Shared By the Cowboys by Cassie Cole



Even though we were totally nude, the tent was warm from our combined body heat. In fact, the three of us glistened with sweat illuminated by the small camping lantern hanging from the roof of the tent.

Did that really just happen? I thought. It seemed like if I closed my eyes I would wake up in bed, having dreamed the entire threesome.

But the two chiseled cowboys on either side of me didn’t disappear when I blinked, and they felt as warm as ever.

I rolled onto my side and kissed Mason’s chest. “I feel like I need another bath.”

“Oh hell no,” Cody said, cuddling up against my backside. “We’re not lettin’ you back out there. You’re liable to get bit all over again, and we’ll be back to square one.”

Mason laced his hand into my hair, caressing my scalp with his fingertips. “Maybe this time you’ll know it’s not a rattlesnake, so we don’t panic over nothing.”

“It was dark!” I protested. “And the tail was hidden underneath a rock!”

“Aw, I don’t mind much,” Cody said as he planted kisses in between my shoulder blades. “The scare led to this.”

“I had a feeling this was going to happen anyway,” I replied.

“Don’t be so sure. We were just about to eat dinner when you came runnin’ back, making a fuss. Not sure I’d be in the mood for love if I had a belly full of chili.”

“The food’s still out there,” Mason mused.

“I’m not hungry anymore,” I whispered.

“Me neither,” Cody agreed.

“I don’t want to get up.” Mason’s broad chest deflated underneath me with a deep sigh. “But we don’t want to attract critters.”

He sat up, kissed me on the cheek, then unzipped the tent. I planted a loud, sweaty smack on his bare ass as he climbed out.

“Rude,” he said, but he was grinning like a fool.

“It would be rude not to give that gorgeous ass a slap.”

Cody and I cuddled while Mason cleaned up the campsite, a dark shadow illuminated by the fire. When he returned to the tent he wasn’t nude anymore.

“Clothes make me sad,” I said with a pout.

“And they make me warm.”

“I’ll keep you warm,” I said with a grin.

“I reckon you will.”

The tent soon grew cold, and the three of us climbed into our sleeping bags. I spooned Cody, nestling my face into his blond hair. Mason turned out the camp light and unzipped my sleeping back so he could cuddle against my ass.

I felt dirty after the threesome—but dirty in a good way. I had tried something new, something exhilarating, and it was better than I ever could have expected.

I can’t wait to do it again.

I was still cuddled against Cody when I woke the next morning, but Mason’s warm body was noticeably absent from my backside. I slipped out of my sleeping bag, pulled on my clothes from the corner of the tent, and then stepped outside.

A chill hung in the crisp morning air. I wrapped my arms around myself and found Mason on the other side of the fire, stirring eggs in a cast iron skillet.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said with a satisfied smile. “Figured you’d be hungry after last night.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” I sat next to him and hugged myself against his body. “I had fun last night, by the way.”

He smiled down at me. “We did too.”

I watched him stir eggs for a little while.

“I’m guessing you’ve done that before?”

“Mmm hmm,” he said. “Why?”

“I’m surprised, is all. I wouldn’t expect two brothers to be comfortable doing that.”

Mason removed the skillet from the fire. “Why not? Cody and I grew up together. Seen each other naked more times than I’d care to admit. I wouldn’t be comfortable doing that with some other man, who I didn’t know at all.”

“I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

“It helps that Cody and I get along so well.”

“Does that mean,” I asked carefully, “that you’ve never done that with Blake?”

He smiled fondly while spooning scrambled eggs onto a plate for us to share. “Blake and I didn’t always fight like this. When we were with Penny, we got along much better than we did before, and more than we have since. She brought out the best in us.”

Mason handed me a fork. “You bring out the best in us too, Rebecca. I can see the old Blake coming out of his shell. The Blake that was happy.”

“You’re just saying that,” I said while stabbing a bite of eggs.

“It’s the truth. Blake has some deep wounds, but since you got here they’ve been healing much quicker. I never thought I’d say this, but I think he’s finally moving on.”

The zipper on the tent opened and Cody stepped out, pale and naked as the day he was born. He stretched his arms out and yawned, not caring that his junk was hanging out or that the temperature was in the forties.

“Oh, eggs!” he said, plopping down next to Mason. “I don’t know about y’all, but I could eat an entire cow right now, hooves and all. What’s so funny? Why are y’all lookin’ at me that way?”

We laughed as the nude man grabbed a fork and helped himself to some eggs.