Out of Character by Annabeth Albert

Book Club Treasure Hunt

Jasper and Milo spend much of Out of Character on a treasure hunt for rare cards…but did you notice the secret clues scattered throughout the book? They’ll help you find the answers to these questions.

1. Jasper and Milo used to be friends but had a falling out as kids. As they’re thrown together again, what instructions does Jasper give in his first text to Milo?

2. What does Milo get Jasper to drink at the bakery, and what do you think it means that he knows Jasper so well?

3. Where does Jasper find Milo after their big fight?

4. Milo uses his art to express himself even when the words won’t come. What does he draw after he returns from Philadelphia? (And what do you think it means?)

5. What unexpected couple does Milo see dancing that gives him courage?

6. Milo has a lot of complicated feelings about his car—but what’s the one thing he really doesn’t like about it?

7. What flavor of pizza does Jasper order for Milo, and why is that important?

8. What code name does Milo suggest they use?

9. What does Milo’s heartbeat sound like to Jasper, and why?

10. Jasper’s frog wizard costume is as vibrant as it is grand. What colors are most prominently displayed?

11. Each Odyssey player has their own unique style. What type of card does George play first?

12. Out of Character begins with Milo in a tough place, uncertain of his future. Where is he when the book ends?