Pleasures of the Night by Heather Boyd


Teddy leaned toward Eugenia as she twirled a simple gold ring around the third finger on her right hand and whispered. “What do you think are our chances of escaping this?”

“Highly unlikely now.”

“A pity. I suddenly thought of us at that inn in Dover, of having you up against the wall.”

She settled the ring that matched her chains upon her finger and stared at it in the moonlight. She’d done that every day since Thaddeus had offered it to her two months ago. A happy day it had been, too, when she’d agreed to take his name for her own one day. Only he hadn’t expected to receive another from him so soon.

She wore a second, gem studded ring around her finger now too. Trying to become accustomed to the costly ring on her finger was going to be harder than wearing the first. “Perhaps we could do that tomorrow night, on our way to Grafton Park.”

“I’d already planned to.” Thaddeus grinned. “His grace will come after us if we delay much longer. You remember how pleased he seemed when we told him our news earlier? Well, when we were alone after, he practically danced a jig across the library floor. He cannot wait to share the good news of our upcoming marriage with everyone.” Teddy squared his shoulders. “We’d better get this over with then?”

Eugenia laughed nervously, stealing a peek inside Lady Bisley’s ballroom before drawing back. “Please remember, you brought this down upon your own head when you asked me to marry you.”

He laughed. “How was I to know you couldn’t keep our secret betrothal an actual secret for more than two months?”

“It was that dreadful Lady Fuller. She had her filthy paws on my future husband, and I was so angry at her presumption that it just came rushing out,” she said with a grimace.

“I don’t mind. I’m glad to end the deception.” He caught her hands and brought them to his lips and kissed each of her knuckles. Her hands were a little cold tonight, nervousness perhaps brought about by their upcoming introduction as a betrothed couple. “We’ll stumble through this together, yes?”

She sighed. “Neither one of us wanted the fuss of a grand wedding, but I suppose the duke is making plans?”

“He’s certainly trying, though we could always elope. Sinclair and Kitty cannot really complain if we follow in their esteemed footsteps.”

“They will be large shoes to fill, indeed,” Eugenia whispered and then laughed. “Oh, look at us, Thaddeus. Paralyzed by fear over announcing to the ton what we feel for each other. It’s not as if we’ve suddenly become titled. We’re just marrying each other.”

He glanced down at her twisting hands with one brow raised. “Imagine their shock when they learn you are increasing already, too.”

“Might be,” she warned. She placed her hands protectively over her belly where once his gift of a long chain had hidden beneath her gown, but which now appeared to be suddenly too small to fit her waistline. Eugenia’s courses were late, which was unusual for her, too. However, their two months of being secretly engaged hadn’t diminished their mutual lust for each other, so it was entirely possible they’d be parents after Christmas.

And after what they’d been through together to reach this point, he hoped for a child to come as soon as possible.

“Do we really need to say anything? Couldn’t everyone just find out when my stomach swells round enough not to be able to hide it?”

“Exeter won’t be able to keep his lips shut once he learns,” Teddy warned. “Our child will be spoiled before he even draws his first breath.”

Eugenia arched a brow. “He?”

Teddy caressed her cheek. “A figure of speech, my love, though for the duke’s sake, I hope for a son. Sinclair worries about the succession even when he has me.”

“He worries too much about that, but at least he has the peace of mind now that you are doing all you can to expand your family by at least marrying someone.”

“Not just anyone.” Teddy pulled her close against his body. “I love you with all my heart.”

“I know, and that was the reason I accepted. I’d be entirely satisfied spending my whole life slipping away with you if only we could get away with it that long.”

“I am so glad we chose to wed each other and end the speculation of who I would choose. It will likely be a long time before we are titled. Until then, we are Mr. And Mrs. Berringer. A husband and wife with an expectation of riches and great responsibilities to fall upon us sometime in the future.”

“A very distant future, it had better be.” She looked inside through the curtain. “Oh dear, I can see his grace. He’s consulting his pocket watch again. No. Now his foot is tapping, too, and he’s beginning to look cross. We had better go in.”

Eugenia started forward, but Teddy captured her hand and held her in the shadows with him a little longer. He inhaled deeply as he looked down upon her slender neck. “Do you remember?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “How could I not? This is how you first kissed me.”

He nodded. “Do you know what I’ve been thinking since?”

“No. What?”

“That I should have done a more thorough job of it that first time.” He turned her around to face him, drawing her away from the brink of joining society, and pressed her back against the wall.

“Oh, Thaddeus,” she whispered. “I’ve never been disappointed in your first kiss. They all have been worth the wait.”

“Darling Eugenia, all I thought I had that night was a willing partner to indulge in the pleasures of the night. What I needed more than nights was the days too, and all the hours in between.”

“You will have them,” she whispered. “Always.”

Teddy placed his lips beside Eugenia’s, teasing her with the idea of a kiss without stealing one. There was so much more to love than just pleasure. There was yearning for the next stolen moment and scandalous kisses, too. Afternoons spent reading together, dancing at balls, knowing how much they meant to each other, and finding countless ways to increase their intimacy.

Teddy stole a kiss and then another, knowing he never wanted to stop. But duty called. He took Eugenia’s hand firmly in his, giving it a squeeze to calm his own nerves more than hers, before leading his future wife into the ballroom to continue their happy pairing in public.

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