Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



I squeezed my Angel as we swayed to the music in the middle of the dance floor at The Bullet. Our wedding ceremony had been short and sweet, just how we wanted. The trees in the backyard of the clubhouse were in various fall colors, the air crisp. It was perfect with flowers decorating the gazebo I’d bought for my girl back in August. I loved that we said our vows in it. Madeline’s friend, Ray, sang a song I’d never heard before. It didn’t even matter, the damn thing made me tear up as I stared at my beauty. I wasn’t a mushy guy, far from it, but I’d been a little emotional soaring in the clouds all fuckin’ day, crazy happy.

Madeline had wanted to have our reception in the place we’d seen each other for the first time after I’d left Garrison. I thought it was a terrific idea, so I closed the bar for our celebration. Everyone was here, all my brothers, Angel’s teacher friends, and both of our families. Even Toby made it out.

A month had passed since I returned from the arms run up to Canada. The delivery had been uneventful, to my relief. However, Hero, my Sergeant at Arms, hadn’t been doing so great. We were halfway home when my brother pulled me over on the side of the highway to tell me he needed to go deal with his demons and wasn’t returning Bastion with the rest of us.

I could’ve forced Hero, but it wouldn’t have done any good. I knew what it was like to live with guilt. It tormented the mind and ate at you from the inside out.

Hero hadn’t been the same since the Hunters took him and the girls. I’d thought he was doing better after he let Tara take care of him the night of AJ’s memorial. They’d stayed holed up in his room until the morning we left on the run.

I really thought he was in a better headspace when I’d heard him say, “Roja, stay in my room. Move your shit to the clubhouse.”

I’d just finished kissing my woman and straddled my bike. But then, I noticed he wasn’t okay.

Tara had gone to kiss Hero, but he’d gripped her wrists and pushed her away. From there, it got all dramatic and shit. Tara started to cry. Madeline had turned to me for answers I didn’t have for her.

I thought Hero might’ve been back for the wedding. He’d checked in—just like I made him promise—but no dice. Hero was hellbent on fighting his demons.

And Tara?

She’d been depressed ever since we left on the run. When I returned without Hero, the redhead shut down. Madeline and I were both worried, but two weeks later, Tara acted as if nothing happened. She flipped a one-eighty and moved her shit out of Hero’s room. I couldn’t let her leave in good conscience, after Hero demanded she stayed in his room. Eventually, with Madeline’s help, we convinced Tara to stay in one of our basement dorms.

I still felt the loss of Hero, though. He was one of my closest friends, my SAA. Now that he wasn’t here, Track had taken up the slack.

“Are you happy, Angel?” I kissed her head. She looked breathtakingly gorgeous in her ivory lace dress and those fuckin’ sexy brown boots with the cross on the front. She called it a high-low wedding dress with a sweetheart neckline. Had no idea what she meant, nor did I ask for her to explain it. To me, it was beautiful and perfect on her. And I loved seeing her wearing my favorite boots. Even better were her plump tits popping out the top of her “sweetheart neckline.” I couldn’t wait to get her home to ravage her.

“Exceedingly happy. You?” She peered up at me, a radiant smile on her lovely face.

“That’s all I want, Angel. For you to be happy.” I spun her around, doing my best to be everything she wanted during our wedding dance. She’d picked some country song I didn’t know, said it was her favorite and made her think of me. Damn, she was the sweetest thing. She’d been singing the whole time. Belting out the lyrics and melting me with her fuckin’ incredible voice. She seriously needed to consider performing more often, maybe starting her own band. But I knew it wasn’t what she wanted.

“What song is this?” I asked against her ear.

“It’s “Speechless” by Dan and Shay.” She smiled.

“Speechless, huh?” I certainly was as I held my wife in my arms. My wife. I couldn’t be more blissed-out in love with her.

One final spin for dramatics and I dipped her, sealing my lips to hers.

The room filled with whistling and cheering as Madeline giggled against my lips. I loved seeing her this way. Relaxed and serene, and deliriously in love with me. She didn’t have to worry about anything or anyone. All the threats had been eliminated.

Well, Deputy fuckin’ Miller hadn’t met his maker yet, but he would soon. I just needed to bide my time a bit longer before I took that prick out.

Madeline ended our kiss. “You’re my wildest dream come true.”

“Angel, I’m the luckiest fucker on the planet.”

She tossed her head back, giggling, and I helped myself to a taste of her neck. We stayed there, not caring we were the center of everyone’s attention.

An eerie silence descended on the bar and I reeled Madeline in closer to my body.

“Storm, my dad is here.” Sugar tapped my arm.

“Shit.” I lifted Madeline back up. She took my hand, lacing our fingers. “Baby, stay with Sugar.” I kissed her hand as I cut my gaze to Sheriff Hendricks. The grim expression on his face made my gut twist.

Sugar put her arm around Madeline just as Tara joined them.

I nodded. “Sheriff.”

Raul, Track, and Boxer appeared next to me.

“Storm. Sorry to interrupt your celebration.” He dragged his hand across his face, glancing around the room at all the onlookers.

“What is it?” I fisted my hands, bracing myself for what he was about to say. This was bad. Felt it in my bones. Jim wouldn’t have come here if it wasn’t necessary. He knew today was my wedding. He’d been at the small ceremony earlier on the compound.

“Hero’s down in county lockup.”

WTF, Hero??? I know, I know. I’m a naughty author leaving you hanging like that. It’s these characters. They do it to me too! Well, no worries, Hero and Tara’s book is up for preorder…


where the mayhem continues!

Order your copy…Today!