His Regret by Bella J.

Chapter Five

The words fuckand me were the only two words going through Hunter’s mind as he watched Scarlet speed away on her black-and-white Kawasaki Ninja 300.

A fucking Kawasaki Ninja 300.

Was it weird that Hunter had a hard-on the size of fucking Texas after being in a potentially dangerous situation where someone could have been seriously hurt or—if Hunter’s suspicions were correct—kidnapped? Probably.

But Jesus Christ, he couldn’t help it. Hearing the sound of that engine and knowing the power that woman was able to handle between her legs was making him think of hard fuckery that had a person sweating like a farm animal within seconds. Scarlet Woods was nothing like the woman he imagined he would find. The way she fought back when she was being attacked, and the fact that she was able to handle a huge-ass blow to the face like that made Hunter think this wasn’t her first run-in with these fuckers. No woman was that tough without a reason. She knew how to fight, how to push back pain in order to survive, and that made him even more suspicious about what really was going on.

Hunter heard a groan behind him and turned around to see one of the fuckers whose face he just smashed in try to get up.

He moved toward the groaning idiot with the swollen eye and broken nose, determined to get some answers out of him. “I believe you’re going to tell me what just happened here.”

The man stood up straight and wiped at the blood below his nose with his sleeve. “You made a mistake here, Keaton.”

Instantly, Hunter felt all sorts of alarm bells going off inside his head. “How the fuck do you know who I am?”

The guy smiled with blood stained teeth. “Do you really think he would give you this job without keeping tabs on you?”

“Who? Wolfe?” Hunter took another step forward.

“Who the fuck else?”


The guy spat out some blood before wiping his mouth. “I’m not telling you shit.”

Now that was exactly the opportunity Hunter was waiting for. The golden opportunity to show this asshole exactly who he was fucking with.

Hunter launched forward, grabbed the guy by his collar, and within seconds the son of bitch was eating gravel. “Talk.”

“Fuck you.”

Hunter pushed harder, squeezing the guy’s face deeper into the asphalt. “What’s your name, sport?”

“Blow me.”

“Okay, Blow Me. Talk, or you’ll be tasting fucking gravel for the next ten years.”

“I’m not telling—”

Hunter pulled the guy’s head up by his hair and slammed his face back onto the ground, hearing the distinct sound of teeth cracking. “Would you like to be eating your food through a straw from here on out?”

The guy didn’t answer.

Hunter pushed harder. “Ten seconds before your teeth become one with the road, man.”

“Fine,” the guy gritted out. “Okay, I’ll talk.”


Hunter lifted him up by his shirt. “Why is Wolfe keeping tabs on me?”

“Do you really think he would trust anyone when it comes to her?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Blow Me snorted. “Let’s just say she’s very special to him.”

Reaching the end of his patience, Hunter kneed him in the gut, causing the guy to spit up more blood. “Listen, Blow Me, stop with this whole riddle me this, riddle me that bullshit and start talking straight.”

“My name is Jeff.”

“I prefer Blow Me. Now, unless you would like to get reacquainted with the fucking gravel, you’d better tell me exactly what the fuck is going on.”

“Look, man, all I know is that this girl is special to Wolfe somehow. I don’t know why or what the story is with this woman, but I know he’s been searching for her for years and not a day goes by that he doesn’t stare at this one picture he has of her. It’s fucking creepy.”

“Why is she running from him?”

“I don’t know, man. All I know is that he has a fuck load of people looking for her, and our orders are to bring her to him alive.”

Hunter let go of Jeff’s collar and rubbed his chin, his brain rushing in a million different directions. Suddenly nothing about this job made any sense. Now he was convinced that the suspicion he felt when he talked to Scarlet back at the bar wasn’t just a case of him being paranoid. Something was up, and he needed to figure out what the hell was going on.

Determined to get some answers, Hunter took an intimidating step forward, towering over the asshole whose nose wouldn’t stop bleeding. “He let you follow me, hoping I would lead you to her?”

Jeff nodded his head as he cracked his jaw from side to side.

“Where were you supposed to take her?”

“No way, man. I’m not talking anymore.”

With narrowed eyes, Hunter stared at him speculatively. “You’re scared of this Wolfe guy, aren’t you?”

Jeff looked up with a big old duh expression on his face. “Uh, yeah. Do you even know who the fuck this guy is? Dude, you don’t fuck with a man like Wolfe.”

Sure, Hunter had done a little background check on this guy before he accepted the job, but there was nothing that had him thinking this guy was trouble. His background was squeaky clean. No record. No warrants of arrest. Not even a fucking unpaid parking ticket. Nada.

“I don’t get it.” Hunter pulled his hand through his hair. “Wolfe is nothing but an ex-Marine.”

Jeff gave a step back and glanced at his two partners who were still unconscious on the ground. “Listen, man, I’m done.” He held up his hands. “You can fucking smash my face any way you’d like, but I ain’t talking anymore.”

Hunter could see that he wouldn’t get any more information out of Jeff. There was no mistaking the distinct look of fear on the guy’s face—which was no longer because of Hunter’s threats, but because of Wolfe.

“Fine.” Hunter let out a breath. “Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and let you join your friends over there.”

Jeff backed up slowly, never taking his eyes off Hunter. Smart man.

Just as it seemed like Blow Me was about to bolt in the other direction, he stopped and turned back around. “Wolfe is hell-bent on finding this girl. If you ask me, she needs some serious protection. Tonight.”

And with that, the guy sprinted off into the dark, leaving Hunter with a head full of unanswered questions.

Hunter had no idea what the fuck he had just gotten himself into. But this guy had just left him with one big-ass red, flashing warning sign saying that Scarlet was in serious danger…and that he had to find her. Now.