Beneath the Surface by Emily McIntire


To you, the reader. None of this is possible without you. Thank you so much for reading my books, liking my words, and loving my characters. There isn’t a single day that goes by where I’m not entirely overwhelmed and thankful for you.

To my best friend, Sav R. Miller. The person who is there reading every word as it’s written. The only one who listens to my ideas and tells me whether I should go with it or let it go. The person who keeps me from spiraling, kicks away my imposter syndrome, and reminds me that I am *that bitch*. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

To my alpha readers: Lee Jacquot and Anne Lucy-Shanley. Thank you for keeping my characters in check, and fixing all my plot holes. You are invaluable.

To my beta readers: Ariel Mareroa and Michelle Chamberland. Thank you for reading on my ridiculous deadline, giving honest feedback, and being my hype team.

To my Editor Ellie and proofreader Rosa: You already know. One day I’ll learn how to properly use farther and further.

To my Cover Designer: Clarise Tan at CT Cover Creations. From the very beginning, you have taken my vision and created absolutely stunning covers. Thank you so much for everything you do and for sharing your talent.

To my Street Team (who still doesn’t have a cool name because none of you have thought of one): I honestly have no idea how to begin expressing my gratitude. You are the first ones I share things with, and I am SO thankful to have you by my side and loving my work enough to help hype it to the masses. You’re all wild and I wouldn’t have it any other way. (AND NO! It is NOT a cult LOL) So honored to have you by my side on this crazy ride.

To my ARC Team: You all are incredible, and my success is largely due to you. Thank you so much for all of the time and energy you put into reading, reviewing and hyping out my books. And thank you for enjoying my work enough to want to be a permanent part of the process.

To my Em-C Glammers: Thank you so much for being part of my Glam Fam. I love being able to hop into our Facebook group and laugh about our days, get book recs, and vent when things are tough.

To my family: The most supportive family on the planet. Thank you for all of your never ending support. And thank you for letting me use you to make jokes on TikTok which sell a lot of books. (LOL) Not every author who writes in this genre has family that is supportive, and words aren’t adequate to speak on how thankful I am that you are.

To Mike: My amazing husband. Thank you for being you, for being an incredible husband and an amazing father. For letting me lock myself away for hours at a time to hide in my writing cave, and for making all of my swag, taking all my pictures, and listening as I flesh out my characters. None of this is possible without you.

To my daughter, Melody. You are now, and always will be the reason for everything.