Lost and Found Family by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The time away from the ranch had been productive but lonely. Sarah tackled an enormous amount of work, but an empty feeling came over her when she walked into her house in Silicon Valley late the night before and realized the boys weren’t in their beds, and Luke wasn’t in hers. She missed them so much. And somehow, in such a short time, Luke had become an important part of her life. So much so that even a day and a half away from him felt like an eternity.

Her spirit soared as soon as the driver taking her home entered the long driveway to Luke’s ranch. And as she saw the land, the stables, the house, she realized it really did feel like home.

The driver stopped in front of the house. Before she got out of the car her cell phone rang. “Hi Abby, how’s the hotel?”

Abby had gone ahead to the hotel where the benefit would be held the next evening, to make sure everything was ready. “Gorgeous. And thanks for the goody basket you had delivered to my room, but it’ll be gone by tomorrow. You know how much I love chocolate.”

“Thanks for all your hard work over the last two days. I appreciate it and I know you’ll be working your tail off tomorrow as well, what with all the meetings and press you’ve set up for me.”

“That’s why I called. I wanted you to know the organizers have combined your table with Luke’s family’s. I can’t wait to meet him.”

The driver held her door open and Sarah stepped out. “Hold on, Abby.” She smiled at the driver. “Charlie, could you take the box of flowers and my bag up to the house and leave them on the porch?” He nodded and accepted the tip she held out to him. “Thank you for the ride.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Sarah. I’ll be back for you tomorrow morning.”

“Wonderful. I’ll text you to let you know if I’m here or at the house we passed down the road where my kids are staying.”

“No problem. Have a nice evening.”

“Thank you. I plan to.”

Sarah left the chauffeur to take her things up to the house and turned and walked toward the stables and continued her phone conversation. “Thanks for waiting, Abby. I can’t believe my visit with Margaret is just about over and I’ll be coming home.”

“You sure about that?”

“Luke and I still need to come up with a plan for our future, including our living arrangements. No matter what, we’ll be together.”

“How are you handling the Trish thing? It’s got to be hard to actually welcome her into your life, not to mention telling the boys about their sister. I seriously can’t believe she had that child and never said a word to anyone.”

“Luke and I plan to talk to the boys today about Trish and Jamie. As for the rest, her reasons don’t really matter anymore. I don’t want to keep dredging up the past and piling on the hurt and anger. I’m over it.” As she said the words she knew they weren’t entirely true, but it was getting better.

She entered the stables and smiled as several horses nickered a hello. She patted those with their heads over their stall doors and made her way to the man standing at the end of the aisle with his back to her.

“I just want to be happy.” And the man in front of her made her infinitely so.

“You deserve it. Don’t worry about the benefit. I’ve taken care of everything,” Abby assured her. “See you tomorrow. You’re going to knock Luke’s socks off when he sees you in that killer dress.” Abby had chosen something daring and different, but Sarah loved it.

She knew Luke would, too.

“Thanks, Abby. We’ll talk soon.” She ended the call and stuffed her phone in her purse.

Luke heard the click of her heels on the cement and turned to her, that sexy grin she loved spread across his handsome face. “You’re early.” Surprise and happiness filled his voice.

“Do you want me to come back later?” she teased.

“I wish you hadn’t left.” He hooked his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in a week.

She dove into the kiss, letting Luke know how much she’d missed him, too. He held her a little tighter and she felt his desperation to keep her close.

He broke the kiss, cupped her face, and stared into her eyes. “How are you?”

“A little dizzy after that kiss. And fantastic now that I’m home with you.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “This place isn’t the same without you.”

Her heart melted. “Thank you again for my flowers. They’re beautiful.”

“Sorry you only got to enjoy them for a day.” Luke dropped his hands and took hers in his.

“Well, I gave a lot of them away to the ladies in the office, but I brought several bouquets home with me. I had the driver put them up on the porch.”


“You gave them to me. I want to enjoy them as long as possible.”

He held her gaze, his direct and hopeful. “And did you get everything done you needed to at the office?”

“You’ll be happy to know that of the ten interviews I did, I made six offers to programmers.”

His eyes went wide. “Wow. That’s great.”

“I also completed three more projects, shrinking my workload some.”

“I love the sound of that.”

“Since the Knox Project is done, except for the implementation, I also reassigned two other projects to be completed by the programmers who’d been helping with that.”

“Look at you delegating instead of taking everything on yourself.” Luke squeezed her hands, letting her know he approved and appreciated her effort to lessen her load so she could have more time for him and herself. “Sounds like you got a lot done. Which means you probably didn’t sleep much.”

“Not really. Something seemed to be missing from my bed.”

“Someone, you mean.”

She kissed him. “You.”

“That’s because you were in the wrong bed. You belong here. With me.”

“I’m working on it,” she assured him.

Luke brushed his thumbs over the backs of her hands. “I see that. And I hope we can start making real plans to move you and the kids here.”

“I was just talking to Abby about that and how this trip is coming to an end.”

Luke’s brow went up. “Not an end. It’s a transition to our life together.”

She smiled. “That actually makes me feel a lot better.”

“How so?”

“I guess I feel like everything is supposed to happen at once, but if, like you said, this is a transition, that allows room for us to take the time we need to transform our lives and meld them into one life we live together.”

“We’ll start today with telling the boys about Jamie. Then we’ll start talking about what will work best for your work schedule, the boys going to school, and where we’ll live and how we’ll go back and forth between here and your place, if that’s what it takes.”

“I love that you’re open to all the possibilities of that.”

He squeezed her hands. “If I get to spend my life with you, that’s all that matters.”

“But living here, on the ranch, we’d have a pretty great life.” She knew this was where he really wanted to be. And this would be a great life for the boys. And she loved the land and the horses. They really could have it all.

All she wanted right now was him. Unfortunately . . . “Margaret should be here any minute with the boys. However, after our talk, she’s taking them for pizza and a movie over at Bridget’s place. She suggested I have dinner with my sexy rancher and spend the night with him.”

Luke grinned. “You should take that advice.”

“I was hoping to just take you to bed before they got here.”

“Now, that’s an idea I can get behind.” Luke spun her around, wrapped his arms around her, pressed his chest to her back, and kissed her neck.

“You know we don’t have time.”

“I know. But I can’t help myself. I’ve never seen you all dressed up and looking like a corporate mogul. Those heels and this suit are really sexy.”

“It’s a St. James. She sent me a bunch of stuff from her upcoming collection.”

One of Luke’s hands skimmed down her thigh and his fingers brushed back up, pulling the skirt up her leg and sending a wave of heat through her. “Let me guess, you did some work for her.”

“I programmed her client database and inventory systems.”

“Well, I like you in the suit, but I’ll love you even better out of it.” His tongue slid up her neck in a tantalizing lick.

“You’ll find a matching set from her intimates line.”

“Please tell me it’s satin and lace.”

“Would I disappoint you?” she teased.

Luke took her hand and headed for the house, pulling her along after him. When she couldn’t keep up, he stopped, swung her up into his arms, and carried her.

“If you like the suit this much, I wonder how you’ll react when you see my dress for the benefit.”

“Maybe I should get a room at the hotel for us so I can see you in the dress and out of it.”

She nuzzled her nose in his neck and softly kissed him right behind his ear. “Then I’d be wearing nothing but the jewels I borrowed for the event.”

“Borrowed? Why didn’t you just buy them?”

“Because, well, I don’t know. There was so much to choose from I had a hard time making up my mind. I don’t own any jewelry, except a few pairs of earrings. The pieces I got for tomorrow are specifically to go with the dress Abby picked out.”

“I’ll just have to add something sparkly to your meager collection that you can wear on your left hand and never take off.”

She hugged him close as he walked up the porch steps. “I like the sound of that.”

They both turned to the driveway as Margaret and the boys arrived.

Luke set her on her feet. “Rain check, sweetheart.”

She pressed her hand to his chest. “We’ll have all night.”

Luke kissed her quick, then opened the front door, set her bag and the large box of flowers in the entryway, then turned to greet the boys.

Sarah held her arms out wide as the boys rushed up the steps and right into them. “I missed you guys.” She hugged them close.

They wriggled free and threw their hands around Luke’s legs.

“Can we go riding?” Jack asked.

“Not today, bud. Your mom wants to talk to you about something before you go to your aunt’s house.” Luke patted each of the boys on the back, then went to the steps and lent Margaret a hand coming up them.

“Thank you, Luke.” Margaret looked at Sarah. “Ready for this?”

“Yes. I think so.”

Margaret’s gaze swept over her. “Look at you. Beautiful and strong. A business phenom and leader. You can do this,” she encouraged.

Choked up by the praise and Margaret’s change of heart about her, Sarah found a smile for the boys and tapped their backs to get them to go inside.

“What’s this about?” Jack asked.

Nick practically attacked Luke when he sat on the sofa, rushing to climb into his lap.

Sarah sat next to Luke and patted the cushion between them for Jack to take the seat. “Well, I have some news I want to share with you.”

“Is this about Dad?” Nick asked, playing with Luke’s shirt.

“Yes, it is.”

“And the lady?” Jack asked.

“Yes. You remember Trish.”

“She made you cry.” Jack folded his arms over his middle and kicked his feet.

Margaret sat in the chair beside Luke and leaned forward. “I think you know that your dad shouldn’t have been seeing Trish when he and your mom were still married. That was wrong. And I’m sorry that because of what your dad did, it hurt your mom.”

“He wasn’t always nice,” Jack said to his lap, unable to look at them.

Sarah put her hand on his back. “No, sweetheart, he wasn’t. But we are all happy now. Right?”

Jack perked up. “Yes. I like it here with Luke.”

“Me, too.” Nick cupped Luke’s face and mushed his forehead into Luke’s chin.

Luke smiled and hugged Nick close, but let her go on with this difficult talk.

“We’re building a family, right? Me and Luke with you boys, plus Grandma and Aunt Bridget and Sophia. We’re all family now.”

“And Grandpa and Grandma and Tyler,” Jack added.

“That’s right. They’re a part of our family. And there’s someone new joining our family.”

“Who?” Nick asked, from atop Luke’s shoulders now.

“Her name is Jamie.” Sarah sucked in a breath and spilled the truth. “And she’s your sister.”

Jack tilted his head. “We’re going to have a sister?”

Sarah took another breath and dove in. “You have a sister. Your dad and Trish had a baby together. Trish gave birth to Jamie after your dad died. I didn’t know about her until just a few days ago.”

“When you talked to Trish on the phone.” Jack put the pieces together, helping her out.

“That’s right. And because you and Nick and Jamie all have the same daddy, that means you and Nick are Jamie’s big brothers.”

“Where is she?” Nick asked, patting Luke on the top of the head.

The man had the patience of a saint, not seeming to mind being Nick’s jungle gym.

“Jamie lives with her mommy. In a few days, we’ll be back at our house for a little while, and I’m going to invite Jamie over to meet you.”

“Will she live with us?” Jack’s eyes clouded with confusion and questions.

“No. She’ll live with Trish, her mommy. But I hope that we will get to see her lots so you and Nick can get to know your sister.”

“She’ll be part of the family,” Nick announced with a big smile.

Sarah took out her phone and tapped the screen to get to her text messages. “Trish sent me some pictures of Jamie. Want to see?”

Nick launched himself off Luke onto her lap. Luckily she caught him before he tipped off and landed on the floor.

“Chill out, buddy,” Luke scolded. “You could hurt your mom.”

“Sorry, Mama.” Nick kissed her.

She nuzzled her nose in his cheek. “Sit nice.”

He adjusted on her lap and Jack scooted closer. She held the phone in front of them and showed them the first picture of Jamie.

“She has hair like mine,” Nick said.

“I think she has your dad’s green eyes, too,” Sarah added, her throat tight with all the mixed emotions running through her.

Luke leaned in. “She’s about a year and a half old. You guys will have to be careful playing with her because she’s much smaller than you.”

Sarah tapped the next picture to enlarge it on her phone.

Margaret had gotten up and stood at her shoulder. When she saw Jamie smiling big with several tiny baby teeth showing, she put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder and caught her breath. “Wow. She’s beautiful.”

Sarah put her hand over Margaret’s. “She reminds me of Nick when he was that age.”

“What about me, Mama?” Jack asked.

“I think she has your nose,” she said to make him happy and because their noses were very similar. “And check out the soccer ball in this picture.”

“I like soccer, too.” Jack beamed.

“I bet you’ll find lots of things in common,” Margaret said.

Sarah set her phone on the table and looked at both boys. “So, what do you think about having a new sister?”

“It’s good,” Jack said.

“When can we see her? I can show her my cars.” Nick pulled one out of his pocket.

“Soon. Do you guys have any questions?”

Both boys shook their heads.

“Okay. Then Grandma is going to take you over to Aunt Bridget’s house for pizza and a movie.”

“Yay!” Jack stood and leapt over the back of the couch.

“Hey, bud, that’s not how we get down.” Luke snagged Nick off her lap and flew him through the air and set him on his feet on the other side of the coffee table.

“Me next.” Jack jumped up and down, wanting his turn.

While Luke distracted the boys, Sarah took a minute with Margaret. “Are you okay?”

“It’s just been a lot to take in, but seeing her . . . She’s real. She’s another part of him.”

“I texted with Trish.” It seemed easier for both of them to start out that way. “She’s going to bring Jamie to the house to see the boys. She’s also willing to bring Jamie to your house so that you and Bridget and Sophia can have some time with her, and Trish and you can talk.”

Margaret nodded. “I’d like that. I know it’s awkward and strange without Sean here, but I really want to get to know my granddaughter. I don’t really care how she got here.” Margaret caught herself. “Oh Sarah. I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant at all.”

Sarah put her hand on Margaret’s arm. “Stop. It’s okay to focus on Jamie and not put all your energy into how it happened, what happened, and all that.” Sarah was tired of being mired in the past.

Margaret checked her watch. “Boys. It’s time to go,” she called out, then looked at Sarah again. “I’m really trying to be like you and put this behind me. It’s just really hard having all this turmoil inside of me.”

“Maybe you should let it out.”

Margaret eyed her. “How?”

“Tell him. Say everything you’d say to him if he were here out loud. Let it out. Let him have it. Tell him you’re angry and upset.” She put her hand on Margaret’s shoulder. “Once you’ve got all that out, tell him everything else. That you saw the boys. That you’re going to meet his daughter. He may be gone, but that doesn’t mean you have to forget him or not make him a part of your life.”

“Are you able to do that?”

“Sometimes late at night I’ll go into the boys’ rooms and I’ll look at them and say, ‘Look what you’re missing, Sean. I hope you can see them.’” Maybe she still harbored a lot of pain and anger, but in those moments she wanted Sean to understand what had been most important. She hoped, wherever he was now, he knew. She hoped he watched over the boys with pride and love.

He wasn’t here to show them that.

They had her. And Luke. And family.

But they should have had him and he should have been the man and father they deserved.

And she would give them that kind of man, because she loved Luke, and he’d be the dad, not that the boys lost, but that they deserved.

She’d bring love into their lives. She’d started with reconciling with Margaret and Bridget. She’d add their sister, Jamie.

Margaret pushed her shoulders back. “I’ll try. And I am excited to meet Jamie.”

“Something to look forward to. Focus on that,” Sarah advised.

Margaret went to the boys. “Let’s get going.”

The boys hugged her and Luke, then left with Margaret.

Luke closed the front door and turned to her. “What you said to Margaret . . . That was really honest. You gave her a way to be angry and happy.”

“It’s not easy to do both at the same time. I for one am done with Sean and what he left me with. I’m not going to keep carrying it around with me anymore. I’m moving on. I’m moving forward.”

“With me?” Luke took a step closer.

She closed the distance and put her hands at the back of his neck, drawing him close. “Definitely with you.” She kissed him softly.

Luke took the kiss deeper.

She broke the kiss and stared up at him. “We’re alone.”

Luke gave her a wicked grin. “I can’t wait to find out what you’re wearing under that suit.” He took her hand, dipped his body, and pulled her toward him as he lifted her right off her feet and over his shoulder. He stood tall and carried her through the great room and up the stairs to their room.

She laughed and smacked him on the ass. “Put me down.”

He did. Right next to the bed. She giggled and tried to catch her breath, but Luke kissed it right out of her again, then he stared down at her with a look of pure desire and they both gave in to the need to be close and started peeling off clothes, anxious to get their hands on the other.

Luke had his shirt off, tempting her with a full display of his broad chest and chiseled muscles. His boots went flying, but when he undid the button on his jeans, he stilled and stared at her. She let her blouse float to the floor, revealing the pink lace bra pushing her breasts up into rounded mounds that ached for his touch. The skirt slid down her legs in a whoosh of material and she stood before him in nothing but the sexy bra and matching lace panties.

“Uh . . .”

“Use your words,” she teased.


A warm blush rose from her breasts up to her cheeks.

“Instead of words, I’d rather use my hands and mouth and tongue all over you.”

She held her hands out. “Well, come and get me.”

Luke closed the short distance and took her mouth in a scorching kiss as both his hands clamped onto her ass and pulled her up and snug against his warm skin. His hard length pressed to her belly and she rubbed her body against his.

Luke laid a trail of soft, open-mouthed kisses down her neck and chest. His finger slipped inside the lace cup and pulled it down and her breast popped out. His warm mouth covered her hard nipple and he sucked the peak, sending a wave of heat down low, making her clench her thighs to try to ease the ache only Luke could make better.

He released her hard nipple and licked it with his tongue, his breath making the pink tip even tighter, before he moved to her other breast and kissed the swell of it above the lace trim. His hands swept up her back and he unhooked the bra and sent the barrier flying. His hands cupped both her breasts, her nipples squeezed between his fingers as he kneaded the soft flesh and kissed her neck again.

Lost in the feel of him, and heat, her fingers slid into his hair and she held him to her.

“I love it when you let go, sweetheart.”

“I want to hold on.” She slid her hand down his chest and rock-hard abs and dipped it inside his jeans. She clamped her hand around his throbbing length and rubbed him up and down.

Luke hissed in a breath, leaned back, and stared down at her hand working his hard cock.

He made quick work of pushing his jeans and boxers down his hips and kicking them off his feet so she could take his silky flesh in her palm.

“That’s so good.” He held her hips and let her have her way with him for another few seconds before he hissed again, pushed her hand away, backed her up to the bed, and followed her onto it, covering her body with his warm one and kissing her senseless.

Somehow in the midst of hands caressing and mouths moving over each other, her panties seemed to melt away seconds before Luke joined their bodies and they were moving together in a much more intimate and primal way.

She loved the feel and weight of him on her and the taste of him on her tongue.

Luke moved, and she moved with him, meeting his thrusts and the demands of his body and hers for the release they both knew was coming but held off just a little longer so they could enjoy the closeness and tantalizing sensations coursing through their bodies until it overtook them.

They both panted with exertion and wallowed in the euphoric aftermath in each other’s arms.

Sarah hugged Luke close as his body pressed her into the bed. “Now, that’s what I call a homecoming.”

Luke pressed a kiss to her neck, then rose up on his forearms and stared down at her. “I missed you. This. Us.”

Sarah covered a yawn with the back of her hand. “Me, too. I couldn’t wait to get back here to you.”

Luke shifted to her side, hooked his arm and hand over her middle, and drew her back to his chest and held her close. “Close your eyes. Take a nap. I’ll wake you when it’s time for dinner.”

Luke held her, listening to her breathe, savoring the feel of her in his arms, the way she fit just perfectly in them, his life, and his heart.

He was so damn lucky to have found someone like her. She loved him. He’d discovered he had the capacity to love just as deeply as his father loved his mom and Jason loved Michelle. It had seemed so easy for them and he’d struggled with one ruined relationship after the next. Until Sarah came into his life and stole his horse and his heart.

Now all he had to do was bring their two worlds together permanently.