Taking A Risk by Karen Monroe


My throat tightens as I try to restrain a scream. William’s large hands plaster to my buttocks, spreading my cheeks apart as he runs his tongue up and down the slick folds of my pussy.

There’s no pretending I have any control. My body is at his mercy as he bathes my sensitive clitoris with rough licks. I glance over my shoulder. My hands clenched into fist. He’s on his knees behind me, but he’s so gigantic his face is level with my cunt.

My pussy swells with need and I drop my head to the hard surface of the table, loudly panting. Two large fingers slip inside me, causing a sensation to shoot up my spine. His questing digits work me toward an orgasm and wetness gushes from my core. He hums against my pulsing clit. It’s like he can’t get enough of my taste.

I gasp and scoot forward when he takes another long lick, but he pulls me back against him and slaps my ass harshly.

“Stop moving,” he commands in a deep voice.

That’s not even possible. He’s driving my body out of control.

I throw my head back, biting my lip to restrain another cry as pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever known seers my body. William groans, his mouth, teeth, and lips bumping against my clit.

He’s feasting on me and when he purrs against my nether lips, I shudder in ecstasy.

“You like my tongue inside you? Don’t you?” I moan in response. “Your pussy is a greedy little thing? Isn’t it?”

“Oh, gawd.” I don’t know if I can take anymore.

“You can’t get enough! Can you?”

My body trembles and quivers as a powerful climax rushes through me. It’s like a rapid wave catches me in its tow. I’m drowned by a river of want and desire. All I can do is keep my knees bent, so I stay upright. I’m quivering so badly I’m afraid I might fall off the table.

William snarls and pulls his face from between my buttocks. Then he wipes his wet lips and jaw against my ass as his hands brace my hips. I’m no longer afraid of falling. It sounds like an animal is growling behind me and I’m the sacrificial lamb prepared for the slaughter.

I inch forward, my insides clenching with a bit of fear, when I hear William unbuckling his belt behind me. Then there are the snips and zips as he loosens his jeans.

Again I edge in the opposite direction from him, but a large palm smacks against my ass, freezing me in place.

“Stop moving,” he orders.

“I didn’t,” I lie.

There’s a slight tear of something that sounds like fabric, and I imagine him rolling a condom on his enormous cock.

His gigantic hands grasp my butt cheeks, lewdly parting them for his invasion. “I’ve been dreaming about this tight pussy.”

Oh… gawd,” I moan a little too loudly.

I look over my shoulder as he straightens to his full height. I can see the faint outline of his sheathed cock pointed forward like a broadsword. From my vantage point, he looks about three times larger than normal.

“I’m going to fuck you hard again,” he grunts, then he pushes inside of me in one firm thrust.

It’s like heaven and hell. His cock buries so deep I can feel him throbbing. It’s too much. Way too much!

William rolls his hips against mine, grasping my hips to keep me in place. “Stay. Still.”

“You’re too big.”

“We fit perfect. Just give it a chance.”

He’s like an anchor inside me, and my body lowers to accommodate the deep thrusts. I have to let him give it to me however he wants.

“That’s it,” he breathes, smoothing his hands up and down my back.

I cry out again, moaning into my fist as he slides in and out with a series of powerful thrusts.

His growls are savage. I know we’re being too loud, but he’s fucking me so hard and deep I can’t hold back.

Neither, apparently, can William.

Oh… Fuck!”

There’s pleasure and pain. It’s not just one side of the coin. It’s both. The sensations send me out of control. He’s so deep.

Within seconds, the tight coil of desire inside me snaps like a taunt rope. My body trembles, then it feels like a supernova explodes inside me.

William’s thrusts quicken until the table rattles loudly. I hold on to the edge, afraid I might fall off.

He lets out a prolonged series of grunts as his cock jerks and twitches inside me. Then he covers my back with his torso while he rests both arms on the table. His hot breath rushes past my ear. I’m caged in and spent. I could close my eyes and go to sleep, even in this awkward position, but I can’t do that.

Time passes before my breathing returns to normal. I do not know how much time, but if I’m away from the desk for too long Marnie might come looking for me.

God! I’m a terrible employee.

This cannot and will not happen again. I’ve had my fun.

“Move. I got to get back to work,” I say a bit more harshly than intended.

“Just one more minute,” William pleads.

“No. I’m serious.”

When he removes his massive body from mine, I climb off the table as gracefully as I can with my pants around my knees, then I quickly right my clothes.

A trip to the ladies’ room is the first order of business, but before I can leave William grabs my hand.

“Wait. Don’t just run out of here like you did last time.”

I sigh, “I really have to get back to work.”

“I know. Just give me your phone number so I can call you.”

Cheese and crackers!

“What part of our last conversation did you not understand? I don’t want to get involved.”

William angles his colossal body in front of mine. He’s like a wall of muscles.

“Analise, I’ve had my dick inside you twice, and I just ate your sweet pussy. I would say we’re already involved.”

“This,” I say, waving my arms around. “Is just sex. That’s it. That’s all it can be.”

He’s silent for a moment, then he says, “I agree. It’s just sex.”

My eyes roll heavenward. “Then why do you want my phone number?”

Bright white teeth flash in the semi-darkness. “Duh! So we can have sex again.”

“I don’t think—”

“Don’t think. Just tell me the truth. Do you want to be with me again? If you say no, I promise to leave you alone.”

I should lie, but I believe in practicing honesty. “Do I have to answer that?”

He snorts, “Yeah.”

Rubbing a hand down my face, I debate the best answer to give him. William may look like a big lug, but I sense he is far more intelligent than most people give him credit for.

“Okay. I want to see you again, but we can’t keep doing this here. And like I said, I don’t have time for anything else. I work every single day.”

He tilts his head skeptically. “There are 168 hours in a week. You’re not working everyone of those hours. You have time if you want to make time.”

He moves closer. It’s then I notice his cock is hanging out with the condom attached. That’s not surprising. The surprising thing is he’s almost fully hard—again.

“The question is, do you want to make time?”

To be honest, I’m not really sure what I want. I’ve enjoyed our brief interludes, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep it casual. Alex had been my only lover, and he’d been a poor one. Sex with William is off the charts. Eventually it will go to my head.

Hoping to deter him, I sniff with disdain before saying, “You want to be what? My booty call?”

He chuckles softly, then nods. “Yep. And you can be mine. Believe it or not, you’re not the only one with shit on their plate.”

I wanted to give his ego a subtle jab; instead, mine was the one to take the hit. “Fine. I’ll give you my number, but this can’t happen again. No more library sex!”

Even in the dark, I can see his triumphant expression. “Give me your phone.”

“My phone is in my bag at the desk.” I look around for a pen and paper, but the room is squeaky clean.

William quickly fastens his pants and belt. He doesn’t even take the condom off. Then he pulls his cell from the back pocket of his jeans. “Give me your number.”

I don’t have the fortitude to summon anymore resistance. Once he’s inputted my digits, I turn away to head for the exit. Again he stops me, easily stepping in front of me. He’s a big guy, but he moves fast.

“I’ll help you shelve the rest of your books,” he volunteers.

I shouldn’t accept his offer, but he had been a big help. We’d shelved all the Reference books in a third of the time it would have taken for me to get it done alone.

“Since you won’t go away. Fine,” I mutter.

He inches closer, leaning his head down to kiss me on the forehead. It’s a sweet gesture. I can’t remember the last time someone did that.

“That wasn’t so hard. Was it? I’ll meet you back at the desk,” he says.

Shaking my head, I forgo another round of back and forth. I’m liking our little tête-à-tête. In fact, I think I’m enjoying it a little too much.

* * *


Analise hadn’t been lyingabout her schedule. She worked at the Cooper building three days a week. The rest of the days she worked as a clerk at Kroeger’s. She’d bunched her classes, so the hours didn’t conflict. That meant she was only on campus three days a week.

Between my schedule and hers, finding time to spend together had been difficult. I still visited at the library whenever I could. She’d protested at first, but I wore her down. We’d gotten to know each other pretty well over the past few weeks. Unfortunately for my aching cock, there were no more repeat visits to the 5th floor. I was desperate to get her into my bed.

Where there’s a Will, there’s a way.

It was one of my favorite mottos, and I adapted the saying to my particular preference.

I wanted Analise in my bed, but first I had to convince her to spend time with me outside of the library. The first step was getting her to agree to spend time at all. Tonight, I’d thought through all her objections, and I’d come prepared to conquer.

Entering the Cooper building, I make a beeline for the stairs leading to the second floor. Analise is sitting at the info desk, but she’s not alone. Some douchebag frat boy is leaning against the counter, flirting with her. I stop behind the desk, listening to their conversation.

“Alpha Tau is throwing a party tomorrow night. You should stop by.”

“I have to work,” Analise politely replies.

The d-bag laughs and leans closer. “Skip it. This will be the party of the year. It’s gonna be epic. Alpha Tau parties always are.”

Analise shakes her head. “Thanks for the invite, but I can’t.”

“Alright then. Let me have your number. I’ll call you so we can hookup.”

A jealous spark of anger makes me want to lay this chump out, but I’m curious how she’ll respond. It took me a week just to get her name.

“Sorry,” she says, her tone flat.

Frat bro smirks. “What’s the matter, sweetheart? You got a boyfriend or something?”

Deciding I’ve had enough of this douche, I finally make my presence known. I walk up to the counter and stand right next to him.

“Hey babe,” I say to Analise, then I level my most fierce glare at the dipshit on my left. “This guy bothering you?”

Frat bro stares me up and down. I have several inches on him and likely outweigh him by at least 100lbs. The look of fear on his face is gratifying.

“No-no… uh… I-I was just checking something out,” he stutters.

I glance at Analise for confirmation, and she snorts as she shakes her head. “Yeah, I think he’s done now.”

Another moment passes, but the d-bag is still staring at me with this bug-eyed expression.

“Leave. Now,” I order.

He starts like a frightened rabbit, then almost trips over his own feet to get away. Analise drops her head to the desk as she struggles to contain her laughter.

I smile in return. I’m happy I could make her laugh. “Do you think he’ll need to change his underwear?”

“After that he’s going to have to buy a fresh pair of pants,” she chortles.

I pull a chair from a nearby computer station and sit next to her at the info booth. These moments are the highlight of my week. I eagerly look forward to them.

“How was microbiology?”

“Brutal. We covered bacteria.” She points at the textbook in front of her. “Who knew single cell microbes could be so difficult.”

“You should have let me create that flow chart for you. There’s only five groups. It’s easier when you separate them.”

She looks at me, flabbergasted. “How do you know so much about microbiology? I thought you were an Economics major.”

“I am, but I did some reading on the subject during my downtime.”

She blinks. “You studied microbiology in your downtime? Seriously?”

I shrug. “Yeah. What’s wrong with that? I want to help you. I can’t do that if I don’t know the subject.”

She laughs breathlessly. “You really don’t have to help me, William.” She looks down as though embarrassed. “After you suggested it, I created a flowchart. You were right. It helped.”

“Were you able to finish your lab work for this week?”

She beams. “Yep. I got it all done. It was a bitch and a half, but I feel good about the work.”

Excellent. Studying was usually her biggest excuse. “That means you have time after work to catch a bite with me.”

“I told you. My car is a piece of shit, and I don’t want to be out too late. Besides, there aren’t any places open when I get off.”

She always has a litany of excuses, but I’m prepared. “I’m not asking for that much time. An hour max. I know a spot where we can eat. After we’re finished, if your car doesn’t work, or you have problems. I’ll make sure you get home.”

Analise opens her mouth, but I can see she doesn’t have any excuses ready to go. I’ve covered all my bases.

“An hour?” She asks, looking at me suspiciously.

“Unless you want more time. The ball’s in your court.”

“Okay. One hour,” she says.

She’s excited. I can hear it in her voice, but I doubt she’d admit it.

“Do you need help shelving these?” I ask, gesturing to the fully loaded carts next to her desk.

She smiles cheekily. “I told you. If you want to do my job, I can’t stop you.”

“Then let’s get to it,” I say with a grin.

“Where are we going?”Analise asks as we walk out of the library.

It’s just after ten o’clock, and though the campus is pretty well lit. I grab her hand in mine, pulling her close to my side.

“You’ll see when we get there,” I answer, leading her away from the parking structure.

Her beat up Camry is parked there, but I borrowed Jax’s car, which is parked right outside the library at the curb.

When I press the key fob causing the lights to blinker, she gasps.

“That’s your car?” She asks, her tone impressed.

“No. I borrowed it.”

Opening the passenger side door, I wait while she oohs and ahhs.

“Who’s this friend of yours? Maybe he should take me out.”

I glare at her. “Not funny.”

Analise smiles in return, her eyes sparking with mirth. “Just messin’, Gilly.”

Once she is in the passenger seat, I close the door and make my way to the driver’s side. Jax had been unusually agreeable to lending me his car, claiming he was staying in for the night. Not sure what that was all about, but I was more concerned with putting my plan with Analise into action. I had the perfect spot picked out on campus for our rendezvous. I’d also packed some sandwiches from the cafeteria, some cans of Nestea from the campus store, and a traveler of coffee from Starbucks. The only thing I didn’t have was a picnic basket.

“Where are we going?” She asks once I’ve pulled out on to the road.

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

“I don’t like surprises.”

I snigger, amused by her stubbornness. “Yes, you do. You just don’t want to admit it.”

Hmph… says you.”

“I say.”

Analise is silent for a moment, then she tiredly sighs. “It feels good being a passenger.”

“Relax,” I urge. “Take a power nap. I’ll drive slow.”

I often encourage her to take quick naps before she drives home. And I always make sure she’s well caffeinated.

Getting her into my bed has become more than just about sex. I also want her to rest. She works hard, but hardly ever takes time for herself.

The scenic route stretches the drive time to about twenty minutes. By the time I pull into the parking space and shut off the car, Analise blinks her eyes open.

“How long was I asleep?” She asks, wiping a hand over her face.

I smile as I smooth her soft, luxurious hair. “Not long. We just got here.”

She peers out the window, her brows drawn together in a frown. “Where are we?”

Unsurprisingly, she’s never been to this part of campus, and I answer, “The football stadium.”

She looks shocked, then opens the car door and jumps out. So much for not liking surprises.

Laughing, I grab the bags and the coffee from the floor of the backseat. Analise is staring in awe at the massive red brick structure. The stadium is one of the largest in the Atlantic Coast Conference, and seats up to 81,500 spectators. The slight smile on her face tells me she’s imagining being one of those fans on game day.

I grab her hand with my free one. “C’mon.”

Leading her past the main entrance to the service doors. I nod at the security guard standing by.

“Thanks for this, Jerry,” I say. I would give him a handshake, but my hands are full.

“No problem, Gilly. I owed you one for those tickets.”

Last year, I gave my player allotted tickets to Jerry’s granddaughter, Ramona, when we played Florida State. It was a big game, and security staff weren’t usually given tickets to big games. My family couldn’t afford to travel, so when I overheard him trying to buy tickets, I offered him mine.

“No problem. And again thank you for this.” I nod my head toward Analise. “She’s never been here before.”

Jerry smiles at her, then squints in my direction with a stern expression. “One hour. And keep it to this side of the end zone. They’re touching up the field on the other side.”

I nod in agreement as Jerry opens the door, ushering us inside the inner sanctums of the stadium’s bowels. This isn’t a regular entrance for fans. It’s a maze of hallways for stadium staff and support personnel. I’ve gone through this entrance many times, and I know the way. A few quick rights, one left, and were at the double doors leading to the field. I push them open with my shoulder, and Analise audibly gasps as we walk out onto the brightly lit stadium.

The turf grass is pristine and smells fresh. Our last home game was two weeks ago, so the vegetation is springy and soft. Surrounding us are thousands of empty seats.

“You play here every Saturday?” Analise asks, her voice tinged with astonishment.

“Not every Saturday. Just on home games.”

“Wow,” she murmurs.

Grabbing her hand, I lead her toward the end zone near the goal posts. They painted the field with the school’s bright colors, name, and emblem.

I set the bags and coffee down and pull out a throw blanket I snagged from one of the training rooms after practice. The large orange quilt spreads like a twin size bed on the soft grass. Then I look over at Analise with my head tilted to the side. “After you,” I say, gesturing toward the soft surface.

Analise sits gingerly, staring up at me. “Thank you.”

I smile as I set down the containers of food and coffee. There’s three full sandwiches; plus, a bowl of fruit, and tomatoes with cucumbers salad. I also have a few paper plates, plastic ware, and paper cups.

From what I’ve gleaned, Analise is a foodie. I know she’ll love this spread, and I grin as I sit next to her, pulling out the specially wrapped sandwiches.

“I brought a variety. There’s ham, turkey, and a special one made just for me.”

“A special sandwich?”

I nod. “Yep. It’s a chicken sandwich with blue cheese, roasted red peppers, bacon, and avocados. Maude adds Worcestershire, garlic, and honey mustard to the mayo.”

“Who’s Maude?”

“She works at the cafeteria in the football complex. She’s the best cook there.”

Analise smiles. “And I’m guessing you have her wrapped around your little pinkie like all your other girls?”

She had the strangest notions. I wasn’t a player. If anything I was a serial monogamist.

Affecting my best smile, I answer, “Maude’s fifty years old. She’s a lovely gray-haired lady, but not really my type. I’m more partial to redheads.”

Her milky skin can’t hide the red flush of embarrassment streaking her cheeks.

She doesn’t take compliments well and snorts. “Partial to redheads? People always say that, like having red hair is something special.”

I caress her hair again. It’s fluffy and soft. I want to run my fingers through it all night.

“It is. You’re unique.”

“William the Genius. That’s what people should call you,” she says, smiling in a way that makes my heart beat faster.

“IQ scores are subjective. I told you. I’m not a genius,” I reiterate.

Analise throws up her hands and flounces back on the soft turf grass, then she yells, “Whatever!”

Her voice resonates across the stadium, multiplying into several echoes. I marvel at how carefree she seems at the moment. Usually, she’s bottled up and controlled.

“How about you take a bite of my special sandwich,” I coax.

“That almost sounds like you want me to suck your dick.”

Her brazen sex talk catches me off guard, and I take a moment to answer, “I do, but not here in the end zone. We could go to my house,” I suggest.

She sighs, then sits up with her legs crossed. “Why are you always trying to get me to your house?”

I cannot tell a lie. “Because I want you in my bed. And I enjoy spending time with you.”

She rolls her eyes, then says, “Let me try that sandwich.”

Deflection is her usual tactic, so I table the discussion for now, and hand her half of the sandwich.

She takes a bite, then closes her eyes. “This is so good. I have to tell Tildee about it. What’s in it again?”

I repeat the ingredients and she furtively nods like she’s committing them to memory.

“You want iced tea or coffee?” I ask.


I open two cans of Nestea and hand her one before taking a bite of my half of the sandwich. Maude makes it just how I like with Texas toast, lots of her special mayo, and extra bacon.

We eat in relative silence, though the grounds crew are playing music while they work.

“So, what’s it like to play here?” Analise asks once she finishes her sandwich.

I shrug. “Crazy. Awesome. Insane. There aren’t enough words to describe it. I still wish you’d come to at least one game. You could bring your brother and sister.”

“I work on Saturdays. You know that.”

She always has excuses. “You work in the mornings. We have some games at night.”

“Maybe,” she sighs.

I’m heartened she doesn’t say no, so I don’t push further.

Analise eats the small bowl of fruit, and I polish off the ham sandwich while we talk about everything and nothing. Our conversations usually go like this. We skirt around the serious topic about what’s going on with us. Instead, we discuss our classes and our families.

Her little brother, Nate, is a handful. Analise has been trying to get him involved with sports, hoping they’ll help keep him out of trouble. I’d offered my help. The team often visited with local youth leagues. I’d met a few coaches over the years. I could have gotten her fees waived, but Analise refused my help. She was prideful and stubborn to a fault.

When we’re done eating, I make sure she has a cup of coffee with a lid for her drive home. I offer her the turkey sandwich and salad. She takes it. I guess hunger overrules pride in this case.

“Where’s your game this week?” She asks as we walk back to the car, hand in hand.

“Here. We play Pittsburgh. It starts at 3:30. You want to come?”

She glances over her shoulder at the stadium, her expression wistful. “Maybe another time,” she says.

One day, I’m going to turn that “maybe” into a “yes”.