Lost and Found Family by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Thirty-One

Sarah sipped her wine. Somehow they’d ended up staying in the kitchen, sitting at the island counter, watching the chef Luke hired cook. The young guy didn’t seem to mind the company. He even threw together a cheese, cracker, and fruit plate for them to snack on before dinner. Sitting in the kitchen with Lila and Luke seemed cozy and such a family thing.

She’d never had family dinners growing up, but she’d imagined it was something like this. That’s why she always made time to have dinner with the boys.

Lila stacked a slice of sharp cheddar atop a cracker. “Luke, the house looks great. I love all the changes you’ve made. I know things were in need of an update, but what you’ve chosen to do has kept the feel of the house and yet made it more modern and you.”

“I’m really happy with the renovation.”

Sarah loved the white Shaker cabinets, black hardware, and big, bold island he’d done in a dark gray that offset the gorgeous white countertops and played off the black chandelier over the breakfast nook. The wood barstools gave the room warmth along with the hardwood floors that ran through the house.

“My favorite is the great room,” Lila said with a bright smile. “The wood and beams on the ceiling are so warm against the white walls that set off the paintings of Greece.”

Luke nodded. “Raising the ceiling and adding the wood and beams made the room. The blue wall in the dining room plays off the ocean color in the paintings. The place finally feels like me. And with Sarah and the boys here, it feels like home.”

Sarah caught her breath, completely caught off guard that he’d so openly reveal that to his mom. Her heart swelled with love for him. “Luke . . .”

He brushed his fingers down the side of her face and held her gaze. “I mean it.”

She put her hand over his heart and leaned into him, too caught up in her emotions to find the words to tell him what that meant to her.

Lila sighed next to them. “You two seem really great together.”

Luke brushed his hand over Sarah’s hair and smiled. “I thought Margaret was coming with you?”

“She’ll be here soon. When her doctor’s office couldn’t see her for three weeks, I called the local hospital and set up a video chat with their top specialist. He’s the best, according to the hospital administrator, but he’s also a shark when it comes to negotiating a little something extra to get him to see her immediately.”

“You bribed him?” Shock filled Luke’s voice and eyes.

“Can I have the rancher back, please? The lawyer in you is so uptight.”

Luke gave her a mock dirty look. “Was it necessary to bribe the guy?”

“Yes. Margaret is in pain. She put this off too long. I wanted her seen immediately, so I made it happen.”

“Of course you did, sweetheart. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you can’t do.” Luke studied her. “I guess you and Margaret are on good terms now.”

“We spoke some more and I came to realize that what Margaret really wants is someone to take care of her. She lost her husband and son, Bridget is lost in anger and grief over her divorce, and Margaret feels abandoned, I think.”

“You’d know something about that,” Luke said, understanding her so well.

“So I took care of a few things. The doctor’s visit. A housecleaning service and gardener. The house and property will be put back to rights, and she’ll be a little pampered and, well, happy. Emotionally, she took a big hit. It will take her some time to reconcile the Sean she loved so deeply with the man she’d hoped he’d be. Margaret, Bridget, and I, we’ve turned a corner, but there’s still a lot of healing left to do for all of us.”

She shrugged and took a sip of the cold wine, loving the sweet taste of the Moscato Lila chose.

Luke and Lila remained completely silent, staring at her.

When Sarah noticed, Lila took the lead. “You did all of that just to pamper her and make her happy?”

“It was just a few phone calls.”

Lila squeezed her hand. “It’s so much more than that.”

She caught Luke’s steady gaze and found the love and admiration he always showed her shining brighter than ever.

Lila sipped her wine, then added, “You’re a good daughter, Sarah. Margaret is lucky to have you.”

Sarah managed a half smile, feeling a pinch of pain for the family she never had growing up.

“Mom, Sarah’s mom died when she was very young and her father didn’t know about her until she was grown. She grew up in foster care and with an abusive uncle.”

Lila set her glass down. “Oh dear, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I only meant that what you did was sweet and kind.”

“It’s okay. Few people were nice to me as a child. Now that I’m grown, I know the importance of giving people kindness. Look at Luke. When I first met him, he was grumpy and disillusioned with his life. You seem much happier now.”

Luke laughed. “I am, thanks to you.”

“Grumpy. That’s how you describe him?” Jason laughed under his breath, walking into the kitchen.

Luke sneered at his brother. “I’m sitting right here, you know.”

“Yes, honey. We see you.” Sarah leaned in and gave him a mischievous grin that he kissed right off her lips.

Margaret walked into the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late, everyone. I’m sure Sarah made my excuses.”

“Margaret. Nice to see you,” Luke called out over the counter.

Lila stood and embraced Margaret. “It’s been a long time.”

“Too long,” Margaret agreed. “And look.” She waved her hand toward Sarah and Luke. “My daughter-in-law and your Luke.”

“They’re perfect together,” Lila said.

“They are,” Margaret easily agreed, taking Sarah aback.

Jason took Margaret’s coat. “Wine, water, soda, something stronger?” He held up his glass of whiskey.

“Wine, thank you.” Before Jason made off with her coat, Margaret pulled a phone out of the pocket. “Sarah, you left this on the table and the thing hasn’t stopped going off. I thought maybe you’d forgotten it.”

“I did. Thank you for bringing it.” The phone rang as if on cue. Lila and Margaret started talking about the house renovations Luke had done a few months earlier. Luke and Jason moved to the table to discuss some business thing Jason wanted Luke’s opinion on.

Jack walked in, drawing Sarah’s attention before she answered the call.

“Mommy, I want to talk to Aunt Abby. Can I answer it?”

“Sure, honey. Make sure to say hello first.” She handed the phone over without looking at the caller ID. No matter how desperate Abby was to get in touch with her, she’d always make time for Jack, who answered with a cheerful “Hello.”

Jack’s eyes filled with trepidation. “You’re not Aunt Abby?”

Luke beat her to asking Jack, “Who is it?”

Jack pulled the phone away from his ear and handed it to Sarah like he couldn’t get rid of it fast enough. “It’s the lady Daddy kissed the way you kiss Luke. The one who made you cry.” Jack ran across the room and threw himself into Luke’s outstretched arms.

Luke scooped up Jack, set him on his lap, and held him close to his chest.

Margaret and Lila stared at Sarah.

She could feel Jason’s intense gaze all the way across the room.

Though the hired chef kept his back to them, stirring his pots and tending the food, she felt his attention, too.


She’d been expecting the call, despite wondering if Trish would ignore Luke’s request, but didn’t expect it to come so soon.

Sarah met Luke’s steady gaze. “I’ve got this.” His encouraging nod helped ease her mind, even if her heart jackhammered in her chest and her anxiety hit an all-time high.

All she could think about was how this woman had inserted herself into her life and marriage, how she changed everything, because of her own selfish needs and wants.

Sarah walked out the back door without looking back, because she didn’t want the past to taint what was so alive and wonderful in that house: Love. Family. Joy.

Everything she’d ever wanted.