His Regret by Bella J.

Chapter Nineteen


When Hunter steppedout of the shower, he wiped his face with the towel—a very fluffy towel. God, Adam was a real pansy.

Grabbing a pair of sweatpants he found in Adam’s closet—which was the only thing that would fit—he pulled them on and tossed the wet towel over the shower rail before turning around.

Staring at himself in the mirror, his wet hair one big mess around his face, he wished there was a way he could kick his own ass. Why he needed to get himself tangled up in Scarlet’s shit was beyond him. If he had just kept his nose out of it, left Twisted Fable that night without a second thought, he would be back at his apartment fucking some random little submissive chick with only his own demons to bear.

The tattoos on his body showed exactly how deep his root to hell was planted. It was quite the collection he had, and each one of them had some sort of meaning to him.

Regret. The word inked from one hip to the other. Big, black, bold letters spelling out the name of the biggest demon he had to live with. The motherfucker of all his shit. Regret followed him everywhere. It never left him, not even for a goddamn second. Even when he slept it was there—which was why he hardly ever closed his eyes. There were so many things he regretted, like not telling her he loved her more. Regretting not being able to hold on to her, not beating the odds with her. But most of all, the regret of not being able to keep her safe.

Bluewas inked on his right rib cage in delicate calligraphy. Delicate, because that was exactly what she was—an angelic beauty, a delicate soul. Above it, an eagle flying with a leaf in his beak, reminding him of what he’d lost.

There was the bleeding human heart being crushed in a giant hand inked on the skin right above his own heart. That tattoo was pretty much self-explanatory. Till this day not a minute went by that his heart didn’t feel like the life was being squeezed out of him.

Then there was the skull on his right arm, usually the last part of a human that remained after death. That was what happened to him the day he lost Blue…he died, and nothing but an empty shell was left of him.

There was also the tattoo on his back, but he didn’t want to think of that one. He never wanted to think about it, but needed it close, which was why he chose to cover his back with it.

The art on his skin was a constant reminder that he had failed the one person he had vowed never to fail, the one person he would have given his life for. So he made sure the pictures were there, engraved in his flesh so he would never forget the fact that he had lost what he loved the most, and that he would never allow himself to love again—ever.

After taking a few deep breaths, he squared his shoulders and prepared himself for the woman waiting downstairs. He wasn’t sure anything could prepare anyone for her though. Not only was she annoying as shit, she was also fucking beautiful. The more time he spent with Scarlet, the more tiny little details he noticed about her. Like how she bit her lower lip whenever she was thinking hard about something. Or how she would frown when she was trying to come up with some smart-ass comeback to everything he said. But the most beautiful thing he had noticed about her, the thing that seemed to drive him crazy, was the look in her eyes whenever she unintentionally let her guard down. It had only happened once or twice in the short time he had known her, but he noticed it. The first being when he cuffed her to his couch and she begged him to loosen the cuffs. That alone made him think that she probably wasn’t into the whole being cuffed to a bed while being fucked thing—which was too bad since he would have really loved to have control over that hot body of hers.

Then there was the freak out session she had in the elevator which led him to kiss her—which he enjoyed a lot more than he was supposed to.

And then the moment in the car, when he asked her to let him help her. He saw it. He saw in her eyes just how much she really wanted to trust someone—him. It made him wonder when the last time was she allowed anyone to get close, and what happened to her that made her lose all her trust in people around her.

Scarlet was a damn enigma, and the weirdest part was that he really wanted to figure her out. A damn puzzle he was desperate to solve.

It was probably a PI thing.

Hunter grabbed his chain off the bathroom sink and paused. The silver Celtic symbol of eternal love was the one thing that made him feel closer to her somehow. Which was why he never wore it when he was screwing another woman. Maybe he shouldn’t wear it around Scarlet either since he was already having thoughts about screwing her senseless. It felt wrong having Blue close to him when he was with someone else, even though his heart wasn’t a part of it. He lost his heart the day he lost his Blue.

He walked out of the bathroom and placed his chain in the bedside table drawer. Now he had to go downstairs and try to have a grown up discussion with Scarlet. That was the only way he would get answers, by coaxing them out of her somehow. Maybe he should get her drunk, give her a shit load of tequila and then hope like hell she would get a bad case of verbal diarrhea.

He already suspected she would be halfway done with the bottle of Olmeca by now, which would make this part a lot easier.

When he got downstairs, Scarlet wasn’t where he left her. “Goddammit.” It was a huge house and it took him about twenty minutes to confirm that she had in fact…bailed.


When he glanced at the counter and saw that his wallet was missing, he cursed. F-bombs had nothing on the words that came out of his mouth. Grabbing a tumbler off the counter, he threw it against the wall right next to the television set, glass splattering everywhere. How the fuck could he be so stupid? Where were his so-called PI skills now? Did he really think that if he left her alone, uncuffed to something, she wouldn’t bail? All he wanted to do was help her, but instead he got an entire fucking wannabe SWAT team on his ass, and then robbed by the same woman he wanted to help in the first place. Way to go, Hunter, you fucking dildo.

To think that he actually thought she was beautiful. That he actually thought there was more to her than just being a stubborn bitch who probably gave her dear old cousin reason to be pissed off with her in the first place.

Oh, he was such an asshole.

Thinking of assholes…motherfucker! Adam’s car!

Hunter rushed to the front door, feeling like he had an entire legion of demons inside of him raging for him to kick the shit out of something. He was fucking seething, all his blood pumping to his fists.

Just as he flung open the door, he collided with someone—hard. Bags and pieces of fabric got tossed in the air and landed all around them. It was fucking chaos.

“What the fuck?”

“Hunter, what the hell, man?”

“Scarlet?” He stared at her in front of him.

“Yes, Scarlet. Who did you expect, the fucking mail man?”

“Jesus Christ. Where the fuck did you go?”

She held up the bags in her hands. “Duh.”

“You went shopping?”

“Yeah. We didn’t have a chance to pack anything since we had the SUV fuckers trying to kidnap my ass. So I thought that getting some clothes would be a good idea. I don’t know about you, but I prefer not to wear the same underwear for longer than a day.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t wear underwear.”

Scarlet opened her mouth, then shut it again. She frowned. “Good point.”

He glanced down and noticed the display of color in the form of underwear and lingerie on the floor around him. “Scarlet, if you don’t wear underwear, why is the floor covered in lingerie?”

“I thought I’d give underwear a try. Plus, they were all just so pretty.” She reached into one of the bags she was still holding and pulled out a pair of CK boxer briefs. “I bought you some too.”

Unamused and un-fucking-impressed, he took a step closer to her. “You took my wallet.”

She matched his step and took one toward him. “I needed money.”

“Did you use my credit cards?”

“Do you think I’m stupid? You had enough cash in that wallet to feed an entire fucking country.”

Another step. “I think you’re stupid because you actually think you can continue playing this game with me.”

When she moved another step, dropping the bags, the entire atmosphere suddenly felt laden with pure, raw sexual tension. His eyes zeroed in on her mouth—those full, plump, heart-shaped lips which he knew tasted so fucking good.

“And what game is it that you think I’m playing, Ace?”

His gaze fell to her chest and he noticed that her breathing was just as strained as his. The anger and the red hot rage he felt five minutes ago morphed into an all-consuming need to fuck her until she couldn’t feel her damn legs.

“You know exactly what game I’m talking about.”

She stepped up, her chest flush against his. “What game, Ace?”

When she bit her lower lip, he fucking lost it. He grabbed her arm, spun her around, and pushed her face-first against the wall.

“A dangerous game.”

She squirmed against his hold. “What is it with you and pushing me against walls and windows?”

He pushed harder. “Shut up. You don’t know me. You have no idea what kind of monster your games are busy waking.” There was no stopping himself from grinding his cock against her firm ass, making him wish neither of them were wearing pants.

She pushed her ass out. “Maybe it’s the monster I really want.”

“You don’t know what the fuck you want.”

“Oh, I think I do.”

Slowly he started to wind her long hair around his fist, tighter and tighter. This was it. He was done fighting the bastard inside of him who wanted to ravish this woman, to prove that he had the ultimate control. If he could control her, he could control anyone.

With a hard jerk, he pulled her head back, and she gasped. A long, slow stroke with his tongue up her neck caused her to shiver.

He smiled. “You’ve been tempting me, woman, teasing me, walking around with no underwear, your tits barely covered by my shirt.”

“What can I say,” she started softly, “I’m a cock tease.”

He loosened the grip he had on her hair and reached both of his arms around her shoulders, brushing his knuckles against her chest. He slipped a finger inside the shirt, tracing it along the swell of her breast. Her skin was warm and soft, begging for him to taste it. “Is that what you want, Scar. My cock?”

“That all depends.”

“On what?”

“If it’s going to be worth it.”

Those words of challenge made him lose the last bit of his resolve. She had pissed him off too much, challenged him one time too many.

He took the shirt she was wearing between his fingers and tore it open with a hard jerk, buttons flying all around them. She gasped, and he glanced down, catching sight of her big, round, voluptuous breasts and a beautiful pink nipple. He grabbed her arm and turned her around, wanting those damn tits all up in his face.

“You really shouldn’t challenge me.” His gaze remained glued to her breasts.

“Why not? You afraid you can’t rise to the occasion?”

He grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms hard above her head, her breasts pushed up even more. “I’ve already risen to the occasion. The question is, can you handle it?”

She arched her back, wanting to push her breasts against his chest.

“I can handle anything.”

“Prove it.”

He took both her wrists in one hand, and brought one arm down to palm her breast. He leaned down, taking a hard nipple in his mouth, and heard her moan, the sound shooting straight down to his dick. He sucked and swirled and flicked his tongue, giving that hard nub all the attention it needed while Scarlet started to move against him, her own body betraying her. It was fucking beautiful.

He bit down and her loud moan hit the goddamn roof. If delicate and soft was what she wanted, she was definitely not getting it.

“Harder,” she ordered when he grazed his teeth around her breast. Fuck yeah.

So he gave her exactly what she asked for, biting down hard before sucking it all into his mouth. Her skin smelled like cherries and chocolate, and God knew it tasted even better.

“You think I can’t handle you, Ace?” she asked softly, pushing her chest out to give him more of her round flesh to suck on.

He let go of her nipple with a pop and looked her in the eye, raging lust turning into fiery desire. But the second he stared into those blue eyes he could almost feel them giving him back some of the resolve he lost a few minutes ago, swaying him into stopping what he was about to do. But fuck that shit. He wasn’t stopping. Not now.

He closed his eyes and slammed his lips against hers. The want, the need to have her, to feel and taste her, was too strong. He’d be dammed if he would let the color of her eyes rob him of what he really fucking needed. Her.

Their tongues lapped and danced, ravished and fucked, all the while his palm kneaded her breast, his fingers tugging at her nipples, earning him heady moans and labored breaths. The way he kept on pinching and pulling at her nipples had to be painful, but her moans of pleasure just got louder, her face flushed with desire. He deepened their kiss, their lips smacking together—hard and rough, their tongues fighting for control as they kept on ravishing each other. There was nothing romantic or sensual about what was happening. It was raw, it was primal, and it was about to consume them both.

Between devouring her lips and palming her breasts, he said, “We’re about to find out if you can handle me or not, Scar.”

She pulled her lips away from his and looked him square in the eye. “Then stop fucking around and show me what you’ve got.”

And that was all he needed to let the monster come out to play, to stop fighting and to just let it go.

He reached down, took her pants in his hands, and pulled fucking hard, tearing through the leather like it was nothing. Her pants were in tatters around her feet by the time he was done, leaving her completely naked in front of him. For a second he glanced down and admired her every curve. Every inch of her was put together to torture and tempt him. Legs that screamed to be around his neck. Hips that begged for him to push his fingers into their flesh while pounding her hard from behind. And a perfectly toned stomach for him to glide his lips down, down until he reached the smooth skin he’d felt in his palm earlier that day. He didn’t need to touch her or feel her heat for him to know that she wanted him now just as much as she wanted him when he had her pinned against his apartment window.

“You have no idea how much I’m going to enjoy fucking you, Scarlet.”

She raised a brow. “Oh, I have no doubt. Whether I’m going to enjoy it remains to be seen.”

Another challenge that hung thick in the air around them. Hunter loved it, the way she woke the determination in him to prove to her that he would be the best fuck she ever had.

He stepped back, never taking his eyes off hers. “I think you need to get on your knees for that.”

She smirked. “I don’t get on my knees for anyone.”

“It wasn’t a request.” He pushed down his pants and watched as her gaze fell to his cock. The way she licked her lips told him that she liked what she saw, that she needed what he had to give. She was going to fucking love having him inside her, rocking her body to ecstasy. He would make sure of it.

“On your knees,” he ordered again, his voice hard and demanding.

With pouting lips, she sashayed slowly toward him, her hips swaying from side to side. “Did I not make myself clear, Ace?” She stopped in front of him and wrapped her fingers around his cock, causing a violent ache to shoot up his spine. There was no stopping him from flexing, pushing deeper into her hand, wanting her to rub her palm up and down his hard flesh. “I don’t get on my knees for anyone…especially not a man.”

Within two seconds he had a grip on her arm, turning her around and bending her over the table in the middle of the foyer. All the little decorative shit Adam had on that table was now nothing more than broken pieces on the floor.

He glanced down at her ass while he had her one arm pinned behind her back. “You plan on fighting me?”

“What do you think?” she muttered with her face planted against the table.

The way her ass was up in the air, teasing the caged animal inside of him, he knew claiming her would be like nothing he had ever experienced.

He placed his palm on the soft flesh of her behind, gently rubbing in circles when he felt a shiver move up her body. Her skin was warm under his touch, but he wanted it pink and red, and he wanted it to burn—a lot.

“You know what, Scar? I think I’m going to enjoy you fighting me.” Then he slapped her ass, the red handprint protruding within a matter of seconds. She didn’t make a sound. She didn’t even move. So he did it again—this time harder, and the loud crack sounded around them. When he watched as more red and pink marks started to appear on her skin, it felt like he was staring at his own Mona Lisa, and he already felt beautifully possessive over it.

The ache that pulsed through his cock and up his spine was too much and he had to take his cock into his own hand, stroking it a few times just to relieve some of the pressure. The tension in his body, the need for release, was so intense that he had to focus on not losing it like a fucking wanker.

“Does that turn you on, kitten? The burn of my hand on your ass?”

She pushed her ass out even more. “Why don’t you feel for yourself?”

A low, guttural moan echoed in the back of his throat as he slid his finger between her legs, feeling exactly how turned on she was. The evidence was there—she was so fucking ready for him, her body weeping, begging for him to take her.

The craving to push into her slick heat, to feel her walls around him, was pushing him closer and closer to the edge of losing control. Distracted by his own desire, his own hunger, trying to control the raging animal inside him, Scarlet took advantage and slipped her arm out of his grip.

“You know what turns me on even more, Ace?”


“Dishing out exactly what I receive.” Abruptly, she jerked up and spun around, slapping him hard across the face.

There was no time for him to register what the hell just happened. He was still trying to process the fact that his cheek was on fire from the blow of her palm when she crushed her lips against his, pushing her tongue as deep as possible into his mouth. Her hand was once again wrapped around his cock. With the sting still on his cheek, her tongue in his mouth, her breasts pushed against his chest, and her hand stroking and squeezing his cock—it all drove him fucking crazy. Jesus, he was about to lose it in her hand.

He palmed both her breasts and pushed her back, breaking the kiss and loosening her hold around his cock.

A wicked smile spread across her flushed face and she climbed onto the table, her legs spread wide. “What’s the matter, Ace? You can’t handle it? Am I being too rough for you?”

Once his gaze dropped, staring at the smooth, glistening heaven between her legs, he licked his lips, the only thought running through his head, how much he wanted to taste her.

He glanced up at her face, her full lips curved in to a wickedly delighted grin. Why did he have a feeling that this woman was about to change everything? The rules, the game…and the fucking player.

“You going on your knees, Ace?”

“I don’t need to go on my knees to taste you.”

He pushed her down until she lay flat on her back and he spread her thighs wide. With slow, leisurely strokes he glided his tongue from her knee, all along her inner thigh, feeling how she arched her back and the way her body shivered. The closer he got to the apex of her thighs, the more she squirmed, the more his cock demanded him to take her. The smell of that delicious female scent that drove men fucking insane completely overwhelmed his senses, and he licked his lips before blowing softly over her exposed sensitive flesh.

“Are you teasing me, Ace?”

“Is it working?” He slipped his finger inside her, and she arched her back again. A smug smile crept up at the corners of his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

His lips moved all around the spot where he knew she wanted it—needed it. But he enjoyed teasing her too much, driving her body crazy. To know he had such power over her body was like no other high he had ever experienced.

A quick flick of his tongue, and her hips bucked in search of more.

“Don’t you dare stop,” she ordered, and grabbed his hair, fisting it in her hand.

“You don’t fucking tell me what to do. I’m in control here, not you,” he growled before he bit down hard on the soft flesh of her inner thigh, just above the Chinese symbol inked on her skin. Just as she cried out from the pain, he dragged his tongue through her slit, all the way from her entrance to her clit, and her cry quickly turned into a moan of pure ecstasy. It was like a fucking ballad, a symphony to his ears.

The second he tasted her, his tongue coated with her arousal, he knew he was fucked. Sweet, she was so damn sweet. A piece of heaven, that was what she tasted like, and he wanted to stay there between her legs forever. Drown in her taste, and her scent, and her moans, and the movement her hips were making against his mouth. The way she moved, the sounds that came out of her mouth were proof that her body was on fire for him, that she had an ache only he could still right at that moment.

Continuing to move his tongue over and through her pussy, he fisted his own cock, needing some relief from the pressure that had his body wound up tight. The more he tasted her, the harder he got.

Her moans got louder and louder, her hand gripping his hair tighter. She was so fucking close, he could taste it on his tongue.

“Fuck!” she cried out, and pulled his hair hard, forcing him to lift his head away from her. His scalp stung from the force, but the pain only added to his already raging lust for her.

“You are not in control here, Ace. You will never control me.” Again, her lips were on his, kissing him like he was the last fucking supper. Their tongues didn’t dance. They didn’t taste. They ravished. They fucked while she licked her own taste from his lips.

He was done playing, he was done teasing.

“If I don’t fuck you right now, I’m going to lose it.”

“Then what are you waiting for, Ace?”

He palmed her between her legs and pushed two fingers inside her, watching as her head fell back while she let out a loud moan. That sound. The sound of her pleasure was instantly his new favorite sound in the world. Never had a woman’s sensual moans and cries of euphoria affected him this way. If he could keep her moaning like that the entire night, he would tie her to the fucking bed and lick her pussy until dawn.

With his lips devouring her neck, he continued to fuck her with his fingers. “There’s a rubber in my wallet.”

“You mean this one?” She held up a silver packet and smiled smugly before tearing it open between her teeth.

Dear God, the sight was so fucking erotic, it made his balls draw up and his cock twitch.

“What are you waiting for, then?” He shot her a challenging look. “Roll it on.”

She did. And in typical Scarlet fashion, she wasn’t gentle about it either.

Fuck, why did he love it so much? He was used to control, he needed control. But this, the way she gave as much as he did, felt wrong, yet insanely wild—and he fucking loved it.

The second the rubber was on, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer while his other hand wrapped around her thigh. He positioned himself between her legs, but didn’t want to look at her. He knew if he had to look into those blue eyes, he would hesitate. And he was too far gone to stop. So he kept his gaze down, wanting to watch as he claimed her inch by fucking inch.

“Last chance to back out, Scar.”

She pulled his hair once again, hard, jerking his head to the side. The pain shot straight down his spine. “Don’t be a pussy, Ace.”

Challenge accepted.

With one hard thrust he pushed inside her, his hips flexing as he gave her every inch of his cock. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her feet pushing into his ass as he continued to thrust forward. Even if he wanted to take it slow—which he didn’t—there was no way in hell he would have been able to. The way her inner walls squeezed him so damn tight, the way her heat wrapped around his cock as he pushed as deep as he could go, the pleasure was almost too much to handle.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered, burying his face in her neck.

“Harder, Ace. I need you harder, faster.”

He pulled out, groaning in agony as he slipped out of her heat. “Turn around.” With his hands on her hips he jerked her around, bending her over the table, rubbing his cock down her ass until he reached her entrance.

Without warning, she reared back and took him inside her. With a grunt he clawed his fingers into the skin of her hips, falling down on her back as pleasure seared the inside of his veins.

“You’re fucking insane, you know that, woman?”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

Matching his every thrust, Scarlet pushed back as he moved forward. The sound of their skin slapping together filled the room, both of them glistening with sweat, arousal pooling between their bodies.

“Fuck!” He wrapped one arm around her knee and pulled it up, placing it on the table, wanting more access, needing to go deeper. Hunter’s spine was tingling, his cock aching, and his mind spiraling out of control. The pressure was already building deep inside his groin, warning him that he was dangerously close to the edge.

But Scarlet suddenly jerked up and pushed him back hard, letting him slip out of her. She climbed over the table on her knees and off the other side. There she stood, four feet away from him, with a smug grin on her face.

Was she fucking suicidal? He was at the point where if he didn’t get that release, he would break something. His body was no longer in control. He was no longer in control.

“Don’t play games with me, Scarlet.”

“You want me, Ace? Come get me.”

“Playing cat and mouse will only get you fucked even harder, Scar.”

“Is that a promise?”

“It’s a fucking vow.” Lord help him, but he wanted to claim her, fuck her, collar her, cage her…keep her.

She sprinted to the living room, and he had no choice but to chase after her. This game she was playing might have been real fucked up if he didn’t love playing it so damn much.

Just as he was about to reach her, Scarlet sat down on the couch in all her naked glory and palmed her own breasts. Her hands barely covered her large tits. “I bet you’re about to burst at the seams, aren’t you, Ace?”

“Oh, you have no idea.” He stalked closer, her eyes fully on his bobbing cock standing proud and ready to fuck. When he stopped right between her legs, she sat up straight, staring right at his tattoo.

“Regret, huh?” She glanced up at him with hooded eyes, and he fisted his hand in her hair.

He raised a brow. “Torment?” Yeah, he noticed the letters tattooed on her side. The dog tags too. It was hot as fuck.

“What a fucked up couple we would make, huh, Ace?”

Her hands came up behind him, and palmed his ass, rubbing down the side of his thighs, sending chills straight through his body. Her touch was soft yet demanding. Rough yet titillating.

Whether she was strong or he was just distracted by her touch, he didn’t know. But before he knew what happened he was on his back on the couch and she was straddling him.

“Now it’s my turn to fuck you.”

Taking him in her hand, she lifted herself and guided him inside her. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He closed his eyes as his head fell deeper into the couch. The sensation was just too much, and he cursed under his breath. He couldn’t remember the last time he allowed a woman to be on top, to fuck him.

Those beautiful, curvy hips of hers started to move and he was sure he was seeing fucking stars, her body rocking him into a fucking frenzy.

Gripping her hips, pushing his fingers deep into her flesh, he guided her, wanting more, wanting it faster—harder.

With her palms flat on his chest, she rode him. Fucked him. Possessed him. Right then nothing mattered but pleasure. The world could have come to an end around them, and they still wouldn’t have been able to stop.

Her nails clawed into the skin of his chest as she continued her relentless rhythm on top of him. He was so damn close, he could feel the pressure start to build up in his spine, slowly moving down his body, slamming against his balls. But he couldn’t lose it now. It was like the battle of the fucking Titans between the two of them, and he’d be dammed if he lost.

Jerking up and grabbing her hair in his fist all happened in one swift move. He pulled her to the side by her hair, and they rolled off the couch with him landing on top of her. A breath escaped her lungs as she landed with a thud on the ground, but he ignored it. He just kept on moving, pushing inside her over and over again, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper. Her tits bounced up and down from the force of his pounding, and it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

“Stop,” she whispered, but he was too far gone to hear what she was saying.

“Stop!” she said louder. “Ace, stop!”

He stopped, both of them breathing heavily, sweat trickling down the side of his face.

“What’s wrong?” He sat up a little. But the minute he did, she pushed him to the side and down to the floor while she straddled him again.

That damn sexy, wicked smile was on her face once again as she stared down at him. “I need to be on top.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He grabbed a hold of her hips.

“I control this—us. Not you.”

He was about to curse, groan, and scream all at the same time when she flexed her hips, turning to the side. And then he cried out, pleasure shooting to every corner of his body. What the fuck did she just do?

Again she moved her hips to the other side, clenching him tightly inside her, like her pussy was able to tighten its grip around his cock.

“Fuck!” It felt so damn good it was almost painful.

“That’s right, Ace. Your pleasure is mine to give, not the other way around. I take my own pleasure. No one gives it to me.” And then she started to really move, hard and fast, riding him with everything she had—taking, no, ripping, her pleasure from him.

He couldn’t fight anymore. There was no way he’d be able to take back the control.

When he saw her throw her head back, closing her eyes as she moaned, he let go.

Adrenaline, ecstasy, pleasure all rolled into one motherfucker of an explosion and crashed against every corner of his body. The way she clenched tighter and tighter, her moans turning into screams of pleasure, only made it so much more intense.

Everything was lost. His entire body was shaking, and so was hers. His mind went blank while his muscles tensed, and then he came violently, the pleasure rocking him to the core.

Was it his imagination or did he just have the most intense orgasm of his entire fucking life?

“Fuck, Ace.” She fell forward, her head on his chest, her warm breath skidding across his skin.


He could hardly speak. The thoughts inside his mind didn’t make sense. Was he even thinking anything other than, What the fuck just happened?

Countless women. He had screwed more women than he could count. But this? Never had he ever experienced something as intense, as soul shatteringly powerful as he had with Scarlet. It was fucking insane.

After a few minutes of just lying there, listening to each other trying to catch their breath, bodies numb and limp with lingering satisfaction, Scarlet sat up and looked at him.

“So, what was that number one rule of yours, Ace?”
