The Boss(hole) by Penelope Bloom



It was nearly eight in the evening before Juliette arrived at the party. About fifty men and women were crowded into a gorgeous penthouse suite in New York. I’d spent the last hour on the patio trying to win over a man named Daryl so he’d be more likely to vouch for me when I needed him.

I trailed off mid-sentence when I saw Juliette come into the room with her father. She looked incredible with her blonde hair held up and loose strands falling around her heart shaped face. I also noticed the way every man in the room was watching her with hungry eyes. It made me want to drag her into the nearest room and do what they were all wishing they could.

Russ brought her out to the patio. He walked proudly, like a hunter carrying its prize after a long, deadly excursion. Juliette trailed just behind him, keeping her eyes low until she was close enough to look up at me and give me a mischievous wink.

“Adrian,” Russ said, smiling. “Just the man I was looking for. I wanted to introduce you to my daughter. She just came back from an extended vacation. This is Juliette.”

I had to bite back an amused smile. I extended my hand, shaking Juliette’s as she met my eyes with a twinkle of humor. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

“You too.”

“I was hoping you would humor me,” Russ said. “My daughter has a tendency for rash decisions and impulsiveness. I know you and Sandra are-”

“Actually, Sandra and I separated yesterday. Unfortunate business, but I’m doing well.”

“Sorry to hear it,” my father said, even though he said the words with a pleased smile. “I was actually hoping you could keep an eye on my daughter for me tonight. You’re one of my most promising young employees, Adrian. You’d be helping us both if you rubbed off on her, even a little.”

Juliette made a choking noise beside me, which almost made me lose my calm. I’d actually prefer it if she rubbed me off, Russ. In fact, I might have her do just that before the night is through. “Of course. I’d be happy to,” I said.

Russ smiled, then headed off to talk to a group of foreign businessmen.

Juliette met my eyes and laughed freely once he was back inside, and we were relatively isolated on the patio together. “I wonder if he knows I’m the one who rubs you off.”

I bit back a smile. “Careful,” I warned. “We’re supposed to be strangers. It’ll look odd if we are having too much fun.”

“Then you might want to tell that to your not-so-little friend.” Jules dragged her eyes down to my cock, which was hard and pressing against my slacks.

“A man can be hard if he wants,” I said simply.

She laughed. “Male privilege at its finest.”

We both grinned, and I took her to the balcony where we rested our arms and looked out over the city. “Did you get on his laptop yet?” I asked.

“No,” Juliette said. “Not yet. But I’ll figure it out. I just need more time.”

“Good. Noah says we’re getting close.”

“Have you ever thought about trying to turn a company around instead of destroying it?” she asked.

“What?” I said.

“I don’t know. I just wonder if it’d do more good. Like renovating an old building and turning it into affordable housing instead of destroying it. Somebody will end up putting a strip mall in its place or a bank or something.”

“It’s harder that way,” I said. “Destroying them is simple. Saving them and turning them around? That’s tricky.”

“You’re a talented man.”

“And you’re patronizing me. Why don’t you just say what you’re thinking, Jules?”

“I was just wondering if there’s a way where you can turn Coleton around and make it something good. You know, instead of trying to break it down. My father and a lot of his people are corrupt, but there are good people here. Like Lythe and some of the ones back at Coleton Publishing.”

I nodded. “That wasn’t the plan. But it’s a nice thought.”

“You know,” Jules said. “I think my father is actually trying to set us up. He’s done this sort of thing countless times. He brings me to parties and then sticks me with some man he hopes I’ll fall for.”

“Is that right?” Adrian asked. “Tell me. Are you in danger of falling for the man this time?”

“Oh, it’s past the danger zone. The plane’s engines are on fire, the pilot jumped and used his parachute. It’s going down, fast.”

She smiled while she spoke, and I found myself mesmerized by the way her mouth moved and her eyes twinkled.

“Maybe we should tell your father,” I said, trying my hardest not to kiss those soft lips of hers. “Tell him we’re madly in love and he needs to let us go ahead and get married.”

“Don’t tempt me, Adrian,” Jules warned. “You heard my father. I have a tendency for rash decisions and impulsiveness. If a handsome stranger asks me to run away with him and get married, who knows what I’d do.”

“You know…” I stared off at the city, thoughts turning an idea over. “If we made him think we really were hitting it off. He might invite me over. I could help you get to his laptop.”

“Who says I need help?”

“You were there all day,” I said flatly. “If it was as easy as walking into his office and taking it, you would’ve done it already.”

“Why are you so perceptive?”

I discreetly ran my fingertip across her hand, relishing the way such a simple point of contact could make my blood go rushing through my veins. “What do you say?”

She shrugged. “I think it might actually work. He’ll be thrilled if he thinks I’m actually considering a guy he tried to set me up with. I just can’t believe he brought me straight to you. You must’ve really made a good impression on him.”

“That’s right,” I said. “I’ve been known to charm.”

She snorted. “Too bad for me you decided to keep that side of yourself a secret for so long.”

“Don’t pretend you weren’t charmed.”

“I was seduced. Aroused. Physically dragged to my limits. But charmed isn’t the word I would use.”

I smirked. “I’ll accept that.”

The night was surprisingly enjoyable. With Jules on my arm, I managed to get far more face time with Russ Coleton than I’d expected. He eventually came and pulled us aside to a private room, where I got nearly thirty minutes to speak with him. I didn’t push him on any of the moves Noah wanted him to make yet. I was simply working on establishing trust. When the time came, all we’d really need was for him to not think twice about the suggestions his advisors would pass across his desk. Even if that didn’t work, getting our hands on the encryption codes Noah wanted would give us a “Plan B.”

It felt like we were close.

“You really have quite the daughter,” I said to Russ.

He nodded. “I’m glad you are enjoying her.”

I felt my stomach turn at his phrasing. He spoke about her like she was a sports car he was letting me test drive. No wonder Jules did everything she could to get away from this fucking family. “Yes, well, I’d enjoy it very much if I could see her again.”

“Come to my house. I’ll have the chef prepare something tomorrow night. You’ll be our guest, and Juliette will be there, of course.”

“I couldn’t impose,” I said.

“I insist,” Russ said. There was a shadow of something in his expression I didn’t like.

A lump formed in my throat, but I nodded. “Then I’ll see you both tomorrow night.” I lifted Jules’ hand and kissed it, giving her the faintest smile. “Until then,” I said.

“Until then,” she replied, winking.