Shared By the Cowboys by Cassie Cole



It felt good to be with a woman again. Especially a woman like Rebecca.

Ever since she drove up to our ranch and stepped out of the car, I’d been thinking of her. I’d been craving her. Over the past day, I’d spent so much of my time trying not to think about her. To focus on my work instead of yet another distraction. But after Cody told me she’d been checking me out too, I couldn’t ignore the chemistry between us…

I rested my head against hers as we both collected ourselves. Neither of us moved for a while. My cock went soft against her belly.

“Okay, okay,” she finally said. “I promise not to try to break Wildfire again.”

I grinned down at her. She rested back on her elbows on the workbench, cocking her head while looking up at me. Her nude body looked flawless in the half-light of the lantern.

I could stare at her for hours and never get bored.

“This wasn’t the kind of incentive I meant to give you,” I replied. “You shouldn’t get rewarded for disobeying orders.”

“Maybe you need to think of creative ways to punish me,” she said, batting her eyelashes innocently. “I like having my ass slapped.”

How could I stay mad at this girl? She was funny and charming. I wanted to kiss her again, not scold her for what she did with the horse.

She glanced to the side and began laughing. I twisted my head to see what she was looking at: the milk cow was still tied up in her stall, but she had turned to watch us. Her eyes bulged out of her head like marbles.

“We had an audience,” Rebecca said.

“If I had known that, I would have put on a better show,” I replied.

“I think you performed perfectly.” She leaned up and brushed her lips against mine. “I promise not to go into Wildfire’s pen without your permission. But I do intend to convince you to let me try again. I’m telling the truth about the halter.”

I gazed down at her skeptically. I’d watched Cody struggle with that damn horse for two days. He wouldn’t even take a carrot from Cody, let alone stand still while a halter was placed on him. And he definitely wouldn’t suffer someone riding him bareback.

But Rebecca looked sincere, so I said, “We’ll see.” I kissed her again, then grabbed a barn cloth from the workbench. I gently wiped away the mess I had made on Rebecca’s belly. She smiled sweetly when I was done.

“What a gentleman.” She pecked me on the cheek and began dressing. “Stop looking at me like that, Bessie. It’s creeping me out.”

“Is that her name now?” I asked while putting on my jeans. “Bessie?”

“Unless we can think of something better.”

“Bessie isn’t very original, but it’s better than letting Cody name her.” I pointed at the source of the light. “He’d probably name her lantern.”

“Or washcloth!” Rebecca’s entire face lit up as she smiled at me.

I pulled my white undershirt down over my head, then picked up my plaid shirt. “What we just did was good.”

Really good,” she said while putting on her bra.

“Really good,” I agreed. “But maybe it shouldn’t happen again.”

She whipped her head around so fast her hair flew behind her. “Why not?”

“I’m your boss,” I said simply. “You work for me. That’s sort of, I don’t know, a conflict of interest or whatever.”

“So what?” she replied. “It’s not like you’re taking advantage of me. If you had threatened to fire me if I didn’t sleep with you, that’d be another story.”

“How do you know that’s not why I came out here?” I replied with a half-grin.

She picked up my cowboy hat off the ground and placed it on my head. “I reckon’ we’re okay, partner.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “You’re making fun of me.”

“Only a little!” She gave me a quick peck. “You’re sexy, you know that?”

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “You’re the sexy one.”

Her smile faded away. “What about your brothers? Are you going to tell them what happened?”

My mind was racing with a hundred different thoughts. And what to do about my brothers was one of them.

“I need to think about it,” I said. “It’s complicated.”

“I think it’s awfully simple.”

Oh, Rebecca, I thought. It’s more complicated than you could ever understand.

“Just let me figure out what to say to them.”

“Okay,” she said. “Until then, it can be a secret little affair.”

I caressed her cheek with my thumb. Her skin was so smooth. I still remembered the way the rest of her body felt: her hip, her thigh, her ass cheek. She was smooth and soft and perfect in every way.

Rebecca kissed me softly in the barn, and I began to think about sticking around to have some more fun with her. But I had lots of work to do, and I needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

“Might want to wait a few minutes before following me,” I said. “So that we’re not too obvious.”

“Ohh, like two spies in a thriller novel!” she said excitedly.

“I’ve never read a book like that, but I’ll take your word for it.”

She blinked, then shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, me neither. Goodnight, Mason.”

“Goodnight, Rebecca.”

The night air was cold and crisp, but my body was still warm from the excitement of the barn. I walked across the driveway and climbed the porch steps before I realized Blake was sitting in one of the rocking chairs.

“You let her have it?” he asked.

I froze on the top step. He was rocking softly while whittling a piece of wood with a knife. Had he heard us in the barn? I didn’t think so, but I wasn’t positive…

“Yeah,” I said. “I let her have it. For Wildfire.”

Blake continued rocking. “You firing her?”

“No.” I went inside before he could ask me anything more.

I gulped down a glass of water from the kitchen, then went upstairs. Cody’s bedroom was next to mine. He was awake in bed, reading a book by the lamp on his bedside table.

I knocked on the doorframe and said, “We need to talk.”

He lowered his book. “About what?”

“About Rebecca.”