Please Daddy by Dani Wyatt

Chapter 10


“This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” I gaze around, my mouth hanging wide in awe as I turn in circles, the stars and moon shining down. The first hum of light turning the sky along the horizon from black to deep gray. “I’ve traveled this entire country, and I always had dreams of a place…it looked like this. I never knew it could be real.”

“Well,” Merrick starts, his eyes trained on me as we walk the stone pathway from where he parked his truck toward the front door of a house that is straight out of my dreams. He’s changed out of his uniform, wearing loose, faded jeans and a white button up shirt. Simple but still so sexy. “First, you are the most beautiful place, person, everything, that I’ve ever seen. And second…” He stands behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist, and I feel the hard length pressed into my back, making the tension grow low between my legs. “Second, this is real. I’m going to take care of you from now on, Kezia. No one will hurt you again.”

I want to believe him, but a lifetime of a reality that doesn’t match his words niggles doubt in my mind. I take a long breath, admiring the enormous barn-like structure that is his home lit up outside and inside in the low light of pre-dawn.

The rustic form contrasts with the modern touches that have turned the giant structure into an awe-inspiring house. As we approach the front door, I see huge glass windows that give a straight view through the first floor.

The driveway to the house was probably half a mile long, winding through pines that reminded me of the ones at the waterfall we went to just yesterday. He told me this is part of the same land, and the way it rolls and enormous century old trees hug the house make it more like the cover of a magazine than somewhere I ever thought I’d find myself.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I hear dogs barking inside, then see them through the glass.

“You have dogs?” I do a little skip-jump.

“Yeah, Rosy and Eleanor. Rescues. Sort of like you.”

A smile blossoms on my face. “I love dogs so much. I’ve never been allowed to have pets. They are considered a unnecessary expense in our group. But, when we’re at the festivals, people bring their dogs and I just always wanted one so bad.”

“Well, come on. Meet your dogs.”

The way he says ‘meet your dogs’ makes me pause, but I’m so excited I don’t dwell that I may have misunderstood.

“Come on. I need to get inside you—” Merrick immediately stops himself and shakes his head. “I mean, I need to get you inside.”

He turns toward the house, my hand in his as he guides us to the front door, and I’m nervous but at the same time, I feel at home. Something I’ve never felt before.

Just inside the door, the interior is more stunning than the exterior, if that’s possible. Warm wood, cream and white, and spots of blue that remind me of the ocean with soaring ceilings and rough beams. Rosy and Eleanor jump and lick and I sit right down on the floor and let them engulf me.

“They don’t usually take to strangers. They’re not really trusting of most people. Can’t blame them, they didn’t have the best upbringing.” Merrick stands, watching with a warm glow in his eyes, scratching the side of his face. “But, they probably need to go out.”

When he says, ‘go out’ both the dogs turn to him, wagging their tails and panting as he opens the front door and they go bounding outside.

“They won’t run away?” I ask, my heart already missing them, worried they will disappear into the forest.

“Nope. They know where their home is. Besides, I installed an invisible fence and trained them. They can run around ten acres; they know their boundaries. Dogs like to know someone else is in charge. Makes them feel safe.”

Merrick guides me by the hand to a huge open kitchen and my stomach growls again, right on cue.

“Sorry,” I say, pulling my lips to the side.

“You’re not the one that should be sorry. As long as you are with me, I’ll be sure from now on you eat, you are safe, you get whatever it is you need.” He holds my face in his hands. “I’m not going to lie, I want you. I want between your legs, and I can’t fucking wait to get my mouth on your sweet pussy, but always and foremost, I will take care of you. Your safety and well-being trump everything else. And food is something you look like you’ve not had enough of a long time.”

I hesitate, then nod. “I am hungry, but…”

“But what?”

“But, well, I have allergies. I can’t expect you to go out of your way—”

He holds my shoulders. “So you have allergies. Tell me what they are.”

“You’re sure?” I ask, and he nods, so I take a deep breath and plunge in. “Eggs and chicken. Poultry in general. Once I nearly died, my throat swelled up so much.”

“Say no more. I’ll make sure you never touch them and they never touch you.”

I marvel as I watch Merrick work his way around the kitchen. He’s obviously a skilled cook, chopping vegetables like he’s on Top Chef, rubbing down a piece of red meat with ten spices, then searing it on the grill portion of a stainless-steel cooktop that looks like it belongs in a five-star restaurant.

“God, that smells good.” I’m salivating and it’s from the scent of the food, but it’s also from watching Merrick. I never believed what a turn on it could be to watch a man cook. It’s like he’s painting a masterpiece just for me.

“This smells good, I agree.” He nods toward the food, then gives me a look that makes me shiver. “I know something that smells much, much better.” Merrick looks at me like I’m the piece of beef he’s ready to devour and my stomach flips and flutters.

It’s been a long time since I ate a meal like this. Salad, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes and a steak like I didn’t know existed. He asks what I’d like to drink and I answer water but he’s not buying it. After some interrogation, I admit, my favorite, favorite thing to drink is pink lemonade, extra sweet.

Just so happened, he had lemons in the refrigerator, and he made me the best homemade pink lemonade I’ve had in my life.

Since I was a child, my food has been restricted, controlled, and not just because of my allergies. Keeping me waif-like and rail thin helped me play my part. It was the same in each family I was sold to. When I was little, I was to pull on people’s heartstrings, look frail and needy. My unique eyes were a draw even back then, making people gasp and stare. As I grew, it changed into what I am now.

I feel like I’ve been eating for an hour, when I finally sit up and hold my stomach.

“I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life.” I rub my belly as Merrick clears my empty plate. “I think I’m going to explode.”

“I know how you feel.”

The vibrating tension between us has only ramped up since we entered the house and I am hungry for more than food. I’m already grateful for everything Merrick has done but I’m still having a hard time believing this isn’t more than just a lustful tryst for another morally-flexible lawman.

All the doubt evaporates when Merrick stands in front of me, looking like he’s won the lottery. The thin strap on the sheath I’m wearing falls from one shoulder, and as I reach up to return it to its place, his hand grips my wrist and moisture gathers in my panties as my fingers start to tremble.

“Leave it,” he commands. “Daddy needs to see you. Taste you.” He leans down next to my ear. “Daddy needs to fuck you. It’s cherry-picking time, baby.”

He stands, licking his bottom lip as I open my mouth to say something, but no words come. I want him to see me. I know that is true, down deep in my bones, so I reach over to my other shoulder and lower the other strap.

If not for the way my nipples are puckered, the fabric hanging on to the hard flesh, it would fall free.

I sway on the chair as Merrick brings his mouth to mine, hard and full, slow and fast at the same time. It’s caring, lustful, like a father and a lover all mixed up into one man.

His tongue glides through my lips as his hands lower the nightdress, then his warm, rough palm is gripping my breasts and my head is spinning.

“You like how Daddy touches you? You’ve grown into such a big girl.”

I nod, words impossible right now. The heady arousal his touch and his words spin inside of me feel perfectly right and horribly wrong, and it feels like I’m caught in a dream.

I’m so drawn to him. I have crazy feelings like he’s the father I wished I had, and then I have feelings a girl should never have for her father. But the mixture has me so turned on; I’m tingling everywhere.

“You’ve teased lots of men, haven’t you?”

“Yes…” I manage as he rolls my nipple between his fingers, and I can hardly breathe. “That was my job. To tease, and flirt, but never let them touch me. I never wanted them to…until now.”

“You know you are making my cock ache. Like you did yesterday, riding me like you did. Naughty girl. You were teasing me too, weren’t you?”

I cling to the front of his shirt as he picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as the brush of his shirt against my soaking hot flesh nearly sets me off. “I was supposed to tease you. But you’re different. I wanted your touch. I wanted so much from you.”

“And you’re going to get it, little one. I’m going to give you everything.” His voice is thick and warm against my ear. “Daddy’s going to give you one very special thing today.”

He carries me down a long hall to a door at the end that’s standing open, and inside is a bedroom the size of a basketball court, with a bed in the center and the same soaring ceiling as in the living room, rough rafters criss-crossing everywhere.

I know what’s about to happen. I’m innocent in so many ways, but I know a lot. Book smart, I guess, in the ways of things. Between men and women. You don’t grow up in my sort of world without knowing way more than you should, at far too young an age, about sex.

It seemed like everyone but me was getting busy. In every tent, camper and up against the back walls of the stages where we played, men and women in every sort of mixture were fornicating.

Even as I grew older, it just never felt right to me. The sex just for the sex. There was something missing, no man ever ignited what Merrick has inside me, and I want to follow it to the ends of the earth.

I don’t know how this will all turn out, but right now all I can think about is a life with Merrick. And, stupid fantasy or not, I’m going with it.

The back wall of the bedroom is all windows that slide open, the early morning glow showing the outlines of the forest beyond making you feel like you’re in a tree house. The thick woods filter the light and bring in the natural, woodsy scent that mixes with Merrick’s spicy cologne.

The warmth of the room melts me as lusty heat pumps through my veins. Merrick lays me down on the bed, retreating a step, still looking at me like I’m that juicy steak he cooked earlier.

His gaze is heavy and the silence fills the air as he stares, unmoving, and out of nervousness I slide my knees together, eliciting a deep snarl from the stoic man standing at the foot of the bed.

“Don’t do that. Daddy needs a view.” He steps forward and my heart skips as he peels the nightdress the rest of the way down my body, then hooks his fingers in my panties and tugs them down my thighs, then off my ankles. He brings them to his face, inhaling, then takes them away just long enough to speak. “No hide and seek with what’s mine, little one. We will play lots of wonderful games, but never a game that keeps you from me. Do you understand?” he asks, then tosses my panties onto the nightstand.

“I think so,” I whisper, but I’m distracted when he unbuttons his shirt, nearly tearing it off before reaching down and yanking my ankles apart, placing them in distinct positions, high and wide, then following with heavy hands, pushing my knees wide.

There’s a deep scar on his mid-section and several more small ones that dot his torso.

“Right there,” he growls, kicking off one boot, then the other, bending down to pull his socks off and God, his body is everything.

“What happened?” I manage, wanting to know as much about him as he seems to want to know about me.

“High speed chase and a semi. Lost my spleen, gave me some perspective. Let me know, we’re all immortal.” He looks at me like I’m a Goddess and I want to be immortal with him.

He’s not sculpted per se, not like one of those perfect men on the covers of books and fitness magazines. He’s better. Strong, thick, there’s muscle there but it’s not for show. It’s for real use.

He’s has a layer of bulkiness over the hard muscle, making him a contrast of strength and comfort. His wide chest is decorated with just enough dark hair for my fingers to twitch, longing to touch it.

His gaze is furious, intent, lustful, making me so wet it’s leaking out of me as a red blush heats my cheeks, knowing he can probably see the effect he’s having on me.

He leaves his pants in place, but I can see the outline of his thick erection and it only makes me want him more, my knees starting to quiver as I hold myself open for him.

“Goddamn, little one. I don’t deserve you. You’re too perfect.”

“You do, Daddy.” As I answer, that fire in his eyes flames as his chest heaves. “We deserve to be happy, don’t we? Is it wrong for us to feel like this? For you to want to play with your little girl?”

The fantasy makes my insides twist in the most delightful way, and I’m shocked at how uninhibited I am with Merrick.

“It’s not wrong. How could this be wrong? How could you be wrong? You are my little sprite. But I’m going to apologize now, because, baby, Daddy’s going to fuck you hard. Your teasing and that sweet tight gash aren’t going to let me go slow.”

“It’s okay. I want you to be happy. I want to make you happy.”

He growls again through clenched teeth as I lie exposed, but I know from the look in his eyes he’s pleased, and I can’t fathom the lengths to which I would go to make sure he looks at me like that forever.

A moment of melancholy seeps into the joy, knowing at some point, I need to face my father and my family. And by then, maybe Merrick will be done with me and I’ll have to face the consequences alone.

Consequences of leaving. Of defying Papa’s will. Of spoiling my purity.

All those negative thoughts fly away when Merrick leans down and sucks my taut, sensitive nipple between his teeth. I hiss at the pinch but then he’s licking, sucking and caressing both my breasts as I arch upward and groan with the building desire.

I run my fingers into his hair, wanting more, wanting this, wanting him. I look down, watching his mouth on me, his tongue swirling. My Daddy, enjoying me, and it’s so erotic I nearly combust from the pleasure of it all.

A heavy groan rumbles from him as I hold onto his head, pulling him closer, never wanting this to end. And yet, there’s so much more I want.

So much more I need.

It’s like a fever growing inside of me. A hunger for something I’ve never had. But the most primal part of me demands it. He must feel the need pulsing in my veins as he rakes his teeth upward to my neck, nipping and biting at my jugular like a tiger trying to find the exact right spot to bite and consume his prey.

My hand trails down my center until I’m sinking my finger into the wetness that he’s created. I’m lost in the sensation of his teeth, his lips, his tongue as he concentrates his attention on a part of my neck that feels sensitive, erotic, just as with my nipples, or where my fingers are exploring my soaking folds, and for a moment I can’t breathe.

“No, little one.” His voice drips, low and dark into my ear. “As much as I want to watch you play with your little kitty, your next orgasm is going to be delivered directly into my mouth.”

He reaches over and pulls my hand away, and before I can say anything else, he’s standing, stripping his pants and his briefs, and that dreamlike, feverish feeling rushes over me in waves. My skin prickles with pins and needles as I take in the reality of the veined monster standing tall and swollen from his loins.

“God,” I squeak out, licking my lips as I lock my gaze on the little pearly-white droplets seeping from the nearly purple, bulbous tip. “That’s never going to fit inside me.”

“It will fit, sweet girl. Daddy will make sure you are good and ready before we try.”

I stare at his monster erection in baffled silence while my ovaries are getting ready to deliver more eggs than the Easter Bunny.

“Is it going to hurt?” I ask, a hint of pout and fear in my voice, because I don’t see how this is anatomically possible.

He drags his fingernails down my ribs, making me hiss as he maneuvers down to the end of the bed, his hands coming to rest on my knees.

“I’m afraid it will. But, I promise, I will give you special kisses and make it better after. Then, very soon, when your little body is used to it, it will feel so good. You’ll have to trust Daddy.”

“I will.”

“Good girl. Now, I’m going to show you what those special kisses feel like.”

I shiver as he looks down at me, the intensity in his mossy-green eyes flashing between desire and something darker.

Before I can say anything, he’s crouched down, his nose pressing firmly against my slit, and I feel the movement of cool air as he exhales and inhales against my molten hot sex.

“So sweet,” he whispers, like he’s talking directly to my pussy and not me. “One of a kind, made just for me. This cherry is all for me, isn’t it?” His eyes flick upward as I look down over the landscape of my body, at this man who is about to take my everything.

A man that feels like family, but is so much a stranger.

I nod, my mouth agape, anticipation stabbing into the most delicate parts of me as I silently beg for what’s coming next.

“You should learn to say please, Daddy, when you want something.” He takes a long, slow lick through my folds, exploding nerve endings like fireworks. “Say, ‘Please, Daddy, give me special kisses’.”

He presses his mouth into the drenched, silky skin and I stutter out his request. “P—p—lease…Daddy, give me, oh God…” I stall as his tongue toys with my hard nub, circling it like a predator as my head spins and I try to remember what it was I was saying. “…special kisses, please, Daddy…special…” I stammer and twist as my synapses fire and misfire. “P-please.”

“I do love the way you say please.” Merrick gives me a devilish grin and I drive my hips upward, unconsciously demanding more as his hands slip around and have a death grip around my upper thighs. “Now, just close your eyes, baby. Daddy’s going to make you feel so good.”

A wrenched sob rips from my chest as his mouth engulfs my entire pussy. He’s everywhere, this man, making me rise up and pant as my hips twist and forge for some invisible demand that he’s created inside of me.

My toes curl as I push my heels into the bedding. I feel his teeth rasp on the sensitive, tingling flesh, before he sucks each fold between his lips and focuses superhero powers on my clit, making my entire body rise and fall with the pulsing sensations growing deep in my core.

“God, Merrick…” I rasp between moans and screams. “Please, don’t stop.”

“I’m never going to stop.” He pauses to answer, the words vibrating into my opening as I feel pressure there, his mouth returning to my clit. He’s taking his time now, even as my body silently demands him to rush, to get me to the place where I lose control.

It’s one finger, in and out, tongue and lips, and then he’s pushing somewhere inside me that makes me gasp and tense my muscles. He’s rubbing it, whatever this magical spot is, as his mouth works its own separate sort of voodoo and I’m transported to a mindless, lusting, feral part of me, one I never dreamt could exist.

Daddy. Daddy. Daddy.Daddydaddydaddy….

I repeat his name inside my lust-addled brain while my hips buck, grinding into his generous mouth as my chest arches to the ceiling and my skin feels like it’s coming alive. There’s an urgent anxiety building, stabbing, twisting and racing inside of me toward an invisible finish line.

“This cunt is mine,” I hear him in the midst of my own screams, and Merrick’s mouth draws my clit inward, tongue lapping and destroying me in one second while my body gives in to the inner tugging in my center.

His mouth, his words are desperate.



He devours me as he pulls me against his mouth, impossibly tight, like he wants me permanently attached to his face. He’s moaning with me, even louder, lower, vibrating as the pleasure he seems to take from my own pushes me over the edge into a trembling, gut-wrenching orgasm.

I hold my breath for that last delicious second before the cliff dive has me falling.

Falling. Flailing. Pleasure ripping from me in waves.

I’m reaching, grasping for something that isn’t there. I’m aware of every cell in my body…every atom as it spins and the tsunami takes me away.

There’s no air, no light, no sound, just the black hole of deliciousness he’s given me with his mouth. I will never look at his lips and tongue the same again. They are a priceless mechanism of deviant pleasure, I don’t believe my mind will ever function the same again.

As I heave and pant, screams burn my throat, Merrick drawing my overwhelmed clit back into his lips and the pleasure turns into a desperate pain.

“God, please, stop!” I bellow, my lungs desperate to pull oxygen from the air. But they fail, and I’m suffocating. Kicking at him, slapping at his head. “I can’t breathe…” I manage, pulling at the fabric under me, panicking, my eyes unfocused on the ceiling which seems to be undulating like I’ve entered some decadent, sexual version of Alice’s crazy wonderland.

“You’ve made such a beautiful mess, little one. You make me so happy.” I hear Merrick’s voice like it’s far away, calling me closer, urging calm into my body. I’m not even sure how much time has passed since I lost myself in the vortex.

An hour?

A day?

A split second and an eternity all at the same time. I’m trying to make sense of time and space again as it exists here on earth and I realize, I’m still engulfed in a cloud of lust.

I want something else.

My body needs something else.

“I want you inside me, Daddy,” I manage, my voice small, playing another part as I heave in and out, hot breaths searing my lungs as my skin feels feverish. Hot and cold at the same time, as I finally focus, looking down and seeing Merrick on his knees between my spread legs, his face slick with my juices.

“I’m going inside of you, baby. You’re the most perfect, beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and I’m claiming all of you. Your cherry is mine, but more than that, your sweet, virgin cunt is going to take me raw. All of me. For all of you.”

A flutter of new pleasure bolts through me and I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster, the car chugging toward the top of the tallest peak, the ride surging forward; there’s no stopping, no getting off. It’s too late as your belly flips and the ultimate free fall awaits just in front of you.

He braces his arms on the sides of my body, leaning down for his mouth to consume mine. I taste myself on him as he feeds me his tongue and the tension builds inside of me again. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted him. My body is desperate to feel him pushing inside me, and his enormous weight on top of me gives me that wonderful, dangerous, helpless feeling, like he could do anything he wanted to me and I would not be able to stop him.

But even as the forbidden fantasy tantalizes me, somehow he feels like home. Like I’ve finally found the person, not the place, that gives me roots. Something I’ve never had.

Our tongues lash and twist together. He’s demanding in his kiss, aggressive and unapologetic, as he centers his weight on top of me then pulls back, looking into my soul with eyes I remember from my dreams.

“You filled my mouth with your honey, little one. That made Daddy very happy. Now you’re going to have to be brave, you’re going to make me happy again. My cock is going inside that tight little hole of yours and I’m not sure I’ll be able to go slow.”

There’s pain in his eyes, his face looks twisted and conflicted as the tendons in his neck stand out.

I draw a sharp breath as he reaches down and the first brush of his cock is at my entrance. He shifts, hands behind my knees, pushing my legs upward, wide, wider, as he struggles to get his massive form into position.

“Daddy loves you.” His words stab into places I’ve kept hidden for so long as his shaft stabs into my virginity, a blaze of emotions engulfing me along with the pain of his entry. “Fuck, baby. Jesus, I’m sorry. You teased me too much. I can’t stop. Daddy loves you.”

He says it again as I scream his name and he rips through my resistance. Arrows of white-hot pain spear outward in every direction as his forest-green eyes control mine with a look of such power and reverence I feel like a priceless treasure, sent here as an offering to a devil.

The pain is buckling inside of me as he holds my legs wide and he strains to push forward. I don’t know what to do with my hands for a moment, finally bringing them to rest on his jaw.

I feel the hard flex of the muscle, the vibration as he grinds his teeth together, and I’ve never wanted to please someone as much as I do right now.

“Fuck me,” I bite out, surprising myself with the filthy request. “I want you to fuck me, Daddy. Make me yours, all yours. Your special girl, always and forever.”

“Fuck, baby.” His hips drive forward on a grimace. “You are so perfect. I can’t stop…fuck, fuck, fuck.”

He drops his head into the nape of my neck, hot breaths and low growls mixing against my flesh as pain darts into my core and I take another thrust. Then another and another, until sobs are caught in my chest and I reach down to grip my legs behind the knees, giving all of myself over to him even as the pain drives the air from my lungs.

Merrick’s hands slip between the bedding and my back, engulfing me in an embrace, pressing our bodies together as his flesh moves against mine. The wet sounds of our bodies moving together fill my ears as the sweet scent of sweat and sex tickle my nose and the binding feels complete.

His body covers me, his cock filling me as his arms clutch at my soft flesh, and I feel like I am part of him. I’m no longer me, I’m an extension of this man and I never want this moment to end.

I feel utterly, completely, primally owned by him. I feel safe in a way I’ve never experienced as he strokes his thick manhood in and out of me, grunting and cursing into my ear the most wondrous and filthy things, and before I know it, I’m pushed to the edge.

“The first time I saw you, I became someone else.” He pushes up, breathing the words into the air between us as he thrusts, filling me with him. “When you danced and looked at me, I wanted everything from you. Everything with you.”

His lips crush to mine, strained breaths sighing through his nose as he starts to pump faster, faster, as I do my best to hold myself wide, wanting him deep, deeper, into parts of me I’ve never thought about before, pushing the pain away...

My wetness flows around him, easing his demanding girth as he pummels me in the most delicious way.

“You may have teased men before, but you will never again, little one. You belong to me now, this pussy is mine, your heart, your soul…they are all mine to care for from now on. Mine to protect.”

He drives in and out, hot, fast, urgent, until our bodies are slick from forehead to feet, slipping and slapping as the bed bounces under his weighted effort and his lips slip from mine, kissing my forehead in such a delicious, sweet gesture, as he fucks me like a rag doll down below.

I’m his porcelain doll, his filthy whore, and it feels perfect.

I accept everything he’s giving, the pain and the pleasure, as the scruff of his beard rasps against my cheek and he clutches around my body, holding me against him like some human sex toy, the twist of tension spinning into a fury.

He drives into me, harder, needier, almost manic, as I feel myself tensing, ready to fly again when he groans into my ear.

“Daddy’s coming inside you, baby. I can’t stop, I’m so close, princess, come with me. I want to feel you come on my cock, your little girl cunt milking my cum from my balls.”

His words push me to my peak, and I wrap my legs around the hard muscle of his ass, pulling him impossibly deep as I throw my arms around his neck, clinging to him. My body convulses, noises unlike anything I imagined I could make tear from my throat, and the first spray of his hot release coats the inside of my sex.

He grunts, grunts, then roars, as I scream and hold on for dear life. Our bodies are running the show, there is no more civilized thought going on. Merrick’s furious drives, in and out of me, bottom out in the most glorious pain as he ruts into me and I feel his spend seeping out, down my ass cheeks, slippery between us.

“Fuck, baby. Daddy is sorry, so sorry.”

My insides squeeze, lightning flashes in my eyes, and I bury my face into his chest as the thrill of knowing his seed is deep inside me rocks me into another wave of blinding orgasm. I’m trembling and digging my heels into his backside, unable to control myself.

“Are you okay?” His voice is thick and hoarse, tinted with remorse, but I want to ease his pain.

“I’m perfect. It was perfect.”

“I told you I didn’t think I could go slow.” He slips his hands from around my back, up my ribs, then somehow manages to grab me under my arms and flip us over, his cock still buried to the hilt as I straddle him, wincing.

I flatten my palms onto the hardness of his chest, feeling the brush of the hair between my fingers, his cock full and thick inside of me, still pulsing.

I look down at this gorgeous monster of a man and smile, the sting still fresh between my legs, but the pull for more of what he’s offering is stronger than my aversion to the pain.

“Can I take another horsey ride on you, Daddy?” I bite into my bottom lip, rocking my hips just a bit, slowly, as I see the vein in his forehead stand out.

“What do you say?” He reaches for my hips, easing them forward and back, his fingers digging in.

“Please, Daddy…”

“Good girl. Take your time, Daddy likes to watch.”