On a Wednesday by Whitney G.

Kyle: Then

Senior Year


Inow understood why some guys lost their minds over their girlfriends as the draft neared. The logic was drained from their brains by feelings, and even though Courtney and I weren’t technically “together,” I could relate on every level.

I woke up every morning, reaching for my phone to call Court, if she wasn’t already in my arms. I showed up to The Pitt News offices during the hours when her staff had gone home, just to catch up with her for no reason. And whenever I wasn’t dealing with my new agent and preparing for the draft, I called and texted her like some type of love-sick beta male.

According to the latest insiders, the New England Falcons in Boston were now in the hunt for a wide receiver, and that meant—

Courtney will still be thousands of miles away from me in London.

“Your coach broke like every rule in the book to get you to play for Pitt.” Courtney turned around to face me in the hot tub, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I’d almost forgotten that she was in my lap, since she’d fallen asleep twice amidst the bubbling waters.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said. “Coach never paid me to play for him.”

“He did everything except that.” She smiled. “He really lets you have access to this vacation house whenever you want?”

I nodded.

“How many other, I mean—” She paused. “I’m having a really good time.”

“Finish the sentence that you started,” I said. “Ask me.”

“It’s none of my business.” Her cheeks reddened. “I forgot what I was going to say anyway.”

“Ask me, Courtney.”

“How many other times have you brought someone else here?”

“Twice.” I trailed a finger against her swimsuit strap.

“Was it like this?”

“Both times were with Grayson, so, no. I’ve never brought another girl here.”


“Because I’ve never cared about another girl enough to want to be around her for an entire weekend.” I pressed my finger against her lips. “Never, Court. You’re my only one, and you always will be.”