C*cky Marquess by Annabelle Anders

Chapter 18

“You went.” Collette rubbed her eyes sleepily and pushed herself to sit up where she waited on Diana’s bed. She bit her lip when her gaze landed on Diana’s hair, which was hanging freely almost to her waist. “I cannot believe that you went.”

Diana shrugged. She wasn’t surprised to find Collette waiting.

“I did. Help me with this, will you?” She moved her hair over one shoulder and reached for the back of her gown—of which Zeke had helped her back into. Not only had he brought Diana a cloth dampened with lavender-scented water, but he’d offered to fetch her food and something to drink. He’d not sent for a maid, or offered to wake the cook, but he’d gone out of his way to personally tend to any needs she might have before cheerfully walking her home.

He’d almost had her convinced that he loved her.

Although, “he hasn’t asked me to be his mistress.” Diana admitted. “And the same as before, he wants to go to Chase, but I convinced him not to.”

“I wish you didn’t feel so strongly about that.” Collette tilted her head with doubt clouding her eyes. “A marriage like that, it’s exactly what Chase and Bethany want for us—for you.”

Diana scrubbed a hand down her face. “I just can’t help imagining father’s wife—how he abandoned her all those times so he could be with mother. And what that’s done to her.”

Both of them fell silent as they contemplated the Dowager Countess of Chaswick, who they’d finally had the opportunity to meet after Chase had brought them to live at Byrd House with him and Bethany. His mother had an almost non-existent grasp of reality. Their own mother wasn’t well, but that was because of her physical ailments. Not because of suffering from betrayal.

“What do you think mother would say if she were here?” Diana stepped out of her gown, and muscles she didn’t know existed protested.

“I don’t know,” Collette answered with a sigh.

“She would suggest I be his mistress.”

“I’m not so sure of that. Mother wants better for you—for both of us, the same as Chase and Bethany do.”

Diana wished she knew the answer. And then she whispered… “Marrying him would feel like a betrayal to her…” Because the dowager had always been the enemy.

“But that’s not a good enough reason not to at least consider him, is it? Lord Greystone is not the same man our father was.” Collette lit a taper and located pencil and paper. “Make a list. On one side, write down all the reasons to be his wife. On the other, write down the reasons to be his mistress…”

Diana stared at the blank page, suddenly overwhelmed by images of her father walking away from them. Of course, he’d always insisted he’d come back soon, and he’d always kept his promise. That was, until, he hadn’t.

They’d learned of his death a week after the fact, from their father’s solicitor. He’d informed them of their lack of standing in the will and that their circumstances would be decided by the late baron’s son.

While their father’s wife had made a show of mourning, Diana, Collette, and their mother had genuinely mourned.

She had some notion as to what it felt like to be the other woman—she had been the other child—but what would it feel like to be the wife?

She shook her head. “Perhaps tomorrow.” She glanced outside at the rising sun. “Or later today.

Collette yawned and then touched her shoulder. “You’ll figure it out. It’s not as though you don’t have any choices at all.”


Diana glanced over at her sister. “I’m sorry I worried you tonight.” She smiled sadly. “I’m going to miss you when you go off to Miss Primm’s.”

“I’ll miss you too.” Collette closed the door softly behind her, and as Diana crawled into bed, she pondered Collette’s advice to make two lists.

Before making any decisions, perhaps she ought to explore all her choices. Or, as Zeke would say in his no-nonsense manner—she should gather as much data as possible.