Vegas, Baby: The Complete Series by Fiona Davenport



As I explained my situation, Aurora’s expression softened and even turned a little sheepish. “Okay,” she sighed. “So maybe you aren’t the devil like I thought.”

A smile spread across my face, and I winked at her. “Don’t underestimate me, baby. I can be very wicked.”

Aurora’s cheeks turned pink, and she squirmed in her seat, making my grin widen. Before I could say anything else, our food arrived. Once our dishes were served, and we were alone again, I started to speak when yet another shadow fell across our table. I looked up to see Zack, the manager and half-owner of the restaurant standing in front of us.

“Will,” Zack greeted me before turning to my dinner companion. “Aurora. What brings you two in tonight?” His lack of surprise told me that the gossip train had reached his station.

“The same thing that brings in everyone else,” I grumbled, annoyed at the interruption. “Food. Now how about you let us get back to our date before our meal gets cold?”

Zack’s eyes widened just slightly, but enough for me to infer that he hadn’t realized this wasn’t just a friendly dinner.

Aurora chuckled and shook her head. “This is so not a date.”

I glared at her and put my hand on her knee under the table. She shivered, and I eyed her smugly. “This is absolutely a date.” I patted her knee before removing my hand, letting the tip of my fingers slide along her skin as I pulled away.

She opened her mouth, probably to argue with me, when Zack spoke again. “Knox know you’re out with his sister?”

I glanced up at him and rolled my eyes before shrugging carelessly. When I looked at Aurora’s face again, she was studying me with an unreadable expression. “You aren’t scared about my brother finding out about our date?”

“Date, huh?” I grinned triumphantly, and Aurora’s cheeks dusted with pink. She was fucking adorable when she blushed. I hadn’t seen it spread down past her face yet, though, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would take to make it happen. Now it was me squirming in my seat, trying to find a comfortable position with a damn baseball bat between my legs.

“Whatever,” she mumbled, making me laugh.

“To answer your question,” I continued, “no, I don’t give a damn if your brother knows about our date.”

Zack gave a low whistle, and when I glanced at him, he shook his head. “I would be if I were you. He’s a scary motherfucker most of the time, but when you mess with one of his sisters?” He shrugged. “It’s your funeral.”

Aurora giggled, and I was so enamored by the sound that I almost forgot Zack was even there. She smiled at me, and her beautiful blue eyes twinkled with something like admiration as she stared at me.

“Well, enjoy your dinner, you two.”

I waved at Zack, not sparing him a glance as I heard him walk away.

“Most guys run for the door as soon as they know about my brother,” Aurora mused. “Except for my brothers-in-law.”

“I’m not most guys.”

Aurora smiled and cocked her head to the side. “I’m starting to see that.” She picked up her silverware and started to eat, so I followed suit.

“So, tell me about these dangerous people you know.”

I laughed when Aurora choked on her food and took a long drink of her water. That sweet blush returned, and I wondered if her whole body would turn pink when she was flushed with desire.

“I might have been exaggerating,” she admitted.

For the next hour, we talked about our pasts and families as we polished off our meals. My parents had retired to Florida, and I was an only child, so I didn’t have much to say on that front. However, Aurora had me rolling with laughter at her tales of the antics between her and her sisters.

When our plates were cleared, the server placed a dessert menu on the table and excused himself for a few minutes while we decided.

As Aurora perused the choices, she licked her lips and sighed. “I can never decide. Everything is so delicious.” I watched, captivated as she bit her bottom lip for a second, then her pink tongue darted out once again to lick along the bee-stung flesh.

I hadn’t taken one look at the menu; I already knew exactly what I wanted for dessert.

The waiter returned, and I snatched the menu from Aurora’s hand and handed them both over. Aurora frowned at me and grumbled, “Hey, I wasn’t done deciding.”

I speared her with an intense gaze, and her eyes widened, but she pressed her lips together and didn’t say anything else.

“We’ll take one of everything,” I told the young guy. “To go.” I quickly fished out my wallet—not an easy task considering how tight my pants were at the moment—and handed him a credit card. “The faster we’re on our way out of here, the bigger your tip.” The server grinned and scurried off as though his ass was on fire.

I turned back to find Aurora gaping at me. I tried to smile at her, but then I started to picture sliding my cock into that warm, wet space. At that point, I imagined my expression looked more like a grimace as the teeth of my zipper imprinted themselves on my dick.

“Did I say something wrong?” she finally asked. “Are you so eager to get away from me?” She was trying to look as though she didn’t care, but the hurt in her voice bled through.

I immediately leaned forward and took one of her hands in mine. “You’ve got that ass-backwards, baby. I’m desperate to spend more time with you.”

“Then why did you order everything? So that I’d stop hesitating and dragging out our meal? Not to mention getting it to go so that I’ll be forced to go home and eat it all by myself.”

I squeezed her hand to make sure I had her full attention. “First of all, I ordered one of everything because I didn’t want you to have to decide. I want to give you everything.” I meant that. Everything. Not just the desserts. “Second, I ordered it to go because if I’m going to watch you enjoy those treats, it’s going to be when we’re alone so I don’t embarrass myself in the middle of a restaurant. And third, don’t think you won’t have to share. I intend to eat a little of everything.” My eyes drifted down, and I would have done a full sweep of her delicious body, but the table was in my way.

Aurora’s blue orbs were round and wide as she stared at me. She appeared to be a little puzzled, but the rosy hue of her face told me that she understood my innuendo, she just wasn’t sure if that was how I’d actually meant it. I decided to leave her wondering a little longer.

The waiter returned with two bulging bags of to-go containers and set them on the table, along with the check holder. I nodded my head and glanced at my watch. “Impressive.”

He beamed at me, then asked, “Will there be anything else?”

After declining his offer, I added a generous tip to the bill and tucked my credit card back into my wallet. I stood from my chair, then held my hand out to help Aurora up from hers. Keeping a firm hold on her, I grabbed the handles of both bags in my other hand and guided her outside. We walked up to the cab stand, and they hailed a taxi for us within a few minutes. “I’ll bring you back to work in the morning,” I explained when she started to protest about leaving her car behind.

Her forehead creased as she frowned. “You’re going to come pick me up and take me to work? That doesn’t make sense.”

I squeezed her hand as the cabbie came around to open our door. “Don’t worry about it.” I didn’t tell her that she’d be leaving for work from my house in the morning. She’d figure it out eventually. I placed the bags in the trunk, then assisted my girl into the back of the vehicle.

She leaned toward the opening in the glass partition, and I tugged on her hand, pulling her back and curling my arm around her. Then I rattled off my address and the car sped off.

“I thought you were taking me home to eat all that dessert?” she asked. Her voice was a little breathy, and it caused my dick to twitch painfully.

“I am, baby,” I assured her with a warm smile and a peck on her temple.

“But that’s not my address.”

“I know.” To avoid further arguments or questions, I gave in to the urge that had been clawing at me since the moment I saw her standing in my office, breathing fire. I used the arm around her to drag her onto my lap, then captured her chin with one hand, forcing her to face me. Leaning close, I brushed my mouth over hers. She let out a tiny gasp, and her lips parted, giving me exactly what I wanted.

My mouth sealed tight over hers, and my tongue slipped inside the warm recesses of her mouth. She tasted like strawberries and white wine. I groaned and deepened the kiss, wanting more yet knowing this was all I could have for the moment. I released her chin, and my hand delved into her long, golden blond hair, clenching it tight so I could position her head into just the right spot.

Aurora moaned, and her upper body practically melted into mine. I was losing control by the second, and I knew I should tear myself away for the rest of the drive, but she was like a drug, and I had clearly become addicted to her from the first moment our lips had touched.

“Yo!” the driver yelled as the cab screeched to a stop. The jolt separated us, and we both sucked in a deep lungful of air.

I glanced out the window to see we were in my driveway and sighed in relief. “Thank fuck,” I groaned. Any longer, and I might have given the cabbie an X-rated show.