Vegas, Baby: The Complete Series by Fiona Davenport



Iwas having a difficult time wrapping my brain around everything I’d just learned. It felt as though I’d just gotten off one heck of a roller coaster with my emotions reaching high and low. And sitting on Zack’s lap with his hard-on right beneath my butt wasn’t helping my ability to think clearly.

A few important things stood out, though. I wasn’t a home-wrecker. Zack was a millionaire. And he had a seventeen-year-old daughter. I decided to tackle the last part first since he didn’t seem to realize I was more freaked out by how much money he had.

“Knowing you have a teenage daughter doesn’t bother me.” I flashed him a reassuring smile, but it faded quickly when something occurred to me. “Unless you don’t want more kids? Something like that would force me to think long and hard about getting into a relationship with you. I definitely want children. Lots of them.”

My hand flew up to cover my mouth when I realized what I’d just blurted. Although I’d let him give me an orgasm minutes ago, I’d known Zack for less than twenty-four hours. Unlike any other man in the world, he didn’t seem put off by me bringing up babies so quickly. Oddly enough, he didn’t look even the tiniest bit freaked out. Instead, his lips kicked up at the edges in a smile of pure male satisfaction. “If anyone had asked me that question yesterday morning, my answer would’ve been a resounding no.”

After sliding my hand to the side and wrapping my fingers around Zack’s wrist, I asked, “And today?”

He leaned close to brush his lips over mine before answering. “Now that I’ve met you, I could see myself with a house full of little ones—lots of girls with curly black hair and pretty brown eyes.”

“Just because you already have a daughter doesn’t mean you will have all girls. Maybe they’ll all be boys with dark hair and eyes instead.” I fidgeted on his lap, gasping softly when I felt his hard length press against my core.

His hands dropped to my hips as a groan rumbled up his chest. “Careful, beautiful. If you keep moving around, my next baby very well could be conceived right here in my office.”

“Oh, sorry.” I jumped off his lap, nearly tripping over my feet.

He rose from the chair, reaching out to steady me. “Never apologize for turning me on. If you try, you’ll just end up saying you’re sorry twenty-four seven.”

“I...don’t even know what to say to that.” I shook my head and laughed softly.

He shrugged his broad shoulders and winked at me. “I’m not worried. You’ll have plenty of time to get used to how much I want you.”

His declaration didn’t make me feel better. It actually had the opposite effect since I was reminded about how little time I’d have with Zack. I’d come to Vegas for a long weekend to celebrate Marie’s bachelorette party, and we were due to leave on a red-eye flight in about forty-eight hours. Starting something up with him when we had such little time together wasn’t a smart move. It was bound to end in heartbreak for me, regardless of how he was talking about me having his babies. “I’m sorry. I need to get back to the party and check on Maria. I’m her maid of honor. I can’t just bail on her bachelorette party.”

“It’s not as though she can blame you for being gone when I carried you out of there,” he pointed out with a cocky grin. “And I don’t think she’s going to be too pissed at you, not with how she cheered me on.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest in an attempt to protect myself from reacting to his overwhelming sexiness. “Probably not, but I still need to go back.”

His dark eyes scanned my face, and he must’ve found whatever he was looking for because he nodded. “I’ll walk you down. It’s probably best that I check in with my staff anyway. I need to make sure they’re not spending more time gossiping about us than taking care of our customers.”

My cheeks heated as he took my arm and led me to the elevator, but my embarrassment didn’t last long. Zack gave me something else to focus on when the elevator doors slid closed behind us. He pressed me against the back wall, bending his head to capture my mouth in a deep kiss. By the time the doors opened again, and we walked down a hallway and through the restaurant’s kitchen, I wasn’t thinking about anything except Zack’s kisses.

He brushed his lips over mine one last time at the door to the private room where my cousin and her friends were partying. Then he patted my ass and said, “Have fun with your girls, beautiful. Come find me when you’re done.”

I watched him walk away, enjoying the flex of his butt cheeks in his expertly tailored suit pants. The man had a world-class ass, and I glared at a couple of women in the restaurant who stared at it as he passed their tables. When he was out of sight, I turned and found my cousin staring at me with wide eyes. “Damn, that was fast! I wasn’t expecting to see you again until tomorrow morning.”

“I-you…” I sputtered, dropping my head to look at the floor. “Shut up and get me a drink, Maria.”

She tugged on my arm to lead me over to the bar. “Two lemon drop shots, please.”

The bartender nodded and reached for a bottle of vodka, the lemon wedges, and the sugar. Maria leaned her hip against the bar and quirked a brow at me as he dumped some ice into a shaker and poured a generous amount of vodka on top. I tried my best to ignore her look, but my cousin wasn’t having it. “You can try as hard as you want to look innocent, but it isn’t going to work. Not when your lips are swollen and you’ve got a glow to your cheeks and eyes that I’ve never seen on you before.”

I glanced at the bartender, but he was focused on pouring the chilled vodka concoction into two shot glasses. Even though he wasn’t paying attention to our conversation, I lowered my voice to the barest of whispers as I admitted, “I guess it makes sense that I’m not able to pull it off since I’m not quite as innocent as I used to be.”

“Holy hell!” she shrieked. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at us as she added, “Did you let him pop your cherry?”

“Are you kidding me right now?” I dropped my forehead against the top of the bar and squeezed my eyes shut.

When I lifted my head again, the bartender slid both of the shots in front of me. “Here, I think you could use the extra one more than the bachelorette needs another drink.”

“No fair,” Maria cried as everyone gathered around us.

“Trust me, she needs it if she landed the big boss. Especially if she’s a virgin.” He wagged his brows at me. “There haven’t been any women linked to him in all the time I’ve worked here. He’s bound to have a lot of sexual frustration to work through.”

I gulped down the first shot in one go before muttering, “I can't believe this is happening.” I wagged my finger at Maria. “And it’s all your fault. If you hadn’t given me that stupid dare, I never would’ve found myself in this position.”

Maria grinned at me. “What position would that be? Flat on your back under the big boss?” Her eyes went wide as though she just realized what she’d said, and she turned to the bartender to ask, “What did you mean when you called him the big boss?”

He opened his mouth but snapped it shut before saying anything. I figured he was worried about filling me in on who Zack was in case I didn’t know, and I took pity on him. “It turns out that the mystery man I kissed on the sidewalk last night is a millionaire who owns this hotel and casino.”

“Billionaire,” the bartender softly corrected.

“You lost your virginity to a freaking billionaire?” Maria breathed in shock before snatching the other lemon drop shot. She lifted it and said, “Here’s to hoping that what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay here. It’d be a damn shame for you to leave the billionaire behind after a weekend fling.”

“I didn’t lose my virginity,” I hissed.

“You can’t really blame me for thinking you did.” She waved her hand at me. “Not when he carried you off and then you come back looking like you had your first orgasm.”

“You can climax without having sex,” I pointed out with an eye roll.

“A sexy billionaire made you come and stopped there without taking your virginity. What in the hell are you doing here with us?” one of the bridesmaids asked.

“She’s so right. Go find your hot guy,” Maria urged as she nudged me toward the door. “The best present you could give me this weekend is to have as much fun as possible and tell me all about it later.”

We both knew I wasn’t going to give her all the dirty details, but I still took her up on the offer.