A Thin Disguise by Catherine Bybee



That time has come again when I thank the people and chosen family in my life for all their help in making each book possible. This book was written in the challenging year of 2020, which may evolve into the “year we will never mention again” once it is over. But alas . . . here I am, typing and thanking my tribe.

Thank you, Montlake and Amazon Publishing, for giving me the freedom to write the books I want to write. Holly Ingraham for helping me shape this story and the others before it. Maria Gomez for your continual support book after book.

My dazzling agent, Jane Dystel, who I love and adore. Thank you for all you do.

My sisters from different misters, Kari and Brandy, who were with me as I was putting the finishing touches on this book. I could not have pulled it off without you. You are both always there when I need you the most. Kari, my guide to all things federal agency and now private investigator. Thank you for all the tips along the way. I still can’t believe you carry a gun for a living, and I ended up sitting at a computer typing.

Fiona . . . who is the reason I have more people to dedicate my books to. I cherish every moment of our friendship, and I’m deeply grateful for the technology that gives us the opportunity to keep in touch. Your daily support and whip cracking all the way from Western Australia is spectacular. Thank you.

Now, on to Ethan and Eloise . . . By the time this book is in print you will already be married, and the ceremony and time leading up to it nothing but memories and photographs. It saddens me so profoundly that COVID has robbed me of traveling to Australia and being there to celebrate your special day. However, marriage is more than one moment and one celebration. I remember holding you, Ethan, the day you were born. Perhaps I can be there again when and if the time comes for me to hold one of yours. I say this next part with a thickness in my throat and tears in my eyes. Your father would be so proud of you and your choice in a wife. He lives in you and is never far away . . . I hope you know that.

May you both hold on to your happily ever after and find joy in every day you have together.

