His Regret by Bella J.

Chapter Fifteen

June 16, 2009

Hunter staredup at the eight-foot wall, wondering how the hell this was going to work. He understood why they needed to sneak around seeing each other, but that didn’t mean he liked it.

Blue’s family would never approve of him. They wanted boys with degrees and big fat bank accounts who wore pink sweaters tied around their shoulders dating her. Not wild, tattooed adrenaline junkies who dropped out of school before graduating and worked as a greased up mechanic. Plus, the huge-ass wall in front of him was proof that her family was definitely trying to keep a lot of damn people out—people like him.

He stepped closer to the wall and softly called, “Yo, blue eyes, you there?”

There was a rustling in the trees behind the wall, and he narrowed his eyes. “Blue, is that you?”

And from out of nowhere it seemed like the woman just dropped from the sky. Hunter grunted and stammered as her tiny little body fell right against his, and he just managed to catch her.

Her laughs filled his ears, but Hunter almost freaked out.

“What the fuck, Blue? You could have hurt yourself!”

She laughed some more. “Oh, relax, would you? I’m fine.” A soft hand cupped his cheek and she stared up at him with glowing eyes filled with mischief. “Besides, I knew you’d catch me.”

“Blue, you could have—”

Warm lips found his, cutting him off mid-sentence. Within three seconds she managed to kiss away all the worry and annoyance he felt over the fact that she could have seriously hurt herself by just dropping from a high as fuck wall. Now the only thoughts that ran through his mind were getting her naked and burying himself inside her as soon as possible, as much as possible, for as long as possible. God, this woman had him wound up so tight he didn’t even know if it was possible for him to be able to breathe without her.

All too soon, she pulled away, and he watched as she licked her lips like she wanted to savor his taste. “You worry too much, lover.”

“I will always worry about you.”

“Then you’ll grow old before your time.” She snickered and winked at him.

While he gently put her on her feet, she cringed, reaching down, and Hunter noticed the fresh cut that spread along her inner thigh.

“What the hell happened?” He crouched and placed his hand a few inches away from the cut.

“It’s nothing. I cut myself against one of the branches. No big deal.”

“Jesus, Blue.”

“Hunter, it’s not that bad.”

He got up and looked down at her. “We need to get that wound cleaned.”

“It’s really not that bad. Stop fussing.”

Stop fussing? How the hell did she expect him to stop fussing over her? Good God, that statement didn’t even make sense to him. He would never stop fussing over her—ever.

Hunter gave a step closer, pushing their bodies together while he looked down at her. “You are mine to fuss over now and for the rest of our damn lives. So I suggest you get used to me fussing over you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and stared up at him with eyes that were practically begging him to take her against the damn wall. “And I look forward to all the fussing.”

He groaned and pushed his cock harder against her, the need to feel her burning through his veins. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that, woman?”

While biting her lower lip as he continued to grind himself against her, he could see the desire slowly possess her—and he loved it. He loved how he managed to affect her, how she couldn’t hide the fact that she needed him. It was the most amazing feeling in the world witnessing her need, her desire, and her passion all directed at him. This beautiful uptown girl who could have any damn guy she wanted actually wanted him. A nobody. A dropout. A guy who, up until a few weeks ago, had no hope to amount to anything. Yet here he was, staring at the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, having her in his arms, having her lips on his, pressing his body against hers and being able to claim her body every damn chance he got. How lucky could one son of a bitch be?

“Come on. Let’s go before I rip these clothes off you right here on the damn pavement.” He glanced down at the yellow sundress she was wearing. “And next time you decide to climb a tree, in God’s name wear a pair of pants.”

With his arm draped around her shoulders, they walked over to his newly bought secondhand Chevrolet truck.

Blue stopped. “Hunter, what is that?”

“A truck.”

“I can see that, but what I mean is, where’s your bike?”

“It’s parked back home.”

With a shocked expression, she looked up at him. “Why would you buy a truck?”

“Because it’s safer.” He shrugged.

“Since when do you care whether it’s safe or not?”

“Since I met you.”

With narrowed eyes she peered at him. “Hunter Keaton, tell me you did not buy the truck because of me.”

He walked over to the passenger side door and opened it for her. “Just get in. You’ll love the truck.”

“I love the bike.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Hunter sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I know, Blue.”

“And you love that bike too, so why buy the truck?”

Goddammit. Did this woman not understand what she meant to him? That he would lie, cheat, steal, and sell his soul for her? Did she not know that he was completely and utterly lost in her?

What the hell did he need to do to make her realize she was his beginning and his end?

Two steps and he was standing in front of her, staring down into her bright blue eyes. The breeze was blowing a strand of her soft blonde hair across her face, and he gently reached up, tucking it behind her ear.

“Because there is not enough bubble wrap in this world for me to wrap around you every time you climb on a motorcycle.”

Her eyebrows slanted inward. “You’re paranoid.”

“And that is entirely your fault.”

With one swift move he picked her up into his arms and she let out a little squeal, which shot straight down to his dick. “The sooner you realize you are mine and that I will fight the devil himself in order to keep what’s mine safe, the better.”

One of her beautiful smiles that always managed to make his heart beat faster spread along her face. “So you went from one-night stand, to lover, to boyfriend, to bodyguard all in a matter of weeks?”

“Blue, I will be whatever the hell you need me to be. And keeping you happy and safe is the only reason I live from here on out.”