Vegas, Baby: The Complete Series by Fiona Davenport



There was a design I’d had in my mind for years; one I’d sketched out right after I opened Ink Addiction. I wasn’t sure if I would ever ink it on someone’s skin. Then this red-headed goddess strolled into my shop, and I knew I’d found the perfect canvas.

“I think that’s a fantastic idea!” Belle effused, giving the red-head a slightly evil grin.

“Uh, no. We’re here for you, sister dear,” she protested with a shake of her head.

I was a little shocked to realize these two were sisters since they looked nothing alike. Belle was average height with almost black hair, whereas my woman was tall, with long dark-red hair, crystal blue eyes, and fucking awesome curves.

“You’re here to get a tattoo for your man,” she continued. I listened carefully to her next words because if some motherfucker out there was touching what’s mine, I was going to bury his ass under six feet of concrete. “I don’t have a man”—Life saved; jail sentence averted—"so I don’t have a reason to be branded.” Wrong.

I was about to jump in when Belle spoke again. “I double dog dare you, Ariel.” I almost burst out laughing until I saw the look on my girl’s face. She looked livid but resigned, and my eyes bounced back and forth between them. Was that really going to work on her?

She sighed, then grumbled, “This doesn’t get you out of yours, Belle.”

“I don’t know if Maddox can fit us both in,” Belle hedged. That was my cue.

“Actually, Belle. I asked Candice to come in early to do your piece. She’s the one who did Wendy’s”—I gestured towards the front desk—“and she’s the next best thing to me. She’ll do a fantastic job. I know you asked for me, but you and I both know that Griffith would kill me when he found out I touched his woman.”

Ariel snorted adorably and drew my full attention back to her. “I have to agree; you’d be a dead man”—her blue eyes swept over my body, and I grinned at the hunger growing there—“and that would be a devastating loss to womankind.” Pink tinged her cheeks, but she didn’t break eye contact and her smile was playful.

She was so damn beautiful and sweet, I didn’t know whether I wanted to ink her skin before I tasted it, or vice versa. Okay, that was a stupid thought. I definitely wanted to brand her first. Just the thought of my mark on her body had me ready to come. It was going to take every ounce of my control to stay focused.

“Let’s go, little mermaid,” I teased as I held out my hand. Ariel rolled her eyes but put her palm in my mine. When she stepped close, my hunger intensified, and I was suddenly starving. I glanced at Belle and murmured, “Follow me.” I led them to Candice’s station first and got Belle settled with her, then took Ariel to the rear of the store where my private studio was. I didn’t want to use my regular station. Depending on where I decided to put the tattoo on her body, I didn’t want anyone seeing things that were for my eyes only.

We stopped by a padded table, and I reluctantly let go of her hand. “Take a seat, baby. I’m going to get everything prepped.”

Her eyes were wide as she looked around the room, taking in the drawings and photos of my work all over the walls. “Wow,” she breathed. “You’re an amazing artist.”

Warmth invaded my chest. “Thanks, baby,” I said with a smile. I knew my deep dimples were showing when her blue orbs came back to my face and she stared at my cheeks. Her little tongue popped out to wet her lips, and I had to stifle a groan. I could practically feel it licking my dick. Up and down; around the fat head, then I’d thrust to the back of her throat while she swallowed and sucked on it like a popsicle—fuck, fuck, fuck! I spun around and marched over to my tools, taking a deep breath. I’d just about exploded in my pants like a fucking teenager.

Once I felt under control, I took everything I needed back to the little table by the bed. Then I threw a sheet over it and tossed a pillow at the head.

“Take off your shirt and lay on your stomach, baby,” I told her as I walked over to help her up.

Once she was on her feet, I stayed where I was, just inches from her and didn’t bother to look away. “Um, shouldn’t you go, and I’ll call you when I’m ready or something,” she asked, a pretty blush blooming on her face.

“Nope,” I responded, letting the p pop. “Strip, little mermaid.”

Ariel’s eyes narrowed and her lips pursed for a moment, but then she took a deep breath and grabbed the hem of her purple T-shirt. As she lifted it up and over her head, my heart pounded harder with every inch of exposed skin. It was like fresh cream, and I wanted to lap at it before smearing it with strawberry jam and licking it clean. I nearly rolled my eyes at myself for the image. For some reason, all the naughty fantasies she inspired involved food.

Her bra was peach, and it cupped her big, round tits like a skin waiting to be peeled back, offering up the delicious fruit beneath it.

I licked my lips as I closed the tiny gap between us and when I took my next breath, I realized why my every sexual thought suddenly seemed to be edible. She smelled like sugar and spice. It reminded me of cake. And cookies. And chocolate desserts—all of it making my mouth water.

A small sound escaped Ariel’s lips, and my head whipped up from my shameless ogling. Her blue eyes were a little hazy, and her face was flushed. I swallowed hard at the amazing sight of my woman so obviously turned on.

I needed to get this show on the road, or I was going to throw her on the table and fuck her. And that wasn’t going to happen until I’d marked her as mine. Then I would make her mine.

“Lay down, baby,” I rasped as I grasped her waist and hoisted her up onto the table. It took a couple of seconds before the fog cleared, and she shifted to do as I’d instructed. “Pull your hair up.” While she did that, I walked around to the other side to take a seat on my stool. She grabbed the pillow I wouldn’t have provided for anyone else and hugged it to her chest for support as she laid down. I scooted close and cleaned the area behind her left shoulder with alcohol, then grabbed the gun.

“Aren’t you supposed to trace it first?” Ariel piped up, looking at me over her shoulder with wide, nervous eyes.

I grinned and shook my head. “Even if I did use tracing, which is rare for me these days, I wouldn’t with this design. It’s meant to be done freehand.”

Her eyebrows shot up, and she lifted up to twist around a little more. “This design? Don’t I get to choose my tattoo?”

“Nope.” My tone was matter of fact. It wasn’t up for negotiation. I stood and brushed the tip of my fingers down her cheek, then gently pushed between her shoulder blades until she returned to lying on her chest. “Trust me.” When she didn’t say anything else, I sat back down and got to work.

Three hours later, I pulled the gun away one last time and wiped the tattoo clean of excess ink. It was exactly what I imagined with a few minor improvements that had come to me while I was working.

“Come with me.” I flipped her over and scooped her up, then set her on her feet. I grabbed a hand mirror and led her over to a free-standing one a few feet away. I positioned her with her back to the glass and held up the smaller mirror so she could see the tattoo on her shoulder.

She gasped, and her expression lit with wonder. “It’s incredible,” she breathed. After staring at it a little longer, she reached over with her right hand, but I caught it before she could touch the area. “It’ll be sore for a while, baby.”

I grinned when she continued to just stand there and stare at it, but I only let her have a few more minutes because I wanted to get the Vaseline and plastic over it. Taking her hand, I brought her back to the table and set her on it. “Why do you keep picking me up?” she asked with a frown. “I’m perfectly capable of getting places on my own.”

I went around the other side before answering. “I like having you in my arms,” I murmured against her ear and smirked when it made her shiver. “Also, I like putting you right where I want you.” She sputtered for a second, but it melted into a moan when I brushed a soft kiss over her bare neck.

I quickly took care of the wound and gave her instructions on how to care for it. Though, I intended to do it myself since I knew she’d be back in my shop breathing fire before too long.