Only a Lady Will Do by Tamara Gill


Three years later

Iris sat on a daybed in their private suite of rooms, staring out at the gardens of Dunsleigh. She watched as her husband walked about the roses with their gardener, gesturing his plans for a new design and layout to the beds.

She smiled, running a hand over her very pregnant belly, the fear that something was wrong never far from her mind. She was uncommonly large and had been from the first moment they found out she was expecting.

At first, Iris had put it down to too much cheese and bacon at breakfast that she had craved, and then followed by turtle soup and soufflé. But she could no longer say such things. Every time any of Josh's sisters visited, each of them exclaimed over her size, happy, but even she could see the concern that clouded their vision.

She rolled to her side, a cushion beneath her stomach for support, and gasped as a rush of fluid spilled from between her legs and onto the daybed.

Iris shuffled to the side, gaining her feet, and walked carefully to the bellpull, relieved when her lady’s maid bustled in with a fresh pot of tea and biscuits.

"Becky, please have the doctor come immediately and fetch the duke. I think I'm going to have the baby today."

For a moment her maid, wide-eyed, did not move. She merely looked as stunned as Iris was when the fluid gave way before she rallied and all but threw the tray down on a nearby table and bolted out of the room.

Iris smiled, having never seen her move so fast in her life. She made her way over to her bed, ready to settle herself under the blankets when her husband, his face pale but his eyes alight with expectation, stumbled into the room, rushing to her side to assist her.

"Iris darling. Your maid said you think you're in labor?"

She nodded, pointing to a pile of folded cloths on a nearby chair that was standing in wait for this very day. "Those linens, Josh. Grab them quickly. I'm leaking fluid all over the bed."

He glanced at her wet gown and did as she bade, coming back to her with all the linens in hand. "Would you like me to place one under you?" he asked her, ripping the bedding down and out of the way.

"Yes, I think that is best. When the doctor arrives, I'm certain he will help us further."

The maid came into the room, less harried and accompanied by their housekeeper who had birthed many babies over the years, Josh one of those children.

She dipped into a curtsy, coming over to Iris. "Your Graces, it looks as if the day has arrived. The doctor has been sent for by our fastest rider, Jeffrey, but I think it is best if we strip Her Grace of her gown and down to her shift where she will be more comfortable."

Iris nodded, and then a wrenching pain tore through her, stealing her breath. She reached for Josh, the fear in his eyes echoing her own at what she was enduring. The pain grew, her stomach cramped, and she screamed, clasping her body in the hopes that it would stop.

It did not. "Josh, it hurts. I can't."

"You can," he said, taking her hand and kissing it. "You are so brave and strong. The strongest woman I know. I know you can, and you will. Just keep breathing, my love."

The housekeeper quickly did away with Iris's gown, and she lay back against a bank of pillows that Josh had placed behind her, giving her as much comfort as he could.

But it was no use. The pain would not cease, and each time it seemed to become longer, more painful until it felt as if it were one continuous spasm.

Sweat poured off her in droves. Josh dabbed a damp cloth on her brow, but it was too much. Too soon. She wasn't ready to have a baby. She had been told labor was a slow process that increased over hours. She could not bear it if that were true of her situation, and it only became worse than it already was.

Pain tore through her again, and she felt the urge to push. The housekeeper lifted her shift, her eyes widening. Iris did not know what to make of that and nor could she voice her question as another cramp tore through her abdomen, robbing her of her wits.

"What is it?" Josh demanded, a fierce glare on his brow.

"The baby. It's crowning." The housekeeper settled at the end of the bed. "Your Grace, you're going to have this baby without the doctor present, but do not fear, I see the head and have helped birth many babes, your husband one of them. I shall keep you safe."

Iris did not miss the whispered words of her husband, who murmured you better before coming to sit beside Iris, supporting her as best he could. She held on to him, needing his support more than ever. She clasped his hands as another cramp wrenched her abdomen, and she again felt the urge to push.

She did as the housekeeper bade, bearing down, wanting the child out if only to end this unenduring agony. "Josh," she sobbed, unable to hide the panic in her voice. "Please help me. I can't do it."

"Push, darling. Push out our child."

She did as he bade, pushing with all her might, and a wail sounded from the end of the bed. Iris heaved a sigh of relief, flopping back onto the cushions. The sight of the housekeeper holding up the small pink babe made her lose control of her emotions, and she sobbed, reaching out to take the baby.

The housekeeper laid the babe upon her, tying the cord that connected Iris to the baby twice before cutting it free.

Iris lifted the baby's little leg and smiled. "It's a girl, Josh. We have a daughter."

She looked up at her husband and found his eyes full of tears, his cheeks wet with emotion. She tried to comfort him, but she did not feel any better. Pain ripped through her a second time, and she gasped, handing the baby off to Josh.

The housekeeper who was cleaning her hands rushed back over to her and checked her. "Oh, Your Grace."

"What?" Josh yelled, handing the child over to Iris's lady’s maid.

The housekeeper settled at the base of the bed again. "I believe another baby is coming."

"What?" Iris and Josh said in unison before Josh came over to her again when she reached for him.

"How can there be another? The doctor never stated as much," Josh demanded as if it were the housekeeper's fault.

"It happens sometimes. A baby will hide behind the other in the womb."

Iris cringed as the awful, ripping pain wracked her body, and again the urge to push assailed her. She bore down, determined to birth a second child in as many minutes. At this point, determination kicked in, and she wanted it over. Never again would she birth another child. It was too much. Too awful for words, even if her daughter was the prettiest little cherub to exist.

"I see the head," the housekeeper declared.

With all her might, Iris pushed when the next contraction assailed her. She did not know if she was doing it right or if she was making any progress. For what seemed like longer than the first, she worked on getting her next baby born.

Another contraction, another urge, and with what was left of her strength, she pushed hard and was relieved when a second piercing cry rent the air, marking the second child was alive and well.

As before, the housekeeper laid the baby on her chest, the little dark-haired sweetheart so similar to their first.

"Josh met her gaze, his face tear-streaked, the tip of his nose red. "It's a boy," he stated, grinning.

Becky brought over their daughter and placed her too in Iris's arms. She stared down at her children, their children, and could not have felt her heart more full.

The din of racing horse's hooves sounded on the gravel outside. Within a few minutes, the doctor ran into the room, bag in hand and face aghast at seeing that the Duchess of Penworth already birthed her children.

"Your Graces, congratulations," he said, coming over to them and looking down at the children.

Josh gestured to their housekeeper. "Mrs. Morris had it all in hand, but I thank you for attending us on such short notice."

"Well," the doctor said, smiling at Mrs. Morris, “sometimes these things do occur quite quickly. Let me see how the duchess fares and the children, and then I shall leave you in peace.”

The doctor ensured she birthed what he called the afterbirth and checked over the children before leaving them in peace. Telling them that he would prefer to sleep at the estate that night just in case any complications arose.

Josh was more than satisfied at having the doctor so close by, but Iris knew she was past the most dangerous part of the birth. She felt well, and after removing herself to the duke's bed, in fresh clothing and her children bathed, she was safely and comfortably ensconced in their bed, their babies sleeping soundly between them.

"I cannot believe we have two," she said for the hundredth time, unable to stop staring at what looked to be identical little faces.

Josh ran a hand over his son's cheek and then reached down and kissed both their children's foreheads. "I cannot believe it either. How talented you are, my darling wife."

"I do believe you had a role to play in my cleverness." Iris chuckled, leaning over for her own kiss from her husband.

"We're a family now," he declared, so much pride and love basking from his every pore.

Iris could not contain her grin. "I know, but with children or not, we were always a family. We're now simply a bigger one."

"You are right, as always."

“Talking of family, I do believe I hear your mama and sister Alice."

Josh cocked his head to the side, nodding just as the door burst open and in flocked not only the dowager duchess but Alice, Elizabeth, Isolde, and Victoria, recently returned for a time from abroad.

Josh gestured them over. "Come and meet our children," he said, the tenor of his voice proud and thick with emotion.

Each sister took turns in kissing them both before gushing over the little babies asleep in the bed.

"The future of the Penworth family continues. How proud of you I am, my son, and you, my darling Iris."

Iris clasped Josh's hand, squeezing it in support. She glanced down at her small boy, the future Duke of Penworth, and his sister, already a lady by birth. Two little beings with such a plentiful and full life ahead of them.

Alice handed them each a glass of champagne, where from, Iris had no idea but welcomed the bubbly, refreshing drink.

Alice raised her glass. "To the Worthingham family and Duke of Penworth line. May we thrive for years to come. May our children prosper and have loves as grand as ours have been. Have full and happy lives."

Iris raised her glass. "To family and love."

The others followed. "To us," Josh said, sipping his champagne and reaching for her. Iris kissed him, her heart incredibly full and happy. To us indeed, she thought. To us all.