The Devil’s Keepsake by Somme Sketcher


I’ve been here before. This never-ending tunnel lined with the world’s most revered paintings. Mona Lisa. The Starry Night. The Girl with the Pearl Earring.

The last time I was here, I was desperate to reach the small door at the end. This time, the searing pain in my ankle and the bullet lodged in my thigh means I can’t run toward it. And I wouldn’t, even if I could.

I pull my knees up to my chest and squeeze my eyes shut and wait. Wait for the floorboards to give way, to reveal the burning fire that’s underneath.

I’m desperate to hear his voice.

Welcome to hell, I told you you’d be joining me here.

I’d give anything to be with him there.

A floorboard to the left of me falls, revealing the burning furnace underneath.

Soon, my love. I’ll be with you soon.

Another floorboard cracks and groans and falls into the fire below. With every board that tumbles away from me, I feel more at peace.


A small smile stretches across my lips. One more board left.

I’m so close now. We’re so close.


Strong arms from above. They lift me up, just as the last floorboard falls from underneath me.


No,I want to scream, I’m going the wrong way. Put me down. Down, down, down into the flames below.

“Hold on, kid.” The voice is so familiar but it’s not his. There are no more floorboards left, but I’m soaring, not falling. Moving towards the small door, encased in strong arms. “You just gotta hold on for me.”

The flames sizzle and fizzle and settle into nothing more than a bed of embers.

He’s not there.

“It’s gonna be okay, kid. It’s gonna be okay.”