Shared By the Cowboys by Cassie Cole

If you enjoyed Shared by the Cowboys, you’re going to love this other Reverse Harem Romance from Cassie Cole: Nanny for the Billionaire. You can click here to buy it, or keep reading for a special sneak peek!


My phone vibrated on the table, scattering a few sheets of newspaper. I grabbed it excitedly, hoping to see the number for the nanny agency…

“Area code two-one-two,” I said unhappily. “Another spam call.”

“Answer it!” Miranda said. “What if it’s a job offer?”

“I haven’t applied anywhere,” I said. “And this isn’t the agency number.”

“Just do it.” She snatched the phone off the table. “Hello! This is Kate speaking!” she said in a high-pitched imitation of my voice, then handed it to me.

I waited for the normal automated recording I got several times a day. The one warning me that my car warranty was expiring, or that I had won a free cruise to the Bahamas.

Instead, a smooth, masculine voice spoke.

Kate Renfroe? My name’s Adam Sizemore. I’m calling about a nannying opportunity.”

I was so surprised that I dropped the phone. It smacked onto the table and then fell to the floor with a crunch. I yelped and scrambled to pick it up. The formerly-pristine glass now held a spiderweb of cracks across the bottom corner of the screen.

“Dang. Hi, this is Kate Renfroe, yes! You have a nanny opportunity?”

That’s right,” Adam replied. “We’re interested in bringing you in for an interview. Are you free this afternoon?”

“Let me check my calendar…” I held the phone against my chest and gave Miranda a thumbs-up. “It looks like my schedule is clear. Can you tell me where you’re located?”

We’re in Midtown.

I winced. I didn’t want that damn commute again. But if the money was even half as good as what Miranda got paid for her gig…

“Wait a second. Did you get my information through the agency?”

New Haven Nanny Services? That’s correct.

I looked at Miranda and replied, “They told me all interviews would go through them. I didn’t expect to be contacted directly.”

They made an exception for us,” Adam replied simply.

That sounded suspicious, but my mind was racing too much to think about it. I looked at my watch. “I can be in midtown in an hour and a half, I think.”

You don’t need to drive. We’ll send someone to pick you up. Is the address attached to your profile accurate? Fairview Avenue? Next to the soccer field?”

“That’s right.”

Perfect. Our guy will be there to pick you up in half an hour.

“Half an hour?” I laughed nervously. “It’s going to take a lot longer than that to get here. And if there’s traffic…”

Traffic won’t be a problem,” Adam replied. “We’ll see you soon. Looking forward to it, Kate.”

“Thanks, me too.” I hung up, then said, “I’ve got an interview! Today!”

Miranda and I squealed together happily. “I told you to be patient! Who’s interviewing you?”

“Adam something,” I said. “But he said we, so I’m guessing I’ll be interviewed by his wife, too. I need to get ready!”

I rushed to take a shower, then fixed my hair and did makeup in front of the mirror.

“What should I wear for a nanny interview?”

“I usually dress like it’s a normal job interview,” Miranda replied outside the bathroom. “Formal, but not too formal.”

“You’re not helping. Do I dress like Mary Poppins or not?”

I heard rummaging in my closet. “I’ve got just the thing.”

Miranda chose a pencil skirt and a white blouse. I decided to trust her and quickly got dressed. Another helicopter droned in the air overhead.

“Busy day at the hospital,” Miranda murmured. “Do you think you should contact the agency?”

“Why?” I asked.

“Just to make sure it’s legit. You don’t want to get into a car with a stranger and then, like, get kidnapped.”

I whirled around and aimed my mascara pencil at her threateningly. “Don’t even joke about that!”

“I’m not joking. I’m going to check, just to be sure.” She disappeared, then reappeared with my laptop. “What’s your password for the agency?”

“I should already be logged in.”

“Here we go… Oh. Here we go. You have one request in your profile. But there’s no information…”

“Why do you say it like that?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”

“There’s usually a bunch of information about the client. Name, extensive background checks, the age of the kids you’ll be nannying. But this client’s profile is blank. All it says is that additional information will be available upon request.”

“My profile is almost as empty,” I muttered. “What am I supposed to say, Miranda? They’re going to ask about my experience, but I have none.”

“Make something up,” she replied simply.

“You mean lie!”

She rolled her eyes. “Stretch the truth. Tell them you’ve nannied for lots of families in Connecticut.”

“That’s a lie,” I repeated. “I haven’t watched anyone since I was a teenager, let alone been a full-time nanny.”

“But you know you’ll be good at it,” she replied. “You’re amazing with kids. I’ve seen the way you are with your nieces and nephews. You’re a natural. If you tell a little lie in order to get your foot in the door…” She shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“And if they ask for references?”

“I don’t know. Tell them you’ll get back to them. The sudden interview without any prep time caught you off-guard. That’s the truth.” She glanced at the ceiling. “Geez Louise, that helicopter is so loud!”

“I still don’t like the idea of lying about my experience.”

Miranda let out an annoyed sound and left the room. Moments later I heard shouting in the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” I called.

“The helicopter landed in the soccer field!”

I put my mascara away and slipped into my heels. “I hope someone didn’t get hurt.”

“It’s not a hospital helicopter, Kate. And nobody’s playing in the field. It’s…”

Something in her tone worried me. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, where Miranda was gazing out the window. Across her backyard, in the soccer field next to the school, a black helicopter was touching down. The grass beneath the helicopter was flattened by the downdraft.

A man in a dark suit and sunglasses hopped out and ducked his head while walking away from the helicopter. He approached Miranda’s fence and then waved.

“Oh my God,” I said. “I think that’s my ride to the interview.”