Pleasures of the Night by Heather Boyd

Chapter 11

Society was a fickle beast—one moment gracious and the next cold as snow. Eugenia glanced around at the wallflowers, all sitting forgotten on the sidelines at yet another ball, and hated to see it. Thaddeus had done his best, but his friends were once again dazzled by the heiresses and willing widows.

She understood that a lot of great families required an injection of new money at frequent intervals to remain solvent, but that did not mean they should ignore ladies without great fortunes who only hoped to be shown a little kindness and the occasional smile.

Worst of all was how wallflowers seemed to accept this was the way things were always meant to be. She shook her head. She had tried to convince them to be bolder, but habits of a lifetime were hard to break. Reputations were at stake, and the family’s good name was all they had to trade upon.

Eugenia was on the sidelines, too, but she wasn’t worried for herself. She had a lover, a handsome man watching even now from a distance and hopefully waiting for a chance to be alone with her again. Eugenia couldn’t wait to touch Thaddeus again, either. To feel his hands on her thighs, his fingers teasing her quim to ecstasy.

She sighed. Soon but not yet.

Aurora came rushing back from the dance floor, face flushed, cheeks pink from an exuberant dance with young Lord Brandestock. “I swear I cannot keep a straight face when he tells me about his favorite horse anymore,” she whispered into Eugenia’s ear.

“Try,” she warned. “We don’t need anyone to enquire about what he said to you that was so amusing.”

Aurora agreed and quickly sobered.

Eugenia patted her hand soothingly. It was hard for both of them to appear meek, mild, and dull around certain gentlemen. Her gaze fell on Scarsdale, watching her cousin from across the room. She clenched her jaw tight, hating how he hovered. She glared, wishing they’d never welcomed that man into their acquaintance. He seemed no longer to stutter which Eugenia now suspected was a ploy of some kind to get into their good graces.

Scarsdale finally looked away, then took himself off toward the card room. Eugenia smiled and turned to Aurora. “Are you thirsty?”

“Parched.” Aurora linked their arms. “I don’t have another dance until later, too.”

“I’m glad that you’re dancing tonight.”

Aurora’s brow furrowed. “What of you?”

“Never mind my dance card. I’m happy to know yours is filled. You look to be having a glorious night.”

“I am. I am determined not to let anyone affect my peace of mind.”

“Good for you.”

They sauntered through the crowd, and Eugenia was pleased to see that Scarsdale gave them a wide berth when their paths unexpectedly crossed again. He headed back into the ballroom without acknowledging them.

There was a line of a few people waiting at the refreshment table, so they were forced to linger there longer than expected due to a shortage of punch. Eugenia spotted their dear friend Miss Waters at the table ahead of them, and waved to catch her attention when she glanced over her shoulder.

Their eyes met, and Charlotte grinned widely. She also allowed the woman between them to take her place at the front of the line so they could talk without rudely shouting around her.

“How lovely you look tonight,” Eugenia whispered.

“Oh, thank you, Eugenia. You always say such nice things about my gowns, but I must say I am envious of yours. You look simply radiant. I must know your secret.”

She felt radiant, too. She had felt a bubble of happiness growing inside her chest ever since Thaddeus’ first touch and kiss. “I had the most wonderful sleep last night,” she told her. Not strictly true. She had dreamed and remembered Thaddeus making love to her, becoming so feverish with lust all over again that she’d had to give herself relief.

Memories of trysts were good, but the real thing was far more satisfying and necessary. Eugenia looked about the chamber, hoping to spot Thaddeus lurking. Unfortunately, he seemed not to have followed her to the refreshment table.

With cups of punch finally secured, she and Aurora and Charlotte strolled toward the card room doorway and chose a spot where they could see into the chamber, and the ballroom as well.

Charlotte nudged her arm gently to gain her attention. “Do you think Brandestock is courting Miss Philips?”

Eugenia turned to look back into the ballroom, where the pair were just gliding past. Miss Phillips was plain but well-dowered. “Perhaps. I saw her standing with his mother a short time ago. They seemed on good terms.”

“She’s much too stiff for him.”

Aurora laughed. “Shouldn’t it be him that’s stiff?”

Charlotte blushed at the question. “I didn’t mean it that way,” she protested, blushing even more. “But you are right. A future husband should be solidly erect around his future bride.”

At that moment, Lord Hurlston wandered past, frowning at them, then shaking his head on the way into the ballroom. Eugenia thought he might have overheard their conversation, but clearly, he’d decided he must have misunderstood.

Miss Waters sighed. “Why does it have to be the most handsome men who get snapped up before we can even try to impress them?”

“Because they were handsome and rich before ever seeking a bride, I expect.”

“They can have their pick, marrying with their heads rather than their hearts,” Aurora warned, her usual disapproval clear.

“Mr. Berringer is different,” Eugenia disagreed. “He’s going to marry for love.”

Two pairs of eyes fixed on her suddenly. “Where did you hear that?”

Eugenia blinked, startled that she’d let slip so delicate a confidence from him. She shrugged as if it was obvious. “He seems the type to me.”

“His cousin waited years to be married for love,” Miss Waters added helpfully. “I suppose he’ll be under no pressure to please his family because of their example.”

“Yes, I expect that’s the case.” And then her heart stopped, because he was standing across the room watching her talk with her friends again. She could not help the smile that burst over her face as he winked. All she could think about was feeling his lips against hers, his hands on her body, and his cock…

Well, she could almost swoon thinking about making love to him again.

She turned her attention to anywhere he was not standing and drew in a shuddering breath, trying to stem the tide of her excitement.

Thankfully, Sylvia and Lord Wharton were coming toward them, apparently done with the card room already.

“Cousin, my lord,” she murmured as greetings were exchanged.

“I finally convinced your cousin to come away from the games and dance with me,” Wharton teased. “But she wanted to see you pair first. And good evening to you, too, Miss Waters.”

Charlotte had confessed to being a little afraid of embarrassing herself in front of the marquess and stammered out a mumbled reply.

Eugenia took in her cousin’s pink cheeks and took charge of the conversation. “How much did you win tonight?”

“I lost. I seem to have no luck of late,” Sylvia answered, without truly meeting her gaze.

But since Sylvia had an uncanny ability to win or lose any hand she chose. Eugenia did not believe luck had anything to do with the outcome. She raised a brow.

Sylvia held her gaze a moment and then had the grace to flush a little.

Eugenia frowned at the proof she was involved in another nefarious scheme concocted by her intended. No doubt another friend of Wharton’s had fallen on hard times and needed his finances to be propped up with a short-term injection of funds miraculously won at cards to salvage his pride. Eugenia didn’t approve of the way Wharton meddled with his friends’ lives, but she had never really been asked her opinion, either.

She looked away and discovered to her delight that Thaddeus had moved nearer, speaking with Hurlston and a trio of rogues a few steps away. She supposed he’d find his way to her side soon enough, but she was sure it would feel too long.

Eugenia was pressed to follow her cousin Sylvia and Lord Wharton back into the ballroom, nursing her secret delight in her lover tight to her breast as she passed Thaddeus by with only bestowing a polite nod. No one could ever know how freeing it had felt to be entirely herself with a man at long last.

She hadn’t felt that way in a very long time. There had been no selfish self-indulgence with his passion. He’d made her feel desperately needed there in the dark with him, desirable and irresistible.

She trailed along, greeting friends and new acquaintances on the way to the edge of the dance floor, but her mind remained fixed on a certain gentleman with rough hands somewhere in her wake.

Wharton twirled Sylvia away to dance, leaving the three of them to watch from the sidelines.

“They look so happy together,” Charlotte said wistfully.

“Your turn will come soon, I’m sure,” she promised, hoping that was true. Charlotte was the nicest person, but she lacked that certain spark men found irresistible.

“I hope so. I’m practically bursting to be ruined,” she blurted out.

The sound of a man starting to choke somewhere behind Eugenia made her turn around slowly, fearing the worst. Lord Hurlston and Thaddeus stood behind them, and Lord Hurlston was staring at Charlotte with truly frightened eyes. Thaddeus, however, was trying not to laugh.

Charlotte took one look at the pair and fled, a tiny wail of apology lingering in the air.

Eugenia decided the best course of action was to pretend not to acknowledge her friend’s last shocking statement and forge on with a greeting instead. “Good evening, Lord Hurlston. Mr. Berringer. What a pleasure to see you both here tonight.”

“Ladies,” Thaddeus said, offering a short bow, but his grin remained on his utterly kissable lips.

He nudged Hurlston with his elbow. The poor earl was still staring after Charlotte with his mouth hanging half-open. “Oh, yes,” he said quickly, recovering his lapse of composure. “Indeed. A lovely evening to be spent among friends.”

“Have you been here long?” she asked of Hurlston.

“I have only just arrived,” he managed to say, but she did not have his complete attention. He seemed to be looking after Charlotte still. She was afraid he was not going to forget what he’d overheard. She only hoped he didn’t make the shy woman feel worse for expressing her need for passion.

They stood awkwardly together, but then Hurlston broke the silence. “Shouldn’t someone make sure Miss Waters is all right and not hiding behind a potted palm somewhere?”

“I’ll do that,” Aurora offered and quickly slipped away.

Eugenia glanced at Thaddeus and then at Lord Hurlston. The pair were great friends, she had assumed, but she didn’t really know very much about the earl or what he thought of spinsters desperately waiting for a husband. At least Thaddeus seemed unconcerned about Charlotte’s comment now, so she caught Hurlston’s eye. “I hope you won’t make my friend feel embarrassed when she comes back.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Thaddeus nodded. “Neither would I. She’s good fun, Miss Waters, but has a timid heart.”

Eugenia looked at him curiously, and Hurlston gave him a suspicious side glance too, but then he nodded. “If you will excuse me,” he said. “There is someone I must speak with tonight.”

He strode off, leaving Thaddeus and Eugenia standing side by side. They watched Wharton and Sylvia dance past before turning to each other at the same moment and grinning. “What a thing to have said out loud,” she murmured.

“I thought Hurlston would faint,” Thaddeus confessed. “What do you think, E. Shall we take a turn about the room together?”

She noted the shortening of her name but let it pass for now. “Perhaps we could see what is keeping Aurora and Miss Waters.”

“Not a bad idea.”

Thaddeus did not offer his arm. They both perhaps felt the tension simmering inside them. They strolled side by side, nodding to acquaintances who noticed them together and acting as if nothing had really changed. She ached for him to touch her, but here, with so many around, there would be no chance it could go unnoticed.

They did not find Aurora or Miss Waters in the adjoining hallway or in the card room. So, they circled back toward the ballroom, crossing paths with Hurlston, who appeared to be searching for his someone, still.

She glanced up at Thaddeus when he was out of earshot. “Why did you call me E?”

“I don’t know. Do you not like it?”

“Not particularly. I like my name. I’d rather hear it tumble from your lips than any nickname.”

Thaddeus nodded. “Then I won’t do it again, but I can’t promise I won’t slip and call you something else more endearing.”

She chuckled softly and drew a little closer to him. “I must confess that whenever I hear the Duke of Exeter address you as Teddy, I want to ask him to stop. Do you not think it childish of him?”

“The duke is older, and so he does as he pleases.” Thaddeus smiled to show he was not concerned. “My mother always addressed me that way, so I don’t really mind hearing it from him. He is the only family I have left, and we all make allowances for family and good friends, don’t we?”

“Yes, but I think Teddy definitely sounds too young for what a woman my age would want you for,” she whispered.

He laughed at that. “Then call me whatever feels right. I’ll answer to anything, anywhere.”

For an answer, she merely smiled and asked, “When might we meet again?”

He glanced about, checking who stood close. “Tonight,” he whispered. “Like the first time we met, only this time it will not be by accident that I discover you alone taking the air. I’ll be waiting…and hoping it’s soon.”

She grinned, but then Aurora and Charlotte returned. Charlotte looking a little embarrassed still as she finally met Thaddeus’ curious gaze. “Shall we return to the ballroom together?” she said, somewhat more shy than normal.

“Not me. I must away,” Thaddeus apologized.

“Oh, what a shame,” Aurora complained, pouting a little as she looked up at him.

Eugenia moved smoothly between them. She couldn’t have her cousin flirting with a man Eugenia was involved with anymore. “I’m sure we’ll see him again soon enough.”

Thaddeus bowed and made his escape.

They strolled back to the ballroom. Wharton and Sylvia were just leaving the dance floor by then. Wharton began to fan Sylvia to cool her red face and laughed. “Is that better?”

“Exhilarating,” she gushed, looking up at Wharton with all the love in her heart.

“Truly.” He handed back her fan. “Just wait till mother hears you persuaded me to three sets in one night. She’ll be miffed not to have seen it so she could criticize me for drawing attention to us.”

The pair laughed, and Sylvia hung on his arm. “I wish she could hear the music.”

“If she was here for that, we would finally be married,” he warned.

They continued their loving banter, wrapped up in their own little world. Aurora and Charlotte were whispering together. No one was really paying Eugenia any attention. Now would be the perfect time to slip away.

She took a step backward and then another, until she was at the threshold of the balcony. There was no way to know if Thaddeus had had enough time to slip outside and was lingering in wait for her, but she hoped he was as she spun and stepped out into the darkness.

Her hand was caught, and she was dragged far from the open doorway. She knew those hands and the dark shape towing her along.

Thaddeus spun about and placed his hands on either side of her face. “Hello, lovely.”

He dropped a soft kiss upon her lips, then another.

Eugenia slipped her fingers into his hair and held him close for a deeper kiss. “I wanted to do that since the moment I saw you across the crowded ballroom.”

“Did you now?”

She drew back. “Didn’t you?”

“So much I considered bounding across the dance floor to sweep you into my arms and carrying you outside. You make me uncomfortably hot and hard in a room crowded with proper society.”

She smiled as she tangled her fingers in his hair and lay her body against his. He was hard. She could feel his cock firm against her sex already. “I’m glad you waited, and I am relieved that no one knows about us.”

“We’ll keep us a secret for as long as we can, but I must warn you, you are really my sort of woman. Irresistible and equally keen.”

Eugenia laughed softly, smiling up at him. “I wish I could stay out here all night with you, but my absence might already be missed.”

“I don’t want to get you into trouble. And I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you for a few days. I have to leave Town tomorrow for an appointment of longstanding. Nearly forgot about it, but I cannot delay it even if I want to. It is the last trip away for some time to come, thank heavens.”

“It’s for the duke?”

He nodded. “It is a matter only I can handle, apparently. Tedious and boring, I fear, like so many others. But I will be back on Tuesday, and I will call at Wharton’s that day if it’s not too late.”

“Come to me at Albemarle Street on Wednesday.”

His breath caught. “Are you sure you want me visiting you there?”

She kissed him quickly. “I’m sure I want you everywhere. Be safe and hurry back to me.”

“I will,” he promised, then stole a deep, hungry kiss from her.

Eugenia patted her cheeks, which felt hot, and hurried back to the ballroom. When she slipped inside, Wharton noticed her return but said nothing about her disappearance. He only shrugged and turned his attention once more to his bride-to-be.

“Ooh, look, there he is again,” Aurora whispered. “I wonder where Mr. Berringer disappeared to just then?”

A feeling of annoyance filled Eugenia at hearing Aurora talk about her lover and where he’d been. It wasn’t unusual that they spoke of the comings and goings of the ton’s gentlemen at society events. They frequently pondered who they favored or met with in secret all the time. But it was strange because Thaddeus had met with and kissed her, with great passion, just a moment ago. Thaddeus was her lover and should not be her cousin’s to contemplate.

But how was she to warn off her cousin and halt her pursuit of him, without giving herself away? She didn’t know.

Eugenia glanced across the room and spied an old client of theirs, someone Aurora found irritating.

“Did you see that Lord Sullivan is here, Aurora, and with that same blonde woman on his arm again as we saw on Bond Street a month ago?”

“His cousin, Miss Smith,” she said sourly.

“Do you think he’s courting her?”

“Probably. But she’s bound for a life of utter boredom with him if he proposes.”

Eugenia clucked her tongue in disapproval. “That was too harsh, even for you.”

Aurora sighed. “There’s not an unpredictable bone in his body. How could that be with those good looks of his? He ought to be wicked, but he’s not.”

“Predictability has some benefit.” For instance, she knew that Thaddeus would spend the next two dances circulating the ballroom before leaving to spend a certain amount of time in the card room. He wasn’t addicted to cards like so many others were but likely believed showing an interest was expected of him. She lived the same way most of the time—doing what was expected and safe. Yet sometimes even that could lead to a most remarkable experience.

She would count the days and hours until she could be alone again with Thaddeus, and next time it would be in the privacy of her home and her soft bed. She felt secure in the knowledge that there would be many more trysts between them both. As he’d said, there was great reward in not rushing his kisses. His were to be savored rather than squandered, and she definitely looked forward to more in the weeks to come.