From One Night To Desert Queen by Pippa Roscoe


STARSTOODONthe balcony of the suite she shared with her husband at Alhafa, gazing out at the view of the desert she would never tire of.

She could hear her husband in the shower, and the scent of eucalyptus oil was heavy on the steam escaping from the bathroom. She inhaled deeply, trying to catch it before it disappeared, loving the scent she always associated with her husband.

She blinked away the jet lag from the time difference between Duratra and the Dordogne, smiling as images from Skye’s wedding to Benoit Chalendar filled her mind and heart. Her older sister had looked breathtakingly beautiful, the love she felt for her husband shining so bright it touched each and every guest. Their mother had cried through the entire ceremony, just as she had at Star’s wedding, stopping only for a short while to laugh at Summer’s daughter Catherine who, despite her mother’s intentions, absolutely stole the show. But only for a heartbeat. And none of the sisters would have had it any differently.

The relief following her mother’s successful treatment had been both shocking and surprising in its intensity. Khalif had been there and supported her through an aftershock that she had not expected, as all the fear, the hurt and pain she had kept at bay during their search for the jewels had run free only after they had accomplished all they had set out to do. Khalif had held her, comforted her, reassured her, soothed her and loved her through it all.

Star absentmindedly smoothed a hand over her stomach as she looked down at the sapphire wedding ring on her fourth finger of her other hand, remembering not only Khalif’s proposal but her own magical wedding day six months before.

A smile lit her features and her heart as she thought of how the whole of Duratra had turned out to watch the wedding of Sheikh Khalif and his bride. Celebrations had filled the streets for days and Star had found a welcome and acceptance she could never have imagined. The love that Khalif had shown her in the year since they had first met was something wondrous to her and she thought she’d never have too much of it.

She smiled now as she remembered how protective he had been of her, especially in the first few months of their engagement and marriage. She would never forget the look of shock on Khalif’s features as she’d requested Amin as her personal advisor. He had asked her again and again if she was sure, but Star had been determined. Within weeks, Amin and she had become allies and she now considered him one of her most loyal and trusted friends as he guided her through royal etiquette and protocol. And, surprising to almost everyone, she hadn’t caused an international incident. Yet.

As another wave of tiredness hit, she yawned, despite the excitement thrumming through her veins. They were supposed to be heading into the desert with Nadya, Nayla and Khalif’s parents and, although she would absolutely love to go with them, she wasn’t sure she was quite up to it.

Star had been there when Khalif had revealed the suite to the twin girls, and been half deafened by their squeals of excitement and squeezed as hard as six-year-old girls could squeeze with their love and thanks. Surprising both their uncle and their grandparents, Nayla had been the first up the tree, while Nadya had had to be bribed away from the bathroom, but both loved their bedroom equally. Hafsa and Bakir’s eyes had sparkled with tears of gratitude and love and Khalif had held her hand as if he would never let her go.

She heard the sound of bare feet stepping out onto the balcony and turned to see her husband, her Prince, her King, standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped low around his hips, making her instantly dizzy with desire.

He smirked as if he could read the shockingly intimate, passionate thoughts running through her mind as he walked towards her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

‘I know we’re supposed to be going to the oasis, but you look exhausted.’

‘Gee, thanks!’ She laughed, playfully slapping him against his big broad shoulder, the secret flickering in her chest burning away the tiredness and brightening her with expectation and excitement.

‘How are you feeling?’ he asked, his hands burning a trail of desire down her back and over her hips. Her pulse picked up and her core throbbed with need, but she pushed that all aside for just a moment.

‘Pregnant,’ she said, smiling, knowing that Khalif was half distracted and it would take him a moment to—

‘Wait, what?’

She looked up at him, a smile wide on her lips, loving the strong connection between them, their gazes locked, hers filled with confidence, his with wonder and disbelief.

‘I’m pregnant.’

His hands went to her hips, his fingers gentle against the ever-so-slight bump, but his eyes had not left hers. His gaze searched hers in the same way he’d always done, as if awed and unbelieving that he’d found her, that she had chosen to be his and would always be his.

‘I love you,’ he whispered against her lips before pulling her to him and kissing her with all the love she could ever want and more. And in all the years to come, all the time they had together, she never felt anything but cherished, wanted and loved.