Taking A Risk by Karen Monroe


The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Analise’s concerned gaze. She’s a welcome sight because I’m totally confused. Everything after the game is a complete blur.

“How do you feel?” She asks.

“Better. I think. I didn’t do or say anything weird last night, did I?”

“No… uhm… you were a perfect gentleman.”

I glance down at the heart-covered blanket covering the lower half of my body. “I’m glad, because if I was in my right mind, I’d objected to this,” I say, holding up the throw.

“You-you don’t remember anything that happened last night?”

I exhale as I sit up, rolling my neck from side to side. My head moves freely. There’s no pain, just a few kinks, which is a good sign.

“No. I was a little dazed. I remember getting in your car, but not much else.”

“You were concussed,” Analise replies pointedly, her tone flat.

I yawn and laugh at the same time. “I didn’t know you were an expert on concussions.”

She huffs. “You told me you had your bell rung, and someone stepped on you.”

Thinking back, I try to sort through the gaps in my mind, but I’m drawing multiple blanks. But it’s clear Analise is angry—furious even.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I-I… was just worried. Are you hungry?”

“I’m always hungry, but I need to wash up first.”

Turning my head away, I hope she doesn’t catch a whiff of my morning breath. I know something is off, but I’m too disoriented. I need a shower and coffee—in that order.

Looking around, I spot my gym bag near the doorway and frown. “I don’t even remember bringing that inside.”

Analise pats my arm, then stands with an expressionless smile. “Nate got it for you last night. Do you remember where the bathroom is?”

I snort. “I don’t have amnesia.”

She rolls her eyes, then stares at the floor. “Okay then, breakfast will be ready soon.”

Analise turns to leave, but I grab her hand before she can go. “Thank you for taking care of me. I mean that.”

She shrugs like no big deal before pulling her hand free. “I owed you.”

Frowning again, I watch as she disappears through the doorway. Something happened last night; I just wish I could remember what it was.

“This looks good,”I say, stomach growling.

Analise has laid out a mountain of Eggo waffles, scrambled eggs, and sausage patties. There’s also maple syrup, orange juice, coffee, and water. She even had the foresight to put out a couple of tabs of Tylenol.

I’m still trying to remember what happened last night. My memories are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

There was soup and kisses. I think I remember her tending to my wounds, but everything else is hazy.

“Where are Nate and Shelby?” I ask as I dig into my plate.

“Nate’s at Tildee’s and Shel is with Jillian at the lake.”

Analise plays with her food as she says this, not even looking at me. Perplexed, I set down my fork. “What’s wrong? Did I do or say something to offend you?”

She smiles benignly. “No. I-I was just worried. But… you seem fine now.”

Her reticence makes me suspicious, and I shake my head. “I did something to make you angry last night, didn’t I? Please tell me what I did.”

“Nothing. Like I said. You were a perfect gentleman. Everything’s fine.”

I’m not buying it. “Then why doesn’t it feel like everything’s fine?”

She shrugs. “You were concussed. Your brain’s still a little skewed. Stop worrying.”

My spider-sense tingles. But she’s right. My head is still too foggy to comprehend her weird behavior. “Are you sure I didn’t say anything? Sometimes after a hard hit I can get… a lil’ weird.”

Analise cuts a slice of waffle, and her butter knife sounds like it’s slicing through the plate. “Don’t worry. Like I said, you were a perfect gentleman.”

Once more, I try to sort through the hazy images in my mind. There are distinct bits, like holding her in my arms.

And… soup.

I shake my head. This is giving me another headache.

We eat in silence until our plates are clean. Analise grabs the dishes and cups, then she loads them into the machine after scraping the remaining food down the disposal. She’s so distant. I’m unsure of how to breach the gap between us.

“What do you have planned for Thanksgiving next week?”

“I don’t know.”

I’m not sure what exactly prompts my offer, but I say, “Every year the alumni association throws a big shindig for the football team. My line coach asked me to attend this year. Team morale and all that. It’s for family and friends, and I’d like for you, Shelby, and Nate to come with me.”

Analise jerks her head, like she’s been startled, almost dropping the pot in her hand.

The confusion is apparent in her eyes. “Why do you want us to go?”

Of course, now she wants to be difficult. “For starters, I enjoy spending time with you, and… I want you to go. Other kids the same age as your brother and sister will be there, and I think they’ll both have a lot of fun. There are games and prizes. Also, the food’s great and… free.”

Setting the pot in the sink, she fixes a sharp gaze on me. “I meant why would you want us to go? We aren’t your family.”

“It’s family… andfriends,” I reiterate. “Besides, I couldn’t afford to fly my family out even if I wanted to.” Not to mention my parents would likely spend any money I gave them on booze and drugs.

Analise opens her mouth, probably searching for another excuse, but she closes it, then nods her head. “Okay. I’ll ask Shelby and Nate if they want to go.”

Surprised by her acceptance, I sweeten the pot. “Be sure to mention the prizes. Last year they gave away a bunch of Xboxes and Apple watches.”

She grins. “What are they giving away this year?”

“I’ve heard rumors about Mac Air books.” I wink at her when her eyes flare wide. “That’s the rumor anyway.”

“Are the prizes just for the kids?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“And it’s free?” She asks skeptically.

“Yep. Courtesy of the alumni association.”

“Okay. I’ll ask them tonight.”

I’d expected more resistance, but Analise agreed faster than I thought she would, making me slightly suspicious. But I know her well enough not to push the issue right now. Besides, I still need to get to the bottom of her strange behavior.

“Good. What do you have planned for today? Do you have to work?”

“I called off. I wasn’t sure how you’d be feeling this morning, and I didn’t want to leave you.”

I’m genuinely touched by her concern. Moving toward her, I cage her small body against the counter, leaning forward to kiss the tip of her pert nose. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

The silver flecks in her eyes sparkle from the sunlight pouring through the nearby windows. I could lose myself in her eyes.

Our proximity is having a noticeable affect below my belt. “All I have to do is look at you and I get hard. Are your brother and sister staying with Tildee tonight?”

She nods. “Yeah. Tildee insisted.”

I owe that woman big time.

Palming her ass, I lift Analise until her legs wrap around my waist.

“You should relax,” she scolds.

With quick strides, I head toward her bedroom. “I can relax while you ride my cock.”

Shutting the door behind us, I let her body slide down until her feet touch the floor. I run my hands around her throat and into her magnificent hair, gripping the silky strands between my fingertips. My pulse races when she bites her plump lower lip.

“Aren’t you going to help me undress? You said I should be relaxing.”

Her pupils dilate, darkening her gaze with desire as she lifts the bottom of my tee. Fragmented memories invade my mind, then quickly fade away like a desert mirage.

I help her remove my shirt, since there’s no way she’s getting it off otherwise. Next, she kneels in front of me to take off my jeans. Her fingers grasp my belt buckle, and she stares up at me like I’m a God. My cock swells with unbearable pressure as I look down at Analise on her knees. She’s never given me head. She’s offered, but I’ve always been too keyed up to get inside her sweet, tight cunt. I’m keyed up for sure right now, but I have to feel her soft lips around my cock. I need it.

“Take it out,” I order in a low voice.

Her eyes flare. She can’t hide the desire in them if she tried. I know she likes it when I command her sexually. I like it too.

Analise’s fingers unlace my belt, then she strings it through the loops until it falls to the carpeted floor with a loud clank.

She stares at the outline of my cock, her gaze so stark it feels like a caress.

I want her to take off my jeans, but she removes my sneakers first. My need for her has ramped to an unbelievable level and I close my eyes, breathing deeply to keep myself under control.

“Finish it,” I command.

She tugs to undo the button of my jeans, but my cock is stretching the fabric to the limit. Grimacing, she pulls on the snap until it finally gives way. Gravity drags the material down, but the rough fabric catches. I’m free balling. Analise has to work my cock loose.

I kick the pants clear of my feet, then grip the base of my dripping shaft. “Kiss it.”

She stares up at me from her knees. Christ Almighty! I feel like fucking Zeus. When her soft lips contact my throbbing shaft, I almost unload on her face. Her tongue darts across the slit, licking away the pearly drops of fluid, then she sucks the tip inside her pretty mouth.

“God,” I grit. “You look so fucking good with your pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”

My hands flex in her soft hair, angling her head while I gently fuck her face. I want to savor every pull of her lips, but my control is slipping.

“Fuck, baby,” I groan. “I need to be inside you.”

Grunting, I reach down to pull her lips free of my cock. She lets go with an audible pop and I hiss in a breath from the loss of her exquisite mouth. Lifting her easily to her feet, I strip off her clothes in record time, then hoist her in my arms. I walk her to the bed and lay her down on the plush comforter, taking a moment to admire her lithe frame. A second later, I’m on top of her, shoving my body between her thighs. My cock slides through her slick folds and we both shudder from the contact.

“Your pussy is soaking wet.”

Analise tosses her head back against the pillows, closing her eyes. But I won’t let her hide. “Look at me. I want you to watch me as I fuck you.”

I slip inside her tight sheathe with quick thrusts. I’m not trying to be gentle. My body is thrumming with desire. I need to sate the hunger inside both of us as I pound into her tight cunt.

Her perky pointed tits jiggle. Slapping flesh mingles with the sounds of her frantic cries. Analise is close to the brink, and I reach between our bodies, rubbing the pad of my thumb across her clit.

She jolts as she screams, “Yes, please!”

“Look at me,” I command. “I want to see the pleasure in your eyes when you cum all over my dick.”

She stares at me as her tiny nails dig into the flesh of my biceps, and in that moment, I have a distinct sense of déjà vu.

I think I love you…

The words form in my mind, but they’re trapped in a haze of carnal pleasure.

“Oh God,” Analise moans. Her tight cunt spasming around my cock.

A growl burst from my throat. There’s no stopping the release rippling through my body. My back arches as a powerful climax takes hold.

Analise’s sweet pussy milks every drop from my cock until I’m completely spent. I take extreme care not to fall and collapse on top of her.

Wetness trickles between our thighs, and I realize in an instant. “We didn’t use a condom.”

The words burst forth unbidden. I wasn’t even aware I said them aloud.

Analise bolts upright, eyes wide. “Oh, fuck!” Then she dashes from the bed stark naked to dash out the room.

A moment later, I hear water groaning through the pipes. I grab my discarded jeans, clothing the lower half of my body, and pad barefoot down the hall.

The bathroom door is closed, but I can hear Analise muttering and cursing.

“Analise? Are you alright? Can I come in?”

“No!” she yells. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

My head rest against the doorframe as my foot taps restlessly. “Analise, let me in.”

“No, William, go away. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Through the thin panel, I hear cabinets and drawers being slammed open and shut.

“Analise, open the door and let me in. Let me help you.”

“With what?” She screams.

I hear more muttering and push my ear to the door. Her voice is too low to hear exactly what she’s saying. The only words I can make out are “fucking idiot”.


She mutters something again, before yelling out, “It was just one time. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

I snort under my breath at the incredible irony of those words. My older brother, Declan, had his first child when he was seventeen after “just one time”. My younger sister Rachel joined that same club when she was sixteen. I was determined to never claim membership into that fucked-up clique, but I knew all it took was one time to become a lifetime member.

“Just let me in so we can talk about it,” I say, trying once more to reason with her.

The door flies open and Analise stands in the doorway, looking flustered and anxious. Her hair is fluffed about her face, like she’s been running her hands through it over and over. She’s no longer naked. Her petite body is draped in an oversized nightgown with puffy sleeves and ruffles. Staring down at her, I note the glimmer of unshed tears in her eyes. My hand automatically reaches to caress her face, but she catches it before I can make contact.

“Look… I-I think I should take you home. I need to study and-and get ready for the week.”

Shaking my head, I refuse to let her push me away. “No, we’re going to talk about this. And I want to spend the day with you. I won’t stop you from studying or doing anything else.”

I pull my hand free from her grasp, tracing my thumb along her plump bottom lip, and wait for the inevitable excuses.

“Will…” she begins.

“No, listen. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it. And you’re probably right.” Fingers crossed. “It was only one time. Besides, I want to spend the day with you.”

With the season coming to a close, there wouldn’t be too many more days like this, and after the playoffs started what little free time I had would be consumed with practice and media events. Soon, the time would come when I wouldn’t be able to visit Analise at the library at all.

A wave of melancholy hits me from the thought, but I tamp it down, determined to stay focused on what’s currently going on between us.

Analise tries again to step around me, but I stand in the doorway. There’s no way for her to escape.

“Let me get cleaned up. Then we can talk.”

“Oh gawd,” she huffs. “Do we have to? Can’t we just try to pretend this never happened?”

“No, because we’re adults, and that’s not how adults handle problems.”

She makes another futile effort to leave before she steps back, tossing her hands in the air. “Fine. Let me get some clothes on, then we can talk… like adults.”

Satisfied, I move out of the doorway, backing into the hallway so she can exit the bathroom. She mutters under her breath as she walks into her room, then she shuts the door, tempting me to ease-drop again.

Dismissing the idea, I walk into the bathroom, bracing my hands on the vanity sink as I stare into the mirror on the wall.

My cool demeanor is nothing but bullshit. I take several deep breaths, hoping to calm my racing thoughts. I’m scared shitless and barely holding it together.

I wasn’t careless—EVER. What the fuck had I been thinking? But… that was the problem. At the time there hadn’t been a single rational thought in my head except how good Analise’s tight cunt felt. Then there’d been that weird moment of déjà vu.

… I think I love you.

Shaking my head, I take a moment to splash a handful of water on my face, which I hope removes any remaining cobwebs from my brain.

I’ve been concussed before. That was a given in football. I was lucky, though. I’d been playing the sport at some level or other since I was ten years old, but I never suffered a major concussion. The only symptoms I ever had were mild, usually comprising of a headache or dizziness. I’d never lost time before. Shaking my head, I frown at the dark circles under my eyes as I try to recall events from after the game. There are distinct recollections from the night before. Some are hazier than others, but I know they’re memories and not my imagination.

Exhaling loudly, I splash more water on my face. Next, I wet a rag to clean my dick and balls. They’re both coated with Analise’s essence, and the thought I may have gotten her pregnant sends a surge of blood into my cock.

What. The. Fuck.

What in the hell is wrong with me? This isn’t how things are supposed to go. I have plans and they don’t include me knocking up my girlfriend.



Bracing my hands against the sink, I drop my head to my chest.

It’s time for me to get my shit under control—right the fuck now.

Of course, I enjoy spending time with Analise. That’s a given, but I can’t afford anything long-term right now. My focus is on bettering my future. Not destroying hers and mine. I say a quick prayer, hoping divine intervention will prevent our slipup from resulting in a pregnancy.

If it happened… I wouldn’t walk away from my responsibilities, and I would respect Analise’s choice in whatever way she wished. There’s no way I would take the coward’s way out by abandoning her, but I’m getting ahead of myself. First, we need to talk like rational human beings. I also plan to speak to Doc Vinson on Monday. It might cost me a game, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Finished with my birdbath, I head for Analise’s bedroom. Her door is open, but she’s not inside. Listening, I hear puttering in the kitchen, and I take a moment to throw on a shirt and compose myself before going to face her.