The Boss(hole) by Penelope Bloom



Ikicked my feet up on the desk, letting myself bask in the rare moment of relief. Krause had followed through on his promise. He called and set up the interview in New York for next week.

None of it would’ve been possible without Jules, but I also found myself wishing I still didn’t have to figure out how to handle her. The situation was frustratingly tangled, and I couldn’t decide where to start. Did I backtrack and tell her we needed to keep our feelings separate, despite what I’d said on top of that van in New Orleans?

Sure, I could say that. But then I’d go right back to feeling uncontrollably aroused from so much as a glimpse of her. I’d be jacking off with my office door locked and getting more distracted because I was trying to keep her at arm’s length. But if I let her in… Fuck.

I rubbed my temples. Even if I set aside the obvious complicated mess of our potential relationship, I still needed to figure out how I’d tell her the truth. If I did tell her, when could I tell her? Too soon and I’d risk her going to Coleton with the truth about what I was trying to do. Too late and she might never forgive me—with good reason.

The door to my office burst open. Jules was standing there looking flushed in the cheeks and delectable, as usual. She had on a tight pencil skirt that hugged her hips and a button down top. One look at her and I wanted to grab her by the ponytail and shove my tongue down her throat, but I gripped my desk hard enough to make my fingers ache instead and waited. “Yes?” I said.

“I’m not stupid,” she blurted. “I know you’ve been avoiding me since we got back from New Orleans. You’re busy, but I can see your schedule. I make your schedule, in case you forgot. So I know when you’re finding excuses to be out of the office. Can we please just talk about everything? I’m going crazy over here.”

I moved across the room, pushing my office chair back to thud into the wall. Even as I walked toward her, I felt myself making plans for what I’d say. Some of them were good plans. Logical explanations for why we couldn’t and shouldn’t. They were sound reasons for waiting until we were settled in New York or other bullshit like that.

But by the time I got close enough to see the freckles spattered across her smooth, reddened cheeks, it all went out the window. I did exactly what I’d just been imagining. I took a fistful of her hair and jerked her head back just enough to let her know I wasn’t fucking around. It made her head tilt back and her lips part.

She was watching me with those big, princess eyes. She looked stunned. Good. I didn’t need her smart mouth getting mixed up in things this time.

“You’re not stupid,” I agreed, looking down at her and moving slowly to close the door of my office behind her. I slowly slid the lock in place, then pressed her back against the door, fist still wound up in her hair. “You’re so far from it that I can’t fire you, even if I desperately want to.”

“That’s only a halfway good compliment,” she said, eyes still wide.

I grinned. “I want to fire you so I can fuck your brains out without risking everything I’ve worked for.”

“Hypothetically speaking,” she said, licking her lips. “If I wanted that too, why would it have ruin anything?”

My body was pressing against hers and I could feel the two points of pressure from her breasts against my stomach. My cock was already hard as diamond, and I wasn’t sure how I hoped to talk myself down from this point. I’d never needed to be inside a woman as badly as I did at that moment. I needed it so much it physically hurt to delay, but I still waited. I watched her eyes flick between mine—her chest rising with each sharp breath she sucked in. “Because you don’t know the truth about me,” I said.

Stop it, Adrian. Don’t be a fucking idiot.

“What truth?” she asked.

“My real name is-”

Wait,” Jules said, pressing her finger to my lips. “I have a secret too. But… I don’t know what you’ll think of me when I tell it to you. What if we promise to tell the truth once we’ve done this?”

I frowned. “You’re sure?” My heart was pounding out of my chest and it barely registered that she had some dark secret as well. I doubted it held a candle to mine and very much doubted it would’ve changed my mind about what we were about to do.

“Yes. I’m tired of wanting this so bad. If we’re going to spill our secrets and maybe ruin everything, let’s just do this first. Please. Just do it.”

My dick twitched. She was like an ice cream cone on a hot day begging to be eaten. I pressed my lips to hers, obliterating any stray thoughts about duty or my obligation to tell the truth. She’d given us both a temporary pass, after all. We were both going to enjoy the moment and worry about the rest later.

“Do what?” I asked. My voice was a rasp in her ear.

She arched her neck, begging me to kiss her there. “Me,” she answered.

The time for teasing was through. This wasn’t about proving I could last hours or using all the tricks I could manage. It was about release. My body needed this like it would need water after a trek across the desert. Each day of looking at Jules without claiming her was torture, and this was the release I’d been waiting for.

I spun her and pushed her against my desk, lifting her ass so she sat there.

“Should we close your blinds?” she asked.

I glanced over my shoulder, then made an annoyed sound. Nobody appeared to have noticed, but I doubted our budding office romance wasn’t already a hot topic for gossip. I moved and tugged all of them shut, then went back to her, pushing her legs open and pulling her towards me. Her hips slammed into me, pressing against my hard cock and making me gasp in satisfaction. I lifted her shoulders up so I could kiss her. Her lips were cherry sweet and soft as silk.

I pressed a greedy palm to her flat stomach, sliding it up her shirt and not caring that I was popping buttons on her blouse as I moved up toward her breast. When I reached her bra, I pushed it out of the way and groaned into her mouth at the satisfying weight and warmth of her breast filling my hand. Her nipple was a hard point against my skin already.

“How badly do you want this,” I asked, kissing down from her mouth to her neck and then to claim her hard nipple in my mouth.

“I could go either way,” she breathed.

I took her nipple between my teeth, giving her a warning bite.

She gasped, arching her back and laughing slightly. “Bad. And I think I’m going to need a new pair of panties when we’re done.”

“Good girl,” I said, palming her breast again and kissing down toward her navel. I unzipped her skirt at the side and tugged it down. She had on black panties, but I could see the darkened patch of arousal between her legs. If I got any more turned on, I thought my heart might literally beat its way out of my fucking ribs.

She smelled incredible, too. It was that same shampoo scent but with the smell of her skin mingling beneath. I took in a deep breath, then ran my tongue up her damp panties. She tried to close her thighs around my head and reached down with her hands in embarrassment. I took both her wrists and pushed them away, not relenting as I ran my tongue up her crease again, tasting her sweetness through the fabric of her underwear.

“Oh,” she breathed. “Oh.”

“You taste like candy,” I said. I gave her wrists a push, hoping to convey the message that she had better leave those hands of hers over her head while I worked. I used my shoulders to press her legs open wider and then yanked down her panties. She was spread out for me and so incredibly wet. I knew I could’ve slid into her without a hint of resistance at that moment, but I’d had a taste of her and wanted more.

I buried my face between her legs, tossing her panties over my shoulder. I took my time between her legs, alternating between teasing her with kisses on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, breathing the hottest breaths I could manage against her swollen clit, and then pressing the flat of my tongue against her and circling until she clenched her legs around my ears.

By the time a few minutes had passed, she had her thighs clamped so tight around my head that the sound of her moans were muffled, but very much audible. I wondered if anyone in the office could hear and wasn’t sure I cared at that moment. Consequences could come later. Right now wasn’t the time, though.

“I need you inside me,” she said, tugging my head back by the hair. “Please,” she said, chest rising and falling heavily.

Selfishly, I was glad she’d stopped me before she came. I was going to let her climax on my face, but I greedily enjoyed the idea of her still being desperate for release with my cock inside her.

“I’m on the pill,” she said when she saw me produce a condom before slipping off my slacks.

“You’re sure?” I asked, holding the condom between us.

Jules responded by hooking her heel behind my waist and pulling me in between her legs. I slid out of my underwear and gripped the base of my cock. I spread her slickness with the head of my manhood, groaning from the euphoric warmth and slick sensation of her folds.

Jules appeared to be over waiting, because she reached up and grabbed the tie I still had loosely around my neck. She pulled me closer by it, kissing me as she urged me toward her with her legs wrapped around my waist. I carefully angled my hips, pressing myself into her until I felt myself slide inside.

We both gasped together, mouths temporarily hovering inches apart as I worked myself deeper—impatiently claiming inches of her with each thrust until I was completely inside her.

“Oh, God,” she gasped.

“Fuck,” I grunted.

I had to plant both my palms on the desk while I pounded into her. It had barely been seconds and I already felt an orgasm threatening to take me. I’d just been thinking how I only cared about release, but I needed to at least make sure she came first. I tried to distract myself by kissing her neck and focusing anywhere except on the pure bliss of what was happening between my legs.

“Bend me over,” she said.

Shit. I didn’t need to be told twice. I stepped back and rolled her over so her ass was facing me and her chest was pressed down on my desk. I’d spent far too much time on the clock watching that ass beneath various skirts, dresses, and pants she’d worn around the office. I’d imagined a thing of beauty, but my imagination hadn’t done the real thing justice. I gripped her hips and plunged into her, gasping with the perfection of how good she felt.

Each thrust was cushioned by her thick ass, and within seconds, I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer.

Thankfully, Jules didn’t, either. Her hands shot out, gripping the edge of my desk as her entire body shuddered. I felt her walls clench in around me, overwhelming me with beautiful friction that had me gasping right along with her.

I bent forward, body shaking as I came. Inside Jules. Inside my personal fucking assistant.

Neither of us moved for a while. I was the one to finally slide out of her and reach for tissues from behind my desk. I used them to clean her up first, then got myself mostly taken care of.

“Let me guess,” Jules said. She got up, shimmying adorably as she tugged her skirt down. “This never happened?”

“Oh, it absolutely happened and it was fantastic,” I said. “But yes, we shouldn’t talk about it with anyone.”

“What about each other?” she asked. She walked closer, reaching up to fix my tie casually. She gave it a brief tug, then placed her palms on my chest, smoothing my shirt with a dangerous little grin. “Are we going back to the game where you pretend I don’t exist? Now that you got what you wanted, I mean.”

“I got a taste of what I wanted,” I said. My stomach sank even as I said the words. I knew they were true. Fucking Jules hadn’t cured me of my obsession. It had woken it up. I’d thought my cravings for her were bad before, but all I’d done was find the intensity knob and crank it up to the maximum.

“Oh?” she asked. “Are you planning to go back for seconds?”

“I was thinking about getting the recipe so I could make it at home whenever I wanted.”

Her grin widened to a smile. “I’m a little lost in the metaphor here. How does that translate to us?”

“It means I need more of you. Much more. But I need you to promise to help me keep this quiet, especially around the office.”

“Okay. And what about those deep dark secrets we promised to reveal once we were through?”

I grimaced. Having her to myself had felt so good that I’d completely forgotten. But I needed to do this now, because I could feel myself standing at a precipice with her. If I took another step, I’d be falling helplessly, just a slave to her gravity. I needed to get the truth out while I still could.

“My last name isn’t White,” I said. “It’s Terranova. My father was Marcus Terranova. He worked for Russ Coleton-”

Jules interrupted me when her expression broke into amusement, then laughter. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s just that you’re going to think I’m ripping off your secret now.”

“I wasn’t finished with mine,” I said. My stomach felt like it was in my throat. It was one thing to lie about my last name but swearing to bring a company down to ruins and destroy my job and her job in the process was the real meat of my secret.

“Okay, but I didn’t give you the last name I was born with, exactly. I was using my mother’s maiden name. My real last name is Coleton.”

I stared. I had to replay what I’d just heard in my head several times before it really registered. “Coleton? Like the Coletons?”

“Yeah,” she said. “My father and I had a huge fight because I didn’t want to play the arranged marriage game. I wanted a position at the family company. Imagine that,” she said, grinning crookedly.

“Russ Coleton didn’t ask me to hire you,” I said dumbly.

“I’m aware. That’s because he has no idea I’m working for him. Just like he has no idea I’m planning to keep climbing the ladder in his dumb company all on my own. Eventually, he’ll realize I was capable of making it by myself and he was a misogynistic asshole for assuming otherwise.”

I chuckled. “Wow.” Except my stomach was turning. Fuck. I just bent Russ Coleton’s daughter over my desk and made her come for me. I should’ve got some sick satisfaction from that, but all I felt was the sick part.

I thought back to ten years ago when my team and I had done a deep dive into Russ Coleton. We’d searched for every possible thing we could find about the man, but discovered he kept his privacy guarded as well as his billions could manage. We’d known he had kids, but the only pictures available of them had been years old at the time. There were names, and I even knew he had a daughter named Juliette. But meeting “Jules Adams” had done nothing to trigger my memory of the picture I’d seen of Juliette Coleton when she was six or seven years old.

“So?” she said. “You said there was more to your secret, but you have to admit it’s pretty funny that our lies kind of canceled each other out. I mean, can I really be upset with you for lying about your last name when that’s exactly what I was doing?”

She looked so goddamn relieved. I could see the weight that had lifted from her shoulders. All I felt was heavier, practically bent over from the new burden pressing down on me. I couldn’t come clean to Russ Coleton’s own daughter about what I was planning to do. The risk was far too great. She’d have to have almost no interest in money at all to shrug and let me bring her family business down and probably shrink her inheritance in the process.

“It’s just that my father used to work for Coleton,” I said. My insides twisted as I prepared to tell a half-truth to get myself out of this. I needed time to think. To plan. At the very least I needed to run this by the guys and my sister. They were all tangled in this mess with me and had invested a great deal of time and effort. It wasn’t my call to make on my own.

“Oh,” she said.

“And,” I added, when I could tell she was still wondering what more there was. “It’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but it didn’t end well for him. He, uh, got let go unexpectedly.” Understatement of the fucking century, right there. “And I always wanted to get a job here, kind of for the symbolic reasons?”

Jules scrunched up her face, smiling, but looking confused. She clearly didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but thought my explanation made little sense. “That’s sweet of you.”

“Yeah. Don’t tell anybody. I’ve got a reputation to keep up.”

She motioned zipping her lips. “I won’t tell anybody about that anaconda you keep hidden in your slacks or that their grumpy boss has a sweet and tender side. Promise.”

I chuckled. “Good. I heard several emails come in while I was fucking you.” I waited, watching her as she planted her fists on her hips.

“I’m not going to abuse this, but seriously? Can I at least get a ‘please’ when nobody is watching?”

“Go clear out my inbox and make sure Mr. Halladay is still free this afternoon for our meeting. Please,” I added.

She smiled, clearly pleased with herself. “See? Feels kinda good once you do it, doesn’t it?”

“No,” I said. “It feels strange.”

Jules rolled her eyes. “Well, get used to it. At least when the door is shut.” She winked. “How’s my hair?”

I stepped closer, smirking. “You look like you just got fucked. Here,” I ran my fingertips carefully through her hair, trying to tackle the worst of it. She’d had it in a ponytail, but I’d pulled most of it loose. I took off her hairband and let her hair down, then fluffed it with my hands, quietly enjoying the silky feel and smell of her hair.

She stood stock still, watching me with amusement twinkling in her eyes. “Enjoying yourself?”

I cleared my throat, then patted down a place where her hair was bulging out. “You look good enough, now.”

“That’s all?”

I bent until my lips were beside her ear. “You look good enough that if you don’t leave and get back to work soon, I’m going to be fixing your hair again.”

She bit back a smile. “I probably should get to work, then. My boss can be the most demanding asshole when I don’t stay on top of things.”

When she turned, I saw her blouse was halfway tucked into the back of her skirt. I reached out, pulling it free but accidentally spinning her to face me in the process. She looked like she was begging for a kiss with her cheeks flushed and her lips parted like that. But all I could think about was who she was.

Russ Coleton’s daughter. The daughter of a man I’d once sworn to ruin, no matter the cost.

But I don’t think I understood how high the price could climb. I didn’t feel like I deserved to kiss her with the thoughts swirling in my head, so I playfully slid my thumb down her lower lip, then opened the door for her. “Get to work. Please,” I added sarcastically.

“He can be trained,” she sing-songed just before walking out of my office with a newfound spring in her step.

I walked back to my desk and noticed her arousal-soaked panties still on the floor there. I picked them up. She was out there with no panties on with my cum still deep inside her.

Suddenly I was hard again and wishing I hadn’t let her go so fast.

But I needed to figure out what the hell I was going to do now that I knew who she was.