take the place of the lover you also helped me lose.’

‘I’m sure you’ve had many replacements since then.’ Ashling was surprised at the caustic tone in her voice.

He stood in front of her. ‘Of course...but none I’ve wanted as much as I want you.’

Ashling desperately wished those words didn’t have any effect on her. But they did.

She wanted to dent that insufferable arrogance. ‘What if I don’t want you?’

‘You really want to go there? Make me show you up as a liar?’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Georgios is on his way up here right now. We can either give him a show or you can stop playing games. We both feel it, Ashling, as inconvenient as it is and as much as we might not even like each other.’

He took a step closer. Ashling could smell him. Musky and masculine. Could see stubble on his jaw. That hard mouth with its sensual lower lip. Her heart beat fast. If he kissed her now he would prove her resistance to be the sham it was.

She heard voices outside.

Zach arched a brow. ‘What’s it to be?’

The voices were closer now. Ashling recognised Diana’s voice and a much lower, accented one. Georgios Stephanides. Feeling a sense of panic and desperation mixed with excitement, she said, ‘Okay, fine. I admit it. I want you too. But I can’t just... How would this work...? For how long...?’

Zach put a hand around her neck, under her hair, and tugged her close. He pressed a swift hot kiss to her mouth and pulled back. ‘Don’t overthink it, hmm? This lasts as long as it takes to burn out. I predict it’ll be short and hot.’

He took his hand away as his words sank in and her mouth burned. And at that moment Diana showed Mr Stephanides into the room.

He saw Ashling. ‘My dear! How lovely to see you again. I’m so glad you’re here. I warn you that my wife is going to beg for a private yoga lesson.’

Ashling greeted the older man, genuinely pleased to see him in spite of the undercurrents flowing between her and Zach. And that incendiary kiss. What she’d just agreed to.

‘Of course your wife can have a yoga lesson. I’ll go and chat with her now.’ She was eager to put some space between her and Zach so she could fully absorb what had just happened.

Mr Stephanides looked at Zach. ‘I’m not taking her away from doing anything important for you, am I?

Zach smiled at Ashling and it was wicked. ‘Oh, no, Ashling is fully briefed. She knows exactly what I need her to do.’