Vegas, Baby: The Complete Series by Fiona Davenport



“Is that so?” I pressed another kiss to the soft skin of Ariel’s exposed neck. My lips tipped up when she shivered again. I was tempted to convince her by making her scream the right answer over and over, but I wanted a more binding agreement than coercing a yes during sex. And, I was doing my best to remind my depraved, lust-ruled devil inside me that she was sore and needed a break. Even though I couldn’t really blame him for being eager for another round of what I was sure was the best sex anyone had ever had.

“Yes,” Ariel said in a shaky voice. I could tell that her conviction was wavering, but I decided to hedge my bets. I wasn’t one hundred percent certain my plan would work, but I was more confident than not. Belle had seemed to be on board with my relationship with her sister, and I knew all about her whirlwind romance with Griffith.

“We’ll see about that, baby,” I murmured. Reluctantly, I removed my arms from around Ariel, then immediately threaded my fingers through hers. I led the way from the living room to the kitchen and up the back set of stairs. There was a landing connecting the front set, before they converged into one set of steps to the second floor. I always liked the idea of being able to reach the upstairs faster, no matter where you were in the house because the kids’ bedrooms were right at the top.

The master suite was situated at the end of the hall, taking up almost the entire right side of the house on the upper floor. With the exception of a smaller room that connected to ours, which I intended to turn into a nursery.

We kept walking until we reached a small alcove with a love seat and an overstuffed chair in front of a large picture window. I dug my cell from my pocket before sitting and tugging Ariel down onto my lap. She snuggled into my chest and sighed when I began to rub circles on her back. With my other hand, I turned on my phone and used my thumb to scroll through my contacts until I found the right one and hit send.

“I wasn’t sure you were still alive,” Griffith chuckled in lieu of a greeting. “Ariel was pissed as hell when she stormed out of here.”

“I can be pretty fucking convincing when I want to be,” I drawled. Ariel smacked my chest lightly, and I glanced down at her with a raised brow. She was frowning up at me but after a second, she rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Yeah, okay,” she grumbled before relaxing back into me. So damn adorable, I thought with a smirk.

“I hope you didn’t call for girl talk,” Griffith goaded. “Because I will hang up right now if you go into any detail.”

“I wouldn’t want to embarrass you when you realize how inept you are compared to me. In technique and size.” Ariel snort-laughed softly, and I narrowed my eyes at her. Girl talk… “You better not be laughing because Belle has over-shared, and you know things about another man that will force me to kill the motherfucker,” I growled.

Ariel laughed a little harder but suppressed it when she got a look at my expression. “I was laughing because I agreed with your assessment of your skills and size,” she replied with a wink. Though her tone was teasing, her eyes made it clear that she meant what she said.

“Damn straight,” I grumbled before giving her a deep kiss.

“As much as I enjoy busting your balls, was there something you needed from me?” Griffith interrupted, making me grunt in annoyance until I remembered why I’d called.

“Not you. I need your wife.”

“Excuse me?” Griffith practically roared.

“Calm the fuck down, dude. I phrased that wrong,” I hurried to appease him. “I meant that I need a favor from Belle.”

“You want to try that again, asshole?” Griffith’s tone was deadly, and I realized I’d botched my request again.

“Just let me talk to Belle, Griff. I need her to help me with Ariel.”

My girl stiffened in my lap and dropped her head back to watch me suspiciously.

“You’ve got two minutes,” Griffith growled. There was fumbling and then the distant sound of a feminine giggle that shifted into a moan. I pulled the phone away from my ear about to hang up before my brain was branded with shit I did not need to hear, but Belle’s clear voice had me stopping just in time.

“Stop that!” I heard the sound of a slap before she finally spoke to me. “What’s up, Maddox?”

“I was hoping you’d help me convince your sister to move in with me tomorrow.” I didn’t bother to beat around the bush.

Ariel squeaked and sat up so quickly, her head bumped my chin.

“Absolutely!” Belle chirped. Well, that had gone easier than I’d expected. She lowered her voice so no one else could hear what she said next, “Just promise me that you love her.”

“Would I be doing this if I didn’t?”

“Fair enough,” Belle responded at full volume once more. “What do you need me to do?”

Griffith shouted something in the background, and Belle sighed in exasperation. “Stop being such a caveman!” she retorted, her voice lacking any real heat.

Ariel started tugging at my hand, trying to make a grab for the phone. I wrapped my arm tightly around her, trapping her limbs in my embrace. She gasped and wiggled, but my hold was unbreakable. I grunted when her ass rubbed my dick until I was rock hard. Fucking hell. She froze when she felt the steel rod nestled between her ass cheeks.

I swallowed hard and tried to ignore the state of my body. “My girl tells me that a double dog dare is only good if it comes from one of her sisters,” I explained.

“Belle!” Ariel snapped. “Don’t you dare!”

Belle laughed hysterically for a full minute before she calmed enough to say, “Hand her the phone.”

I shook my head, even though she couldn’t see me. “She’ll hang up.”

Ariel’s lips pressed together and turned down in an annoyed frown before she stuck her tongue out at me. She knew I had her pegged. “Is that an invitation?” I asked her softly.

“Okay, okay,” Belle piped up. “Put me on speaker before you two go at it.”

I laughed and used my thumb to hit the audio button. “You’re on,” I told her, my grin so big it was a wonder it didn’t break my face.


“Payback is a bitch, Belle,” Ariel growled as she started to struggle in my arms again.

“Worth it!” Belle said in a sing-song tone. “I double dog dare you to move in with Maddox tomorrow!”

“Seriously? Whatever happened to sisterly loyalty?” Ariel grunted, her wiggling finally ceasing. I loosened my hold but kept her in the circle of my arms.

“I will always dare you to do what’s best for you,” Belle chirped. “Have fun moving tomorrow.”

“Time’s up,” Griffith said before the phone went silent. I glanced at it, unsurprised to see that he’d hung up. Chuckling, I tossed my phone to the other cushion on the love seat and refocused on my woman. She was glaring at me, her blue eyes spitting fire but something was lurking behind the flames. It took me a little bit to figure out what it was. Relief.

When it hit me, I couldn’t help the huge grin that returned to my face. Ariel had been looking for an excuse to say yes. Something to override her logical arguments, so she could agree without having to actually give in. She wanted to move in with me.

“Fine,” she blustered. “You win.”

I hugged her and kissed her temple. “You bet your sexy little ass I win,” I gloated.

Her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned, but the corners of her mouth wavered as she fought a smile. “You know, I wasn’t just talking to Belle when I said payback’s a bitch.”

I smirked. “Admit it, baby. You want to move in with me.”

She lost the fight, and her face morphed into a beautiful smile. “Maybe.”

“I’ll take it,” I acquiesced before planting a long, deep kiss on her irresistible mouth.

When I finally let us up for air, we were both panting, and Ariel was clinging to me. Her blue pools were dazed and hungry. I groaned and sternly told myself to back the fuck off before I caused her more pain. I needed a distraction.

I put an arm along her back and scooped the other under her legs, then I unfolded my body from the couch. Once I was on my feet, I headed towards the master bathroom. Ariel gasped in awe when we stepped inside, and her reaction made me smile in gratification. It had heated Italian tile, was decorated in creams and golds, and sported the biggest whirlpool bathtub I could fit in the room. There was also a stone shower that was large enough for at least five people but would only ever hold two. I hadn’t known whether I would ever find the right woman, but when I built the house, I wanted to be damn sure it was ready if I did.

“Time for me to take care of my woman.” I set her on the counter between the twin sinks and kissed her nose before turning and taking a few steps to the shower. I twisted the faucet and held my hand under the water until I was satisfied with the temperature. Then I squatted by the marble bathtub and pulled open the drawers to a little cabinet set beside it until I found what I was looking for. I opened a new bar of soap and tossed the box into the trashcan under the counter and straightened back up.

“I thought you’d never brought another woman here?” Ariel’s tone was accusing and when I turned towards her again, I saw the hurt on her face. I glanced down at the soap in my hand and realized how she could get the wrong idea since it was manufactured by a company that specialized in women’s products.

“I haven’t, baby.” I shook my head as I returned to her and moved in between her legs. I set the clear bar on the sink and cupped her face in my hands. “I built this house for my family; I wouldn’t share it with anyone but the woman meant to live here with me. The woman destined to be my wife and the mother of my kids.” Ariel’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she blinked owlishly at me.

I smiled and kept talking, figuring we’d come back to that later. I gestured to the soap. “I’ve tested a lot of soap for tattoo aftercare, and I’ve found this to be the best for washing them.” Her pretty, pink lips formed a little O, and her expression turned sheepish.

“You’re hot as fuck when you’re jealous, baby.” Her cheeks bloomed with a sweet blush. I grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, then closed my eyes and tried to maintain my control.

I’d managed to keep from thinking about just how fucking sexy Ariel was for the last couple of hours. Now that it was right there, in front of my face, it was impossible to ignore. And, a flood of memories from the afternoon had me vibrating with hunger. My tongue tingled at the memory of her sweet, sugary taste. My cock was dripping with arousal and making a mess of my pants.

“Maddox?” Ariel asked curiously.

I dragged my eyes open, and she gasped when she saw the raw need churning in them. “I’m trying not to give in, baby. But damn you make it difficult.”

“Um…sorry?” Her curved mouth made it clear that she wasn’t sorry in the least.

“You will be if I let myself go, baby,” I warned her with a growl. She opened her mouth, no doubt to say something sassy, but I silenced her with my hand. “Don’t.”

I waited until she nodded, then removed my hand and set about helping her to undress before removing my own clothes. Then I scooped her back into my arms and carried her into the shower. I gently scrubbed her body from head to toe, making sure to be extra tender when I cleaned her tattoo and her pussy.

After swiftly washing myself, I shut off the water and reached around the shower wall to grab two fluffy towels from the warming bar.

I patted us both dry, then tossed the towels into a heap on the floor to clean up later. Carefully, I applied ointment to her tattoo before kissing her shoulder and rotating her body so that she was facing me. It was a little early for bed, but I could see exhaustion written all over Ariel’s face. It mirrored my own.

Lifting her into my arms, I held her close as I made my way to our bed. With one hand, I pulled back the covers, then set her gently in the center. Then I crawled in after her and pulled the quilt back up and over us. She rolled into my embrace before I even had a chance to reach for her. She snuggled up against me and tucked her head into my neck. I cradled her with the arm underneath her and my other hand drifted over her silky skin, up her leg and torso and around to draw circles on her back, then repeating the pattern.

“What’s your schedule tomorrow, baby?” I asked softly.

She shrugged, and her head bumped my chin. “I have to be at the shop early to finish two wedding cakes for tomorrow night. Then I have to start another and prep for a reception the next night. I’ll have a break in the middle of the day, but then I have to supervise setting up the cake in the reception halls before I’ll be done for the day.”

“My day is pretty packed with appointments, but I could probably break away for lunch around two. How about I bring it to you? You can eat the food, and I’ll feast on you.” I licked my lips, imagining all the sweet things I could eat off of her body.

Ariel giggled. “Um, I think that might be a health code violation.”

“I promise to lick up all the evidence,” I murmured, my hand slipping down to cup an ass cheek and holding her close while I pressed my cock into the heat between her thighs.

Ariel moaned, and I gritted my teeth as I strained to keep from taking things further. “Tomorrow night, I’m going to eat your pussy in our house,” I promised with a growl. “Then you’re going to take my cock between your sexy lips and suck me off in our shower, before I fuck a couple of mind-blowing orgasms out of you in our bed.”

She whimpered and shifted restlessly, her legs squeezing together. “You want that. Don’t you, baby? Does it make you wet?” Ariel moaned again and nodded. “You need me to relieve the ache, little mermaid?”

“Please,” she begged breathlessly.

“I’ll always give you anything you want, baby,” I told her honestly as I rolled her to her back. With soft kisses on her skin, I worked my way down to her pussy. By the time I was done taking care of her needs, she’d passed out in a deep sleep. I crawled up and curled myself around her before doing the same.