Shared By the Cowboys by Cassie Cole



I’d invited Rebecca out of courtesy, so she wouldn’t feel left out. She hadn’t shown any interest in poker since we started playing and I expected her to decline and head to bed.

But when she mentioned strip poker, and Cody’s eyes lit up, my imagination started churning.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’ll play some poker.”

Blake looked annoyed as we gave her a few stacks of chips and dealt her into the next hand, but she didn’t seem to notice. Or she was good at ignoring it.

I won the first hand, three-of-a-kind over Blake’s two-pair. “All I’ve got is a pair of sixes,” Rebecca said. “Since I have the worst hand, I need to take something off. Right?”

“We’re not playing strip poker,” Blake grumbled.

“Hey now, let the little lady do what she wants,” Cody insisted with a grin.

Rebecca had plenty of things she could remove first: her boots, her belt, the Apple watch on her wrist. But she chose to unbutton her shirt slowly, allowing the fabric to slide off her arms to reveal her bra.

“There we go,” she said. “Now it’s a party.”

I shared a look with Cody. How’d we get so lucky? I let my gaze linger on her chest, perky pale breasts straining against the bra, for a moment before shuffling the cards.

Blake wouldn’t take the bait. He scratched his rough jaw and stared down at the table like he was using all of his willpower not to look over at Rebecca’s tits. He wasn’t sweating, but he looked like he ought to be.

I dealt another hand. Cody lost this time, tossing one boot across the room. I lost the next hand, and took off a boot like Cody. When Blake lost he grumbled and removed his belt.

The more we played, the more we had fun with it. Cody shoved his chair back and slowly took off his shirt, shaking his hips and ass like he was Magic Mike. Rebecca clapped her hands and laughed, which made her tits bounce up and down hypnotically. That only urged Cody on.

After half an hour we were all down to our underwear. The tension was high as I dealt the next hand.

“Damnit!” Rebecca cursed when we showed our hands. “Everyone has a pair but me!”

“From where I’m sittin’, you got a real nice pair,” Cody said with that easy smile of his. Rebecca giggled and playfully glared at the joke. My younger brother had a way of getting away with some comments that I could never say.

“What’s it gonna be?” I asked. “Bra or panties?”

Rebecca twisted in the chair to face away from us. I admired the fair skin on her back as she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground. When she turned back around, she was covering her breasts with one arm.

Cody and I were silent as we drank in the sight. She could barely cover herself, and the tiniest edge of a pink nipple was poking out from her elbow.

“Are we playing cards, or what?” Blake demanded.

I shuffled the deck. As I dealt the cards out, I noticed that Blake glanced sideways at Rebecca. Getting a long look at her chest while she was focused on each new card.

See? I thought while checking my own cards. She’s a precious little thing, if you let yourself appreciate her.

“Everyone’s down to their undies,” Cody said. “This is the big hand. The next loser has to bare-ass it for the rest of the game. I’ll take two cards.”

“Three for me,” Blake growled.

I dealt their extra cards, then turned to Rebecca.

“None for me,” she said sweetly.

“Uh oh. Someone has a good hand.”

“Gonna disagree with you there,” Cody said, pointing at the fingers covering her right breast. “Right now that’s a very bad hand.”

She stuck her tongue out at him.

I drew an inside straight, and Cody had two-pair. Rebecca put down her hand and grinned widely around the table.

“Aces and threes. Full house!”

Cody whistled. “You bribing the dealer under the table or somethin’?”

“I’m as honest as can be,” I said.

We all looked at Blake. He was scowling down at his hand like it offended him.

“Well? Can you beat Cody’s two-pair?” I asked.

He tossed his cards down and rose. “Don’t want to play anymore. Didn’t want to play strip poker in the first place.”

Cody flipped over his cards. “King high. Ouch.”

“I knew you had an attitude,” Rebecca said, “but I didn’t think you were a chicken.”

My brother stopped in his tracks. After a moment, he bent down and yanked his black cotton underwear down and stepped out of them. He stood there, bare-ass naked, for several heartbeats.

Cody and I groaned, but Rebecca didn’t hide the fact that she was checking him out. Her eyes raked over his body, from his tattoo-covered arms down to his ass and back up again. I knew the look in her eyes. It was the same look she gave me in the barn the first night we had sex.

Blake turned around, dick swinging in the air. “Not a coward,” he said, eyes locked onto hers. Then he slowly walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

Rebecca took a deep breath and turned back to the table. “Well then.” Her cheeks were flushed and she was biting her lip a little bit.

Maybe there’s hope for them after all, I thought.

“What now?” Cody asked. “Are we callin’ it, or…?”

He gave me a look, curious and plotting. It was the kind of look he used to give me when he wanted to have some extra special fun with Penny, back in the day. The three of us were alone, now. And we were already practically naked.

Tantalizing thoughts ran through my head. Some of the most fun we had with Penny was when we took her together, at the same time. I gazed at Rebecca and allowed myself to imagine it. Her pale form wedged between our sweaty bodies, writhing against each other in mindless bliss. Surrendering to the torrid demands of our bodies.

“Well,” I said. “It’s late, but…”

Before I could finish the thought, Blake came back downstairs with sweatpants on. “Figured I’d help you clean up. Since I lost and all.”

“Mighty kind of you,” I said as he gathered the chips and put them back in the poker box.

So much for that, I thought while Rebecca gathered her clothes. But just you wait. We’re going to have some group fun with you soon, whether Blake likes it or not.