Sleight of Hand by Charlie Cochet


“Everyone in position?”

Joker waited for confirmation from their team. As soon as he got it, he pressed his PTT button. “Remain vigilant, and if you get even the slightest hint those assholes are here, I want to know about it.” He went back to scanning the field, keeping an eye for anything or anyone out of place.

Intel had come in the early morning hours from Jack and his team. With the help of Leo and his hacking skills, they’d managed to track down the bodyguards who’d betrayed Gio in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, those guys were dead, which explained why Jack had been having trouble tracking them down, but the team managed to find their old bank accounts with wire transfers from an offshore dummy corporation. The same corporation had also wire-transferred twenty-five thousand dollars to each of the five men hired to kidnap Gio. Always follow the money.

Although Jack and his team were still jumping through hoops to find out who owned the dummy corporation, they’d found their kidnappers holed up in some tiny motel near St. Augustine Beach. Even more disturbing was the private plane that had been booked under one of their names. Seven passengers were scheduled to depart for Costa Rica this afternoon. Joker was under no illusion the sixth seat wasn’t reserved for Gio. They were going to make another run at kidnapping him. The big question was, who was the seventh seat for?

If those assholes were going to make their move, this was where they’d do it. Gio had made good on his promise and shifted his schedule around, limiting the number of events he’d be attending throughout the month, but today’s was one he hadn’t been able to cancel, as he was one of the three hosts. Joker hadn’t been happy about it, but he understood. It just sucked that of all his events, this one provided the perfect opportunity for someone to grab him.

The Children’s Charity Fair was hosted in the city’s biggest park because of its vast grassy fields and more than thirty acres of dense trees and shrubbery. There were walking trails, biking trails, and picnic areas. Tents and vendor booths littered the fields, with food trucks parked along the trail. The place was packed with adults, children, and pets, eating, playing games, and enjoying the festivities. Although plenty of law enforcement was around, as well as a considerable team provided by Four Kings Security, it could quickly turn into a logistical nightmare if they weren’t careful.

Joker had no intention of letting any of those assholes near Gio, who was judging some pie contest where young children had baked the pies. He then had a speech scheduled that he’d make from the main stage, currently occupied by a live band playing cheerful pop music. The day was sunny and bright, a subtle breeze ruffling Joker’s hair. His eyes were on Gio, who laughed at something a little girl told him. She was clearly talking about Cookie, who sat at Gio’s heel, tongue lolling from his happy face.

If Joker had only made one right decision in his life, it was introducing Cookie and Gio. In the short time the two had spent together, they’d formed a special bond. Gio had quickly adapted to Cookie’s commands and what he could and couldn’t do with a service dog. He was still spoiling the damned dogs rotten, but Joker couldn’t really be mad. Gio didn’t just have a lot of love to give; he needed to express that love. Whether it was buying two stupidly expensive dog beds for every damned room in the house or booking a dog-friendly tropical vacation, Joker wasn’t about to change that.

The air filled with the sound of laughter and children shrieking as they ran around, high on sugary treats. Chip stood at Joker’s side, sniffing the air, his body language and ears stating he was on high alert. He had his work vest on, and it almost seemed as if he knew what was at stake, because Joker had never seen Chip look as focused or fierce as he did right now.

They moved around their assigned perimeter, and Joker kept in constant communication with his team. Saint and a small army of bodyguards were dressed in civilian clothes, blending into the crowd but close enough to Gio that they could quickly intervene if anyone tried anything. If the kidnappers thought they would get their hands on Gio, they were in for a painful awakening. Gio was clearly worried and trying not to show it, but he had faith in Joker and their family to protect him.

When Joker had spoken to him about it that morning, Gio had smiled at him, kissed him, and said, “I know you and the team will keep me safe. I love you.”

Jack’s voice came through Joker’s earpiece, interrupting his thoughts. “We’ve got eyes on our five kidnappers. They just went through security. They’re not armed, but my guess is they stashed weapons and equipment somewhere in the park before this morning.”

“Any idea about our seventh guest?” Joker asked.

“Not with the five that arrived, but that doesn’t mean they won’t show up.”

“We can’t let these guys get those weapons,” King growled. “Ace, Lucky, Mason, Joker, and I will take them down. Red, have the authorities on standby. I don’t want any incidents.”

“Copy that,” Joker said along with the others. “Jack, where am I going?” Like with any op this size, Jack was nearby in the surveillance truck with his team, and each one would guide one of his brothers-in-arms. They were going to find these assholes and make them regret their life choices.

“Three o’clock. Jett Clark. The Sugar Puff booth. Clark is buying cotton candy. White male, black baseball cap, olive-green polo shirt, black shorts. Shit, the cotton candy dude just handed Clark a gun. He’s tucked it into the waistband of his shorts under his shirt.”

“Copy that. Red?”

“Soon as Clark’s out of the way, I’ll introduce our cotton candy guy to one of St. Augustine’s finest.”

Joker gave Chip the command, and they both slipped into the crowd. It was time to go hunting. Chip stayed close to Joker as they stalked their prey, moving with the groups of people. With Joker’s height and Chip being a black dog with a black vest, it was easy for them to stay hidden. The challenge was keeping Chip between him and adults so the smaller kids wouldn’t scream about the “doggie.” Not that Clark would be able to hear them over the noise of the fair. Between the music, speaker announcements, and kids shrieking as they played, not being heard wasn’t much of a challenge.

Joker kept his eyes on Clark as he moved. The guy was discreetly talking into his wrist, most likely a microphone he had hidden there. He didn’t see Joker because he was too busy watching Gio.

“Talk to me, Jack,” Joker murmured. “What are they saying?”

“Ace, Lucky, your guys are going to go around the back of the judges’ booth. There’s a small trailer parked back there. Mason, your guy will strike up a conversation with Gio to distract him and get him behind the booth. They’ll ambush him and drag him behind the trailer. King, your guy is going to get their stash and bring the van around. Joker, your guy is—shit. Your guy is talking to someone else. They’re using a voice scrambler. Whoever it is, they’re being careful. Clark is going to meet them as soon as Gio is in the van.”

“That’s our mystery guest,” Joker hissed. “The moment anyone spots them, I want to know.”

“Copy that,” Ace replied, followed by confirmation from the others.

“I’m moving in on Clark,” Joker said. He kept his gaze on his target, maintaining enough distance between them so the guy didn’t see him coming. Clark still had his eye on Gio, but he was moving toward the back of the cotton candy stall. Joker went one stall over with Chip at his heels. He stopped at the end of the stall and carefully peeked around. The guy was sneaking toward the trailer behind the pie booth, cotton candy tossed to the ground.

The back of the stalls and booths were filled with boxes, packing equipment, and generators to run the electric equipment, with more than one small trailer parked in the grass, all of it hidden from guest view unless you ventured back here. The mess provided plenty of places for someone to hide. The scent of food filled the air—popcorn, funnel cakes, pizza, you name it. No one paid any attention to the sinister thugs preparing to kidnap a man.

Joker murmured a quiet command to Chip, and his furry companion darted off, head lowered as he became one with the shadows, using boxes and anything else he came across to dart behind as he hunted.

Clark reached the trailer and slipped around the back of it. Joker moved in quickly and silently. He stopped at the end, checked around the opposite corner in time to see Chip duck under the trailer. With a wicked grin, Joker rounded the corner. As he’d suspected, the guy was waiting for him. He took a swing at Joker, but Joker ducked.

“He said you’d be here,” the guy snarled, taking another swing that Joker dodged.

“Yeah? Did he tell you who else would be here?”

The guy looked confused for a second before Joker jumped out of the way, and the big man hit the grass with a loud curse.

“What the fuck?” He rolled onto his back, yelping at the loud growl as Chip stood over him, ears flattened against his head, sharp teeth bare as he snarled, brown eyes glowing. “Holy shit!”

Removing the zip ties from his pocket, Joker ordered Chip to stand down, then grabbed the asshole, rolling him over to secure his hands behind his back. He tapped his PTT button, when the door to the trailer flew open. A black blur that Joker realized was Chip soared past him just as a shot rang out. For a second, his heart stopped when Chip yelped and rolled across the dirt. Joker scrambled to his feet, barreling into the masked man who stood on the steps to the trailer, his gun aimed at Chip. They crashed to the ground and fought over the gun. Joker searched for Chip, relief flooding him when he saw Chip scramble to his paws and shake himself before he was back in work mode.

“Did you just try to shoot my dog?” Joker growled, landing a fierce punch across the guy’s face. Whoever the fuck this guy was, he was officially on Joker’s shit list.

Their masked guest punched Joker in the ribs, making him grunt at the pain. Chip lost his damned mind and charged, but Joker couldn’t have that. He shouted the German command for Chip to stay. They were still fighting for the gun, and it was swinging wildly.

Enough of this bullshit. Joker punched the guy in the throat and knocked the gun away from him. It went bouncing in the grass. Before Joker could grab for the guy’s mask, something slammed into him hard, and Joker went tumbling. He quickly got to his feet, Chip at his heel barking and spitting from how worked up he was. Clark thrust his hands down over his ass, snapping the zip tie. The plastic fell to the ground, and he rubbed his wrist, his glare on Joker.

“You’re not getting your hands on him,” Joker promised.

“You think I’m scared of you?” The masked man spat out a mouthful of blood and saliva.

Joker froze. He knew that voice. No fucking way. “William.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You son of a bitch.”

What?” Jack cursed in Joker’s ear. “Fuck. This explains so much. I’m on it.”

William pulled the black mask off and sneered. “Well, what do you know? Not just a boot polisher after all.”

Joker ignored the remark, his thoughts immediately going to Gio. He was going to be devastated. As much as Gio had been hurt by the way his relationship with William had ended, to find out the man he’d been with for years, had shared his life and his bed with, had paid to kidnap him? Joker had already hated the guy, now he wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

“Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Joker charged the two men, ducking under Clark’s right hook and delivering a left hook into his ribs, then kicking at the back of his leg, sending him onto his knees. He lifted the guy’s shirt, swiped the gun, and pointed it at William.

“You’re not going to shoot me,” William said with a laugh.

“You betrayed Gio twice.And you shot at my dog.”

William shrugged. “I kicked your dog. I was going to shoot him after. Then you. Two dogs down.”

“Oh, I’m going to fucking love sending you to prison,” Joker said. William’s gaze darted to his gun on the grass, and Joker shook his head. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Not only did William do something stupid, but he was also even more of an asshole than Joker first thought. The guy shoved Clark at Joker, then took off running.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Joker punched Clark in the throat and then the solar plexus, putting him out of commission. Clark dropped onto his knees, gasping for breath, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Joker shouted at Chip, who took off after William while Joker swiftly grabbed several zip ties. He secured Clark’s wrists and ankles. “Let’s see you break out of that, you prick.” He got to his feet, snatched up William’s discarded gun, and sped off. He tapped his PTT button. “Target is down and by the trailer. Pick him up. In case you hadn’t heard, William is the fucker behind everything. Chip and I are in pursuit.”

William threw everything he could in Chip’s path, not seeming to understand how shepherd dogs worked. Chip could turn on a fucking dime. He could leap ten feet into the air and climb a fucking wall. Did the guy think a wooden crate was going to stop the furry bullet? Shepherds weren’t just fast as fuck; they were smart and calculating. They didn’t run in straight lines after their prey, they figured out the best shortcut to get to their targets faster, and nothing got in their way.

Joker had no idea where William thought he was going, but it was cute that the guy believed he would escape. Chip flew out from behind a stall, and William yelped, swerving at the very last second and missing Chip’s jaws by a hair’s breadth. The guy discovered some newfound adrenaline and sped up, Chip on his heels. William made a sharp turn, darting into the woods. Where the hell he was going was anyone’s guess. The guy was unarmed, had a dog and a Green Beret on his ass.

William stormed down the pier that led to the river, shoving people out of his way, at least those who didn’t dive out of his path when they saw Chip barreling after the guy.

Joker pressed his PTT button. “Jack, I need to know where William is going.”

“There’s a small speedboat parked below to the right side of the deck.”

“Fucker’s going to jump.” Joker couldn’t let the asshole get away. Firing a shot was out of the question; there were too many people on the pier. Joker shouted a command, and Chip leaped onto the guardrail and propelled himself off it, slamming into William and sending him rolling. Chip was on him in a heartbeat, standing over him, teeth and gums bare. William took a swipe at Chip, something in his hand, but Chip jumped out of the way. Just as Joker neared, William shot to his feet and grabbed a woman who tried to run past him.

Fuck. Joker tapped his PTT button. “I’ve got a hostage situation here.”

“We’re notifying the police and are en route,” King replied.

“William, let her go,” Joker said, gun pointed at William.

“Call of your mutt,” William spat.

Joker called Chip to him, but he didn’t put his gun down. Tears streaked down the woman’s cheeks as William held the small switchblade to her throat. He dragged her with him as he edged slowly toward the end of the pier.

“It’s over,” Joker told him. “Let her go.”

“Fuck you. I’m getting out of here.”

What did William plan to do, jump over the side with his hostage in tow?

“We’re going for a little swim,” he growled at the woman.

Well, that answered that question.

Ace’s voice came through the line, and he sounded breathy. He was running. “I’m almost in position.”

Joker didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. His steady aim remained on William. He didn’t have a clear shot, and the last thing he wanted was to shoot the hostage, even if it would be a flesh wound. The poor woman was going to have enough nightmares as it was. Whatever happened, William wasn’t getting away from him. This man hadn’t just threatened Gio, he’d had him kidnapped, was responsible for Gio almost dying all alone in the middle of some jungle, of giving him nightmares and PTSD. Yeah, William was going away for the foreseeable future. Joker would make sure of it.

“Please,” the woman whimpered, her big brown eyes on Joker.

“It’s going to be okay,” Joker promised. He just needed to buy Ace a little time. “William, think about what you’re doing.”

“Oh, I am. Do you think you can keep him safe from me? I already got him once; I’ll get him again.”

Joker’s heart slammed in his chest. Knowing William had been behind the kidnapping then was one thing, having him confirm it was another. “Sri Lanka. That was you.”

“If those idiots hadn’t underestimated him, none of this would have happened.”

“And Gio would be six feet under in some remote jungle somewhere.”

William shrugged. “No loose ends.”

Joker gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw so tight he was in danger of hurting something. Fucking asshole. “It’s. Over,” he said between his teeth.

“I don’t think so. My men probably have Gio in custody right now, so if you ever want to see him again, alive, you’ll let me go.”

“You think so, huh?” Joker tapped his PTT button. “Sitrep?”

“All targets in custody,” King replied. “I’m on my way.”

“I’m in position,” Ace murmured. “Take a step to the right.”

“Copy that.” Joker smiled at William. “Well, what do you know? It looks like your friends are going for a little ride with the local law enforcement.” He widened his stance, discreetly taking a step to the right. “You’re going to be joining them soon.”

William’s grin was smug. “You might as well put the gun down, Wilder. You don’t have a clean shot, and you’re not going to risk hurting the hostage.” He started edging closer to the end of the pier. They were only a couple of yards away.

“You’re right. I don’t have a clean shot, but I don’t need to have one.” He barked out a command, and Chip lunged forward, barking and snarling, startling William, who thrust the knife out in Chip’s direction. What followed happened in the blink of an eye.

A shot exploded through the air, the bullet from Ace’s sniper rifle hitting William in the shoulder and flinging him back. The woman in his grasp screamed, dropping to the wooden boards and covering her head just as Joker tackled William to the ground, knocking the knife out of his hand. He rolled William onto his stomach and pulled his arms behind his back, ignoring his growl of pain.

William turned to look at him over his shoulder, eyes huge. “You don’t understand! I owe some very dangerous people a lot of money, and if I don’t come up with the cash, I’m a dead man. There’s nowhere they won’t be able to get to me, not even prison.”

“Should have thought about that before you made a deal you couldn’t deliver on.” Joker removed a couple of zip ties from his pocket and secured them around William’s wrists. He gave the command to Chip to stand down, then dragged William to his feet just as King arrived and rushed over to help the woman. King wrapped an arm around her and gently steered her away.

“You son of a bitch!”

Joker turned in time to watch Gio punch William in the face.

* * *

Gio hadn’t wantedto believe it.

When Jack told him William had been behind everything, Gio had hoped he was wrong, even if deep down inside he knew it to be true. Despite the Kings advising against it, Gio had insisted on seeing for himself, and they’d reluctantly given in, but only if their small army of bodyguards escorted him, and only after King had personally confirmed William had been restrained.

As much of an asshole as William had been at the end of their relationship, Gio never thought him capable of kidnapping. Three years. They’d been together for three years—dating, traveling, sleeping together, and all that time, William had only been after one thing.

“How could you?” Gio demanded as he faced William. “Do you have any idea the hell you’ve put me through?”

William clenched his jaw but said nothing.

“You don’t care, do you? You never did.” Gio swallowed hard. “You only ever wanted my money.” He thought about everything William had done and what it resulted in. The nightmares, his PTSD, his medical condition, the medication… His head was ready to explode, but his heart reminded him of what he’d also gained. Coming home, his family, Cookie, Sacha. Gio moved his gaze to the man he loved. Sacha stood watching him, heartache written all over his face for Gio. If it hadn’t been for William, would Gio have found his way home to Sacha?

With a small smile, Gio moved his attention back to William. “You took so much from me, William, but you also gave me more than I could have imagined. Because of you, I came home. Maybe my life isn’t perfect or how I expected it to be.” He moved his eyes back to Sacha, his heart full at seeing the love in those beautiful blue-gray eyes. “But that’s fine. I’m happy now. Truly happy, and I know I’ll be okay.”

The police arrived, and Sacha handed William over, informing the officers how William confessed to kidnapping Gio over a year ago, and now his attempted kidnapping and hiring of kidnappers. Gio briefly explained his experience and agreed to come down to the station to give his full statement. King left the young woman William had taken hostage in the care of a medic and a pair of female officers, then stepped forward to put a hand on Gio’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be,” Gio replied. He might have just acquired something else to discuss with his therapist, but he felt the truth in his words. He’d face these challenges the same way he faced everything else in his life, head-on. Only this time, he wouldn’t be too stubborn to ask for help.

King nodded and turned to Sacha. “Well done.”

“Thanks,” Sacha said, and it was clear from his posture that the compliment on a job well done from King made him proud. Old habits died hard. The Kings might not be serving as part of a unit anymore, but Gio had no doubt certain feelings were still there. The camaraderie, the hierarchy. From what Gio knew of King, the man didn’t hand out praise easily. Like with all things King, it had to be earned.

While the guys talked to the police, Sacha pulled Gio to one side. The day was beautiful, the ocean sparkling like diamonds beneath the bright sky.

“Talk to me,” Sacha said quietly, his hand on Gio’s waist.

“It’s a lot to take in,” Gio admitted. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact I spent three years of my life with a man as ruthless as William. He left me to die.” The backs of his eyes stung, and he wrinkled his nose. “And for what? Money? The time we spent together meant nothing to him. My life meant nothing to him.”

Sacha brought Gio into his arms and kissed his cheek. “I’m so sorry that bastard hurt you the way he did, but he’s going to be paying for his crimes for a very long time. He won’t ever hurt you or anyone else again. I’m here for you. Every step of the way.”

“Thank you,” Gio murmured, wrapping his arms around Sacha. “And thank you for loving me.” Unlike William, Sacha was a man who wore his heart on his sleeve. Whatever emotion he was feeling, you’d know it. No hidden agendas, no games, no lies. Sacha wasn’t just an amazing man, he was a safe place for Gio, and Gio had a feeling his heart had known that before he had.

Ace approached them with a huge grin on his face, and Sacha took a step back, rolling his eyes, making Gio chuckle. These two.

“Still got it,” Ace said, making a gun with his fingers and blowing on it.

“You got something all right,” Sacha teased. “Thanks for having my back.”

“Always,” Ace replied, winking at him before walking off. A loud whine met Gio’s ears, and he lifted his gaze to find Saint holding on to Cookie and Chip’s leashes. The two were prancing excitedly around Saint’s feet. The big man just shook his head in amusement.

“You better go to them before their butts fall off,” Sacha said.

Gio didn’t have to be told twice. He hurried over to his favorite furry boys and dropped down to one knee, laughing as the two lavished him with doggie kisses. Some of the police officers came over to greet Chip. The Kings seemed to be familiar with all the officers from St. Augustine PD. King said it was in everyone’s best interest to get along. It made their jobs easier. Chip got some love, and once the scene was clear, Sacha knelt to love on his best boy too for doing such a good job.

As Gio watched Sacha with Chip, he acknowledged that his life had changed in drastic ways. Yes, he had a lot to work through, but he was surrounded by people who loved him, by family. Because family wasn’t just bound by blood, but by love, and Gio was never going to take that for granted again.